Incident date
August 12, 2019
حيش, Hayish, Idlib, SyriaFive civilians, including a child, were reported injured in alleged Russian or Syiran regime airstrikes in Hayish, Idlib governorate, on August 12th, 2019, according to local sources. Orient News stated that “four men and a child” were injured in Hayish “as a result of aerial bombardment by Assad’s warplanes on the area”. Shaam News Network
Incident date
August 26, 2019
احسم, Ahsem, Idlib, SyriaFive or six civilians including two children were reportedly wounded in an alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrike on Ahsem. Sources said that both a secondary school and a mosque were struck. According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, “Fixed- wing warplanes we believe were Russian fired missiles on Ihsem Secondary School in Ihsem
Incident date
October 5, 2019
تل الأغر والبليصة, Tal Al Aghar and Al Balisa, Idlib, SyriaAlleged Russian warplanes launched six airstrikes on the towns of Tal Al Aghar and Al Balisa, Idlib governorate, on October 5th 2019. One source, Step Agency, reported that civilians were killed and wounded. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the alleged Russian airstrikes were targeting the the jihadi organisations Hurras Al Din and
Incident date
November 8, 2019
بلدة الرامي, Rami town, Idlib, SyriaThree civilians, including a child and woman, were reported killed and between three to seven others injured in an alleged Russian airstrike on Al Rami Town in Jabal Al Zawihay in Idlib, on November 8th, 2019 according to local sources. An almost one-year-old child Ghadeer Khaled Hasram and her mother Manar Muhammad Al Yousef were
Incident date
November 18, 2019
تيري, Tayri, Aleppo, SyriaAt least one young woman was reported injured in eastern Kobane, after allegedly being hit by a Turkish-Russian patrol vehicle during on-going protests by locals against the presence of foreign forces in the area. ANF reported that “the people protested against the patrol by throwing stones. A young woman was hit by a vehicle of
Incident date
December 2, 2019
الكنائس, Al Kana’es, Idlib, SyriaAccording to local sources, Hussein Khreimi was reported killed in an alleged Russian or Syrian regime forces airstrike in Al-Kanayes village, on the outskirts of the villages of Tal Kresyan and Al-Bara in the eastern Idlib countryside, Syria on December 2nd 2019. According to @sraqeb123, this raid happened at 9.56am.
Incident date
December 16, 2019
بنش,, Binnish town, Idlib, SyriaAs many as three civilians, two children (siblings) and a woman, were killed and five family members, including a child and a woman, were injured in as many as six alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the outskirts of the town of Binnish, Idlib Governorate on December 16th 2019, according to local media reports.
Incident date
December 22, 2019
معرة النعمان , International road to Ma'arat Al Numan, Idlib, SyriaBetween four and seven civilians were killed as the result of an alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrike on a convoy with displaced people on the international road to Ma’arat Al Numan on December 22nd, 2019, according to local sources. On December 28th, a local source reported that one of the victims died of his injuries
Incident date
January 17, 2020
القاسمية, Al Qasimiya, Aleppo, SyriaOne female child was reported injured when airstrikes with vacuum missiles targeted a residential area in Al Qasimiya village in Aleppo’s western countryside, on January 17th, 2020, according to local sources. The Syrian Civil Defence reported on the incident stating: “A residential gathering in the village of Al-Qasimia, west of Aleppo, was targeted this evening,
Incident date
January 21, 2020
السعدية, Al Sa'adiya, Aleppo, SyriaSix civilians were reportedly wounded in alleged Russian airstrikes on the village of Al Sa’adiya, Aleppo governorate, on January 21st, 2020, according to SMART News Agency. Currently, further information is unavailable to Airwars.
Incident date
February 1, 2020
النباريز, , Al Nabariz, SyriaOne civilian was reportedly killed and up to 17 injured in a suspected Russian air or artillery strike on the village of Al Nabariz in southern Aleppo on February 1st, 2020. Mohammed Hassan Al-Jassem, aged 22 was identified as the deceased by several local sources and Madin Al-Hussein, aged 33, was reportedly injured. Some sources, such
Incident date
February 5, 2020
عندان, Andan, Aleppo, SyriaBetween two and three civilians were reported injured during alleged Russian airstrikes on the city of Andan in the northern countryside of Aleppo on February 5th, 2020. Regarding civilian harm, Jirs TV, Masar Press and others tweeted that “Civilians were wounded by the bombing of the Russian occupation warplanes on the city of [Andan], north
Incident date
February 13, 2020
محيط مدينة ادلب, Vicinity of Idlib , Idlib, SyriaAt least seven civilians, including five to seven children and two to five women, were reported injured as a result of alleged Russian forces airstrikes on the western side of the vicinity of Idlib, on February 13th, 2020 according to local sources. @IdlibPlus reported that “seven civilians, five children and two women were injured as a
Incident date
February 24, 2020
البارة, Al Bara, Idlib, SyriaOne civilian, a young man, was reported killed and five civilians reportedly sustained injuries during alleged Russian or Regime airstrikes or artillery shelling on the vicinity of the town of Al Bara in the southern countryside of Idlib on February 24, 2020. According to Syria Violence Monitoring and KMC, Russian warplanes bombed the road between
Incident date
March 15, 2018
حمورية , Hamouriya , Damascus, SyriaBetween 13 and 26 civilians including at least four children and four women were reported killed as a result of alleged Russian forces or Syrian regime forces airstrikes on Hamouriyah in Rif Damascus, Syria, on March 15th, 2018 according to local sources. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Eastern Ghouta area witnessed heavy
Incident date
October 4, 2020
الطيبة, Al Tayba, Deir Ezzor, SyriaTwo children were reportedly injured as a result of an alleged explosion of a cluster bomb left over from Russian airstrikes on the town of Al Tayba, east of Deir Ezzor, on the dawn of October 4th, 2020 according to two local sources. Ahrar Al Mayadeen news agency and a tweet by (@DeirEzzor24) claimed that
Incident date
March 21, 2021
مشفى المغارة, Al Maghara Hospital, Al Atareb, Aleppo, SyriaBetween three and eight civilians, including two children and a woman, were killed and between 11 and 22 others were injured in alleged regime or Russian strikes at Al Maghara Hospital in Al Atareb, Aleppo in the morning on March 21, 2021. Syrian Civil Defense and other sources, including @HalabTodayTV, identified artillery shelling as the
Incident date
June 25, 2021
قميناس, Quminas, Idlib, SyriaBetween one and two civilians were injured in alleged Russian or regime airstrikes on the town of Quminas on June 25, 2021. @ShahbaPress reported that “two civilians were wounded in artillery shelling by the Assad forces and Russia”. The majority of other sources also pointed to two civilians being injured in the strikes. A tweet
Incident date
تديل, Tadel, Aleppo, SyriaAt least one civilian was injured in alleged Russian or regime shelling of Tadel on August 1, 2021. According to @Ahmad_1alshble, “a civilian was injured by shelling by Assad’s gangs that targeted residential houses and agricultural lands in the town of Tadel”. A tweet from @rdwanalshhwan identified the civilian injured as a “young man”. Syria TV
Incident date
September 27, 2021
كفرنوران, Kafar Noran, Aleppo, SyriaBetween three and five civilians, including a woman, were injured in alleged Russian or regime or Iranian artillery shelling and machine gun fire on the village of Kafr Noran on September 27, 2021. According to the Syrian Civil Defense, five civilians, including a woman, were wounded in mortar shelling by the Russian and regime forces
Incident date
December 2, 2021
بنش,, Bennish, Idlib, SyriaA child, Nour Al Atrash, ten years old, was killed whilst having breakfast with her family on December 2nd 2021 when Russian or Syrian regime artillery hit their house in Binnish, East Idlib. Five other members of her family were injured, including three of her cousins or brothers, all boys, including Jamal Al Atrash, five
Incident date
May 12, 2022
اطراف قرية منطف في جنوبي ادلب, outskirts of Mantef village, Idlib, SyriaAt least one civilian, a young man, was injured in alleged Russian airstrikes on the Jabal Al-Arba’een area on May 12, 2022. According to Baladi News, a civilian was wounded and a large number of poultry were killed by Russian strikes on a poultry farm located in the Jabal Al-Arba’een area in the southern countryside
Incident date
January 21, 2017
عقيربات, Akeirbat, Hama, SyriaOn January 21, 2017, local media sources reported that one child died and several other civilians were wounded in an alleged Russian airstrike on Akeirbat in the countryside in the east of the Hama region in Syria. No further details are currently available.
Incident date
October 17, 2022
قرية نحلة, Nahla village, Idlib, SyriaOne woman was injured by alleged Syrian regime shelling and/or Russian airstrikes on the village of Nahla on October 17, 2022. The @SyriaCivilDefe reported that a woman was wounded by Russian and Syrian regime artillery shelling of the village of Nahla. The Aleppo correspondent @HalabTodayTV also reported that a woman was injured. According to Baladi
Incident date
April 16, 2023
الأبزمو, Al Abzimo, Aleppo, SyriaAround midnight on April 16-17th artillery fire wounded five civilians in Al-Abizmo, a town west of Aleppo. The victims consisted of a woman and her four children. Local news agencies were conflicted as to whether the strike confirmed the strike was conducted by the Syrian regime, Russian forces or Iranian militias. A few of the
Incident date
August 22, 2023
بين بلدتي الشيخ بحر ومعرة مصري, between the towns of Sheikh Baher and Maaret, Misrin, Idlib, SyriaOn August 22, 2023, at least four civilians were killed—and up to seven others were injured—in a series of alleged Russian airstrikes between the towns of Sheikh Baher and Maaret Misrin in Idlib, Syria. Sources conflict about the precise number of civilians killed and injured by these strikes. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that
Incident date
October 6, 2023
جفتلك حج حمود, village Jaftlik Haj Hammoud in the Jisr al-Shughur countryside, west of Idlib, Idlib, SyriaOn the morning of Friday, 6th October 2023, three children belonging to one family were injured by the bombardement allegedly carried out by the Russian military and/or Syrian regime forces in the village Jaftlik Haj Hammoud in the Jisr al-Shughur countryside, west of Idlib. A two-year old child named Amer Mustafa al-Abdo later died from
Incident date
November 18, 2023
قباسين, village of Al-Kandarliya, north of Al-Massa camp, city of Qabaseen area, eastern countryside of Aleppo, Aleppo, SyriaShortly before 4:37 PM on Saturday, November 18, 2023, one child was killed and three children were injured, two of them seriously, from a Shoabo 0.5 cluster bomb explosion that had been left over from a previous bombing allegedly perpetrated by the Russian military and/or Syrian regime forces to the north of Al-Massa camp in
Incident date
April 2, 2017
وطبة, Watba, Idlib, SyriaSome civilians were wounded in an alleged Russian raid which struck Watba, Idlib, according to sources on the ground. There were no reports of civilian fatalities. Both reports blamed Russian warplanes for the strike. There are no other details at this time.
Incident date
January 7, 2024
مدينة ادلب, Idlib City, Idlib, SyriaDuring the evening of Sunday, 7th January 2024, missile strikes with the use of phosphorus bombs with contested responsibility allegedly perpetrated by Russian forces and/or Syrian regime and/or Iranian military on residential neighbourhoods in Idlib City, Idlib, injured up to four civilians, including a girl. Adnan Al-Ashqar posted on Facebook that three civilians were injured