Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2018

The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2018. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.

Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.


US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.

The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.

US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.

Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.

The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.

Full data

The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.

We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.

Reported US strikes, Afghanistan 2018
Strikes recorded by the Bureau
Total reported strikes 1985-1986
Total reported killed 767-1060
Civilians reported killed 92-163
Children reported killed 14-51
Total reported injured 106-166
US Air Force reported air operations, Afghanistan 2018
Total Close Air Support (CAS) sorties with at least one weapon release 783
Total CAS sorties 6,584
Total weapons released 5982

Strikes Page 11

AFG697 link

6 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Kunar province destroyed a fighting position, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No additional details were provided.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

AFG696 link

6 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A house-borne improvised explosive device (HBIED) and a tactical unit were destroyed in three strikes in Kandahar province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

A HBIED refers to a house rigged with explosives.

No additional details were provided.

AFG695 link

6 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A US strike in Ghazni province destroyed a tactical unit, a report published on Resolute Support's website said.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

No information was given on casualties.

AFG694 link

6 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Faryab province destroyed a building and a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG693 link

6 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Farah province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG692 link

6 October 2018

The US carried out three strikes in Nangarhar province on this day, hitting what they described as tactical units.

Khaama Press had reported that at least four members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in drone strikes carried out on two training compounds belonging to the group.

The sourcing was too vague to include those strikes in our database. It was also not clear when they occurred, but they were reported on October 6. The reporting also places the strikes in Machine Dara area of Khogyani district, but it is likely the name of the area has been spelt incorrectly.

We have recorded the three strikes confirmed by the US in our database.

AFG691 link

5 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Ten buildings and a tactical unit were destroyed in a strike in Nangarhar province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

A strike is defined in the data as one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect on the target.

See here, for more information on the data.

AFG690 link

5 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Laghman on this day destroyed a cave and a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here, for more information on the data.

AFG689 link

5 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Kunar province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG688 link

5 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Five strikes in Helmand province destroyed a drug lab, a motorcycle and a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

In November 2017, US forces were given new targeting authorities that allowed them to go after the Taliban's revenue streams and they began striking drugs labs.

No additional information was provided. See here, for more information on the data.

AFG687 link

5 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Faryab province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG686 link

5 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Baghdis on this day "disrupted enemy", according to US data. No further details were given.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

AFG685 link

5 October 2018

  • 0-30 reported killed

A strike in Farah province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

We had recorded reports of drone strikes carried out across the province of Farah killing four Taliban commanders and scores of other fighters. This was based on comment from Abdul Basir Salangi, the province's governor.

The governor appeared to say that three separate strikes during the week hit different parts of the province, killing a total of 30 Taliban fighters.Governor Salangi said the dead included Mullah Bari Jan, described as a Taliban commander involved in multiple attacks and murders. The other three commanders were named as Mullah Hanzala, Mullah Mukhlis and Mullah Abdul Salam. It was unclear whether the strike that reportedly killed Jan was included in the three strikes.

It was also not clear when the strikes took place but we'll record them on October 5, the date they were reported.

To include the possibility the strikes reported by the governor are the same as the one given by the US military, we have included a casualty range. The US data did not include casualty estimates.

AFG684 link

4 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

An improvised explosive device (IED) was destroyed in two strikes in Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan. No additional details were provided.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

AFG683 link

4 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Kunar province destroyed two tactical units, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No additional details were provided.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

AFG682 link

4 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A house-borne improvised explosive device (HBIED) was destroyed in a strike in Herat province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

A HBIED refers to a house rigged with explosives.

No additional details were provided.

AFG681 link

4 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes in Helmand province on this day destroyed a building and a tactical unit, according to US Forces - Afghanistan data. No additional details were given.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

Afghan Air Force strike link

4 October 2018

  • 13 reported killed, including 3 civilians
  • 8 civilians reported injured, including 1 child

An Afghan strike killed at least four civilians in Kandarhar district, according to local officials.

The strike came after the Taliban mounted an attack in the district of Maroof late on October 4.

General Abdul Raziq, the police chief of the province said the militants "tried to flee and got mixed up with villagers at a wedding procession". A child, three women, and ten insurgents were killed, he said.

Another child and seven women were also injured, according to Aziz Ahmad Azizi, spokesperson for the province’s governor.

Afghan officials said an investigation had been launched into the incident.

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Maroof district, Kandahar province
  • References: RFE/RL

AFG680 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Uruzgan province destroyed a heavy weapon and a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No additional details were provided.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

AFG679 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes destroyed a weapons cache in Paktia province on October 3, US data shows. No further details were given.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG678 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

On October 3, four strikes took place in Nangarhar, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

The strikes destroyed three drug labs and denied the enemy terrain, the data showed.

In November 2017, US forces were given new targeting authorities that allowed them to go after the Taliban's revenue streams and they began striking drugs labs.

Last year, a US spokesperson explained to the Bureau what a "terrain denial" strike was. He said, "These strikes are not targeting buildings or people, but to deny the adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land."

AFG677 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Laghman province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG676 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Kunar province on this day destroying a drug lab, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

In November 2017, US forces were given new targeting authorities that allowed them to go after the Taliban's revenue streams and they began striking drugs labs.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG675 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike disrupted enemy action in Khost province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan. There was no additional information.

See here, for more information on the data.

AFG674 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Jawzjan on October 3 "suppressed enemy activity", US Forces - Afghanistan said.

The information was part of data released on US strikes in Afghanistan during October. See here, for more information on the data.

AFG673 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes took place in Helmand on this day destroying a tactical unit, according to US Forces - Afghanistan data.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG672 link

3 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Ghazni on this day destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here, for more information on the release of the data.

Ground operation link

2 October 2018

  • 1 civilian reported injured

One civilian was injured in a US ground operation in Paktia province, according to a report released by the Depart of Defense.

The information was released in DoD's annual report on civilian casualties.

AFG671 link

2 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Nangarhar on this day destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See entry below for more details on what a tactical unit is.

AFG670 link

2 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike destroyed a tactical unit in Logar province on this day, US data shows.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

See here, for more information on the data.

AFG669 link

2 October 2018

  • 5 civilians reported killed
  • 4 civilians reported injured

Five civilians were killed and four others injured in a US strike in Laghman, according to a report released by the Department of Defense (DoD).

The information was released in DoD's annual report on civilian casualties.

There were four strikes in Laghman on this day that destroyed four caves, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan. It said the caves included weapons caches.

AFG668 link

2 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Helmand province destroyed a drug lab, a motorcycle and a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No additional information was provided.

See here, for more information on the data.

AFG667C link

2 October 2018

  • 26 reported killed
  • 3 reported injured

A series of air strikes were carried out by both the Afghan forces and the US in Paktia province, according to a statement from the 203rd Thunder Corps, which is part of the Afghan army.

The statement, reported by Khaama Press, said the strikes killed 26 militants and injured three others. Those killed reportedly included Mullah Daud, described as the Taliban’s military commission chief, and Mullah Ghan, described as the groups' shadow judge.

It is not clear how both air forces carried out the strikes. The reporting also does not meet our sourcing threshold, so it will be recorded here as a possible US strike.

The date for the strikes was not given, but they were reported on October 2. US data released in November showed no US strikes in this province on this day.

Ground operation link

1 October 2018

  • 3 civilians reported killed

Three civilians were killed in a US ground operation in Kunar province, according to a report by the Department of Defense (DoD).

The information was released in DoD's annual report on civilian casualties.

No further details are known.

AFG667 link

1 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Paktia province destroyed a a tactical unit (a definition can be found here), according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan. There was no additional information.

See here, for more information on the data.

AFG666 link

1 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Laghman province destroyed a cave, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan. There was no additional information.

See here, for more information on the data.

AFG665 link

1 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike destroyed a tactical unit in Kunar province on this day, US data shows.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

AFG664 link

1 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

In Kandahar Province, a strike destroyed one heavy weapon and one tactical unit, according to US data.

There was no additional information on this strike.

See here, for more information on the data.

AFG663 link

1 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Five strikes destroyed two tactical units in Helmand province on this day, US data shows.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

AFG662C link

1 October 2018

A government source told Pajhwok News that a US strike in Helmand province led to casualties in the Afghan forces. But another source said a missile was to blame.

A source in the provincial hospital said they had received the body of one Afghan soldier and a further 29 injured personnel had been admitted. The source said this injured were in a stable condition.

A delegation has reportedly been sent to investigate the incident.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Nad Ali district, Helmand province
  • References: Pajhwok

New data link

30 September 2018

The US released detailed information about its airstrikes in Afghanistan covering the month of September following a year blackout.

In a report posted on its website on October 4, the US-led NATO mission in Afghanistan said that it had carried out 465 strikes in September 2018 and detailed where and when each one was launched. This is more information than previously available. However, the report did not include casualty information.

Most of the following strikes in September recorded in our log below come from this report. This can be seen in the sourcing, and we refer to it as either a US report or US data.

The report says that a strike refers to "one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location."

It does not detail what type of aircraft is used in each strikes, but the strikes included have been carried out by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.

You can read more about this data release here.

AFG662 link

30 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A US strike in Uruzgan province "denied terrain", the US said in a report on its September strikes in Afghanistan.

Last year, a US spokesperson explained to the Bureau what a "terrain denial" strike was. He said, "These strikes are not targeting buildings or people, but to deny the adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land."

There was no information on casualties.

AFG661 link

30 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

In Helmand province, the US carried out three strikes on this day, according to information from US forces - Afghanistan.

The strikes destroyed a motorcycle and a tactical unit (a definition can be found here). No information was given on casualties.

AFG660 link

30 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike hit Jowzjan province on September 30, destroying three structures.

The above information came from a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in September, the release of which ended a year-long data blackout. Casualty information was not included.

AFG659 link

30 September 2018

  • 21 reported killed

The US carried out five strikes in Nangarhar on this day, with a US report stating the strikes destroyed two tactical units.

Some reporting had been done on one strike. Major Haroon Yousafzai, a spokesperson for the 201st Selab Corps (part of the Afghan army), told news sites that a US drone strike killed 21 fighters belonging to Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State in Nangarhar province.

“The Afghan and US forces jointly targeted the ISIS hideouts in the Sikanar area of Wazir Tangi through unmanned aerial vehicles,” Major Yousafzai said. “In Sunday’s (September 30) airstrike a large number of weapons, ammunition and explosives were destroyed.”

The report did not include casualty estimates, so the figure included in our datasheet comes solely from this one strike reported in the press.

AFG658 link

29 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Five US strikes hit Zabul on September 29, with the US military saying they destroyed two command and control sites.

AFG657 link

29 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A US strike in Uruzgan province destroyed "one indirect fire weapon", according to information provided by US forces.

The information was published on the website of Resolute Support, the US-led Nato mission in Afghanistan.

No information was given on casualties.

AFG656 link

29 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike destroyed two drug labs in Nimroz, the US said in a report.

In November 2017, US forces were given new targeting authorities that allowed them to go after the Taliban's revenue streams and they began striking drugs labs.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG655 link

29 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Nangarhar destroyed one structure and three tactical units, according to information from US forces.

The information was published in a report on US strikes in Afghanistan in September, ending a year-long blackout on Afghan strike data.

AFG654 link

29 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A US strike in Logar province "denied enemy terrain", the US said in a report.

Last year, a US spokesperson explained to the Bureau what a "terrain denial" strike was. He said, "These strikes are not targeting buildings or people, but to deny the adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land."

There was no information on casualties.