A project tracking drone
deaths in Pakistan

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Drone strikes

More than 400 drone strikes have hit the tribal regions of north west Pakistan since 2004. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has been recording these strikes using credible media reports, field investigations, legal documents and academic and NGO research.

Here is a list of all known drone strikes in Pakistan. The data can be searched by year and by month. Each entry records the area the strike hit and the date. To find out who died in each attack click on the relevant strike. This will take you to a full page recording everything understood about the people that were killed. In many strikes there is nothing reported about anybody killed. Over time we aim to build on the little information known about those dying. For more information please see our methodology.

Drone strikes in Pakistan

  • North Waziristan

    Two missiles were fired at the site of an earlier strike as people attempted to rescue the dead and injured.... More

  • North Waziristan

    In the last of three linked strikes, a truck, reportedly carrying the wounded from two earlier strikes that day, was attacked.... More

  • North Waziristan

    Two trucks were attacked, killing at least 18 alleged Pakistan Taliban (TTP) militants in North Waziristan.... More

  • North Waziristan

    An attack on a vehicle killed four, most of whom were believed to be Pakistani militants rather than foreigners.... More

  • Khyber Agency

    A rare strike on Khyber Agency destroyed two cars.... More

About the project

CIA drone strikes have killed over 2,500 people in Pakistan; many are described as militants, but some are civilians. This is a record of those who have died in these attacks.

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Covert drone war

A project by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism tracking drone strikes and other covert US actions in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

Go to the project

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

The Bureau is a not-for-profit research organisation based in London. It pursues in-depth journalism that is of public benefit.

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Support our work

The Naming the Dead project relies on donations from foundations and individuals to keep it running. Please consider supporting our work.
