Airwars assessment
On November 14th, 2022, according to local sources, one civilian, a man, was reportedly killed and another one injured while they were harvesting olives in farms near Maarbalit village, south of Idlib. The Syrian Civil Defense said the attack was conducted by heavy Syrian and Russian artillery shelling, while other local sources either blamed the Syrian forces only or the Russian forces only.
SNHR added that the shelling landed close to a group of civilians and described the man killed as Yousef Ibrahim Barhou “from Maarbalit village”. Baladi News said the attack occurred in the morning, and that the young man was killed instantly. It also stated that “civil defense teams went to the scene of the accident and transferred the body of the young man to his family after the doctors confirmed that he had passed away.”.
One source only, quoting local sources without further precisions, said that only material damage was recorded following the artillery shelling.
The incident occured in the morning.
The victims were named as:
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One civilian was reportedly killed and one injured by Syrian and Russian artillery shelling on November 6th, 2022 in Maarbalit fields. Source: @SyriaCivilDefe