Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for November 25, 2015 – November 26, 2015

Report Date

November 26, 2015

On Wednesday 25 November, a particular focus for RAF air operations was over northern Iraq, assisting the Kurdish peshmerga who recently inflicted a significant defeat on the Da’ish extremists at Sinjar.

During the morning, two Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri patrolled near Mosul, and conducted three precision attacks with Paveway IV guided bombs on groups of terrorist fighters.

In addition, a terrorist vehicle was destroyed by a direct hit from a Brimstone missile.

The Tornados then flew west to the area south-east of Sinjar, where a fourth Paveway strike destroyed a Da’ish heavy machine-gun position.

A second Tornado patrol continued to support the Kurdish ground operations into the night, and it used a Paveway to destroy a heavy machine-gun position to the south-west of Sinjar. The GR4s were supported, as normal, by a Voyager air tanker.

Meanwhile, an RAF Reaper remotely piloted aircraft was also providing overwatch for the Kurdish troops, using its advanced surveillance sensors, and its crew conducted a successful attack with a GBU-12 guided bomb on a building in a terrorist-held compound near Mosul.

Other RAF aircraft making a vital contribution to the air campaign include the Sentinel and Air Seeker surveillance aircraft. These make up a large percentage of the coalition’s overall ability to collect strategic intelligence on terrorist activity in Iraq and Syria, and complement well the sophisticated tactical reconnaissance capabilities of the Tornado and Reaper.

Report Date

November 26, 2015

On Wednesday 25 November, a particular focus for RAF air operations was over northern Iraq, assisting the Kurdish peshmerga who recently inflicted a significant defeat on the Da’ish extremists at Sinjar.

During the morning, two Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri patrolled near Mosul, and conducted three precision attacks with Paveway IV guided bombs on groups of terrorist fighters.

In addition, a terrorist vehicle was destroyed by a direct hit from a Brimstone missile.

The Tornados then flew west to the area south-east of Sinjar, where a fourth Paveway strike destroyed a Da’ish heavy machine-gun position.

A second Tornado patrol continued to support the Kurdish ground operations into the night, and it used a Paveway to destroy a heavy machine-gun position to the south-west of Sinjar. The GR4s were supported, as normal, by a Voyager air tanker.

Meanwhile, an RAF Reaper remotely piloted aircraft was also providing overwatch for the Kurdish troops, using its advanced surveillance sensors, and its crew conducted a successful attack with a GBU-12 guided bomb on a building in a terrorist-held compound near Mosul.

Other RAF aircraft making a vital contribution to the air campaign include the Sentinel and Air Seeker surveillance aircraft. These make up a large percentage of the coalition’s overall ability to collect strategic intelligence on terrorist activity in Iraq and Syria, and complement well the sophisticated tactical reconnaissance capabilities of the Tornado and Reaper.