Somalia: Reported US actions 2019
The timeline below contains information on all US drone strikes and covert operations in Somalia recorded by the Bureau in 2019. The Bureau derives its data from open sources – predominantly media reports and, latterly, the US headquarters responsible for the war in Somalia, Africa Command or Africom.
Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.
The Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) has carrying out air strikes and ground raids in Somalia for ten years, though it has been conducting clandestine operations against al Qaeda in East Africa, and its local ally al Shabaab, since the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.
JSOC are routinely deployed on the ground for surveillance, reconnaissance, and assault and capture operations. Air attacks began in 2007 with helicopters and AC-130 gunships – vast ground attack aircraft that bristle with weapons. In June 2011, the US began carrying out drone strikes in Somalia.
The US has been chasing leaders of al Shabaab, a local Somali insurgent groups, who had ties to al Qaeda. This therefore made them targets under the 2001 Authorisation for the Use of Military Force Act, a hastily drafted law giving the US president the right to target and kill al Qaeda and its associates wherever he might find them.
Al Shabaab as a whole has not been specifically targeted, the US says, despite, al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri announcing on February 9 2012 that al Shabaab had formally become a franchise of al Qaeda. In 2014 the frequency of US attacks in Somalia increased as the US started giving African peace keepers air support, targeting al Shabaab fighters who threatened the African troops and their US advisors.
The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. The 2018 timeline for Somalia can be found here, and all other timelines can be found here.
We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Somalia sheet here.
US air and drone strikes | Additional US attacks | |
Total strikes | 52 | |
Total people killed | 315-325 | |
Civilians reported killed | 0-6 | |
Children reported killed | 0-1 | |
People reported injured | 0 |
The US military carried out an airstrike near Qunyo Barrow that killed one al Shabaab fighter, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
“Continued pressure on al-Shabaab impacts their ability to further export violence across Somalia and elsewhere," said Africom spokesperson, US Air Force Col. Chris Karns.
Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed in the attack.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Qunyo Barrow, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military conducted an airstrike in self defence against an al-Shabaab IED attack on Baledogle Military Airfield (BMA) complex in Baledogle, US Africa Command reported.
"This attack, though ineffective, demonstrates the direct threat al-Shabaab poses to Americans, our allies, and interests in the region," said Major General William Gayler, US Africa Command director of operations. "Incidents like this will not compromise the pressure being placed on this terrorist network by the Federal Government of Somalia and international partners."
Ten terrorists fighters were killed as well as one vehicle, the press release read.
Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed in either of the strikes.
An initial press release read that US forces conducted two strikes in this incident, however this was revised down to one in a later press release.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Baledogle Military Airfield (BMA) complex in Baledogle
- References: US Africa Command press release, US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike on al Shabaab fighters after they attacked a Somali patrol in the northwest of Kismayo, Lower Juba Province, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
Africom are currently assessing that the strike killed two terrorists and didn't cause any civilian harm.
"In support of the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. forces will use all effective and appropriate methods to assist in the protection of the Somali people, including partnered military counterterrorism operations with the Federal Government of Somalia, AMISOM, and Somali National Army forces," the release read.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Northwest of Kismayo, Lower Juba Province
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in the vicinity of Jilib that killed one terrorist, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
"Strikes near Jilib disrupt al-Shabaab’s freedom of maneuver," the release read.
Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed in the strike.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Jilib
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in the vicinity of Kunyo Barrow that killed one terrorist, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
"This strike is an example of the pressure U.S. Africa Command places on terrorist networks, including the al-Qaida aligned al-Shabaab,” said US Army Major General William Gayler, director of operations, US Africa Command.
Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed as a result of the strike.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Kunyo Barrow
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike that killed one member of ISIS in the Golis Mountains, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
"Airstrikes like these remain an effective tool in the counter-terrorist campaign against ISIS and al-Shabaab," said US Air Force Brig. Gen. William West, deputy director of operations.
Africom currently assess that no civilians were killed or injured in the strike.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Golis Mountains
- References: US Africa Command press release
US air support were potentially involved in an operation to retake areas of the lower Shabelle region which killed 15 al Shabaab fighters, Radio Shabelle reported.
Colonel Mohamed Abdullahi Arale confirmed that the Somali National Army had retaken Yaaqbari Weyne, MadaxMarodi and Lego villages to state media.
According to Shabelle's sources the US were providing air support, but US Africa Command has not confirmed this.
Colonel Arale reportedly said that his troops killed 15 fighters during the operation and destroyed several vehicles that they were using.
We will reach out to US Africa Command for clarification of their involvement in this operation and update this post when any new information comes to light.
In August 2019, Media Relations Chief for US Africa Command, John Manley, denied US invovlement in the strike telling the Bureau "We did not participate in any combined operations in this location on this day, as alleged in the article."
- Type of strike: Possible US air strike
- Location: Lower Shabelle region
- References: Radio Shabelle, US Africa Command via email
The US military carried out an airstrike targeting al Shabaab in the vicinity of Kunyo Barrow, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed one "militant" and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
"Precision airstrikes continue to put pressure on the al-Shabaab network and degrade its efforts to intimidate and terrorize the local population. These strikes damage the militants’ financial networks and inhibit their freedom of movement in the region," the release read.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Kunyo Barrow
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike targeting al Shabaab in Jilib, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed one al Shabaab "militant" and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Jilib
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out two airstrikes targeting al Shabaab in Jilib, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strikes killed two "militants" and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
“With these coordinated airstrikes, we continue to degrade and deny al Shabaab’s freedom of movement in the region,” Air Force Brig. Gen. William P. West, deputy director of operations, US Africa Command, said in the statement.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Jilib
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike targeting an al Shabaab fighter in Tortoroow, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed one al Shabaab "militant" and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Tortoroow
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike targeting ISIS-Somalia in the Golis Mountains, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed six ISIS-Somalia fighters and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
"The Golis Mountains are a known area for terrorist camps and ongoing fighting between ISIS and al-Shabaab," the press release noted.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Golis Mountains, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release
Reports emerged of a possible US airstrike in Jilib targeting a senior al Shabaab security commander, according to VOA journalist Harun Maruf.
The journalist claimed on Twitter that "the strike could be significant if it turns out that the individual targeted is confirmed dead as a result of the operation."
No further details have emerged, but we will reach out to the journalist for further clarification.
- Type of strike: Possible US strike
- Location: Jilib district, middle Jubba region
- References: Harun Maruf, Mareeg Media
The US military carried out an airstrike targeting al Shabaab in the Golis Mountains, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed three al Shabaab fighters and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
This is the sixth strike that Africom have carried out in the Golis Mountains - against both al Shabaab and ISIS-Somalia, in the last month.
“The last few days presented opportunities to successfully reduce terrorist influence and activity,” said US Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Huston, deputy director of operations, U.S. Africa Command.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Golis Mountains, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike targeting al Shabaab in the Golis Mountains, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed three al Shabaab fighters and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
"The Golis Mountains are a known area for al-Shabaab camps and ongoing fighting between al-Shabaab and ISIS-Somalia," the release further noted.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Golis Mountains, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike near Baled Amin in the lower Shabelle region, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed two al Shabaab fighters and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
"Al-Shabaab has previously used the rural areas surrounding Baled Amin as a staging area for attacks against Somali security forces and innocent Somali civilians," the statement noted.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Baled Amin, lower Shabelle region, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike targeting ISIS-Somalia terrorists in the Golis Mountains, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed 2 fighters from ISIS-Somalia and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
"This is the fifth precision airstrike against ISIS-Somalia since April 14 in a deliberate campaign to limit and disrupt freedom of movement in the area and to eliminate leaders of the organisation," the statement noted.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Golis Mountains, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release
A suspected US drone has carried out double airstrikes in Somalia's Middle Juba region, killing 20 al Shabaab fighters, Mareeg Media reported.
A Somali military official who Mareeg anonymised, reportedly told them that the strikes were conducted in the Bu’ale and Jilib towns - with some top commanders among the dead.
Mareeg did not give a date for this strike so we have recorded it as the day that they initially reported on it.
- Type of strike: Possible US strike
- Location: Bu'ale & Jilib, Middle Juba region
- References: Mareeg Media
The US military carried out a "precision airstrike" targeting an ISIS-Somalia encampment in the Golis Mountains, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
Africom have assessed that the strike killed four members of ISIS-Somalia and that no civilians were harmed.
The statement further noted:
This deliberate campaign is building on increased intelligence and understanding of ISIS training and recruitment activities in Puntland, and is the fourth precision airstrike against ISIS-Somalia since April 14.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Golis Mountains
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike targeting an ISIS-Somalia encampment in the Golis Mountains, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed 13 fighters from ISIS-Somalia and Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
The statement further noted:
"There is a deliberate campaign underway, that is intelligence-driven, that capitalizes on what we learn during each operation and rapidly leveraging that information to drive the next operation, including discovering where terrorists may be training, massing, and preparing to commit atrocities."
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Golis Mountains
- References: US Africa Command press release
The Somali military have claimed that double US strikes near Jilib town killed 16 al Qaeda and al Shabaab fighters, Radio Risaala reported.
Quoting an anonymous military official, they said that the first strike targeted a vehicle carrying group’s chief of Intelligence Unit in charge of Mogadishu, Kahlid Aboukar Hassan while the second raid killed 16 other militants.
It was unclear which group Hassan belonged to.
US Africa Command have not published a press release for this strike, which they do with all strikes that they publically admit to.
We are unable to record this strike in our database of confirmed US strikes due to vague sourcing.
- Type of strike: Possible US strike
- Location: Jilib Town
- References: Radio Risaala
The US military carried out an airstrike in the vicinity of Tortoroow, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The press release stated that three al Shabaab fighters were killed and that Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed in the strike.
It further noted that the precision airstrike was used in self-defence of Somali partners "after they were engaged by al Shabaab militants during this operation".
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Tortoroow
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in the Golis Mountains, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The press release stated that three fighters from ISIS-Somalia and that Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed in the strike.
"This airstrike eliminated ISIS-Somalia members staged in a remote location in Northern Somalia,” said Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Gregg Olson, US Africa Command director of operations.
Garowe Online had reported that suspected US airstrikes had been conducted in the Puntland area. Their anonymous source claimed that the strikes hit two "hideouts of terror groups" in the vicinity of Timirshe. Six missiles were reportedly fired - four targeting an ISIS base and the other two targeted approximately 200 al Shabaab fighters at a nearby water well.
Garowe Online said that there were conflicting reports of the casualty numbers, with one local resident saying that "several militants" were killed.
A later Reuters report spoke to an witness who said that missiles struck two wells on the outskirts of Timirshe village.
"We heard the crash of four missiles on the outskirts of Timirshe village," resident Ahmed Nur told Reuters over the phone.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Golis Mountains, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release, Garowe Online, Reuters
The US military carried out an airstrike in the vicinity of Jamaame, Lower Juba Region, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The press release stated that two terrorists were killed in the strike and that Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed in the strike.
The statement further noted:
Two years ago, al-Shabaab maintained a level of freedom of movement that allowed the group to terrorize and displace Somali citizens in the Lower Juba River Valley, which is near Kismayo. Today, our Somali and AMISOM partners have pushed the extremist group back up the river valley, establishing multiple combat outposts along the way in order to ensure our partners can hold the territory they have successfully retaken.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Jamaame, Lower Juba Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in the vicinity of Xiriiro, Bari Region, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The strike killed Abdulhakim Dhuqub, a second in command of ISIS-Somalia who was reportedly responsible for daily operations of the extremist group, attack planning and resource procurement.
The press release further noted that only Dhuqub was killed and one motorcycle destroyed. US Africa Command currently assess that no civilians were harmed in the strike.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Xiriiro, Bari Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in Garowle, Lower Shabelle region, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The press release stated that two terrorists were killed in the strike and one motorcycle was destroyed. It further noted that Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Garowle, Lower Shabelle region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in Jilib, Middle Juba region, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
The press release stated that the one terrorist was killed in the strike and that Africom currently assess that no civilians were harmed in the strike.
For the first time, US Africa Command noted "when warranted, processes and procedures exist that allow for additional information to inform post-strike analysis" with regard to civilian casualties, adding a new layer of transparency to their reporting.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Jilib, Middle Juba Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
A suspected US airstrike hit a minibus carrying civilians, killing one woman and injuring six others, Garowe Online reported.
According to Garowe, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) thought to be American dropped the bomb in al Shabaab controlled Ukunji, around 100km southwest of Mogadishu.
The strike happened during a joint operation between US and Somali forces, claimed a source that Garowe interviewed.
US Africa Command are yet to comment on the allegation of civilian harm or report the strike. We have reached out to them for clarification and will update this entry when we have more information.
- Type of strike: Possible US strike
- Location: Ukunji, Lower Shabelle
- References: Garowe Online
The US military carried out an airstrike in Awdheegle in the lower Shabelle region, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
Three "terrorists" were reported to have been killed in the strike.
US Africa Command stated that they were aware of reports that alleged civilian harm as a result of this strike. They noted:
As with any allegation of civilian casualties we receive, U.S. Africa Command will review any information it has about the incident, including any relevant information provided by third parties.
We believe that these allegations of civilian harm came from a Reuters reporter who spoke to a relative of someone who died in a strike in Afgoye.
These are the only allegations of civilian harm that we have seen for a strike on this date, but it should be noted that Afgoye is 47km away from Awdheegle.
Abdiqadir Nur, an employee of the telecommunications company Hormuud Telecom died alongside three others at 04:30 local time as they drove through the village of Laanta Buuro, Reuters reported.
A later investigation in Foreign Policy by freelance journalist Amanda Sperber, suggests that at least one of those killed - and possibly two others - had no connection to terrorism.
Ibrahim Hirei had been driving back to Mogadishu with two friends on March 18 when his car was hit in an American airstrike. Hirei, who had spent the day in the village of Muuri inspecting his family’s farm, was killed, along with a second man in the car. The third passenger died later in the hospital.
“My innocent brother became a victim of that airstrike. Now we are struggling to manage the life of the family left behind,” Hirei’s older brother, Ahmed Hassan Hirei, told Foreign Policy in a text message.
Africom are thought to be still assessing the civilian harm allegations.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Awdheegle, lower Shabelle region
- References: US Africa Command press release, Reuters, Foreign Policy
A joint US and Somali Special Forces air and ground offensive killed 22 al Shabaab fighters, according to Mareeg Media.
Military officials who asked Mareeg to remain anonymous told them that the operation was conducted in the Jilib Marka area.
Abu Sheikh Yasin Mohamed and Abu Mohamed Hamza, two senior al Shabaab commanders, were reportedly killed in the operation.
Mareeg did not provide a date for the airstrike, so we have recorded it as the date that they reported on it.
We are unable to record this strike in our database of confirmed US strikes due to vague sourcing.
- Type of strike: Possible US strike
- Location: Jilib Marka area, Marka town
- References: Mareeg Media
The US military carried out an airstrike in Malayle, Lower Juba region, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
Somali National Security Forces were conducting a patrol in the region "in order to maintain pressure" on al Shabaab. During this mission, militants engaged the Security Forces patrol with small arms fire, the statement read.
US service members were not present on the ground during the operation.
The strike killed three militants and US Africa Command currently assess that no civilians were harmed during the attack.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Malayle, Lower Juba Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in the vicinity of Huley, lower Shabelle region, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
US Air Force Brig. Gen. William West, said “precision airstrikes like this remove al-Shabaab militants from the battlefield and support our partner’s efforts to increase pressure on the terrorist network".
The press release stated that the strike killed two terrorists and that US Africa Command currently assess that no civilian harm occurred as a result of the strike.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Huley, Lower Shabelle Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike on March 11 that killed eight terrorists, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
U.S. service members were also present during the ground operation in an advisory capacity.
The press release stated that the strike was in self-defence and was conducted in support of Somali-led ground forces that came under attack from militants.
News site, Mareeg, reported that "al Shabaab has claimed to have foiled an attack by Somali forces, backed by US soldiers overnight".
Al Shabaab have claimed that one US soldier was killed and two others were injured during the "botched raid" - however the US deny this, stating that all US service members are accounted for and unharmed.
US Africa Command currently assess that no civilians were killed or injured in the airstrike.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Dara Salaam, Lower Shabelle Region
- References: US Africa Command press release, Mareeg Media, Garowe Online
A US airstrike as part of a ground and air operation in the Gambole area has reportedly killed eight al Shabaab fighters, according to Mareeg Media.
Anonymous regional officials told Mareeg that following a "brief gun battle" between US forces and al Shabaab, an airstrike killed eight of the fighters.
Al Shabaab have reportedly denied losing any members in the offensive.
- Type of strike: Possible US strike
- Location: Gambole area, south Somalia
- References: Mareeg Media
A possible US airstrike was conducted in the Bur Madow area, Bay region, according to Mareeg Media.
The report did not state how many were thought to have been killed in the strike.
- Type of strike: Possible US strike
- Location: Bur Madow area, Bay region, south west Somalia
- References: Mareeg Media
A possible US airstrike has left "scores" of al Shabaab fighters dead, according to local media source, Mareeg Media.
A regional official who asked Mareeg to remain anonymous, told them that the strike destroyed al Shabaab's base in Buzer, west Somalia.
The report did not state how many were thought to have been killed in the strike.
It is unclear who carried out the bombing according to Mareeg, although they have reported it as a "suspected US airstrike".
- Type of strike: Possible US strike
- Location: Buzer area, west Somalia
- References: Mareeg Media
The US military carried out an airstrike in Somalia on February 28 that killed 26 terrorists, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
US Army Brig. Gen. Gregory Hadfield, US Africa Command deputy director of intelligence, said in the press release:
Precision airstrikes such as this one maintain pressure on al-Shabaab and disrupt its planning cycle and degrade its ability to mass forces and coordinate attacks against the Somali people
US Africa Command currently assess that no civilians were killed or injured in the airstrike.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Hiran, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in Somalia on February 25 that killed 20 terrorists, according to a press release from US Africa Command.
US Army Brig. Gen. Gregory Hadfield, US Africa Command deputy director of intelligence, said in the press release:
This precision airstrike successfully targeted an encampment from which al-Shabaab could stage, coordinate, and execute attacks on Beledweyne
The training camp that was targeted was used as a staging area to facilitate attacks on Beledweyne in the Hiran region of Somalia.
US Africa Command currently assess that no civilians were harmed in the attack.
A vehicle was also destroyed in the airstrike.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Shebeeley, Hiran Region, Somalia
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out an airstrike in Somalia on February 24, according to a press release from US Africa Command. The strike hit approximately 23 miles east of Beledweyne in the Hiran Region.
The airstrike targeted armed al Shabaab militants as they were transitioning between locations in a rural area.
Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Gregg Olson, US Africa Command director of operations, stated in the press release:
In the case of this strike, we interrupted an Al Shabaab attempt to mass their forces. Precision strikes eliminated a potential threat to our partners and to the people of Somalia well before the terrorists ever got themselves organized.
US Africa Command have assessed that 35 terrorists were killed in this strike and no civilians were killed or injured.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Rural location, 23 miles east of Beledweyne, Hiran Region.
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military announced four airstrikes on February 23 in a press release from US Africa Command. One of these airstrikes occurred in Janaale, 75 kilometres southwest of Mogadishu.
"These four airstrikes eliminated checkpoints and facilities used by al-Shabaab to collect illegal taxes to fund terrorist activities and to oppress the innocent people of Somalia," the statement read.
US Africa Command currently assess that no civilians were injured or killed in these strikes, but that two terrorists were. They did not specify whether it was the airstrikes in Janaale, or the other airstrikes that day that killed the two terrorists.
In an email, US Africa Command later stated that the two terrorists were killed in the airstrike that hit Kunyow Barrow.
According to Mareeg Media, however, al Shabaab claimed that one of these four strikes killed a 20 day old child and his father. Whilst al Shabaab did not directly attribute responsibility for these deaths to the US, the strike locations that they gave were the same as the ones in the Africom press release.
We approached US Africa Command for clarification on this. They still assess that no civilian harm occurred as a result of this strike, stating:
U.S. Africa Command is aware the article alleging civilian casualties resulting from the February 23, 2019 airstrikes in Kunyow Barrow, Awdeegle, and Janaale, Somalia.
As with any allegation of civilian casualties we receive, U.S. Africa Command will review any information it has about the incident, including any relevant information provided by third parties. If the information supporting the allegation is determined to be credible, USAFRICOM will then determine the next appropriate step. USAFRICOM complies with the law of armed conflict and takes all feasible precautions during the targeting process to minimize civilian casualties and other collateral damage.
At this time, we still assess no civilians were injured or killed in these airstrikes.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Janaale, 75 kilometres southwest of Mogadishu
- References: US Africa Command press release, Mareeg Media
The US military announced four airstrikes on February 23 in a press release from US Africa Command. One of these airstrikes occurred in Awdeegle, 50 kilometres west of Mogadishu.
"These four airstrikes eliminated checkpoints and facilities used by al-Shabaab to collect illegal taxes to fund terrorist activities and to oppress the innocent people of Somalia," the statement read.
US Africa Command currently assess that no civilians were injured or killed in these strikes, but that two terrorists were. They did not specify whether it was the airstrikes in Awdeegle, or the other airstrikes that day that killed the two terrorists.
In an email, US Africa Command later stated that the two terrorists were killed in the airstrike that hit Kunyow Barrow.
According to Mareeg Media, however, al Shabaab claimed that one of these four strikes killed a 20 day old child and his father. Whilst al Shabaab did not directly attribute responsibility for these deaths to the US, the strike locations that they gave were the same as the ones in the Africom press release.
We approached US Africa Command for clarification on this. They still assess that no civilian harm occurred as a result of this strike, stating:
U.S. Africa Command is aware the article alleging civilian casualties resulting from the February 23, 2019 airstrikes in Kunyow Barrow, Awdeegle, and Janaale, Somalia.
As with any allegation of civilian casualties we receive, U.S. Africa Command will review any information it has about the incident, including any relevant information provided by third parties. If the information supporting the allegation is determined to be credible, USAFRICOM will then determine the next appropriate step. USAFRICOM complies with the law of armed conflict and takes all feasible precautions during the targeting process to minimize civilian casualties and other collateral damage.
At this time, we still assess no civilians were injured or killed in these airstrikes.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Awdeegle, 50 kilometres west of Mogadishu
- References: US Africa Command press release, Mareeg Media
SOM138 link
23 February 2019
- 2-4 reported killed
- 0-2 civilians reported killed, including 0-1 children
The US military announced four airstrikes on February 23 in a press release from US Africa Command. Two of these airstrikes occurred in Kunyow Barrow, 250 kilometres southwest of Mogadishu.
"These four airstrikes eliminated checkpoints and facilities used by al-Shabaab to collect illegal taxes to fund terrorist activities and to oppress the innocent people of Somalia," the statement read.
US Africa Command currently assess that no civilians were injured or killed in these strikes, but that two terrorists were. They did not specify whether it was the airstrikes in Kunyow Barrow, or the other airstrikes that day that killed the two terrorists.
In an email, US Africa Command later stated that the two terrorists were killed in the airstrike that hit Kunyow Barrow.
According to Mareeg Media, however, al Shabaab claimed that one of these four strikes killed a 20 day old child and his father. Whilst al Shabaab did not directly attribute responsibility for these deaths to the US, the strike locations that they gave were the same as the ones in the Africom press release.
We approached US Africa Command for clarification on this. They still assess that no civilian harm occurred as a result of this strike, stating:
U.S. Africa Command is aware the article alleging civilian casualties resulting from the February 23, 2019 airstrikes in Kunyow Barrow, Awdeegle, and Janaale, Somalia.
As with any allegation of civilian casualties we receive, U.S. Africa Command will review any information it has about the incident, including any relevant information provided by third parties. If the information supporting the allegation is determined to be credible, USAFRICOM will then determine the next appropriate step. USAFRICOM complies with the law of armed conflict and takes all feasible precautions during the targeting process to minimize civilian casualties and other collateral damage.
At this time, we still assess no civilians were injured or killed in these airstrikes.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Kunyow Barrow, 250km southwest of Mogadishu
- References: US Africa Command press release, Mareeg Media
The US military carried out two strikes in Somalia on February 11, according to a press release from US Africa Command. Both strikes hit in the vicinity of Janaale, in the Lower Shabelle Region.
"The airstrikes on February 11 were executed as Somali forces were leading an operation in an area where al Shabaab conducts terrorist activities, as well as exploits the local populace for illegal taxes," it said.
The first airstrike killed eight militants and the second airstrike killed four militants, the press release stated. Africa Command said that they assessed no civilians were injured or killed in either strike.
However, al Shabaab has reportedly claimed a strike in the area hit civilian homes. They did not say whether any civilians were killed.
We have reached out to Africa Command for comment on this.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strikes
- Location: Janaale, in the Lower Shabelle Region
- References: US Africa Command press release, Mareeg
The US military carried out a strike "targeting al Shabaab in the vicinity of Kobon" on February 8, US Africa Command said in a press release.
"This precision airstrike was executed to degrade al-Shabaab capabilities, reduce the threat against Somali partners, and prevent al-Shabaab from plotting terror attacks throughout the region," the press release read.
US Africa Command stated that they currently do not assess there to have been any civilian harm.
AP have reported that the strike "killed eight al-Shabab extremists", however this is not in the press release from the US military. They did however later confirm this in an email to the Bureau.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kobon
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US announced two strikes in a press release. The first is recorded below. This entry records the second.
US Africa Command stated that the strike had killed four militants and that they currently assessed that no civilian harm had occurred.
The press release stated:
This precision airstrike was executed after our Somali partners were engaged by al-Shabaab militants as they conducted an operation to disrupt al-Shabaab efforts to illegally tax and intimidate civilians in the area.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Bariire, Lower Shabelle Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US announced two strikes in a press release. The first hit on February 6.
US Africa Command said that the strike killed 11 militants and "at this time, it was assessed no civilians were injured or killed".
"Precision airstrikes such as these support Somali security forces efforts to protect the Somali people from terrorism while creating opportunities for increased governance to take hold," the press release stated.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Gandarshe, Lower Shabelle Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US announced two strikes in a press release. The first is recorded in the entry below. The second hit on February 5. No casualty estimate was given.
"These precision airstrikes support Somali partners’ ongoing efforts to reduce al Shabaab safe havens, degrade the terrorists’ infrastructure, and destroy terrorist equipment," the press release stated.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Leego, Bay Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US announced two strikes in a press release. The first hit on February 3. No casualty estimate was given.
The strike hit Gandarshe, the location of a strike just two days earlier.
"These precision airstrikes support Somali partners’ ongoing efforts to reduce al Shabaab safe havens, degrade the terrorists’ infrastructure, and destroy terrorist equipment," the press release stated.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Gandarshe, Lower Shabelle Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
A US strike killed 13 al Shabaab fighters on February 1, according to a US Africa Command press release.
It was carried out in the vicinity of Gandarshe, Lower Shabelle Region.
The press release stated:
Al-Shabaab has previously used Gandarshe, 30 miles southwest of Mogadishu, as a staging area for attacks including vehicle borne improvised explosive devices that threaten the capital and its residents. On December 15 and 16, six U.S. airstrikes killed 62 al-Shabaab militants near Gandarshe, who were preparing for an attack on a Somali government military base in the region, and recently, a U.S. airstrike killed 24 militants in neighboring Hiran Region on January 30.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Gandarshe, Lower Shabelle Region
- References: US Africa Command press release
The US military carried out a strike near a "terrorist encampment location" in Somalia on January 30, US Africa Command said in a press release.
The strike killed 24 fighters, it said.
"The SNA [Somali National Army] and its partners will continue to effectively target terrorist training camps and assessed safe havens in order to deny al Shabaab the ability to build capacity and attack the people of Somalia," the press release read.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Vicinity of Shebeeley, Hiran Region
- References: US Africa Command press release