Incident date
September 14, 2019
شبوة, Shabwa, YemenOne local language social media source, @GawadSalah, claimed, on September 15th 2019, that six Emiratis were killed in an alleged AQAP camp in Shabwa by a US drone strike. The source seemed to refer to six Emirati soldiers reported, on September 14th 2019, to have been killed in a road “collision” in southern Yemen. Other
Incident date
December 18, 2017
الصومعة, Al Suma'a, Al Bayda, YemenA US drone strike reportedly killed three alleged AQAP militants in the Sama’a area, Bayda governorate, on the afternoon of December 18th 2017, according to some sources. There were no known claims of associated civilian harm. The earliest known report of the alleged strike came at 5:44pm local time from 24Live (@20fourlive), which stated that
Incident date
September 7, 2012
عزان, Azzan, Shabwa, YemenOn September 7th 2012, a child was injured following the explosion of a live projectile from a previous airstrike allegedly by US forces in the city of Azzan, Shabwa governorate. Eyewitnesses told Al-Masdar Online that “a shell exploded while a child was passing by one of the buildings that was bombed by drones to target
Incident date
March 11, 2012
جبل خنفر, Mount (Jabal) Khanfar, Ja'ar, Abyan, YemenAn air attack by the US and/or Yemen on a militant-occupied factory where arms were allegedly stored killed three to seven belligerents near Ja’ar the evening of March 11, 2012. Ansar al Sharia, along with other sources, said that US drones carried out the early evening strike, with up to five drones reportedly taking part.
Incident date
May 19, 2012
جعار, Rabwa, western entrance to Ja’ar, Abyan, YemenBetween three and five militants were killed as suspected Yemeni Air Force/US warplanes struck Jaar, Abyan on May 19, 2012, international and local media reported. There are currently no known reports of civilian harm. As fighting between government and insurgent forces continued in the south of Yemen, sources reported that “dozens” of Al Qaeda militants
Incident date
December 24, 2012
ملعب نادي وحدة شحير, Wahid Shoheer Club stadium, Hadramaut, YemenThree missiles hit motorbikes killing three to five Al Qaeda militants and injuring between one and 15 people including 14 civilians. The alleged US drone strike occurred in Shehr in Hadramout province in the evening on December 24th, 2012. The number of people injured in the strike varies greatly from one to two militants reported
Incident date
December 20, 2017
وادي عبيدة, Wadi Obeida, Ma'rib, YemenFour alleged AQAP militants, including Saudi-born media “chief” Abu Hajar Al-Makki, were reportedly killed by a US drone strike in Wadi Obeida, in Marib governorate, on the night of December 20th 2017. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. Al-Makki, also known as Mohammed Farhan Al-Maliki, and by his online alias Shakeem Al-Khorasani,
Incident date
March 30, 2019
مديرية الصومعة, Al Suma'a, Al Bayda, YemenThree alleged AQAP militants, including at least one leadership figure, were reportedly killed by a US drone strike in Bayda governorate on March 30th 2019. Though most suggested that the strike took place in Sama’a district, two sources, including Xinhua, instead located the strike in the Anah or Tayeb area of Dhi Naseem district. Sources,
Incident date
March 4, 2017
يكلا, Yakla, Al Bayda, YemenMultiple sources reported that US airstrikes targeted alleged AQAP sites in Yakl in the Qaifa area of Bayda governorate, overnight from March 4th to March 5th. One source reported that “civilians including a child” were killed during nighttime US strikes in Bayda governorate, of which this strike was one. It was unclear which specific strike(s)
Incident date
April 16, 2017
مديرية مودية, Mudiyah District, Abyan, YemenA US drone strike reportedly targeted alleged AQAP militants in Qarn Amarim village, Mudiyah district of Abyan governorate, on the evening of April 16th 2017. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. Some social media sources reported (for example @Demolinari) that a strike had taken place against militants travelling in a car in
Incident date
November 2, 2018
شبام, Shibam, Hadramaut, YemenA single source, Aden News, suggested that US airstrikes had targeted AQAP sites in the Shibam district of Hadramout governorate, on the evening of November 2nd 2018. Aden News reported the following: “Urgent: Explosion on the express line of the Shibam Hadramout Directorate and citizens talk about a drone strike. Local residents in the Shibam district
Incident date
April 26, 2020
جبل الحاول, Jabal Al Hawl, Shabwa, YemenA possible US drone or airstrike reportedly targeted alleged AQAP militants in Jabal Al Hawl, overlooking Wadi Amaqin, in the Rawda district of Shabwa, on the morning of April 26th 2020. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. Local sources told Marib Today that the strike had targeted AQAP leaders, while 7adramout and
Incident date
August 24, 2021
YemenTwo alleged members of Al Qaeda were killed in US airstrikes in Yemen sometime before August 24, 2021. According to a Facebook post from Mushir Al Mashrai, Al-Qaeda organization in Yemen mourned Rashid Al-Ghazali and his brother Abu Asim, who said that they were killed in an American raid. A tweet from @GhalebM0nz1i7 reported that the
Incident date
May 30, 2024
ميناء الصليف, Al Sulayf seaport, Al Hudaydah, YemenAround midnight on May 30th-May 31st, 2024, 14 civilians, including a sailor named Ayoub Abdullah Hassan Zaidan, were killed and 25 other civilians were injured, including one heavily injured sailor, as a result of the declared US-UK airstrike on the Coast Guard building located in the Salif (Al Sulayf) seaport in the Al Hudayhah Governorate,
Incident date
June 10, 2011
زنجبار , Zinjibar, Abyan, YemenLocal sources reported that “at least one top insurgent was killed in the US military-led strikes by unmanned aircraft”, which began in Zinjibar, on June 10, 2021. There were no reports of civilian harm. While Reuters reported that airstrikes on Zinjibar stemmed from “state forces”, according to the editor of the Yemen Post, a strike
Incident date
June 20, 2012
المحفد, Mahfed, Abyan, YemenOn the 20th of June 2012, up to 30 militants were reported killed and six others injured in a series of Yemeni or US-waged airstrikes in Mahfed, Abyan, which was later reported by international and local media. AP reported that Yemeni military officials said that “at least six air raids targeted moving vehicles and Al
Incident date
January 30, 2017
بيحان, Baihan, Shabwa, YemenA suspected US drone strike against a car killed two AQAP members in Baihan, Shabwa province on the morning of January 30th 2017, multiple sources reported. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. According to news agencies, Yemeni officials suggested that a US drone had targeted the car in the Baihan region, on
Incident date
April 26, 2018
وادي رفض, Wadi Rafd, Shabwa, YemenAn alleged AQAP militant was reportedly killed by a US drone strike in the Rafd area, in the Al Said district of Shabwa governorate, on the evening of April 26th 2018. A US strike took place in Shabwa on that day, a CENTCOM spokesperson later told the Long War Journal. Since there were no other
Incident date
May 6, 2019
بين الحزمة والرمسة, Between Al Hazma and Al Ramsa, Ma'rib, YemenFour alleged AQAP militants were reportedly killed by a US drone strike in Wadi Obeidah, Marib governorate, overnight from May 6th-7th 2019. On May 15th 2019, US Central Command told New America that no strikes had taken place since March 29th, and explicitly denying reports of a May 5th US military strike, which may refer
Incident date
March 2, 2017
الوضيع, Wadi'a district, Abyan, YemenMultiple sources suggested that, on the afternoon of March 2nd 2017, a US airstrike targeted a car in farmland surrounding the Wadea district of Abyan province, reportedly killing five AQAP militants – including a regional militant leader in Dar Saad Aden. There were no reported civilian casualties. Multiple sources named the AQAP leader as Osama
Incident date
March 29, 2017
الطريق بين الروضة و المجازة, Road between Al Rawda and Al Majaza, Shabwa, YemenA reported US airstrike in Rawdah, Shabwa governorate, on the evening of March 29th 2017 killed at least one alleged AQAP militant. There are no known associated reports of civilian harm. According to a majority of sources, the strike took place in the centre of Rawdah, near the village of Majazah, targeting a motorbike. Al
Incident date
August 3, 2017
الروضة, Al Rawda, Ma'rib, YemenA reported US drone strike targeted a minibus in Al Rawda neighbourhood, in the Wadi Ubaida area of Marib governorate, on the afternoon of August 3rd 2017. Several sources suggested that the strike targeted AQAP militants in the bus, killing three, though others indicated that as many as two civilians were killed and four injured,
Incident date
April 15, 2019
الصدارة, Al Sadarah, Ma'rib, YemenA US drone strike reportedly killed at least two alleged AQAP members in Al Sadarah area, in the Mahliyah district of Marib governorate, on April 15th 2019, according to some local sources. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. The strike reportedly targeted a car travelling through the area. An eyewitness and a
Incident date
November 22, 2017
قيفه, Qifah, Al Bayda, YemenUS drones “intermittently fired missiles at the mountains” of the Qifah area of Bayda governorate, on the evening of November 22nd 2017, residents told Gulf News. No other known sources reported strikes at that time, and there were no known reports of either civilian or militant casualties. On the morning of November 23rd, local residents
Incident date
February 27, 2023
قرب مدرسه الفتح بمنطقة الحصون بمديريه الوادي, near Al fateh School, Al-Hosen region, Wadi Abeda district, Ma'rib, YemenOn February 27th 2023, a reported US drone strike hit a house near Al-Fateh School, in the Al-Hosen region of Wadi Abeda district in Marib, Yemen. According to local sources, two to three people were killed and up to one person was seriously injured. It was widely reported that the men killed and injured were