In the United Kingdom, for example, the Ministry of Defence refuses to publicly disclose details on its own mechanism for casualty recording in the war against ISIS. Airwars is challenging this position in a tribunal<\/a> later this year.<\/p>\n
The importance of casualty recording\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n
The US delegation reflected on casualty recording in Ukraine<\/a>, acknowledging that: \u201cwe still do not know the full picture. For that reason, we must advance efforts to create a comprehensive casualty recording system that accounts for all casualties, both civilian and military.\u201d<\/p>\n
The support for casualty recording is particularly significant in the context of other successes for civilian protections at the UN last week. In a statement welcoming the report on casualty recording, 56 states of the \u2018Group of Friends of R2P\u2019 emphasised the connection<\/a> between casualty recording and atrocity prevention.<\/p>\n
A week earlier, a resolution was adopted<\/a> at the General Assembly creating an independent institution to examine the fate of all people who are missing in Syria. Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011, an estimated 130,000 people<\/a> have gone missing or been forcibly disappeared.<\/p>\n
The moves at the UN follow other international assertions\u00a0on the importance of casualty recording. The Explosive Weapons Declarations<\/a>, signed by nearly 90 states in November last year, urges states to “record and track civilian casualties, and [ensure] the use of all practicable measures to ensure appropriate data collection.” The US\u2019 Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response Action Plan<\/a> (CHMRAP), which is widely seen as one of the most ambitious and detailed national policies on this topic, highlights that “developing standardized reporting procedures for operational data to inform civilian harm assessments \u2026will improve DoD\u2019s ability to mitigate and respond to civilian harm.”<\/p>\n
The work of independent civil society organisations<\/strong><\/p>\n
Airwars has been collaborating with civil society organisations, particularly Every Casualty Counts and other partners in the Casualty Recorder\u2019s Network, to present evidence<\/a> for the Human Rights Council report over the last year.<\/p>\n
Last year, Every Casualty also released a hard hitting report<\/a> outlining the requirements for casualty recording across legal regimes. It found that “international humanitarian and human rights law contain extensive requirements regarding states\u2019 duties to account for the dead and missing in armed conflict and other situations of gross human rights violations\u2026 these duties are universally binding on all states.”<\/p>\n