Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2018

The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2018. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.

Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.


US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.

The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.

US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.

Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.

The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.

Full data

The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.

We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.

Reported US strikes, Afghanistan 2018
Strikes recorded by the Bureau
Total reported strikes 1985-1986
Total reported killed 767-1060
Civilians reported killed 92-163
Children reported killed 14-51
Total reported injured 106-166
US Air Force reported air operations, Afghanistan 2018
Total Close Air Support (CAS) sorties with at least one weapon release 783
Total CAS sorties 6,584
Total weapons released 5982

Strikes Page 7

AFG886 link

10 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG885 link

10 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Logar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG884 link

10 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Kunar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG883 link

10 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Eight strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG882 link

9 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Wardak province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG881 link

9 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Paktika province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG880 link

9 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Three strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG879 link

9 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Kunduz province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG878 link

9 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG877 link

9 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Five strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG876 link

9 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Ghazni province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG875C link

9 November 2018

  • 7 reported killed

Seven insurgents were killed in a drone strike on a vehicle in Farah, according to Haji Khair Mohammad, the deputy head of the provincial council. The US is the only country known to be flying armed drones in Afghanistan.

The deputy head of the council placed the strike in Shaikhabad locality, but it was unclear what district this was in. He first mentioned an attack in Farah city, so it could be that the strike also occurred in this area.

The date was also not clear, although Pajhwok reported on the strike on November 9. However, a US release of strike data showed no US strikes on this day or the previous one. It will therefor be recorded here as a possible US strike.

AFG875 link

8 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Wardak province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG874 link

8 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

There had been reports of friendly fire strike in the province. It was not clear when the strike took place, but it was reported on this day.

Pajhwok reported that three members of a pro-government uprising group and two Afghan soldiers were killed in a US strike in Nangarhar province.

Their information came from an unnamed security source who said the men had been mistakenly targeted during an offensive against Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State.

They also spoke with Qazi Tariq, district’s administrative chief, who said he believed an incident had taken place in an area called Morchall in Nazian district, but had no further information.

The governor's office has said they were unaware of the incident.

At the time, we had recorded this as a possible strike due to the conflicting information. It was also not clear when the strike took place, although it was reported on November 8.

AFG873 link

8 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Logar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG872 link

8 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Three strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG871 link

7 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Paktiya province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG870 link

7 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Five strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG869 link

7 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG868 link

7 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Kunar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG867 link

7 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Four strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG866 link

7 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Five strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG865 link

7 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Baghlan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG864 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Wardak province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here:

AFG863 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here:

AFG862 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Four strikes hit Parwan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here:

AFG861 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Five strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here:

AFG860 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

One strike denied enemy terrain in Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

Last year, a US spokesperson explained to the Bureau what a "terrain denial" strike was. He said, "These strikes are not targeting buildings or people, but to deny the adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land."

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here:

AFG859 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Kunar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here:

AFG858 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Khost province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG857 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Kapisa province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG856 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Seven strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG855 link

6 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Four strikes hit Baghlan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG854 link

5 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Parwan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG853 link

5 November 2018

  • 0-21 civilians reported killed
  • 0-5 reported injured

A strike hit Paktika province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

There had been a report in Pajhwok that said a US strike killed civilians in Paktika province on this day. A person who was reportedly injured in the strike said that three women and a child were killed and another five injured when US strikes hit civilian home and shops late in the night.

Provincial Police Chief Ghulam Sakhi Rogh Liwani told Pajhwok a strike targeted Taliban militants but said civilians also suffered casualties. It was not clear whether he had specified that this was a US strike.

A Taliban spokesperson gave a higher death toll, saying five women and three children were among 21 civilians killed in the strike. The Taliban often exaggerate such figures.

We reached out to US Forces - Afghanistan for more on this. They had reportedly told Pajhwok that they were investigating the allegations. However, in their response to the Bureau, a US spokesperson stated: "The article’s claims are false; the US forces media office did not state an investigation was being done. What was stated to Pajhwok was, 'We are aware of the accusations, but have no information to substantiate them at this time.'”

AFG852 link

5 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Four strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG851 link

5 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG850 link

5 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Three strikes hit Ghazni province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here:

AFG849 link

5 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Baghlan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG848 link

4 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG847 link

4 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG846 link

4 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Three strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG845 link

4 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Three strikes hit Kapisa province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG844C link

4 November 2018

  • 7 reported killed

An attack from a "foreign forces" helicopter targeted a hideout belonging to Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, according to TOLO News. They based their report on a statement from the 201 Selab Military Corps (part of the Afghan army).

The attack killed seven members of the group in the attack at 3.30am local time, it said.

The US is the only known foreign force to be carrying out strikes missions in Afghanistan.

The sourcing does not meet our methodological requirements therefor we have included it here as a possible strike.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Nazyan district, Nangarhar province
  • References: TOLO News

AFG844 link

3 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Three strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG843 link

3 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG842 link

2 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG841 link

2 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Three strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG840 link

2 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Three strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here

AFG839 link

1 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

Two strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.