Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for June 5, 2017 – June 6, 2017

Report Date

June 6, 2017

Monday 5 June – Typhoons struck a Daesh-held building in eastern Raqqa, whilst Tornados hit two terrorist firing points in a building in Mosul…On Monday 5 June, two Typhoons, supporting Syrian Democratic Forces close to Raqqa, used a Paveway IV to strike a Daesh-held building in the east of the city itself. Tornados meanwhile continued operations over Mosul, and employed a pair of Brimstone missiles to deliver pinpoint attacks on two firing positions located in a large multi-storey building, where the terrorists had stationed a recoilless anti-tank gun and a machine-gun.

Report Date

June 6, 2017

Monday 5 June – Typhoons struck a Daesh-held building in eastern Raqqa, whilst Tornados hit two terrorist firing points in a building in Mosul…On Monday 5 June, two Typhoons, supporting Syrian Democratic Forces close to Raqqa, used a Paveway IV to strike a Daesh-held building in the east of the city itself. Tornados meanwhile continued operations over Mosul, and employed a pair of Brimstone missiles to deliver pinpoint attacks on two firing positions located in a large multi-storey building, where the terrorists had stationed a recoilless anti-tank gun and a machine-gun.