Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2018

The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2018. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.

Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.


US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.

The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.

US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.

Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.

The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.

Full data

The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.

We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.

Reported US strikes, Afghanistan 2018
Strikes recorded by the Bureau
Total reported strikes 1985-1986
Total reported killed 767-1060
Civilians reported killed 92-163
Children reported killed 14-51
Total reported injured 106-166
US Air Force reported air operations, Afghanistan 2018
Total Close Air Support (CAS) sorties with at least one weapon release 783
Total CAS sorties 6,584
Total weapons released 5982

Strikes Page 8

AFG838 link

1 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG837 link

1 November 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike hit Ghazni province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG836 link

31 October 2018

  • Unknown reported killed

A strike in Ghazni province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

October data link

31 October 2018

The US military released detailed information on its strikes in Afghanistan for the second month in a row.

In a report posted on its website on November 4, the US-led NATO mission in Afghanistan said that it had carried out 392 strikes in October 2018 and detailed where and when each one was launched. Casualty information was however not included.

Some terms are mentioned throughout the report. These include tactical unit, which can be described as a group of fighters organised as one unit in combat. It also mentions strikes that "denied the enemy terrain". Last year, a US spokesperson explained to the Bureau what these were, saying: "These strikes are not targeting buildings or people, but to deny the adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land."

For more information on the release of this data please see here.

AFG835 link

30 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Nangarhar province disrupted enemy actions, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG834 link

30 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Logar province on this day denied the enemy terrain, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here for more information on the release of the data.

AFG833 link

30 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Ghazni province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG832 link

29 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Parwan province destroyed a mortar position, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG831 link

29 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes destroyed a tactical unit in Paktika province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

AFG830 link

29 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Four strikes destroyed three fighting positions and a cave in Nangarhar province, according to US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG829 link

29 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes destroyed two caves in Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG828 link

28 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Paktika province on this day denied the enemy terrain, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here for more information on the release of the data.

AFG827 link

28 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Ghazni province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG826 link

28 October 2018

  • 0-3 reported killed

Five strikes destroyed a tactical unit in Nangarhar province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

We had recorded a possible US strike in Nangarhar on this day based on reporting by Khaama Press. It reportedly killed three members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State and destroyed a number of light and heavy weapons.

The sourcing didn't meet our methodological standards at the time. The US data now shows strikes did take place, but we cannot be sure whether these includes the alleged strike reported by Khaama Press. We will include a casualty range to reflect the possibility the casualties reported by Khaama Press resulted from one of the confirmed strikes. The US data did not include casualty estimates.

AFG825C link

28 October 2018

  • 5 reported killed

A US drone strike hit a vehicle in Paktia province, leaving five Taliban fighters travelling in the car dead, according to a statement from the 203rd Thunder Corps (part of the Afghan army).

The date of the strike was not clear, but it was reported on October 28.

However, data released by US Forces - Afghanistan showed no strikes in the province on this day or the previous one.

AFG825 link

27 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Nangarhar province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG824 link

27 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes in Laghman province destroyed three fighting positions, according to US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG823 link

27 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Ghazni on this day denied the enemy terrain, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here for more information on the release of the data.

AFG822 link

26 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Uruzgan province disrupted enemy activity, according to US data.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG821 link

26 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike destroyed a vehicle in Paktia province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here for more information on the release of this data.

AFG820 link

26 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes in Nimroz province destroyed a vehicle and disrupted enemy action, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of the above data, see here.

AFG819 link

26 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes in Nangarhar province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG818 link

26 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Kandahar province destroyed a motorcycle and a mortar position, according to US data.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG817 link

26 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike destroyed three motorcycles in Helmand province, according to US data. There were no additional details.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG816C link

26 October 2018

  • 4 reported killed
  • 2 reported injured

At least four militants were killed and two others injured during strikes in Badakhshan province, according to a statement from 201st Silab Corps (part of the Afghan army) and reported by Khaama Press.

It was not clear whether US or Afghan forces carried out the strikes. It was also not clear when the strike hit, but it was reported on October 26.

US data released in November showed no US strikes in this province on this day.

AFG816 link

25 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Logar province destroyed a motorcycle, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG815 link

25 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes destroyed two caves, a weapons cache and a fighting position in Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG814 link

25 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Four strikes destroyed four tunnels, three staging areas and a weapons cache in Kandahar province on this day, according to US data. There were no additional details.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG813 link

25 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike destroyed a motorcycle in Helmand province, according to US data. There were no additional details.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG812 link

25 October 2018

  • 0-3 reported killed
  • 0-2 reported injured

The US carried out a strike in Kunar province on this day destroying a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

We had recorded a possible drone strike reported by Khaama Press. The news sites reported that the 201st Silab Corps (which is part of the Afghan army) said it was carried out by coalition forces and killed three insurgents and injured a further two in Watapur district.

The sourcing was too vague to include this strike in our database at the time. As we now have a strike confirmed in the province, we will include a range to reflect the possibility the casualties reported by Khaama Press resulted from this strike. The US data did not include casualty estimates.

AFG811 link

25 October 2018

  • 0-3 reported dead

Three strikes in Nangarhar destroyed two fighting positions on this day, according to US data.

We had already recorded a possible strike in the province. Khaama Press had reported that US forces carried out a strike killing three members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State in Deh Bala district's Payin area. Those killed were allegedly planting IEDs at the time of the strike.

We were unable to record the strike reported by Khaama Press as a confirmed strike due to sourcing issues. It was also unclear on what date it occurred on, although it was reported on October 25. It is possible that it could be one of the strikes included in the US data. As this is a possibility, we have recorded a casualty range. The US data does not have casualty figures.

AFG810 link

24 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes destroyed two fighting positions, two caves and a weapons cache in Laghman province on this day, according to US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG809 link

24 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Khost province suppressed enemy action, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG808 link

24 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes destroyed two motorcycles in Helmand province, according to US data. There were no additional details.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG807C link

23 October 2018

  • 0-13 civilians reported killed, including 0-4 children

Up to 13 civilians were killed in when Afghan intelligence (NDS) unit "02" called in an airstrike in coordination with their ground operation in Nangarhar, the Bureau reported.

One of those caught up in the raid told the Bureau it started with an air strike. “First, they attacked us with bombs. Then they entered the living room and started to shoot around,” said Jamal Khan. “They didn't care about who they were killing. They killed my uncle and his 9-year-old son. His wife and his other child were injured.” Khan said his uncle was a guard at a government run school in Rodat, the Nangarhar district where the incident took place.

Another man told us he lost seven relatives in the same operation. "My uncles had a pharmacy in our village," said Abdul Samad. "Nobody had any connections with insurgent groups. They were innocent people."

The interior ministry claimed only fighters from Afghanistan's branch of the Islamic State were killed.

We are unable to record this in our database of confirmed US strikes as none of the people that we spoke to were able to positively identify whether it was a US or Afghan strike.

AFG807 link

23 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes in Parwan province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG806 link

23 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes destroyed a fighting position and denied the enemy terrain in Laghman province, according to US data.

Last year, a US spokesperson explained to the Bureau what a "terrain denial" strike was. He said, "These strikes are not targeting buildings or people, but to deny the adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land."

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG805C link

23 October 2018

Khaama Press reported that three Taliban fighters were critically injured in strikes in Kabul province, but it was not clear whether the strike was carried out by Afghan or US forces.

Khaama Press based their reporting on a statement from the 201st Silab Corps, which is part of the Afghan army.

It was not clear when the strike took place but the information was released on October 23. However, data released from the US showed no strikes in the province on the day, or the day before.

AFG805 link

22 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Eight strikes destroyed three caves, two vehicles and a tactical unit in Nuristan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

AFG804 link

22 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Nangarhar province destroyed a weapons cache, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG803 link

22 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Logar province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG802 link

22 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Five strikes hit Laghman province on this day destroying four fighting positions and two mortar positions, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG801 link

22 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Kunar province destroyed a fighting position, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.No additional details were provided.

See here for more information on the release of this data.

AFG800 link

22 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A house-borne improvised explosive device (HBIED) was destroyed in a strike in Kandahar province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

A HBIED refers to a house rigged with explosives.

No additional details were provided.

AFG799 link

22 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Helmand province destroyed a vehicle, according to US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG798C link

22 October 2018

  • 5 reported killed

At least five Taliban members, including a commander were killed in a strike in Farah province, according to Mohibullah Mohib, the province's police spokesperson.

The strike was carried out by "foreign forces", according to the report published in Afghan Islamic Press and found via BBC Monitoring. The US is the only known foreign country to be carrying out strike missions in Afghanistan.The dead commander was identified as Aqeel, who the spokesperson said had been planning attacks in Delaram district of neighbouring Nimruz province.

However, data released by the US military on its strikes in October shows no strikes in this province on this day. Therefor we have included this strike here as a possible strike.

AFG798 link

21 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Zabul province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data fromUS Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of this data, see here.

AFG797 link

21 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Wardak province destroyed a vehicle, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.

AFG796 link

21 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes destroyed a tactical unit in Paktia province, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

See here, for more information on the release of this data.

AFG795 link

21 October 2018

  • Unknown casualties

A strike in Nangarhar province destroyed a tactical unit, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

For more information on the release of data, see here.