Incident date
October 18, 2023
جباليا, Jabalia, North Gaza, the Gaza StripOn Wednesday, October 18th 2023, 24 civilians were reported injured in an alleged Israeli airstrike on the home of the Abu Amira family next to a pump on al-Alami street, Jabalia Camp, Gaza strip. Safa news reported that the home was bombed “on the heads of its residents” and that there were “a number of
Incident date
October 20, 2023
مخيم البريج, Bureij camp, Deir Al Balah, the Gaza StripOn Friday October 20th, 2023, three people were reportedly killed and others injured as a result of an alleged Israeli strike on Block 12 in Al Bureij camp, Gaza Strip. Many local sources reported that Atta Nazir Al-Nashash, his brother Nael Nazir Al-Nashash and his son Nazir Atta Nazir Al-Nashash were killed in a bombing
Incident date
October 18, 2023
الزيتون, al Zaytoun, Gaza, the Gaza StripDuring the evening of Wednesday, October 18th, 2023, an alleged Israeli airstrike hit the Hajji’s family home on Street 8 in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza city, reportedly killing and wounding an unknown number of victims, according to multiple sources. No further details were available regarding the identity of the civilians or the survivors’
Incident date
October 18, 2023
جوار مدرسة أحمد عبد العزيز, Vicinity of Ahmed Abdul Aziz School, Khan Younis, the Gaza StripIn the evening of Wednesday, October 18th 2023, an alleged Israeli airstrike on a yard outside the Ahmed Abdul Aziz School funded by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and located in the al-Hawoz area of the Khan Younis Camp, near the Nasser Hospital, killed at least five civilians, including
Incident date
October 21, 2023
الجنينة, Al Geneina, Rafah, the Gaza StripAt dawn on Saturday, October 21st, 2023, eight civilians were killed and at least four others were injured by an alleged Israeli strike on the Al Sawalhi family home in the Al-Geneina neighborhood in Rafah. The Rafah city official page, Alsyed Abdullah, and Tala A. Riziq provided the names of those killed: 44-year-old Raed Ibrahim
Incident date
December 1, 2023
النصيرات, Nuseirat camp, Deir Al Balah, the Gaza StripAn infant was killed by alleged Israeli bombing on the Al-Zahar family home in Nuseirat Camp in Deir Al-Balah on December 1, 2023. The Palestinian Refugee Portal reported that a 5-month-old infant named Muhammad Hani Al-Zahar was killed by an Israeli bombing of his family’s house, and included names of the family members seen holding Muhammad’s
Incident date
October 18, 2023
محيط الكلية الجامعية للعلوم التطبيقية, Vicinity of University College of Applied Sciences, Gaza, the Gaza StripOn Wednesday, October 18th 2023, an alleged Israeli strike hit the al-Baba family home located near the University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza City, reportedly killing 15 civilians spanning three generations, including seven children and six women, among them a mother with one-month-old quadruplets. Among those killed were three generations of the al-Baba family.
Incident date
October 21, 2023
الجنينة, Al Geneina, Rafah, the Gaza StripA father and his four sons were killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike on their home in the al-Geneina neighbourhood in Rafah at dawn on 21 October 2023: father 60-year-old Samir al-Kurd, and his sons 40-year old Tamer Samir al-Kurd, 33-year-old Sami Samir al-Kurd, 32-year-old Hisham Samir Rajab al-Kurd, and a fourth son whose name
Incident date
October 20, 2023
تل الزعتر, Tal al Zaatar, North Gaza, the Gaza StripOn October 20th 2023, up to 15 civilians were killed and between eight and 15 other people were injured in an alleged Israeli airstrike on the al-Ajrami house in Tal al-Zaatar in Jabalia Camp in the northern Gaza Strip. According to posts on social media, the names of those who were killed are: Shehba Jabr
Incident date
October 18, 2023
بربخ, Barbakh, Khan Younis, the Gaza StripOn Wednesday, October 18th 2023, a young man was reportedly killed during an alleged Israeli bombing in the Barbakh neighborhood in Khan Yunis, in the central Gaza Strip. It was reported that Mahmoud Jamal Abu Zarifa, also known as Abu Jamal, was killed as a result of the strike. Journalist Mouthanna Al-Najjae posted that he
Incident date
October 18, 2023
شارع الحجة, al Hoja Street, North Gaza, the Gaza StripOn Wednesday, October 18th 2023, between five and 13 civilians were killed, including at least two children, and between 12 and 20 were wounded, including one infant and at least one woman, in an alleged Israeli airstrike on several residential buildings on Al-Houja Street in Jabalia Camp, north of the Gaza Strip. Hoda Muhammad al-Bas
Incident date
October 21, 2023
خزاعة, Khuza’a, Khan Younis, the Gaza StripOn October 21, 2023, at least two people were killed by an alleged Israeli airstrike as they were riding a motorcycle in Khuza’a, east of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip. The victims were named as Nidal Atwa Qudeih and Nael Raja Qudeih, both of whom were adult males. Some sources reported that a third person
Incident date
October 20, 2023
مخيّم النصيرات, Nuseirat camp, Deir Al Balah, the Gaza StripOn Friday, October 20, 2023, eight civilians were killed and up to 100 injured – including women and children – after an alleged airstrike by the Israeli military on the ‘Nawfal’ family residence on the 20th Street of ‘Block C’ in Al Nuseirat refugee camp near the centre of Gaza Strip. The Palestinian news agency
Incident date
October 31, 2023
برج المهندسين, al Muhandeseen Tower, Deir al Balah, the Gaza StripOn October 31st 2023, an alleged Israeli airstrike on the multistorey Al-Muhandeseen Tower (the ‘Engineers Tower’) located east of Nuseirat Camp, Central Gaza, killed between 133 and 164 civilians, including a likely estimate of 67 children. Airwars was able to identify 133 civilians belonging to 14 different families, including 131 individuals where gender and ages
Incident date
October 18, 2023
مسجد المحطة, Al Mahatta Mosque, Gaza, the Gaza StripShortly before 6am on Wednesday, October 18th 2023, the Al Mahatta Mosque, on Jaffa Street, in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood in the east of Gaza City was reportedly bombed by an Israeli Military drone strike. The Palestinian press agency Safa reported at 6:20 am local time that there were casualties as a result of the alleged
Incident date
October 20, 2023
عائلة السلك, Alsalak family, Gaza Strip, the Gaza StripOn October 20, 2023, nine civilians from the al-Salak family, all women and children, were killed in the Gaza Strip allegedly by Israeli actions. Fariza Yusra al-Zayegh al-Salak (wife of Mazen al-Salak) and her four daughters, Dr Aya Mazen al-Salak (20), Dr Alaa Mazen al-Salak (18), Sama Mazen al-Salak, and Jana Mazen al-Salak (6) were named as
Incident date
December 1, 2023
ساحة الشوا, Shawa Square, Gaza, the Gaza StripFour members of the Al-Sawaf family were killed by alleged Israeli airstrikes on the Al-Sawaf family home in Shawa Square in the Al-Tiffah neighborhood east of Gaza City on December 1, 2023. On January 14, 2024, Airwars’ researchers spoke with Shimaa Musfafa Al-Sawaf, daughter of the owner of the house, who provided the names and
Incident date
October 18, 2023
مخيم النصيرات, Nuseirat Camp, Deir Al Balah, the Gaza StripAt least five people, including a woman and a child, were killed and dozens injured after an alleged Israeli airstrike hit the Ismail family residence located in the new refugee camp in Nuseirat, Gaza Strip. Ayman Ismail Abu Bakr, a shopkeeper, was killed, along with his sons 22-year-old Ahmad Ayman Ismail and 25-year-old Mohammed Ayman
Incident date
October 18, 2023
جوار مستشفى الشفاء, Vicinity of the al Shifa Hospital, Gaza, the Gaza StripAround 11:15 in the morning of Wednesday, 18th October 2023, Israeli forces allegedly conducted an airstrike on the Haboush family home located behind al-Shifa medical hospital near the Gaza port, in the north of the Gaza Strip, killing at least 32 identified members of the extended Haboush family, including at least nine women and at
Incident date
October 18, 2023
جباليا, Jabalia, North Gaza, the Gaza StripAround 8:49 PM on Wednesday, October 18th 2023, an alleged Israeli airstrike on the home of the Abu Amira family located on al-Alami street “next to the pump” in the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip reportedly killed and injured a number of civilians, including women and children. Shehab Agency and Quds News reported
Incident date
October 10, 2023
الحي النمساوي، خان يونس, Austrian neighbourhood, Khan Younis, Khan Younis, the Gaza StripOn Tuesday, October 10th 2023, an Israeli airstrike allegedly destroyed a house belonging to the Baroud family in the Austrian neighborhood of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip, leading to the deaths of at least seven civilians, including at least two women and four children. Mohammed Baroud, a relative of the family, stated that the
Incident date
October 14, 2023
جوار مدرسة الفاخورة, Vicinity of al Fakhoura School, North Gaza, the Gaza StripDuring the evening of Saturday, October 14th, 2023, an alleged Israeli airstrike on the Al-Herbawi family home and the homes adjacent to it in the Al-Fakhoura neighborhood west of Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip reportedly killed at least 34 civilians belonging to at least five different families, including at least 12 women
Incident date
October 16, 2023
بجوار مخبز عجور, Vicinity of Ajour Bakery, Gaza, the Gaza StripOn Monday, October 16th 2023, at least 10 civilians were killed and more than 20 were injured in an alleged Israeli airstrike at the al-Ghazali Junction near the Ajjour Bakery in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood in Gaza City. According to some sources, the strike hit a three-storey residential building while others reported that it hit
Incident date
October 18, 2023
جباليا, Jabalia, North Gaza, the Gaza StripAround 8:42 PM on Wednesday, October 18th 2023, between 13 and 16 members of the Abu Jasser family, including at least four children and five women, were killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike on their home located in the al-Qasaib neighborhood of Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip. Shehab Agency and Voice of Palestine
Incident date
October 17, 2023
شارع ابو عارف, Abu Arif Street, Deir al Balah, the Gaza StripAt least 12 people were killed and 12 others were reportedly injured after an alleged Israeli airstrike hit the al-Zari’i residence on Abu Arif Street Street in Deir Al-Balah on October 17th, 2023. Most of the deceased were members of the al-Zari’i family. @ShehabAgency reported that seven people had been killed and 12 injured, and
Incident date
October 14, 2023
جباليا, Jabalia Camp, North Gaza, the Gaza StripAround 15:30 on Saturday, 14th October 2023, Israeli military allegedly carried out an airstrike on the Junaid family home located in Jabalia al-Balad, north of the Gaza strip, reportedly killing at least six civilian members of the Junaid family, including two children, and injuring at least five children. According to a correspondent of the Shehab
Incident date
October 16, 2023
مخيم النصيرات, Nuseirat camp, Deir Al Balah, the Gaza StripOn the afternoon of October 16th, a number of people, including a child, were reportedly killed and injured as a result of an alleged Israeli airstrike, which hit the house of the Abu Hassanein family in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Local sources have only specified the death of the child,
Incident date
October 17, 2023
الصفطاوي, Al Saftawi, North Gaza, the Gaza StripOn Tuesday, October 17, 2023, an Israeli airstrike reportedly hit the Baalousha family home in the Al-Saftawi neighborhood of Gaza City. According to available information, between 15 and 16 civilians from two families were killed, including Muhammad Baalousha, a journalist employed by Palestine Today. Media reports, including Anadolu Agency, cited an unspecified number of civilians
Incident date
November 17, 2023
ساحة الشوا, Shawa Square, Gaza, the Gaza StripAt least 46 people were killed, including women, children and a journalist, and at least five others were injured, including three journalists, by alleged Israeli airstrikes on the Al-Sawaf family home in Shawa Square in the Al-Tiffah neighborhood east of Gaza City at 11:15pm on November 17, 2023. On January 14, 2024, Airwars’ researchers spoke
Incident date
October 17, 2023
بيت لاهيا, Beit Lahia, North Gaza, the Gaza StripAt least one person was killed and at least five people injured, one critically, after an alleged Israeli airstrike on the Salem residence in the northern city of Beit Lahia around dawn on October 17th, 2023. Safa News Agency reported the state of injuries, stating that “several” people had been injured and one of these