{"id":106516,"date":"2024-03-01T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2024-03-01T00:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/airwars.org\/?post_type=civ&p=106516"},"modified":"2024-07-09T16:19:37","modified_gmt":"2024-07-09T16:19:37","slug":"ispt1669-december-11-2023","status":"publish","type":"civ","link":"https:\/\/airwars.org\/civilian-casualties\/ispt1669-december-11-2023\/","title":{"rendered":"ISPT1669 – December 11, 2023"},"content":{"rendered":"

Shortly before 7:43 AM on Monday, December 11th 2023, a series of alleged Israeli airstrikes hit six homes belonging to the extended Salem family in Sheikh Radwan, killing at least 102 civilians. Airwars was able to identify 104 named victims (102 fatalities, and two others injured), though some local reports put the death toll at 200 civilians.<\/span><\/p>\n

Airwars estimates that 50 children* were killed in the attack, which some sources said wiped out almost an entire neighbourhood. It was reported that many of the victims sought refuge in this house to escape the incursion of the Israeli forces into areas of Gaza.<\/span><\/p>\n

Shehab Agency, Warfare Analysis and other sources initially reported \u201cdozens of martyrs and wounded\u201d. Other sources, including IMEMC news and Mondoweiss news, wrote about 15 civilians killed and dozens injured. According to a news report by arabi21.com, approximately 50 people, including men, women and children, were home in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood at the moment of the strike. A Twitter\/X user Younis Tirawi (@ytirawi) wrote that the rescue teams managed to retrieve 32 dead bodies and estimated that an additional 80 were still beneath the rubble.<\/span><\/p>\n

Other social media users and Salem family members provided much higher casualties figures. According to the Facebook user Yahya salem, one of the affected houses belonging to his uncle Suleiman was bombed after his uncles and their children gathered there, leading to the death of around 50 people. Another user @humanprovince wrote that his good friend’s entire extended family was wiped out yesterday in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City as 70 members of the family were killed. A Twitter\/X user @MariamBarghouti wrote that 100 members of the Salem family were killed in the 24 hours since the strike, adding that \u201cThere is massacre on top of massacre on top of massacre in Gaza.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

A Facebook user Yahya Salim wrote that 100 family members were killed, and dozens were still under the rubble. He also shared a video showing a completely destroyed building and ongoing rescue efforts – people searching for the bodies of their beloved under the rubble, mentioning that these are his uncles, cousins, his mother and father who remained alive. He added: \u201cthere is no ability to rescue those trapped under the rubble, no cars transporting the martyrs and the injured.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

A family relative Ramy salem wrote: \u201c107 martyrs so far and still missing under the rubble\ud83d\udc94\u201d Another family relative, Ahmad Salem, alleged that the death toll was higher – according to him, about 130 members of his family were killed, including his uncles and aunts, and their children. A Facebook user Ana Safaa estimated that the number of the victims killed was even higher, up to 200, writing that\u00a0 \u201ca large number of the family were martyred, approximately 200 martyrs, and a large number are also seriously injured.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

Tributes by family relatives and friends helped Airwars to identify victim names as well as family connections. In particular, the condolence message by Mohammed Salem helped to narrow down the fatalities list to the specific families\/houses within the extended Salem family. In cases where sources did not explicitly specify the family connections between the victims, identification through their three full names (usually referring to the victim’s first name, followed by the first name of their father, and their family name) was used.<\/span><\/p>\n

The extended Salam family<\/strong><\/span>

Abu Akram family<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

An elderly woman Umm Akram Salem<\/strong>, wife of Abu Akram, was killed alongside her two sons, Akram Khalil Salem (Abu Youssef)<\/strong> and Abdul Rahman Salem (Abu Uday)<\/strong>, her daughter-in-law, Akram\u2019s wife, Zainab Saber Salem (Umm Youssef)<\/strong>, Akram and Zainab\u2019s son Younis Akram Salem<\/strong> and an additional unnamed child<\/strong>, and Abu Uday\u2019s daughter Nada Abdul Rahman Salem<\/strong>. \u00a0Umm Akram\u2019s daughter Hana Henno\u00a0 Khalil Salem<\/strong> and her husband Sherif Saber Salem<\/strong> were also killed. Fadl salem abu anas shared an image of two men, Sharif Salem and Rami Salem (mentioned below in \u201cAbu Ramzi house\u201d section), indicating that both of them are \u201cin heaven\u201d.<\/span><\/p>\n

The surviving sister of Akram and Hanna, Ana Safaa, expressed her grief in a testimony online: \u201cAnd it goes a\ud83d\udc94 black year, yes, a black year that was full of calamities. . .I lost the most precious thing… my mother, my heaven Umm Akram Salem.\u201d In another post, Ana Safaa explained that her mother, Umm Akram Salem, underwent a heart surgery (\u201cshe came out of the death before the war with heart operations\u201d), and that her brother\u2019s wife,\u00a0 Umm Youssef, was like a second mother to her.<\/span><\/p>\n

A daughter of Ana Safaa\u2019s brother Abdullah Khalil Salem, identified as Sirin Salem<\/strong>, was also reportedly killed.<\/span><\/p>\n

Ana also mourned the death of her sister Hanaa and Hanaa\u2019s husband Sheriff, her brother Abu Youssef and his wife Umm Youssef along with her nephew Younis Salem, her brother Abu Uday and his daughter Nada Salem. She wrote about Younis that \u201che had never harmed anyone in his life\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

Fadl Salem Abu Anas wrote a tribute to the memory of Abu Youssef, his wife Zainab and their children<\/strong>, sharing an image where one of the men making a meal outside was apparently Abu Youssef. Only one child of Akram Khalil Salem (Abu Youssef) could be identified (Younis Akram Salem).<\/span><\/p>\n

Mohammed Salem mourned the death of his beloved aunt, Umm Akram, \u201cthe beloved martyr Abu Youssef\u201d,\u00a0 the martyrs Umm Youssef Zainab Salem, Younis Akram Salem and Umm Ali Howaida Nafez Salem<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n

The Abu Ramzi house<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

According to Mohammed Salem, other family members were killed in the Abu Ramzi house. He, and Yahya Salim, identified the following names:<\/span><\/p>\n

Sufyan Salem<\/strong> was killed along with his wife<\/strong> and all his family members, except for one son named Ahmed. Among the victims were their children Rami Sufyan Salem (Abu Bilal)<\/strong>, Rama Sufyan Salem<\/strong>, Ahmed Sufyan Salem<\/strong>, Halima Sufyan Salem<\/strong>, and Saif Sufyan Salem<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n

Salem Salem (abu Anas)<\/strong>, Salem Salem\u2019s wife<\/strong> (who could possibly be Sherine Jamil Salem<\/strong>) and all his family members <\/strong>were also reportedly killed. Salem\u2019s children, who who lost their lives, were identified as Anas Salem Salem<\/strong>, Wabab Salem Salem<\/strong>, Roa Salem Salem<\/strong>, Ahmed Salem Salem <\/strong>and\u00a0Remas Salem Salem.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

Mohammed Salem also added that the entire family of Ramzi Suleiman Salem Deeb<\/strong> – his wife Suhair Majid Awni Al Shawa<\/strong>, sons, daughters, and relatives<\/strong> – were killed, while sources were conflicted as to whether Ramzi himself was left alone injured or was killed. The children were identified by Yahya salim as three sons Mustafa Ramzi Salem<\/strong>, Mohamed Ramzi Salem<\/strong>, Muhannad Ramzi Salem<\/strong> and two daughters Nourhan (Nour) Ramzi Salem<\/strong> and Nawal Ramzi Salem<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n

Members of Al-Shawa family, related to the Salem family through Suhair Majid Awni Al Shawa’s mariage to Ramzi Suleiman Salem Deeb, were also killed in the same attack (see below: Al-Shawa family).<\/span><\/p>\n

Al-Shawa family<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

According to the Facebook tribute by Moataz Shawa, the bombing of her sister\u2019s Suhair house allegedly perpetrated by the Israeli military led to the death of 18 of her family members. \u201cThey were my whole life\u201d, she added.<\/span><\/p>\n

She also shared pictures showing the complete destruction of their family home. \u201cThis is what’s left of my house, after all my family members were killed\u201d Moataz wrote.<\/span><\/p>\n

Moataz\u2019s father Majid Awni Jamil Al-Shawa (abu Fadi)<\/strong> was killed along with his wife, Moataz\u2019s mother Helen Badie Jamil al-Shawa<\/strong>, their sons, Moataz\u2019s brothers Fadi Majid Awni Al-Shawa<\/strong> and Ihab Majed Awni Al-Shawa<\/strong>, their daughter, Moataz\u2019s sister Suhair Majid Awni Al Shawa along with her husband Ramzi Suleiman Salem Deeb (abu Mustafa) and their five children (documented above – “Abu Ramzi house”), their daughter-in-law, wife of Fadi, Nevin Suhail Abdullah Al-Shawa (Al Sarsak)<\/strong>, their daughter-in-law, wife of Ihab, Walaa Hossam Salim Al-Shawa (Al-Sarsak)<\/strong> and their grandchildren.<\/span><\/p>\n

Among the grandchildren killed in the attack were sons of Fadi and Nevin Fares Al-Shawa and Firas Al-Shawa, their daughter Shahad Al-Shawa<\/strong>; a son of Ihab and Walaa, Muhammad Al-Shawa<\/strong>, and the two daughters of Ihab and Walaa – Helen Al-Shawa<\/strong> and an infant Sham Al-Shawa<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n

In one Facebook post, Moataz Shawa shared a group picture featuring her mother Helen, her sister Suhair, her niece Nawal, her brother Ihab, Ilhab\u2019s wife Walaa with the 5-month old daughter Sham. She wrote the heartbreaking words that all of them were killed: \u201cEveryone in the picture was killed by Israel. They were all martyrs in a hideous massacre carried out by [Israeli] aircraft that killed 18 people from my family. Every person has a story, a story, and a dream that he was seeking to implement.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

In a separate post, Moataz shared the pictures of her sister Suhair – a smiling young woman in a black dress and a grey hijab, and of her children who were killed. In one more post, she shared the pictures of her deceased father Majed and her mother Helen – he is dressed in a suit with a black tie, and she is in a black embroidered dress and hijab. In other posts, she shared the pictures of her brothers Fadi and Ihab and their children.<\/span><\/p>\n

Another family relative, Ghadeer Mohammad, also mourned his aunt Helen Al-Shawa, his uncle Abu Fadi Em Fadi Al-Shawa, his relative Nevin, \u201cthe kind and compassionate one\u201d, and Suhair.\u00a0 He also wrote a condolence message to the apparently surviving member of the family, Eman Majed Al-Shawa, saying: \u201cDear Eman, may God give you patience, strengthen you, and give your heart patience.\u201c<\/span><\/p>\n

The Shawa Family Facebook account also wrote a tribute to the 19 members of the Al-Shawa family who were killed \u201cwhile they were safe in their home in Gaza City – Sheikh Radwan neighborhood\u201d, and went on to \u201cask God Almighty to grant them wide mercy, forgiveness, and the highest paradise in Paradise, and to accept them as companions with the prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the good ones.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

Facebook users Al-qishawi Nael and Alaa al-Fasees mourned the death of Fadi Majid Awni Al-Shawa, calling him \u201cour brother, friend, and comrade\u201d and sharing a picture of a young bearded man in glasses.<\/span><\/p>\n

Abu Ghassan\u2019s house<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

According to the post by Abdelmajeed Aljelekh, among the victims were also Umm Ghassan Salem<\/strong> and her four sons, brothers Yahya Zakaria Salem<\/strong>, Bassam Zakarya Salem (Abu Hamza)<\/strong>, Hossam Zakarya Salem<\/strong>, and Ahmad Zakarya Salem<\/strong>, as well as her daughter<\/strong> with all her children<\/strong>, and the wife of one of the brothers, Yahya, named Sabreen Sami Kasbeh<\/strong>. Yahya Salim and Emad j Abushawiesh further identified\u00a0Nidal Zakarya Salem<\/strong>, son of Zakarya Salem, as killed.<\/span><\/p>\n

Mohammad Sandouqa wrote that Umm Ghassan was a wife of the late Zakaria Salem. He mourned the death of the brothers – Bassam, Hossam, Yahya and Ahmad.<\/span><\/p>\n

According to the Facebook tribute by Omar Mustafa, Yahya Salem was his neighbour and childhood friend. He added that he was killed along with his mother, his brothers Bassam and Hossam, some of their children and wives..<\/span><\/p>\n

Qusi Mustfa Alooz also mourned the death of Umm Ghassan and her sons, sharing the image of Yahya and Ahmad, apparently quite young men.<\/span><\/p>\n

Mohammed Salem wrote that he lost his beloved aunt, Umm Ghassan, his nephews Yahya and Ahmed as well as Yahya\u2019s wife.<\/span><\/p>\n

Mohammed Kusba, uncle of the late Sabreen, mourned her death and death of her husband and aunt: \u201cWith hearts full of faith in God Almighty and satisfied with God\u2019s will and destiny, my niece (Sabreen Sami Kasba, her husband Yahya Salem, and her aunt, a thousand mercy on them) was martyred.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

Ziad Salem (Abu Wissam)\u2019s house<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

A family relative Waleed Naeem Salem wrote on Facebook that it was \u201ca black day for our family\u201d. He mourned the death of 60 members of his family, including his aunt, Bushra Ahmed Salem (Umm Wissam)<\/strong> who was killed along with her husband Ziad Abdel Rahman Salem (abu Wissam)<\/strong>, their daughter Ahlam Ziyad Salem<\/strong> and their three sons –\u00a0 Wissam Ziad Salem<\/strong>, Abdullah Ziyad Salem<\/strong>, and Basil Ziad Salem<\/strong>. A wife of Basil, Shaima Akram Salem<\/strong> was also killed along with their sons Youssef Basil Salem<\/strong> and Zain Basil Salem<\/strong>. They were all killed in the house of Ziad Salem, according to Mohammed Salem, survived only by Hossam Basil Salem, one of Basil\u2019s sons. Waleed also shared a striking\u00a0 image where names of the victims written in Arabic can be seen on the black background.<\/span><\/p>\n

Mohammed Salem also added that Muhammad<\/strong> and his wife<\/strong> were also killed in this house- it is possible that he could refer to Muhammad Iyad Salem<\/strong> who was mentioned in the list of victims published by Emad j abushawiesh.<\/span><\/p>\n

A niece of the late Ziad, Abed Deeb, wrote a heartfelt Facebook testimony, mourning the death of her dear uncle Ziad, his wife and children.<\/span><\/p>\n

Mohammed b Salem in his post wished \u201cMercy on the family of my aunt Umm Wissam, her husband Ziad, her children, her grandchildren, and her children\u2019s wives \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\ude2d.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

Hamed jawad mahdi posted a tribute for Basil Ziad Salem, calling him \u201cthe beloved and dear friend to our hearts.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

Shaimaa Akram Salem, her husband and children were mentioned also in the testimony by Ana Safaa.<\/span><\/p>\n

Umm Bashir\u2019s house<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

According to a post by Mohammed Salem, the three women belonging to three different generations were killed in the house of his aunt Umm Bashir, in particular, Haji Noha Saeed Salem<\/strong> was killed alongside her daughter Reham Saeed Salem<\/strong> and Reham\u2019s daughter Haji Hanan Saeed Salem<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n

Among the civilians killed in this house were a mother Khader Salem (umm Basil)<\/strong>, her three sons –\u00a0 Basil Rafiq Salem<\/strong>, Jihad Rafiq Salem<\/strong> and Ahmed Rafiq Salem<\/strong> and her daughter Farah Rafiq Salem<\/strong>. \u00a0At the same time, Khader\u2019s husband Rafiq Salem (Abu Basil), their married daughters, and Basil\u2019s wife and daughter survived.<\/span><\/p>\n

Khitam Saeed Salem<\/strong>, child of Saeed Salem was also listed as civilians killed by Yahya Salim and Emad j Abushawiesh<\/span><\/p>\n

Thaer Mounir Salem<\/strong> was killed alongside his mother<\/strong>, his wife<\/strong>, his brothers Muhammad \u00a0Mounir Salem,<\/strong>\u00a0Ammar Mounir Salem <\/strong>and Omar Mounir Salem (Omar was identified in Yahya Salim’s list of victims)<\/strong>\u00a0and his sister Shahd Mounir Salem<\/strong>. Thaer and his siblings\u2019 father Abu Thaer survived.<\/span><\/p>\n

Rizq Salem\u2019s (Abu Nidal) house<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

According to Mohammed Salem, his uncle Muhammad Rizq Salem (Abu Nidal)<\/strong> was killed alongside his wife<\/strong>, their son Alaa Muhammad Salem<\/strong>, their daughter Amani Muhammad Salem<\/strong> and their two grandchildren, sons of their surviving son Nidal –\u00a0 Muhammad Nidal Salem<\/strong> and Ahmed Nidal Salem<\/strong>. He stated that Nidal Salem, his wife and two daughters survived. However, Yahya Salim and Emad j Abushawiesh’s list of victims included Nidal Muhammad Salem<\/strong> as one of those killed, with the following relatives: Fidaa Muhammad Salem<\/strong>, Nihad Muhammad Salem<\/strong>, and Kafah Muhammad Salem <\/strong>(mentioned below).<\/span><\/p>\n

Abu Iyad\u2019s house<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

According to Mohammed Salem, Mahmoud Abdel Karim Salem (Abu Ahmed)<\/strong> was killed alongside his wife and all their four children. The names of his deceased children were Ahmed Mahmoud Salem<\/strong>, Mohamed Mahmoud Salem<\/strong>, and Ibrahim Mahmoud Salem, the name of the fourth child was not provided.<\/strong> It could possibly be Kafah Muhammad Salem <\/strong>as his name was listed right below those of the three brothers identified in the list provided by Mohammed Salem- in case there was a typo in the writing of Kafah’s middle Arabic name (Mohammad instead of Mahmoud – only one letter different in Arabic).<\/span><\/p>\n

Abed Deeb mourned the loss of her cousin Mahmoud Abdel Karim Salem (Abu Ahmed) and his entire family. She added many images of the family members – mostly men of different ages, but it is hard to identify exactly who was portrayed in the pictures.<\/span><\/p>\n

Additional members of the Salem family<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

There were additional members of the Salem family mentioned in the testimonies by Yahya Salim and Emad j Abushawiesh as killed, but absent in the post by Mohammed Salem. In particular, those were identified as Moaz Hossam Salem<\/strong>, Lana Hossam Salem<\/strong>, Baraa Hossam Salem – <\/strong>children of Hossam Salem, and\u00a0Muhammad Iyad Salem<\/strong> (on Muhammad Iyad Salem, see section Ziad Salem (Abu Wissam)\u2019s house), <\/strong>Muhammad Suleiman Salem, Wisam Al-Khawaldeh<\/strong>, Nesma Hani Salem.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

Where sources identified the belligerent, all sources attributed the strike to the Israeli military.<\/span><\/p>\n

*When victims were referred to as “children of” Airwars counted them as children given the context and understanding of the family in this case, unless there was evidence to suggest at their age (such as marital status). Where only names were identified without ages, Airwars counted these as adults. Our civilian casualty ranges will be updated once more information is available.<\/span><\/p>\n
