Incident date
October 6, 2011
Dolbiyow, 35 kilometers east of Dhobley, Lower Juba, SomaliaFour Somali farmers were reported to have been killed in a possible drone strike in Dolbiyow Village, 35km east of Dhobley according to Somalia Report, while one was reportedly injured. The farmers and their camels were killed moments after al-Shabaab fighters fled the area in vehicles, witnesses said. However, a TFG official told Somalia Report
Incident date
September 15, 2011
Kismayo, Lower Juba, SomaliaA single source reported that nine civilians died in alleged US drone strikes on Kismayo. According to the source, “Eyewitnesses in the southern Somali port city of Kismayo have reported a number of missile strikes, apparently fired by US drones in and around the city. Terrified residents say that several loud explosions were heard
Incident date
September 9, 2011
جعار, Jaar, Abyan, YemenA single source, @AdenHurra, reported that “a number of civilians were killed and wounded after warplanes bombed the city of Jaar”, adding that the bombing occurred in the “outskirts of the city”. It is unknown whether Yemeni forces, US forces, or another belligerent, were to be blamed for this incident. There is no other information available
Incident date
September 5, 2011
مدرسة الفاروق الثانوية في جعار, Al-Farouq high school, Jaar, Abyan, YemenAt least one civilian, a child, was killed and four others, including two children, were injured in the alleged US drone strike or Yemeni airstrike that hit the Al-Farouq High School in Ja´ar Abyan Province on the 5th of September 2011. Wafaa Mohammed Ahmed al-Hamza (8 years old) was killed and her father Mohammed Ahmed
Incident date
September 5, 2011
مسجد جعار الكبير, Jaar Grand Mosque, Abyan, YemenUp to seven civilians were killed and three to five others, including a child, were injured in alleged Yemeni or US airstrikes against the Grand Mosque in Jaar on the 5th of September, 2011. Civilians Jaber Qassem Salem (72), Hazza Ahmed Atta Baheb, Haidara Mohsen Ali al-Abidi were killed and Omar Qassem (11) among other
Incident date
September 5, 2011
مشفى الرازي في جعار, Al-Razi Hospital, Jaar, Abyan, YemenDozens of Al Qaeda linked militants were killed and injured during an alleged airstrike conducted by the Yemeni armed forces targeting the al-Razi hospital in Jaar on September 5th, 2011. Up to two civilians may have been killed in this attack. AFP quoted a medical official in Al-Razi hospital in Jaar, who confirmed the toll
Incident date
August 31, 2011
أبين, Abyan, YemenUS airstrikes killed up to 33 militants, with no civilian harm reported in Abyan province between August 31 2011 to September 1 2011. Multiple sources claimed the militants killed in the alleged airstrike were Al Qaeda militants. Some sources reported the alleged strike was carried out by Yemeni air force warplanes, however others claim it
Incident date
August 25, 2011
باب العزيزية, Bab Al Aziziyah, Tarabulus, LibyaAt least 29 people were killed at a camp site outside the Bab Al Aziziyah compound in Tripoli on August 25, 2011 that may have housed a makeshift medical clinic and was alleged to be supervised by Gaddafi supporters. According to BBC News, two of those killed had strips of green cloth, indicating that they
Incident date
August 24, 2011
العرقوب), Al Arqoub, Abyan, YemenOn Aug. 24, 2011, numerous outlets such as the Associated Press, AFP, and CNN reported that between four and six suspected Al Qaeda militants were killed and others were wounded in alleged Yemeni or US strikes in the area of Arkoub in Yemen’s Abyan province, which was overrun by Al Qaeda in May 2011. There
Incident date
August 1, 2011
مديرية زنجبار, Al-Khamila, Abyan, YemenThree drone strikes taking place on August 1st 2011, allegedly by US drones or Yemeni airplanes, killed up to 16 suspected Al Qaeda fighters and wounded up to 32 others in various areas of Zinjibar according to military officials. One report stated that the drones were acting in conjunction with the Yemeni government, but the
Incident date
July 29, 2011
زنجبار, Zinjibar, Abyan, YemenBetween five and 14 militants were killed and 50 others were wounded in alleged US or Yemeni airstrikes or drone strikes on the city of Zinjibar on July 29, 2011. In a tweet from @YusraAIA, Yemeni aircraft were identified as being used as “camouflage” to cover up U.S. drone strikes. According to @FADHLESAY, fourteen people
Incident date
July 14, 2011
بين زنجبار و شقرة, Between Zinjibar and Shaqra, Abyan, YemenAn airstrike on a car targeted Fahd al Qusaa, also known as Quso, an al Qaeda leader and suspect in the USS Cole bombing. It was a US attack, according to the New York Times quoting an AQAP representative. He claimed that Qusaa had left the car minutes earlier and was unharmed. According to the Long War Journal,
Incident date
July 14, 2011
مديرية الوضيع, Wadi’a district , Abyan, YemenInitial reports of a US or Yemeni bombing raid upon a police station in Wadi’a district on July 14, 2011 may have resulted in as many as fifty people killed, with as many as thirty civilians among the deceased. Militants were also killed and injured, though there was huge variation in the numbers reported, which
Incident date
July 5, 2011
جعار, Jaar, Abyan, YemenBetween two and six civilians were killed and up to seven others were injured in alleged Yemeni or US airstrikes on Ja’ar on July 5, 2011. Four militants were also reportedly killed. The numbers of dead and wounded varied, as @NoonArabia tweeted that three civilians were killed and seven people were wounded. According to @AdenLang,
Incident date
April 7, 2011
اجدابيا, Ajdabiya, Al Wahat, LibyaUp to 13 rebel fighters were reportedly killed either by a NATO airstrike in a friendly fire incident, or a Gaddafi regime strike, near Ajdabiya. CNN posted on Twitter that “an airstrike killed at least three people.” The Telegraph showed a picture of three injured fighters. Meanwhile VOA said four rebels had been killed and 14 more
Incident date
April 3, 2011
Dhoobley, Gedo, SomaliaAt least one militant and as many as “three dozen” were killed in an alleged US-waged airstrike in Dhobley, Jubaland, international and regional media reported. The attack marked the beginning of a concerted campaign in Somalia against al Shabaab by the Obama administration. After a reporting gap of 18 months, US air attacks appear to
Incident date
March 4, 2011
الرجمة, Al Rajma, Benghazi, LibyaAccording to the Daily Telegraph, 19 civilians were killed after explosions in a munitions depot in Ar Rajma near Benghazi. It is unclear whether the incident was caused by an airstrike by the Gaddafi regime. The Telegraph wrote at the time: “The cause of the explosions was not immediately clear, although most local residents ruled
Incident date
March 14, 2010
مودية, Moudia, Abyan, YemenA night time precision strike reportedly carried out by the Yemeni air force or the US forces killed between two and nine militants in an air raid on a suspected terrorist training site in Abyan province on March 14, 2010. Al-Jazeera reported “Local residents told the Reuters news agency that as many as 20 civilians
Incident date
January 31, 2010
Across Yemen, YemenOver a six week period, US Special Forces carried out more than 24 ground raids in Yemen, according to a single credible source, The Nation. The Nation reported: “By late January 2010, JSOC had been involved with more than two dozen ground raids in Yemen, which kicked off with the December 17 strikes. Scores of
Incident date
January 15, 2010
الاجاشر, Al Ajashar, Sa'dah, YemenAn alleged Yemeni security forces strike or US airstrike reportedly struck two vehicles in Al Ajasher between Sa’ada and Jawf province. Multiple sources reported the alleged air strike took place in the afternoon of January 15th 2010. Initially sources reported that up to seven alleged AQAP militants had been killed in the strike. However later
Incident date
January 12, 2010
شبوة, Shabwa, YemenAlleged Al Qaeda local commander Abdullah Mehdar, suspected leader of the Al Qaeda cell in the Houta region, was reportedly killed by Yemen security forces, possibly with the assistance of US forces, on the evening of 12th January 2010 in Shabwa province, 375 miles east of Sana’a. There were no known associated reports of civilian
Incident date
January 8, 2007
Hayo, Lower Juba, SomaliaAccording to international and local reports, up to 31 civilians, including at least one child, were killed as the town of Hayi or Xayo was subjected to either US or Ethiopian-waged airstrikes. Heavy civilian casualties were reported in airstrikes on Hayi near Afmadow, 250km northwest of Ras Kamboni, and other parts of southern Somalia, in