Incident date
May 10, 2022
Лозівський район, Lozivskyi District, Kharkiv, UkraineOn May 10th 2022, the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group quoted Oleh Syniehubov’s Telegram report on alleged Russian shelling in the Lozova district. The shelling left two people wounded. No other details are available at this time. This incident has reference to ACLED code UKR57560.
Incident date
May 12, 2022
Дергачі, Derhachi, Kharkiv, UkraineDuring the second reported Russian shelling of the village of Derhachi on May 12th, two medics were injured. Kharkiv Today reported that a total of two civilians were killed and four were wounded, including two medics. Two civilian deaths and two injuries were accounted for in RUK0230 as occurring during the first shelling of the
Incident date
February 28, 2022
вулиці Клочківській, Харків, Klochkivska Street, Kharkiv, UkraineOne woman was killed by an alleged Russian artillery shell which hit a shop on Klochkivska street in Kharkiv on February 28, 2022. The Kharkiv Human Rights Group reported that a woman’s legs were torn off by shelling near the Arbuz store on Klochkivskyi Street in the afternoon of February 28th and that she was
Incident date
March 17, 2022
Золочів, Zolochiv, Kharkiv, UkraineAlleged Russian shelling attacks on the village of Zolochiv in Kharkiv killed a woman and wounded two others, including a child, on March 17, 2022. The village of Zolochiv endured heavy shelling, allegedly from Russian forces on March 17th. In the midst of the bombing, a 44 year old mother covered her four year daughter.
Incident date
April 3, 2022
Слобідський, Slobidskyi, Kharkiv, UkraineOn April 3rd 2022, three to seven civilians were killed and 30 to 42 injured, including two to three children, possibly aged between 3, 5 and 17, when alleged Russian forces shelled Heroiv Stalinhradu Avenue in the Slodifskyi district of Kharkiv. The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office announced that they were investigating an incident in the
Incident date
April 12, 2022
Бабаї, Babai, Kharkiv, UkraineA collection of local news outlets reported that suspected Russian shells struck the village of Babai, killing one male civilian and wounding two other civilians on April 12, 2022. Initial reports from Suspline Media and Helsinki Report detailed the strike, saying that the bombing occurred at 2pm, killing a thirty-seven year old man. The shelling
Incident date
May 2, 2022
Харків, Kharkiv, UkraineOne source, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, reported on Telegram that two people were injured in Kharkiv on May 2nd 2022 as a result of Russian forces’ shelling. There is no additional information available at this time. This assessment has reference to ACLED code UKR57006.
Incident date
April 11, 2022
Салтiвка, Saltivka, Kharkiv, UkraineMultiple sources alleged that a 16 story residential building in Saltivka was hit by reported Russian shelling during the day on 11 April 2022, killing at least one civilian, a 2 year old child, and injuring up to 13 others, including a child. Sources including Aktyvna Gromada, Korrespondent and Glavcom account for a two year
Incident date
March 3, 2022
вул. Мироносицька; вул. Академіка Павлова, Mironositskaya Street; Akademika Pavlova Street, Kharkiv, UkraineThree people were killed by alleged Russian shelling of street. Mironositskaya No. 32, 34, 36, Akademika Pavlova Street, 289, and Kyivskyi in Kharkiv on March 3, 2022. Pravda News reported that a Russian shell hit a garage cooperative on Akademika Pavlova, 289, killing three people. No other sources reported on casualties in this specific location.
Incident date
March 16, 2022
Новосалтівський будівельний ринок, Novosaltivsʹkyy Budivelʹnyy market, Kharkiv, UkraineBetween two to three civilians were reportedly killed and at least five others, including three rescuers, were injured by alleged Russian shelling of a market on Heroiv Pratsi St in Kharkiv on March 16, 2022. Suspilne News reported that three people were killed and five people were injured when a fire caused by Russian shelling
Incident date
April 4, 2022
Кулиничі, Kulinichi, Kharkiv, UkraineIn the early morning hours of April 4th, 2022, suspected Russian shells fell upon the village of Kulinichi in Kharkiv, injuring three civilians. XC_Kharkiv reported that “a kindergarten, a hospital and about five houses were destroyed.” Additionally, the three wounded were removed from the rubble left behind by the shells. Telegram accounts Huyovy_Kharkiv and XC_Kharkiv
Incident date
April 17, 2022
центр Харкова, Київський та Шевченківський райони міста, the center of Kharkiv, Kyivsyy and Shevchenkivskyy districts of the city, Kharkiv, UkraineOn the afternoon of April 17th 2022, Russia allegedly fired artillery in the city center of Kharkiv, killing at least five civilians and injuring at least 10 civilians, including a woman. Despite the preliminary estimates, most reports set the number of civilian deaths at 5 and of injured at 13, while others reported up to
Incident date
May 8, 2022
Богодухів, Bohodukhiv, Kharkiv, UkraineOn May 8th 2022 one civilian, a 48 year old woman, was killed and three other civilians were injured when alleged Russian forces shells hit Bohodukhiv in Kharkiv. reported that the prosecutor’s office said “on May 8th, 2022, Russian serviceman simultaneously opened fire on the city of Bogudukhov and the village of Lozovaya in
Incident date
May 13, 2022
Лозівська громада, Lozova Community, Kharkiv, UkraineOn May 13rd 2022, a civilian described as a woman, was reportedly injured by a Russian rocket attack in Lozivska (Loziv) community, Kharkiv. Sources quoted Loziv City Mayor Serhii Zelenskyi who said that “a dozen private houses were damaged, windows in multi-storey buildings were broken. A cultural center and a critical infrastructure object were damaged.”
Incident date
February 26, 2022
Бабаї, Babai, Kharkiv, UkraineOn February 26th 2022, one man, aged 35, was reportedly killed as a result of alleged Russian artillery fire which hit Babai, in Kharkiv. The artillery was also reported to have destroyed a house. This assessment has reference to ACLED code UKR54072.
Incident date
March 9, 2022
вул Академіка Проскури, Akademika Proskury Street, Kharkiv, UkraineA 16 year old boy was killed by alleged Russian shelling of a market in the village of Zhukovsky on March 9, 2022. Suspilne Media reported that a 16 year old boy was killed by shelling of the market located at 5/7 Akademika Proskury Street in the village of Zhukovsky. Market Director Maryna Volobuyeva stated
Incident date
March 20, 2022
Харків, Kharkiv, UkraineIn the afternoon on March 20 2022, one civilian was reportedly injured by alleged Russian shelling of a green corridor being used by a humanitarian convoy in Kharkiv. According to local sources, small arms and artillery fire damaged a car moving along the humanitarian corridor and injured the driver. On the night of 19 March
Incident date
April 3, 2022
Дергачі, Derhachi, Kharkiv, UkraineOn Sunday, April 3rd 2022, three civilians were killed and seven injured by alleged Russian shells hit the residential sector of the city of Dergachi in the Kharkiv region, eastern Ukraine. Sources including Suspilne and Hromadske unanimously account for three civilians being killed and seven being injured in various degrees of severity. reported on
Incident date
April 23, 2022
Чорноглазівка, Chornohlazivka, Kharkiv, UkraineTwo civilian men were reported killed by an alleged Russian anti-tank mine when a car drove over it on April 23rd 2022 in Choronohlazivka, Bododugiv district of the Kharkiv region. This was first reported by sources citing Viktor Kovaleno, the “head of the community”, who reported that “in the afternoon, two men in their 30s
Incident date
April 11, 2022
Лисої гори, Lysa Hora, Kharkiv, UkraineBetween one and four civilians, including a child, a woman, and two men, were killed and at least two others, including a woman and up to two children, were injured by alleged Russian shelling of Lysa Hora in Kholodnogirskyi district on April 11st, 2022. Huyovy_kharkiv Telegram reported one civilian death and two injured while Kharkiv
Incident date
April 21, 2022
проспекті Гагаріна, Gagarin Avenue, Kharkiv, UkraineOn April 21st 2022, Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group reported that a 79 year old man was killed by Russian artillery fire on Gagarin Avenue, with a link to a post on Telegram by @hueviykharkov. However, the Telegram post is no longer available. No other sources reported on this incident.
Incident date
February 26, 2022
Безруки, Bezruky, Kharkiv, UkraineOne civilian was reportedly killed as a result of Russian forces’ shelling of the village of Bezruky, in Kharkiv on February 26th 2022. A Russian BMP, an infantry fighting vehicle, was reportedly abandoned and destroyed. This assessment has reference to ACLED code UKR54063 and Bellingcat code CIV0174.
Incident date
March 17, 2022
Мерефа, Merefa, Kharkiv, UkraineOn March 17th, alleged Russian bombardment struck the village of Merefa, wounding up to 26 people and killing up to 23 others. Sources were conflicted as to whether those killed were members of the Ukrainian military or civilians. Susplilne Media described a Russian “artillery” attack upon Merefa. Twitter user @tincazzi posted pictures of the remains
Incident date
March 25, 2022
Дергачі, Dergachi, Kharkiv, UkraineOn the night of March 25th 2022, one civilian was killed and up to three injured following a Russian drone and shelling attack in Dergachi. Dergachi House of Culture, a local government building, a hospital, several private houses, and a gas line were damaged leaving part of the city without heating. All local sources reported
Incident date
April 13, 2022
Немишлянський район, Nemyshlyanskyy District, Kharkiv, UkraineLocal sources reported on a shelling of Kharkiv on April 13th, 2022 was allegedly conducted by Russian forces, resulting in three civilians killed, including a woman and two men, and four others wounded, including a child. According to the, the bombing began during the day when many people were out buying food or receiving
Incident date
April 25, 2022
Безруки, Bezruky, Kharkiv, UkraineThree civilians, a woman and two men, local to the village of Bezruky were reported to have been killed and a further individual injured as a result of shelling allegedly by Russian service personnel on April 25, 2022. Villagers in conversation with Suspline News confirmed these casualties occurred around noon in light of shelling that
Incident date
April 15, 2022
ХТЗ, KhTZ, Kharkiv, UkraineOn Friday April 15th 2022, an alleged Russian missile strike hit the Sarhyn Yar neighborhood and the Shevchenkivskyi district in Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine, killing between 7 and 10 civilians, including a seven month old, and injuring between 34 and 50 civilians, including up to nine children. Sources are not consistent regarding the number of
Incident date
March 2, 2022
вул. Клочківська, Klochkivska St., Kharkiv, UkraineBetween three and four policemen, and up to one civilian (in total four civilians), were reportedly killed and between nine up to “dozens” were reported injured when an alleged Russian missile hit a police headquarters in Klochkivskyi, Kharkiv, on March 2nd 2022. and @HromadskeUA reported that one civilian and three policeman died as a
Incident date
March 16, 2022
проспект Тракторобудівників, 55 б, 55B Traktorobudivnykiv Avenue, Kharkiv, UkraineOne civilian, a woman, was killed by alleged Russian shelling of Saltivka, Kharkiv on March 16 2022. Multiple sources posted a video of an explosion in Saltivka. A Bellingcat comment mentions that the explosion occurred next to an ice hockey rink, and next to a burning vehicle appears to be a fatality. Truexa News mentions
Incident date
April 7, 2022
Салтовка, ХТЗ, Олексіївка, Saltivka, KhTZ, Oleksiivka, Kharkiv, UkraineOne woman was killed and 14 civilians were injured by alleged Russian shelling of residential areas in Oleksiivka, Saltivka, KhTZ on April 7, 2022, according to Ukrainian official Oleg Synegubov. The head of the Kharkiv regional military-civilian administration Oleg Synegubov posted on Telegram that “the enemy” fired artillery at residential areas in Oleksiivka, Saltivka, KhTZ,