Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for February 9, 2018 – February 10, 2018

Report Date

February 10, 2018

Friday 9 February – Tornados destroyed two Daesh buildings, whilst a Reaper struck a group of terrorists firing on the Syrian Democratic Forces….On Friday 9 February, a Reaper provided surveillance support to a series of coalition air strikes on terrorist targets, and conducted an attack with a Hellfire missile against a group of extremists who were firing upon the Syrian Democratic Forces. A Tornado flight also carried out successful attacks on two Daesh-held buildings.

Report Date

February 10, 2018

Friday 9 February – Tornados destroyed two Daesh buildings, whilst a Reaper struck a group of terrorists firing on the Syrian Democratic Forces….On Friday 9 February, a Reaper provided surveillance support to a series of coalition air strikes on terrorist targets, and conducted an attack with a Hellfire missile against a group of extremists who were firing upon the Syrian Democratic Forces. A Tornado flight also carried out successful attacks on two Daesh-held buildings.