Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

December 2, 2019


معرة النعمان, Maarat Numan, Idlib, Syria

Airwars assessment

Up to 14 civilians including two women were reported killed and between 11 and 20 others including two children were injured in an alleged Russian forces or Syrian regime airstrike on a vegetables market, Souk Al-Hal, in Maarat Al Numan in Idlib, Syria on December 2nd, 2019 according to local sources.  Multiple sources indicated that 10 or 11 civilians were killed in the initial toll.

@Mohamed2Aldaher reported on Twitter that many of the wounded were in critical condition so it in unclear if the death toll rose any higher. JesrPress reported that Civil Defense teams recovered those injured including “dismembered” people.

Some of those identified killed are: Jihad Al Barq, Abdulhameed Muhammad Al Sbeih, Abdelkhaleq Al Hamidi, Abdelnaser Al Darfeel, Amer Darfil, Abdo Khaled Al Adel and  Hasan Mohammad al Rashid, Jamila Al-Youssef, her sister, Maryam Al-Youssef and her son, Ahmed Salami.

Asala Aledel posted on Facebook about her cousin, Abdo Al-Adl, “the eye sheds tears, the heart grieves, and I grieve for your separation.”

Multiple sources described this incident as a “massacre” and Shehab Agency reported from an eyewitness that “the corpses are charred and burnt, and the body parts of civilians are scatered everywhere. Everyone who was in the market is now between a martyr, a wounded person, and a missing person.”

Human Rights Watch quoted Karim Kamoura, a shop owner who present during the attack when munitions hit a few meters from his store: “The market was busy at the time, because it was morning. When the [munitions] landed, I hid under the table for safety but started to smell burning bodies. When I came out, I saw bodies torn to pieces on the ground.” He said the attack destroyed six of 47 shops in the market, and he spent US$3,000 and six days to repair the damage to his shop.”

The incident occured at approximately 10:00 am local time.

The victims were named as:

Family members (3)

Jamila Al-Youssef
Age unknown female
Maryam Al-Youssef
Age unknown female sister of Jamila Al-Youssef
Ahmed Salami
Age unknown male son of Maryam Al-Youssef

The victims were named as:

Adult male killed
Adult male killed
Adult male killed
Adult male killed
Adult male killed
Adult male killed
Age unknown male killed


  • Strike status
    Contested strike
  • Strike type
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    10 – 14
  • (2 women)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected belligerents
    Russian Military, Unknown, Syrian Regime

Sources (72) [ collapse]

from sources (39) [ collapse]

  • Vegetables market after it was targeted with an airstrike (via @shahbaPress)
  • Vegetables market after it was targeted with an airstrike (via @IdlibPlus)
  • Jihad Al Barq is reported to have been killed by an alleged Syrian regime attack on a market in Maarat Al Nuuman in Idlib (via Justice Organization).
  • Abdulhameed Muhammad Al Sbeih was reported killed in the market attack allegedly by the Syrian regime (via Justice Organziation).
  • Abdelkhaleq Al hamidi was also reported killed in the attack (via Justice Organization).
  • Abdelnaser Al Darfeel also reported to have been killed in the attack.
  • Abdo Khaled Al Adel was also among those killed in the attack
  • SCD volunteers rescuing civilians injured in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Al-Hal market in Maaret Al-Nouman city in the southern Idlib countryside, Syria on Dec 2nd, 2020. (via SCD)
  • SCD volunteers rescuing civilians injured in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Al-Hal market in Maaret Al-Nouman city in the southern Idlib countryside, Syria on Dec 2nd, 2020. (via SCD)
  • SCD volunteers rescuing civilians injured in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Al-Hal market in Maaret Al-Nouman city in the southern Idlib countryside, Syria on Dec 2nd, 2020. (via SCD)
  • "Maarat al-Numan, south of Idlib, after being bombed by Russian warplanes"
  • 1 of 4: "Aerial images show the destruction caused by the bombing of Assad warplanes on Souq al-Hal in the center of Maarat al-Numan city in the southern countryside of Idlib." (Image via @mohmad_rasheed on Twitter taken from MMC)
  • 2 of 4: "Aerial images show the destruction caused by the bombing of Assad warplanes on Souq al-Hal in the center of Maarat al-Numan city in the southern countryside of Idlib." (Image via @mohmad_rasheed on Twitter taken from MMC)
  • 3 of 4: "Aerial images show the destruction caused by the bombing of Assad warplanes on Souq al-Hal in the center of Maarat al-Numan city in the southern countryside of Idlib." (Image via @mohmad_rasheed on Twitter taken from MMC)
  • 4 of 4: "Aerial images show the destruction caused by the bombing of Assad warplanes on Souq al-Hal in the center of Maarat al-Numan city in the southern countryside of Idlib." (Image via @mohmad_rasheed on Twitter taken from MMC)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

  • "A horrific massacre that killed 9 people and wounded dozens of people in the bombing of a popular market in the city of Maarat al-Numan (initial outcome). 🗓2/11/2019 📍Maarat al-Numan, Idlib, Syria مجزرة مروعها ضحيتها ٩ قتلى وعشرات الجرحى بقصف سوق شعبي في مدينة معرة النعمان (حصيلة أولية). 🗓2/11/2019 📍معرة النعمان, إدلب, سوريا"
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    @MustafaSejari reported from the "massacre" in Maarat Al-Numan where up to 14 civilians were killed by an alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrike (Image via Twitter)
  • @MustafaSejari reported from the "massacre" in Maarat Al-Numan where up to 14 civilians were killed by an alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrike (Image via Twitter)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    @MustafaSejari reported from the "massacre" in Maarat Al-Numan where up to 14 civilians were killed by an alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrike (Image via Twitter)
  • A photo of the Syrian Civil Defense rescuing the survivors after a Syrian regime or Russain airstrike on a market in Maarat Al-Numan on December 2nd 2021 (Image via JesrPress)
  • Image via Al Araby News of Syrian Civil Defense rescuing survivors after a Russian or Syrian regime attack on a market in Maarat al-Numan on December 2nd 2021.
  • A photo of the Syrian Civil Defense rescuing the survivors after a Syrian regime or Russain airstrike on a market in Maarat Al-Numan on December 2nd 2021 (Image via JesrPress)
  • A photo of the Syrian Civil Defense rescuing the survivors after a Syrian regime or Russain airstrike on a market in Maarat Al-Numan on December 2nd 2021 (Image via JesrPress)
  • A photo of the Syrian Civil Defense rescuing the survivors after a Syrian regime or Russain airstrike on a market in Maarat Al-Numan on December 2nd 2021 (Image via JesrPress)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    A photo of a man allegedly killed by a Russian or Syrian regime airstrike on December 2nd 2021 (Image via SHRC)
  • Enabbaladi News reported that the fatalities are likely to rise from the attack on Maarat al-Numan on December 2nd 2021 due to the severity of injuries.
  • Almaaralover identified people among those killed after a Russian or Syrian regime airstrike on December 2nd 2021 (Image via Facebook)
  • Hassan Muhammad al-Rasheed, allegedly killed by a Russian or Syrian regime airstrike on December 2nd 2021.
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Jihad Al-Barq, allegedly killed by a Russian or Syrian regime airstrike on December 2nd 2021 (Image via Ma'arat)
  • Jameel Lababidi posted a photo of Jihad al-Barq on Facebook, who was allegedy killed on December 2nd 2021.
  • "Martyr Abdul Hamid Muhammad Al-Subai" (Image via Ma'art)
  • "The eye sheds tears, the heart grieves, and I grieve for your separation And my cousin Abdo Al-Adl ان العين لتدمع والقلب ليحزن وانا على فراقكن لمحزونون خالو ابو القلب الطيب عبد الخالق وابن عمي عبدو العدل" Asala Aledel wrote on Facebook, as a result of targeting S22 warplanes with vacuum missiles, Al-Hal market in the city of Maarat al-Numan, south of Idlib" (Via Facebook)
  • Man'ool News identified those killed, allegedly in a Russian or Syrian regime airstrike on December 2nd 2021 in Al-Hal market.
  • "The eye sheds tears, the heart grieves, and I grieve for your separation And my cousin Abdo Al-Adl", Asala Aledel wrote on Facebook.

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Unknown Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
  • Unknown position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Syrian Regime Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Regime
  • Syrian Regime position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Strike status
    Contested strike
  • Strike type
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    10 – 14
  • (2 women)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected belligerents
    Russian Military, Unknown, Syrian Regime

Sources (72) [ collapse]