Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for December 25, 2016 – December 26, 2016

Report Date

December 26, 2016

Sunday 25 December – Tornados and Typhoons attacked three Daesh targets in and around Mosul…Christmas Day saw Mosul blanketed with thick cloud, but both Typhoons and Tornados were able, by dint of close cooperation with the Iraqi forces on the ground, to prosecute Daesh targets in and around the city. A pair of Typhoons used a Paveway IV to attack a small bridge used by the terrorists, whilst a Tornado flight attacked two Daesh strong-points with which the Iraqi troops were engaged in close combat; the first was destroyed by an Enhanced Paveway II guided bomb, the second – from which a machine-gun was firing – was struck by a Paveway IV. Both attacks were delivered blind through the cloud, but the Iraqi units reported direct hits which eliminated the threats that they had faced.

Report Date

December 26, 2016

Sunday 25 December – Tornados and Typhoons attacked three Daesh targets in and around Mosul…Christmas Day saw Mosul blanketed with thick cloud, but both Typhoons and Tornados were able, by dint of close cooperation with the Iraqi forces on the ground, to prosecute Daesh targets in and around the city. A pair of Typhoons used a Paveway IV to attack a small bridge used by the terrorists, whilst a Tornado flight attacked two Daesh strong-points with which the Iraqi troops were engaged in close combat; the first was destroyed by an Enhanced Paveway II guided bomb, the second – from which a machine-gun was firing – was struck by a Paveway IV. Both attacks were delivered blind through the cloud, but the Iraqi units reported direct hits which eliminated the threats that they had faced.

  • An F-16 after a successful refueling over Iraq, December. 25, 2016. "Many pilots wore a traditional red “Santa” hat while flying on Christmas Day." (U.S. Air Force/ Senior Airman Tyler Woodward)