{"id":28409,"date":"2016-02-04T16:04:11","date_gmt":"2016-02-04T16:04:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/airwars.org\/civilian-casualties\/rs543\/"},"modified":"2022-01-18T17:01:12","modified_gmt":"2022-01-18T17:01:12","slug":"rs543-february-4-2016","status":"publish","type":"civ","link":"https:\/\/airwars.org\/civilian-casualties\/rs543-february-4-2016\/","title":{"rendered":"RS543 – February 4, 2016"},"content":{"rendered":"

According to the Shaam News Network<\/a>, six non-combatants died in alleged Russian airstrikes on Al Shi\u2019aar.<\/p>\n

SNN reported: \u201cMore than 36 martyrs fell and dozens wounded Thursday in the bombing of the Russian aggression on different areas in Aleppo.<\/em><\/p>\n

\u201cMartyrs fell in several areas: 11 people were killed at the Al Mashhad neighbourhood and 8 in the Al Bab road neighborhood. The bombing targeting Al Shi\u2019ar killed \u00a0of six civilians and five others were killed in Al kallasah neighborhood. Five people were killed in al Ferdos neighbourhood and one other person was killed in Bai\u2019ideen. \u00a0Among the martyrs are children and women.\u201d SNN\u00a0later updated<\/a> the death figure for Bai\u2019ideen to four.<\/p>\n

The Syrian Observatory<\/a> for Human Rights<\/a> published \u201cpictures of the destruction caused by the raids of Russian warplanes which targeted areas in the neighborhood of al-Shaar and al-MashHad in Aleppo<\/em>,\u201d adding that there were casualties, but not providing numbers. It was not clear which photos applied to which area. The Observatory also posted a video<\/a> of the White Helmets responding to alleged Russian\u00a0attacks in al-Shaar. It showed at least one body being removed by rescuers, and at least one other victim buried in rubble.<\/p>\n

Akhbar El Thawra El Souriya reported<\/a> 25 civilian deaths from Russian warplanes in the following areas of Aleppo: al Shi\u2019aar, al Mashad, Tareeq al-Bab, al Kallasah and Al Ferdous. It did not break down casualties by\u00a0area.<\/p>\n

Al Nateq Press reported<\/a> 16 civilian victims of Russian strikes, \u201cincluding a woman and child\u201d<\/em> in the same areas; it did not break down by area.<\/p>\n

Shahba Press<\/a> put the number at 20 civilians killed by Russian strikes in the same areas, including al Shi\u2019aar, and the additional Aleppo area of B\u2019Eideen.<\/p>\n
