Incident date
March 24, 2011
مصراتة, Misurata, Misrata, LibyaA mother and her four children were reportedly killed by Gaddafi regime shelling on Misurata. Al Manara TV noted: “Gaddafi forces on Friday continued to bomb Misurata east of Tripoli, killing one woman and her four children while a doctor at the city hospital on Thursday said 109 martyrs and 1,300 were wounded in a
Incident date
April 26, 2019
طرابلس, Tripoli: Airport road, Tarabulus, LibyaFive civilians were reported killed in an LNA airstrike on Tripoli. Gahida Altwati tweeted that they were five young people from Janzur killed near the Airport road. She also provided their names. There is no additional information available at the moment.
Incident date
December 2, 2014
زوارة, Zuwara, An Nuqat al Khams, LibyaBetween three and five civilians died and up to 15 more were wounded in an alleged LNA airstrike on a food supply storage depot in Zuwara. Three or four foreign nationals were reportedly included in the death toll. Fox News provided the most detail on the event, reporting: A Libyan official says airstrikes have hit
Incident date
April 2, 2019
جبل العوينات, Jebel Uweinat, Al Kufrah, LibyaFour civilians were reported killed in an airstrike on Jebel Uweinat by an unknown belligerent. While the majority of sources said those killed were combatants, the Libya Observer said they were civilians. It said: “On another level, spokesperson of warlord Khalifa Haftar’s self-styled army, Ahmed Al-Mismari denied that the bombing was coordinated with their forces,
Incident date
February 19, 2016
صبراتة: قصر تليل / علالقة, Sabratha, Qasr Talil / Alalqa, Al Zawiyah, LibyaTwo civilians of Serbian embassy staffers died along with a reported two or more women in a US airstrike in Sabratha which overall killed between 43 and 60 people – mostly Tunisians, who were allegedly training to carry out atrocities in Tunisia on behalf of ISIS. The strike also reportedly killed Noureddine Chouchane, a senior member of
Incident date
September 1, 2018
طرابلس, Tripoli, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween two and four civilians were reported killed as a result of possible indiscriminate artillery shelling in and around Tripoli. The Tripoli wounded affairs administration posted on Facebook: “Statistics of the victims of the clashes that took place south of Tripoli on Thursday, 20 September 2018 Casualties: 11 deaths (5 civilians, 3 foreign workers, 3
Incident date
March 22, 2011
مصراتة, Misurata, Misrata, LibyaAt least four children were reported killed in a possible attack on Misurata by Gaddafi regime forces. RTE wrote that “Forces loyal to Gaddafi are shelling the rebel-held western city of Misrata and casualties include four children killed when the car they were in was hit, Reuters is reporting.” And the BBC noted: “AFP reported
Incident date
August 1, 2015
اجدابيا: مبنى التدريب المهني, Ajdabiya Vocational Training Center, Al Wahat, LibyaBetween two and four people were reportedly killed in an alleged LNA airstrike on Ajdabiya. Belreish said that “two people were killed and two Syrian workers were injured in a marble workshop. They were injured by shrapnel from aerial bombardment.” Tariq Gibrel wrote that two Syrians were killed, two injured and two Chadian injured. Amrajaa
Incident date
February 7, 2016
درنة: باب طبرق, Bab Tobruk, Darnah, LibyaAn unknown aircraft bombed the Bab Tobruk neighbourhood near the medical centre in Derna, which led to the death of a woman and her child, according to local and international sources. The three strikes, which reportedly targeted the Shura Council, damaged the Al Wahda hospital and the Omar bin Khattab mosque in the Zuhour district
Incident date
January 5, 2017
قنفودة, Ganfouda, Benghazi, LibyaLibya Alahrar TV reported on Facebook that four children were killed in an airstrike in Ganfouda carried out by the UAE in support of LNA. A two-family house was reportedly hit in the strike. Other sources, such as Morasel Benghazi and bngazy22, also reported the death of four children, some of them quoting the Saraya
Incident date
August 24, 2019
سوق الكريمية الاستثماري, Vicinity of Al Keramia Market, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween three and four civilians were allegedly killed in an LNA or UAE airstrike on Al-Swani. The Libya Observer tweeted: “Military Source: An airstrike carried out by UAE-backed Haftar’s air force militia destroys a civilian’s car killing three family members fleeing the fighting in Swani region, south Tripoli.” Hona Souq Al-Khmies also put the death
Incident date
April 20, 2011
بئر الغنم, Bi'r al Ghanam, Al Zawiyah, LibyaFour civilians were reported killed in a NATO airstrike on Bi’r al Ghanam near Tripoli. Arab Anger Revolution posted on Facebook that “Earlier, four people were killed in the Bi’r al-Ghanam area, southwest of the capital, after an airstrike by the alliance on civilian and military targets.” NATO did not report airstrikes in the area
Incident date
March 2, 2011
البريقة, Brega, Al Wahat, LibyaFour civilians were reported killed and ten more wounded in an airstrike by the Gaddafi regime in Brega. Only one source, Naji Alive, reported civilians casualties, via Twitter: “Four killed and 10 injured in airstrikes targeting Brega city west of Benghazi.” Other sources, such as NPR, only reported airstrikes by the regime: “‘Huge plumes of
Incident date
March 4, 2017
مدرسة تحرير ليبيا, راس لانوف, Medical Centre, Ras Lanuf, Surt, LibyaVarious sources reported LNA airstrikes in Libya’s oil crescent. Strikes in all the major oil ports were mentioned but no further details on the exact locations were given, except for one source which said a raid took place in the Ras Lanuf area. Human Rights Solidarity later said that one strike hit the Ras Lanuf
Incident date
October 20, 2016
الجيزة, Giza, Surt, LibyaOn October 21st Ahmed El Sharkawy claimed that the bodies of children and women were trapped under rubble in Giza but didn’t say what the reason for the destruction was. No additional details are presently known.
Incident date
June 10, 2015
درنة, Darnah, LibyaFour civilians were reported killed in an alleged LNA airstrike on Darnah. Majed wrote on Twitter that “the number of martyrs killed by the Haftar airliner has risen to four in the city of Darnah, the same number of civilians killed by ISIS.” Mohamed Tarbah also reported the targeting of civilians: “A military aircraft bombard
Incident date
August 11, 2013
الظهي, Al Dahir, Surt, LibyaWissam Salem reported on Twitter that four people were killed and 15 more injured in an airstrike near Sirte. Salem didn’t elaborate if the victims were civilians or combattants. However, other sources claimed that the casualties resulted either from a car bomb or mortars. Wady Dynar reported that the explosions heard in Al Dahir in
Incident date
April 13, 2019
السواني, Al Swani, Tarabulus, LibyaFour civilians were reportedly killed by indiscriminate artillery shelling on Al Swani. Riyadh Burshan said that “on Saturday that 4 civilians were killed after being hit by shrapnel from indiscriminate shelling.” Arraed news published a similar report. Local reports indicate that shelling from both GNA and LNA occurred in the area.
Incident date
September 2, 2018
الفلاح, Al Falah, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween two and four people were reported killed because of artillery shelling on a refugee camp in Tripoli. Libya Alaan said that “two were killed and five wounded on Sunday after a shell fell on the Tawergha camp.” Alkhal Altawerghi named the victims as Abu Bakr Mohammed Masoud Al Zamirli and his brother Khaled. Libya’s
Incident date
July 19, 2019
الاصابعة, Asabi'ah, Al Jabal al Gharbi, LibyaUp to four civilians were reportedly killed in a GNA airstrike on Asabi’ah. Al Mashhad said that the bombing left civilian casualties and that according to their source three people were killed. 218TV reported: “The media center of the LNA Operations Room confirmed that the rockets launched by terrorist groups on a residential neighborhood in
Incident date
February 28, 2017
قنفودة, Ganfouda, Benghazi, LibyaSeveral sources reported a UAE airstrike in Ganfouda which allegedly killed Omer Ishkal, a former officer of the Gaddafi regime as well as two foreign workers and a child. Iskhal’s status as a combatant is not clear as he was once imprisoned by the Shura Council, then set free, but also sought-after as he refused
Incident date
May 4, 2011
مخيم اللاجئين في قصر أحمد, Refugee Camp in Qasr Ahmed, Misrata, LibyaA family was reportedly killed by Gaddafi regime forces artillery shelling of Misurata. Al Jazeera said at the time: “Libya’s revolutionaries said that yesterday’s bombing of the Gaddafi Brigades targeted the port of Misrata in western Libya, leaving at least five civilians dead, at a time when an official at the International Criminal Court spoke
Incident date
July 22, 2019
مدرسة المرازيق, Outside of Al Marazeeq school, Tarabulus, LibyaFour civilians were reportedly killed in Qasr Bin Gashir when a GNA airstrike hit their car. Address Libya wrote: “A military plane belonging to the Misurata Air Force College on Monday bombed a civilian car in Al Marazeeq area south of Qasr Ben Gashir, killing one of them. According to eyewitnesses, the car was carrying
Incident date
September 23, 2018
طرابلس, Tripoli: Airport road, Tarabulus, LibyaFour civilians, all of them from the Bin Zakri family, were reported killed because of if indiscriminate artillery shelling on their house near the Airport road in Tripoli. Dr Suad Diab, a well-known doctor from Tripoli, her husband Ali Eltaher Bin Zakri and their two children Mohammed Ali Bin Zakri and Riham Ali Ben Zakri
Incident date
April 14, 2019
قصر بن غشير, Qasr Bin Gashir, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween three and four civilians were reportedly killed in a GNA airstrike on Qasr Bin Gashir. Oil Crescent News wrote: “A plane from the Misurata Air College led by a mercenary bombed the Al Dhawahi Al Ahliyya company, leaving three Sudanese workers dead and three injured employees who were present in the building.” The LNA
Incident date
July 22, 2019
سوق الجمعة , Souq Al Jumaa, Tarabulus, LibyaUp to three children were allegedly killed because of indiscriminate shelling on the Souq Al Jumaa neighbourhood of Tripoli. The Libya Observer initially reported no civilian harm: “At least three mortar shells landed on civilian houses near the international airport of Tripoli, without reports of human casualties so far.” Hona Souq Al-Khmies Emsihel said three
Incident date
August 28, 2018
وادي الربيع, Wadi al Rabie, Tarabulus, LibyaThree civilians, a woman and her two sons, were killed as the result of artillery shelling on Wadi al Rabie in Tajoura, according to Human Rights Watch. The NGO reported: “On August 28, a mortar shell landed on a house in Wadi Al-Rabie, killing a woman and her two sons, aged 6 and 10, according
Incident date
May 13, 2019
الزاوية, Zawiya, Al Zawiyah, LibyaCivilians were reported killed and injured in an LNA airstrike on Zawiya. Riyadh Burshan said that there were “reports of civilian casualties and injuries” because of “Aerial bombardment of the town of Zawiya” but did not specify how many. Other sources only reported LNA bombarment and showed pictures of damaged buildings and cars. Most of
Incident date
April 23, 2016
القصارات, Al Kassarat, Darnah, LibyaThree civilians including one woman died and up to seven more people were wounded in strikes on Derna, according to local media. The source Alnabaa reported “12 raids”, while some other sources reported that barrel bombs were dropped. LNA posted a video of its forces dropping a bomb on a ‘terrorist ammunition store’ in the sports
Incident date
July 9, 2019
وادي تغسات, Wadi Tgessat, Al Jabal al Gharbi, LibyaFive civilians were reportedly injured because of LNA bombing in Gheryan. Almanara and February TV both reported: “Five civilians lightly injured in the bombing of Haftar militia planes on the Police institute.” Hona Sog Al-Khmies Emsihel only reported LNA bombing but did not mention civilian harm. Tarhuna 24 said there were a “number of dead”