Incident date
October 8, 2014
الموصل, Mosul, Nineveh, IraqAccording to an unidentified international news agency cited in Foreign Policy, there were unconfirmed reports of possible civilian casualties at Mosul after coalition aircraft heavily targeted the city – though the agency was unable to verify further given the security situation: “We were never able to confirm it.” Perhaps linked to the above, CENTCOM noted
Incident date
February 18, 2015
حديثة, Haditha, Al Anbar, IraqLocal sources in Haditha reported that up to 15 civilians were killed and an unknown number were injured after an alleged coalition airstrike hit Albu Haiyat mosque at midday prayers. Al Iraq News stated that among those killed were captured “members of the Iraqi security forces who are were being guarded at the mosque.” However
Incident date
June 11, 2015
الحويجة, Hawijah, Kirkuk, IraqReports claimed that a second major airstrike in a matter of days struck the town of al-Hawijah south of Kirkuk, killing many non-combatants at the marketplace and a nearby bridge. A related peshmerga offensive against Islamic State was reported in the area. Video images show the devastated market area, with many areas left burning. Almost
Incident date
September 18, 2015
الصينيه, Senjah, Salah Al Din, IraqA mass casualty incident was reported in Iraq, with at least 43 civilians killed and a further 68 injured, after aircraft were said to have bombed the Senyah region north west of Bayji. The target appeared to have been a former Iraq Army logistics base, while those killed were living nearby in tin shacks. Locals
Incident date
November 11, 2015
الموصل, Mosul, Nineveh, IraqSeven civilians from the same family were reported killed in the second day of alleged Coalition strikes to the south of Mosul. In their January 2020 civilian casualty report, the US-led Coalition assessed reports that they were responsible for civilian harm in this strike as “non-credible”, stating that no Coalition actions were conducted in the
Incident date
December 30, 2015
حي سومر, Mosul, Sumer, Nineveh, IraqTen civilian prisoners were reportedly killed in an alleged 5 am Coalition strike on Mosul which targeted the Nineveh provincial council building. According to A3Maq, “international coalition aircraft launched at dawn on Wednesday several raids in which some 20 rockets were fired, The aircraft targeted the marriage contracts office, the Office of the Ombudsman and
Incident date
March 18, 2016
الحويجة, Hawijah, Kirkuk, IraqUp to 41 civilians were allegedly killed and 53 injured in an airstrike on Hawijah which was said to have struck the city’s main market and hospital. The Daesh-linked Al A’amaq Agency initially reported the “Killing of four [civilians] and the wounding of 10 – most of them women and children – in an air
Incident date
July 14, 2016
القيارة, Qayyarah, Nineveh, IraqIn an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, the Coalition later confirmed the injury of a civilian in an attack on Qayyarah. In November 2016, CENTCOM noted in their civilian casualty report that “during a strike on an ISIL-held building, it is assessed that one civilian was killed.” In April 2017 the Coalition revised its
Incident date
October 18, 2016
لقوسيات والعربي, Mosul, Al-Qaysiyat and Al-Arabi, Nineveh, IraqUp to nine civilians, including a woman and one or more children, were killed in overnight bombing in Mosul according to local reports. Al Rafidain Network for Human Rights reported a bombing “killed or wounded innocent civilians, including women and children.” Al Hathalyoum placed the death toll at eight: “A security source and local residents
Incident date
November 9, 2016
الموصل, Mosul, Grain warehouse, Nineveh, IraqAccording to local and press sources that 5 civilians were killed followed an alleged US-led coalition air force shelled the grain warehouse and killed the guard family in Mosul. No additional details are presently known.
Incident date
December 7, 2016
الموصل, Mosul, Multiple neighbourhoods, Nineveh, IraqNearly 100 civilians were killed or wounded in Mosul due to airstrikes and artillery bombardment, according to a local source. Iraqi Spring Media Center reported the deaths of 98 civilians in Mosul during the preceding 48 hours due to aerial and artillery bombardment targeting residential areas. In an emailed response to a report submitted by
Incident date
January 17, 2017
الشفاء, Mosul, Al-Shafaa, Nineveh, IraqLocal sources said that more than 30 civilians were killed or injured by an air or drone strike on a funeral in al Shifa, and in other neighborhoods west of Mosul. Iraqyoon quoted witnesses saying that “aircraft had bombed a funeral for the Sangaree family in Shifa neighborhood, at the right side of Mosul”. People
Incident date
February 18, 2017
جامع يحيى الطالب, Mosul, Omar al Taleb mosque, Nineveh, IraqIn an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, the Coalition later confirmed the injuries of two civilians in an event near Mosul. Their July 2017 civilian casualty report noted: “During a strike on an ISIS headquarters building, after reviewing post-strike video, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally injured.” The Coalition provided Airwars with
Incident date
March 1, 2017
لجامع عمر الاسود في حي الفاروق, Mosul, Omar al-Aswad mosque, Farouk, Nineveh, IraqLocal sources said that up to 80 civilians were killed or injured after Coalition or Iraqi airstrikes targeted the Omar mosque area in al-Faruq neighborhood in western Mosul. The mosque was used as a shelter by displaced families, according to the Niniva Media Center. Reuters cited three local witnesses, noting that “The Omar al-Aswad mosque,
Incident date
March 10, 2017
نابلس, Mosul, Nablus, Nineveh, IraqSecurity forces and press sources told Al Araby that two children (aged four and seven years old) were found alive under the rubble by Iraqi forces, while their mother was killed. They reported that she died after a Coalition airstrike bombed their home in Nablus neighbourhood in West Mosul, on the Friday night. It was
Incident date
March 20, 2017
نابلس, Mosul, Nablus, Yarmouk, Old City, Haraj Market, Nineveh, IraqLocal residents and press sources said that 49 civilians were killed and 100 injured in the clashes and shelling in the neighborhoods of Nablus, Yarmouk, the Old City and the Haraj market in the West of Mosul. Ninawa Media Center put the number at 38 for the neigbourhoods of Zangali, Rifai and Najjar. Al Arabi
Incident date
March 31, 2017
الموصل: غرب/الجانب الأيمن, Mosul, West / Right side, Nineveh, IraqTwo sources reported that dozens of civilians were killed and wounded due to airstrikes and artillery shelling in several neighborhoods in West Mosul. Al Jiser Channel referred to Al Amaq [ISIL press agency] and said 43 died and 35 were injured. Yaqein said dozens died in airstrikes on the neighbourhoods of 17 July, Zanjili and
Incident date
April 11, 2017
الرسالة, Mosul, Resala, Nineveh, IraqA single source reported that two people were killed and nine others were injured due to unidentified shelling on Al-Resala neighborhood in West Mosul. Presently no further details are known.
Incident date
April 23, 2017
الموصل: الزنجيلي, Mosul, Al-Zinjili, Nineveh, IraqTwo sources reported that dozens of civilians from three families died when ‘joint forces aircraft’ (either the Coalition or the Coalition with ISF aircraft) hit Zanjili neighbourhood in West Mosul. Al Jazeera said that “local sources reported that dozens of members of three families were killed in the bombing of the Zanjili district of Mosul.”
Incident date
May 25, 2017
حي الزنجيلي, Mosul, Zinjili, Nineveh, IraqA single local source reported to Yaqein Agency that five children and their mother were killed after Coalition airstrikes hit their house in Zanjili neighborhood in West Mosul. The source had added that “heavy and continuous indiscriminate shelling makes the task of recovering the bodies and transporting the wounded very difficult, as well as [getting]
Incident date
June 17, 2017
Mosul, Old city, Nineveh, IraqIn an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, on September 29th 2017 the Coalition said it had concluded an assessment on social media claims of civilian harm “near Mosul, Iraq”. According to the Coalition report, “113. June 17, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq,via social media report: The report contains insufficient information of the time, location and
Incident date
July 2, 2017
سوق الشعارين, Mosul, Sha'areen, Nineveh, IraqLocal sources said that three named civilians were killed – with others injured and still trapped in rubble – after their home was struck in the Sha’areen market area of Old Mosul. The Nineveh Librate Facebook page initially noted “The martyr and nurse Nabil Younis Said (Abu Saif) who died with his son’s wife. And
Incident date
October 4, 2017
التنك, Al Qaim, al Tanak, Al Anbar, IraqAt least one named civilian male was reported killed in the Tanak neighbourhood of al Qaim. While some sources blamed the US-led Coalition, others implied that Iraqi aircraft or artillery might have been responsible. According to his family and local reports, an adult man died as a result of air and/ or artillery strikes on
Incident date
June 30, 2020
بين أبو زوير وحدود حي الحديثة, Between Abu Zuwair and the Al Haditha district border, Salah Al Din, IraqUp to four civilians were reported killed in Abu Zuwair, Baiji in Iraq on June 30th, 2020 when a US-led coalition drone bombed them after they carried wreckage of a US-led coalition drone that had crashed earlier on that day. Local reports said that the raid resulted in killing up to four shepherds and the
Incident date
November 22, 2014
يت, Hit, hospital and Zohour, Al Anbar, IraqMultiple airstrikes reportedly targeted Hit, allegedly leading to significant civilian casualties. News agency Herak reported one eyewitness as saying that five airstrikes had struck the city: “The first targeted outside a hospital building, and the other targeted a house near the mosque. A further air strike targeted a house in the Qadisiyah district, leading to
Incident date
July 17, 2015
الموصل, Mosul, Nineveh, IraqWaiter Muhannad Hisham Alnemah was killed in a US airstrike near the Al Afandi Restaurant in the main street of Hadbah neighborhood. An unspecified additional number of restaurant staff and customers were also reported killed and injured in the attack. In January 2016, CENTCOM admitted the civilian casualty incident, noting that “during strikes against ISIL
Incident date
October 2, 2015
الحويجة, Hawijah, Kirkuk, IraqLocal sources said that two civilians were killed and seven wounded after international aircraft struck civilians in Rubeidh Al-Asriya village, in Hawijah district. In the first of their March 2020 civilian casualty reports, the US-led Coalition assessed reports that they were responsible for civilian harm in this strike as “non-credible”, stating that no Coalition actions
Incident date
December 2, 2015
راوة, Rawa, Al Anbar, IraqAt least one civilian was alleged killed in a claimed Coalition airstrike at Rawa. According to Heet News a market and civilian homes were among the structures hit. Most media placed the death toll at one, though some reports claimed fatalities were as high as seven. In their January 2020 civilian casualty report, the US-led
Incident date
January 21, 2016
الموصل, Mosul, Jaza'ir / Algeria and other neighbourhoods, Nineveh, IraqSeveral local sources claimed 10 civilians were killed and 20 injured in alleged Coalition strikes on Mosul. According to anti-government site Yaqen, “the international airline alliance this morning carried out several air strikes” in central Mosul which in turn killed 10 civilians and ‘substantially damaged’ a number of homes. Meanwhile, the pro-government site Al Rassid
Incident date
March 31, 2016
يت, Hit, Al Anbar, IraqLocal sources claimed that Coalition aircraft targeted a civilian car in Hit and killed the driver, who was said to have no links to so-called Islamic State. According to News of Iraq, the aircraft had been targeting a Daesh VBIED “driven by a suicide bomber” but that the attack also led to the destruction of