Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2018

The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2018. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.

Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.


US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.

The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.

US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.

Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.

The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.

Full data

The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.

We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.

Reported US strikes, Afghanistan 2018
Strikes recorded by the Bureau
Total reported strikes 1985-1986
Total reported killed 767-1060
Civilians reported killed 92-163
Children reported killed 14-51
Total reported injured 106-166
US Air Force reported air operations, Afghanistan 2018
Total Close Air Support (CAS) sorties with at least one weapon release 783
Total CAS sorties 6,584
Total weapons released 5982

Strikes Page 13

AFG605 link

19 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

"In Uruzgan Province, three strikes destroyed one motorcycle, one fighting position, one structure, and one tactical unit," a report published on Resolute Support's website stated.

The report detailed strikes carried out by the US in Afghanistan in September. The release of it brought an end to a year-long blackout on US strike data in Afghanistan (for more on this, see here). Casualty estimates were however not included.

AFG604 link

19 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Paktia province destroyed one tactical unit (a definition can be found here).

The above information came from a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in September, the release of which ended a year-long data blackout.

AFG603 link

19 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

In Logar Province, a strike destroyed a command and control site, according to a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in September.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG602 link

19 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Helmand province destroyed a vehicle and one tactical unit, according to newly released data from the US.

A tactical unit likely means a group of fighters working as a single unit in combat.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG601 link

19 September 2018

  • 4 reported killed

A report from US Forces - Afghanistan released in October said three strikes hit Nangarhar on September 19, destroying one tactical unit. The report did not provide casualty estimates.

There had been reporting on one strike. Major Mohammad Haroon Yousafzai told Pajhwok News that four members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in a US drone strike in Nangarhar province on this day.

Major Yousafzai, a spokesperson for 201 Selab Military Corps (part of the Afghan army), said the night-time strike hit a hideout belonging to the group, destroying it and some weapons.

A Xinhua report said the strike took place in Deh Bala district. This is a another name for Haska Mena district.

AFG600 link

18 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

"In Zabul Province, five strikes destroyed one indirect fire weapon, one rocket, and one tactical unit," read a report on US strikes in Afghanistan.

The report detailed strikes carried out by the US in Afghanistan in September. The release of it brought an end to a year-long blackout on US strike data in Afghanistan (for more on this, see here). Casualty estimates were however not included.

AFG599 link

18 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three US strikes carried out in Uruzgan province destroyed one tactical unit and one staging area, a report published on Resolute Support's website said.

There was no information on possible casualties.

AFG598 link

18 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike carried out by US forces in Nangarhar province destroyed an anti-aircraft weapon.

The above information came from a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in September, the release of which ended a year-long data blackout.

AFG597 link

18 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

"In Logar Province, three strikes destroyed three command and control sites," according to a US report on strikes in Afghanistan during the month.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG596 link

18 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Helmand province destroyed a vehicle and one tactical unit, according to newly released data from the US.

A tactical unit likely means a group of fighters working as a single unit in combat.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG595 link

17 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Paktia province "disrupted enemy operations" on September 17, a report published on Resolute Support's website said.

The report detailed strikes carried out by US forces in Afghanistan in September.

No further details were given.

AFG594 link

17 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

In Nangarhar province, a US strike destroyed a tactical unit on this day, according to report detailing US strikes.

The information was released as part of report on US strikes in Afghanistan in September. It was published on the website of Resolute Support, the US-led NATO mission, on October 4, following a year blackout on Afghan strike data (more details can be found here).

AFG593 link

17 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Khost province on this day destroyed a vehicle and a tactical unit, the US military said in a report released in October.

The report detailed strikes carried out by US forces in Afghanistan during September.

AFG592 link

17 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Four US strikes hit Helmand on September 17, according to a report published on Resolute Support's website.

The strikes destroyed two drug labs and one tactical unit, it said.

In November 2017, US forces were given new targeting authorities that allowed them to go after the Taliban's revenue streams and they began striking drugs labs.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG591 link

16 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes took place Wardak province on this day, the US military said in a report published in October.

The strikes destroyed two tactical units (a definition can be found here) and a fighting position, the report said.

AFG590 link

16 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

The US carried out three strikes in Paktika province on September 16, according to a report published on Resolute Support's website in October.

The report said the strikes destroyed a motorcycle and a tactical unit, which likely refers to a group of fighters designed to function as one unit in combat.

There were no additional details provided.

AFG589 link

16 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Nangarhar province destroyed one tactical unit (a definition can be found here).

The above information came from a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in September, the release of which ended a year-long data blackout.

AFG588 link

16 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes took place in Logar province on this day, the US said in a report published in October.

The strikes destroyed one tactical unit (a definition can be found here).

AFG587 link

16 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A motorcycle was destroyed in a strike carried out by US forces in Helmand province, data provided by the US military shows.

The data released detailed US strikes in Afghanistan across the month of September. The release brought an end to a year-long blackout on US strike data in Afghanistan (for more on this, see here), providing even more information than previously available.

AFG586 link

16 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Ghazni province destroying two vehicles, according to a report published on Resolute Support's website.

There was no information provided on casualty estimates.

AFG585C link

16 September 2018

  • 3 reported killed

Three members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in a US drone strike in Kunar's Watapur district, Police Spokesperson Faridullah Dehqan told Pajhwok News.

The group’s commander was reportedly among the dead. The official is most likely referring to a unit commander, and not the commander of the whole group.

We received data from the US on its strikes in Afghanistan in September, and according to this there were no strikes in Kunar on this day. We will record it here as a possible strike.

AFG585 link

15 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strike in Zabul province destroyed a vehicle and two tactical units, according to data released by the US.

A tactical unit likely means a group of fighters working as a single unit in combat.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG584 link

15 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes took place Wardak province on this day, the US said in a report published in October.

The strikes destroyed two tactical units (a definition can be found here).

AFG583 link

15 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Paktia province destroyed a tactical unit, a report published on Resolute Support's website said.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

No information was given on casualties.

AFG582 link

15 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A vehicle was destroyed in a US strike carried out in Nangarhar province, according to a report published on Resolute Support's website.

The report detailed strikes carried out by the US in Afghanistan in September. The release of it brought an end to a year-long blackout on US strike data in Afghanistan (for more on this, see here). Casualty estimates were however not included.

AFG581 link

15 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

The US carried out five strikes in Laghman province on September 15, according to a US report. The strikes "denied terrain", it said.

Last year, a US spokesperson explained to the Bureau what a "terrain denial" strike was. He said, "These strikes are not targeting buildings or people, but to deny the adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land."

There was no information on casualties.

AFG580 link

15 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike on this day in Kunar province destroyed a tactical unit, according to a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in the month of September.

See the entry below for more information on what a tactical unit is.

AFG579 link

15 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Farah province destroyed two motorcycles and two tactical units, a report published on Resolute Support's website said.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

No information was given on casualties.

AFG578 link

14 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Paktia province destroyed a motorcycle and two tactical units, a report published on Resolute Support's website said.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

No information was given on casualties.

AFG577 link

14 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Nangarhar province "disrupted enemy operations" on September 14, a US report stated.

The report detailed strikes carried out by US forces in Afghanistan in September.

No further details were given.

AFG576 link

14 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Helmand destroyed a motorcycle and two tactical units (explained in the entry below), a report published on Resolute Support's website said.

No information was given on casualties.

AFG575 link

13 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike on this day in Helmand province destroyed a tactical unit, according to a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in the month of September.

A tactical unit can be described as a a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat.

AFG574 link

13 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two drug labs were destroyed in two strikes in Nangarhar province on this day, US Forces - Afghanistan said in a report published in October.

In November 2017, US forces were given new targeting authorities that allowed them to go after the Taliban's revenue streams and they began striking drugs labs. However, this is the first known mention of a strike on a drug lab in Nangarhar.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG573C link

13 September 2018

  • 7 reported killed

At least seven key Taliban members, including the group's spy chief for southeastern Afghanistan, were killed in a strike in Paktia province, Khaama Press reported.

Their information came from the provincial government's media office, but it was unclear whether the strike was carried out by Afghan or US forces. The date of the strike was also not clear, although it was reported on September 13.

The media office's statement said the group were killed as they were "travelling in a vehicle to plan future terrorist activities".

The alleged spy chief killed was identified as Zainatullah, also known as Farhad. Others reported killed were named as Gul Rahman (also known as Anas), Habibullah (also known as Edris), and Borhan.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Paktia province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG573 link

12 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A US strike hit Uruzgan province destroyed a fighting position and one tactical unit, according to the US.

The above information came from a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in September, the release of which ended a year-long data blackout.

AFG572 link

12 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A US strike in Paktia province "disrupted enemy operations", the US said in a report.

The report detailed the US military's strikes in Afghanistan in September.

AFG571 link

12 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

"In Logar Province, seven strikes destroyed five command and control sites, one vehicle, one structure, and two tactical units," the US said in a report.

The report detailed US strikes that took place in September. It was published on the website of Resolute Support, the US-led NATO mission, on October 4.

No casualty estimates were provided.

AFG570 link

12 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A US strike hit a fighting position in Kunar province on September 12, newly released data from the US shows.

The data released detailed US strikes in Afghanistan across the month of September. The release brought an end to a year-long blackout on US strike data in Afghanistan (for more on this, see here), providing even more information than previously available.

AFG569 link

12 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two US strikes hit Helmand on September 12, the US said in a report published on the Resolute Support website.

The strikes destroyed a "one vehicle, one motorcycle, and one tactical unit", it added.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG568 link

12 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two US strikes hit Baghlan province on September 12, according to a US report on the military's strikes that month.

The strikes destroyed one tactical unit, the report said.

No information was given on casualties.

AFG567 link

11 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A US strike hit Uruzgan province destroying three tactical units, according to the US.

The above information came from a US report on strikes in Afghanistan in September, the release of which ended a year-long data blackout.

AFG566 link

11 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Five strikes took place in Paktia on September 11, according to the US in a report it published on that month's strikes in Afghanistan.

The strike destroyed three tactical units (a definition can be found here).

AFG565 link

11 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes took place in Nangarhar on this day, the US said in a report published in October.

The strikes destroyed a tactical unit (a definition can be found here), and denied terrain (see entry below), the report said.

AFG564 link

11 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

"In Kandahar Province, four strikes destroyed three tactical units, one structure, and denied terrain," a US report read.

The report, published in October, detailed US strikes in September. The release of it brought an end to a year-long blackout on US strike data in Afghanistan (for more on this, see here)

AFG563 link

11 September 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

The US carried out a "terrain denial" strike in Logar province on September 11, according to US report on strikes in Afghanistan in September.

For an explanation of what a "terrain denial" strike is, please see the entry below.

AFG562 link

11 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

The US carried out two strikes in Laghman province, destroying one fighting position and denying terrain, according to a US report.

Last year, a US spokesperson explained to the Bureau what a "terrain denial" strike was. He said, "These strikes are not targeting buildings or people, but to deny the adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land."

There was no information on casualties.

AFG561 link

11 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two US strikes hit Helmand on September 11, the US said in a report.

The strikes destroyed a drugs lab and one tactical unit, it said.

In November 2017, US forces were given new targeting authorities that allowed them to go after the Taliban's revenue streams and they began striking drugs labs.

There was no information on casualties.

AFG560 link

11 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two US strikes hit Baghlan province on September 11, according to a US report on the military's strikes that month.

The strikes destroyed two structures and one tactical unit, the report said.

No information was given on casualties.

AFG559C link

11 September 2018

Ground operations and air strikes in Paktia's Zurmat district killed at least 35 fighters, according to Khaama Press, but it was unclear whether the strikes were carried out by US or Afghan forces. A further 60 were reportedly injured in the operations.

The strikes were reported alongside another attack in a statement from the provincial government's media office.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strikes
  • Location: Zurmat district, Paktia province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG559 link

10 September 2018

  • Unknown casualties

The US carried out three strikes in Sar e Pul province on September 10, according to a report published on Resolute Support's website in October.

The strikes destroyed two tactical units, which likely refers to a group of fighters designed to function as one unit in combat.

There were no additional details provided.