Incident date
June 25, 2018
الحراك, Al Harak, Daraa, SyriaThree male civilians, including a Syrian Civil Defence volunteer and a nurse, were killed in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the city of Al Harak on June 25th 2018, according to local sources. Smart News Agency reported that, according to a medical source, “a civilian, a nurse and a member of the Civil
Incident date
June 7, 2018
زردنا, Zardana, Idlib, SyriaUp to 52 civilians were reported killed and 100 others, many of whom are in critical situation, were injured in alleged Russian forces airstrikes on Zardana village in Idlib, Syria, on June 7th, 2018, according to local sources. Among those killed are up to 11 women and 11 children and a health worker. Most victims
Incident date
March 20, 2018
عربين, Arbeen, Damascus, SyriaBetween three and 14 civilians including two children were reportedly killed and dozens more were injured in an alleged Russian and/or Syrian regime forces airstrike on a residential area in Arbeen on March 20th 2018, according to local media resources. According to the Smart News Agency, “The Great Mosque in the city of Arbeen, east
Incident date
March 19, 2018
دوما, Douma, Damascus, SyriaAt least seven civilians, including a child and two women, were killed in air and/or artillery strikes on the city of Douma, Eastern Ghouta, March 19th 2018, as reported by local sources. Reports blamed both the Syrian regime and Russia for the incident. The Violations Documentation Center (VDC) of Syria documented the names of seven
Incident date
March 16, 2018
سقبا, Saqba, Damascus, SyriaBetween nine and 12 civilians were killed in airstrikes and/or artillery strikes on the city of Saqba on March 16th 2018. Conflicting reports blame both the Russians and Syrian regime for the incident. One Syrian Civil Defence volunteer was reportedly killed by heavy machine gunfire of Syrian regime soldiers. Goota4 has named eight of the
Incident date
March 15, 2018
حزة, Hazza, Damascus, SyriaSeven civilians including two children died in alleged Russian or regime airstrikes on Hazza, local media said. There were reports that Russia conducted two strikes, the second of which killed a member of the civil defence and a medic. According to @RaedAlSaleh3, “The martyr Ayman Jamal al-Din, a volunteer of the Civil Defense volunteers, was killed
Incident date
March 13, 2018
مركز 103 للدفاع المدني, civil defence center no :103, Damascus, SyriaOne member of the White Helmets was killed and three more injured in an alleged Russian or regime airstrike on the civil defence centre 103 in Damascus, local media reported. Douma.Revolution and @SiegeWatch reported that one civil defence volunteer, Rifat Idris, was killed, and three more were wounded. The airstrikes that struck the Civil Defence
Incident date
March 13, 2018
زملكا, Zamalka, Damascus, SyriaAt least two civilians including a woman were killed, including one member of the Syrian Civil Defence, and three or more wounded in airstrikes on Zamalka, local media reported. Sources attributed the blame to both Russia and the Syrian regime. According to media, the planes struck an ambulance killing a civil defence volunteer and injuring
Incident date
March 10, 2018
اللطامنة, Al Lataminah, Hama, SyriaAt least one civilian was killed and five more were wounded, reportedly from one family, in air and artillery strikes on Al Lataminah, local media reported. Sources attributed the blame to both Russia and the Syrian regime. There were as many as two raids on the vicinity. SCD HAMA reported that “a civilian was killed
Incident date
March 9, 2018
دوما, Douma, Damascus, SyriaBetween 12 and 17 civilians including six children and five women from several families were killed and dozens more wounded in multiple air and artillery strikes on Douma, local media reported. Sources attributed blame to both Russia and the Syrian regime. Arab 24 reported that “the airstrikes targeted Douma and Jisreen ahead of the convoy
Incident date
March 8, 2018
عين ترما, Ein Tarma, Damascus, SyriaOne civilian male, named as Hazzae al-Saed, was killed in an alleged Russian or regime airstrike on Ein Tarma, local media reported. Both Russia and the Syrian regime were blamed for the raids. According to Daraa Martyrs, the victim “was killed after he was hit by a military air strike on the town of Ein
Incident date
March 8, 2018
سقبا, Saqba, Damascus, SyriaTwo civilians – a child and a member of the White Helmets – were killed and others were wounded in air and artillery and missile strikes on Saqba, local media reported. Sources blamed both Russia and the Syrian regime for the raids. @HalabTodayTV tweeted the “demolition of residential areas by air, artillery and missile attacks”.
Incident date
March 5, 2018
حرستا, Harasta, Damascus, SyriaBetween five and ten civilians were killed, and dozens were wounded (mostly women and children), in air and artillery strikes on Harasta, local media reported. Sources blamed both Russia and the Syrian regime for the raids. @MOAZALSHAMY described the incident as a massacre; they attributed blame to Russia. The Step News Agency put the death
Incident date
February 4, 2018
التليل ,سراقب, Al Talil neighbourhood, Saraqeb, Idlib, SyriaA chlorine gas assault in Saraqeb, Idlib by the Syrian regime – possibly with Russian support – wounded multiple civilians including children according to local reports, with most victims suffering breathing difficulties. The Syrian Network for Human Rights said that two barrel bombs were used in this attack. “At least 11 civilians, including three civil
Incident date
June 20, 2012
المحفد, Mahfed district, Abyan, YemenOn the 20th of June 2012, an airstrike allegedly by US or Yemeni forces in northern Abyan killed Hussein Saleh (35), a worker with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), multiple sources, such as Reuters, reported. Al-Sahwa Net also reported that seven militants were killed and 10 others were wounded in the same
Incident date
September 22, 2011
مستشفي ابن سينا, Ibn Sina Hospital, Surt, LibyaThree civilians, including one doctor, were allegedly injured by a NATO airstrike on Sirte. Surt Son posted a video on Youtube saying that two civilians and one Ukranian doctor were injured by an airstrike on the main hospital in Sirte. Libya Realmadrid posted a similar report. NATO on that day reported hitting one “Ammunition Storage
Incident date
August 23, 2011
باب عكاره, Bab Akkara, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween 15 and 19 men, including three medical personnel, were killed and at least six others were injured between Gargur and the Gaddafi compound at Bab al-Aziziyah in Tripoli on August 23, 2011. A member of the rebel forces witnessed 15 bodies, all in civilian clothes and all of them handcuffed behind the back with electric
Incident date
June 22, 2011
سبها, Sabha, LibyaFour civilians, all of them paramedics, were allegedly killed in an apparent NATO double tap airstrike in Sabha. Nass Book said: “A military source reported that NATO bombed civilian sites in Sabha. When the civil protection crews of the civil defense and ambulance apparatus rushed to carry out rescue operations the crusader alliance bombed these
Incident date
April 1, 2011
مرسى البريقة, Brega, Al Wahat, LibyaBetween ten and 13 rebel fighters were reportedly killed in friendly fire by a NATO airstrike near Brega. This included three medical students, whom Airwars has classed as non combatants. While Al Jazeera provided the lowest death toll at ten, the BBC reported: “At least 13 people are reported to have been killed when a