هغه پروژه چې په پاکستان کې
د بې پیلوټه الوتکو د مړینو پته لګوي

هغه پروژه چې پاکستان کې د بې پیلوټه الوتکو د مړینو پته لګوي


Case studies: What we know so far about 20 of the dead

The college ID card of student Sanaullah Jan (Photo: Noor Behram/Reprieve)

The Bureau is publishing the names of over 550 people who are reported to have died in CIA drone strikes in Pakistan, with the launch of its Naming the Dead database.

For many of these individuals, nothing more has been reported but a name. But a few, more is known.

We have drawn on sources including media reports, studies by NGOs, court documents, leaked diplomatic cables, sanctions and ‘most wanted’ lists, jihadist biographies and the Bureau’s own field investigations to assemble case studies on about 20 individuals killed by CIA drones.

These include individuals who are reported to be militants, those who are described as civilians, and those whose status remains unclear. There are Pakistanis and people from all over the world. In alphabetical order, they are:

Ibrahim Adam

Tariq Aziz

Amer Azizi

Haji Babat

Bünyamin Erdogan

Raquel Burgos Garcia

Najmiddin Kamolitdinovic Jalolov

Mautullah Jan

Sanaullah Jan

Ilyas Kashmiri

Malik Daud Khan

Malik Gulistan Khan

Ismail Khan

Sohrab Khan

Zahinullah Khan

Amir Hamza Toji Khel

Abu Laith al Libi

Bibi Mamana

Baitullah Mehsud

Rashid Rauf

Akram Shah

Saleh al Somali

The Bureau will be publishing further case studies as the project progresses. Look for the ‘Case study’ button next to an individual’s name.