Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for December 19, 2016 – December 20, 2016

Report Date

December 20, 2016

Monday 19 December – Typhoons struck terrorist accommodation east of Tall Afar…The following day [19 Dec], two Typhoons armed with Paveway IV guided bombs attacked two buildings east of Tall Afar, which intelligence had revealed were being used by Daesh as accommodation blocks. One building was completely demolished, the other set ablaze by the strike.

Report Date

December 20, 2016

Monday 19 December – Typhoons struck terrorist accommodation east of Tall Afar…The following day [19 Dec], two Typhoons armed with Paveway IV guided bombs attacked two buildings east of Tall Afar, which intelligence had revealed were being used by Daesh as accommodation blocks. One building was completely demolished, the other set ablaze by the strike.