Military Reports

Military Reports

CJTF–OIR for December 18, 2015 – December 19, 2015

Report Date

December 19, 2015

The Coalition offers condolences on the unfortunate loss of life of brave Iraq security forces on the front lines in the fight against Daesh today. Acting on requests and information from Iraqi security forces on the ground near Fallujah, Coalition forces conducted several airstrikes against Daesh today. Despite coordination with the Iraqi security forces on the ground, initial reports indicate the possibility one of the strikes resulted in the death of Iraqi soldiers. We will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the facts. We have formally invited Iraqi participation in the investigation. All of our airstrikes in Iraq are conducted with the approval of the Government of Iraq in order to assist them in their fight against Daesh; we take great measures to prevent these types of incidents while protecting our partnered forces. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous incidents of friendly fire in Iraq involving the Coalition during the course of Operation Inherent Resolve. We are fully committed to the safety of our Iraqi partners while pursuing the destruction of our mutual enemies.

Report Date

December 19, 2015

The Coalition offers condolences on the unfortunate loss of life of brave Iraq security forces on the front lines in the fight against Daesh today. Acting on requests and information from Iraqi security forces on the ground near Fallujah, Coalition forces conducted several airstrikes against Daesh today. Despite coordination with the Iraqi security forces on the ground, initial reports indicate the possibility one of the strikes resulted in the death of Iraqi soldiers. We will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the facts. We have formally invited Iraqi participation in the investigation. All of our airstrikes in Iraq are conducted with the approval of the Government of Iraq in order to assist them in their fight against Daesh; we take great measures to prevent these types of incidents while protecting our partnered forces. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous incidents of friendly fire in Iraq involving the Coalition during the course of Operation Inherent Resolve. We are fully committed to the safety of our Iraqi partners while pursuing the destruction of our mutual enemies.