A project tracking drone
deaths in Pakistan

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Zahinullah Khan / Zaheenullah / Zaheen Ullah Khan / Zahin Ullah Khan / Zaenullah Khan









Place of origin

Machi Khel

Reported status

Reported civilian

Civilian occupation

Security guard and caretaker (Chowkidar)

Case study

Zahinullah Khan was one of three civilians reportedly killed in an evening attack on a house on December 31 2009.

His father, Kareem Khan, later said he had been a quiet and studious boy. He had memorised the Quran and enjoyed football, cricket and hunting partridges.

He had studied in Islamabad before returning home for college. While studying he worked part-time at the local government girls’ school in Mira Khan Kot as a chowkidar, a night-watchman and caretaker. He had been in the job since 2008, his father said.

He died instantly, along with his uncle Asif Iqbal and another man identified as Khaliq Dad, a stonemason.


Sources and Citations

Kareem Khan’s witness testimony (Reprieve, Reprieve); Kareem Khan interview (Daily Mail, Foreign Affairs)


Died 31/12/2009

Details of the strike

About the project

CIA drone strikes have killed over 2,500 people in Pakistan; many are described as militants, but some are civilians. This is a record of those who have died in these attacks.

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Covert drone war

A project by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism tracking drone strikes and other covert US actions in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

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The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

The Bureau is a not-for-profit research organisation based in London. It pursues in-depth journalism that is of public benefit.

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