Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for July 31, 2015 – August 1, 2015

Report Date

August 1, 2015

With Iraqi forces surrounding Ramadi, cutting off terrorist supply routes into the city, Reapers remained highly active in the surrounding area: on Friday 31 July, one of our aircraft helped coordinate a strike on an ISIL position by a coalition aircraft. The Reaper then spotted terrorists burying explosives under a railway line, and was able to direct a successful attack by the supporting coalition jet.

The Reaper also conducted two strikes with its own Hellfire missiles, destroying two vehicles at an ISIL-held compound.

Report Date

August 1, 2015

With Iraqi forces surrounding Ramadi, cutting off terrorist supply routes into the city, Reapers remained highly active in the surrounding area: on Friday 31 July, one of our aircraft helped coordinate a strike on an ISIL position by a coalition aircraft. The Reaper then spotted terrorists burying explosives under a railway line, and was able to direct a successful attack by the supporting coalition jet.

The Reaper also conducted two strikes with its own Hellfire missiles, destroying two vehicles at an ISIL-held compound.