Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2017

The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2017. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.

Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.


US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.

The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.

US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.

Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.

The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.

Full data

The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.

We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.

Reported US strikes, Afghanistan 2017
Strikes recorded by the Bureau
Total reported strikes 2607-2609
Total reported killed 852-1445
Civilians reported killed 13-149
Children reported killed 2-27
Total reported injured 147-295

The Air Force publishes its data online in an Air Power Summary – the monthly figures are posted in the second week of the following month. For example, data for January will be posted in the second week of February. Therefore, the figures in the table above and below are only ever accurate up to the end of the previous month.

US Air Force reported air operations, Afghanistan 2017
Total Close Air Support (CAS) sorties with at least one weapon release 1104
Total CAS sorties 4235
Total weapons released 3906

Strikes Page 5

AFG351Ciii link

7 June 2017

  • 44 reported killed

Air strikes carried out in Nangarhar province resulted in heavy casualties for Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, according to a statement from the provincial government media office reported by Khaama Press. 

Strikes were carried out in Kot district as Afghan security forces were on the ground carrying out counter-terrrorim operations, the statement said, but it was not clear whether the strikes were Afghan or US strikes. 

The same news report mentioned strikes in Achin district. It was also not clear whether US or Afghan forces conducted these.

Strikes in both districts reportedly claimed the lives of 44 members of the group, with 15 fighters killed in the Achin strikes. 

The date of the operations was unclear, but they were reported on June 7. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strikes
  • Location: Kot district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press 

Afghan Air Force strike link

7 June 2017

  • 11 reported killed

At least eleven fighters were killed in Afghan air strike, according to a statement from the "provincial police commandment" reported in Khaama Press. 

The statement said Afghan security forces were conducting operations in Imam Sahib district, Kunduz province, and hit the fighters who had reportedly taken position inside a house. The house was allegedly the residence of the fighter's commander, named as Momin, where IEDs were said to be being made. 

At least nine of those killed were from Tajikistan, the statement said.

The date was also not clear, but the information was published on June 7. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike 
  • Location: Imam Sahib district, Kunduz province 
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG351Cii link

6 June 2017

  • 29 reported killed

Air strikes killed 29 members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State in Nangarhar province, according to Attaullah Khogyani, the governor’s spokesperson, as reported by Pajhwok. 

The strikes reportedly hit hideouts of the group over the past 24 hours. 

It was not clear whether the strikes had been carried out by Afghan or US forces. We can therefor not include this in our strike tally as yet. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Nargosi area, Kot district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Pajhwok

AFG351Ci link

5 June 2017

  • 0-22 reported killed

Local officials reportedly said a series of air strikes and ground operations in Nangarhar province's Achin district killed at least 22 members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State. 

The operations reportedly took place in Mamand Dara, Lata Band Bazar, Pekha, and some other areas in Achin district at some point over the 24 hours before the information was published on the morning of June 5. 

Two local leaders of group were among the dead, according to the officials who identified them as Saqib and Noman. Three vehicles were also destroyed, they said.

It was unclear how many of the dead were killed by the strikes, and if the strikes were carried out by Afghan or US forces. 

The information is too unclear at this point to record this operation in our dataset. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strikes
  • Location: Multiple locations in Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG351C link

5 June 2017

  • 23 reported killed
  • 40 reported injured

An air strike allegedly killed 23 Taliban members and injured 40 others, according to a Ministry of Defence statement reported in Khaama Press. 

The statement said that weapons, ammunitions and other military equipment belonging to the group was also destroyed in the strike. 

It was however not clear of the strike was conducted by US or Afghan force. The date of the strike was also not clear, but the information on it was published by Khaama Press on June 5. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Jalriz district, Maidan Wardak province
  • References: Khaama Press 

Afghan Air Force strike link

4 June 2017

  • 11 reported killed
  • 6 reported injured

The Taliban shadow governor for Kapisa province was allegedly killed by an Afghan Air Force strike, according to Mohammad Razaq Yaqoubi, described by TOLO News as the provincial police chief. 

The shadow governor was identified as Mawlawi Hedayatullah. A further ten Taliban members were also reportedly killed in the strike and six others injured. 

It was not clear when the strike took place, but information on it was published on June 4. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike 
  • Location: Kapisa province
  • References: TOLO News 

AFG351 link

3 June 2017

  • 1 reported killed

US Forces - Afghanistan confirmed the death of Jawad Khan in a strike, described as "senior director of media production" for Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State.

A "media production hub" was also destroyed in the attack, it said, which took place on June 3 in Achin district, Nangarhar province. The US did not publish Information on the strike or Khan's death until June 16. 

"The removal of Khan will deprive the group of an experienced media production director and skilled propagandist. This strike also destroyed a major ISIS-K media production hub and disrupts their connections to ISIS main in Syria," a US Forces - Afghanistan press release said. 

General John Nicholson commented, “His death will disrupt the ISIS-K network, degrade their recruitment process and hinder their attempts to conduct international operations.” He added, “There is no safe haven for ISIS-K in Afghanistan. With our Afghan partners we will continue to aggressively target ISIS-K and defeat them.”

No additional casualties were reported. 

USFOR-A Spokesman, Col Dave Butler on Twitter

ISIS-K senior media official killed in airstrike.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: US Forces – Afghanistan via email 

AFG350 link

31 May 2017

The US conducted 398 strikes in Afghanistan in May, according to figures given to the Bureau by a US spokesperson. 

Most of the strikes – 247 strikes – targeted the Taliban, under rules passed by the Obama administration in June 2016. A further 78 were conducted under counter-terrorism authorities, targeting either al Qaeda or Afghanistan’s branch of Isis. There were 73 strikes conducted under force protection rules, which allow the US to take out threats to international as well as Afghan troops who are “in extremis”. 

The Bureau had recorded between 10 and 11 strikes for this month, so we have added the remaining strikes to our database. 

References: US Forces – Afghanistan via email 

AFG349 link

31 May 2017

  • 25 reported killed
  • 20 reported injured

A US air strike hit the outskirts of Tarin Kot city late on the night of May 31 killing at least 25 Taliban fighters, according to Malik Zainullah, reportedly a commander of the first brigade of the Afghan National Police.

The local leader of the group was among the dead, he said, and at least 20 fighters were wounded in the strike. It also destroyed several vehicles, motorcycles and weapons belonging to the Taliban, Zainullah said. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Outskirts of Tarin Kot city, Uruzgan province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG348 link

30 May 2017

  • 7 reported killed

Seven Taliban members, including a key commander, were killed in a drone strike in Dasht e Archi district, according to the district governor. The district lies in Kunduz province. 

“Acting upon intelligence report, the security forces conducted drone strike against Taliban hideout in Mullah Qali area early morning today, killing seven rebels including notorious commander Mullah Ismael on the spot,” Nasrudin Nazari, the district governor, told Xinhua.

Mullah Ismael allegedly commanded Taliban fighters in Dasht e Archi district and neighboring Chardara district, alongside some nearby areas.

The date of the strike was not clear, but it was reported on May 30.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike 
  • Location: Mullah Qali area, Dasht e Archi district, Kunduz province 
  • References: Xinhua 

AFG347 link

29 May 2017

  • 3-4 reported killed

Four members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, including a commander of the group, were killed in a US strike in Nangarhar province, Attaullah Khogyani, the governor’s spokesman, told Pajhwok.  

A statement from the "provincial police commandment" reported in Khaama press said a drone strike killed three members of the group, including a local leader, identified as Asadullah

The date of the strike was not clear, but both media sites reported it on May 29. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Spina Zhai area, Nazian district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press, Pajhwok 

AFG346 link

26 May 2017

  • 4-13 reported killed

Four Taliban fighters, including a key commander Mullah Mohammad Noor Haqqani, were killed in a drone strike, according to Zalmai Farooqi, the governor of Kunduz province.  

"Acting upon intelligence report, drone attack was conducted against a Taliban hideout in Zadran locality of Chardara district at 03:00 am local time today (May 26). As a result Taliban key commander Mullah Mohammad Noor Haqqani along with three of his armed bodyguards were killed," Farooqi told Xinhua.

The US is the only air force known to be flying armed drones in Afghanistan.

Khaama Press said Haqqani, described as Taliban’s military commission chief for Kunduz province, had been killed late on May 25, hours after carrying out a deadly rocket attack. They however did not mention the use of a drone, and did not indicate whether US or Afghan forces had conducted the strike. 

A later Khaama Press article mentioned Haqqani as one of three Taliban leaders killed in drone strikes in Esa Khel village, Chardara district in the evening of May 25. A further ten fighters were killed in these strikes, it said. The source for this information was Inamuddin Rahmani, a spokesman for Kunduz police. 

The Taliban’s "commander of the masked unit" Mawlavi Abdul Khaliq was allegedly killed, alongside his deputy Qari Shah Jahan.

The reporting was not clear regarding these strikes, so we have used a range to express the ambiguity.

AFG345Ciii link

23 May 2017

  • 1 reported killed
  • 9 reported injured

The "provincial police commandment" said an air strike killed Mullah Abdullah, described as the Taliban's deputy chief for Taloka village in Kunduz province. 

The strike allegedly wounded a further nine insurgents, with six said to be in a critical condition. It reportedly hit on the outskirts of Kunduz city. 

The reporting around the strike included a line saying the commandment said the Taliban's shadow district chief for Qala-e-Zal was among eight militants killed in the airstrike. We had already recorded that strike as a possible strike. While the phrasing appears to suggest this is the same strike, they reportedly took place in slightly different places and had a different casualty count. 

It was not clear whether Afghan or US forces conducted this strike. The date was also not clear but it was reported on May 23. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Outskirts of Kunduz city, Kunduz province
  • References: Khaama Press, Khaama Press

AFG345Cii link

22 May 2017

  • 8 reported killed
  • 4 reported injured

Eight Taliban members were killed in a US drone strike, including the group’s shadow district chief for Qala e Zal, according to a statement from the "provincial police commandment" reported in Khaama Press. 

The district chief was identified as Mawlavi Dost Mohammad

The strike, which the statement said took place at 12.30am local time, also reportedly injured four other Taliban members and destroyed two vehicles.

It is not clear when the strike may have taken place, but it was reported on May 22. The sourcing however is too vague to include it in our strike tally as yet. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Qala e Zal, Kunduz province 
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG345Ci link

21 May 2017

  • 7 reported killed

At least seven members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed during the operations conducted with air support, according to what was described by Khaama Press as the "provincial police commandment".

Air support means air strikes were likely carried out in support of Afghan forces engaged in ground operations. It was however not clear whether Afghan or US forces carried out the strikes. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike 
  • Location: Latakpur and Kandi Bagh areas of Chaparhar district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG345C link

21 May 2017

  • 53 reported killed

A series of air strikes in Uruzgan province killed at least 53 insurgents, according to the Afghan Ministry of Defence.

It was not clear whether the strikes were carried out by Afghan or US forces. The date of the strikes was also not clear, but Khaama Press reported them on May 21. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Shah Mansoori area, outskirts of Tarin Kot city, Uruzgan province
  • References: Khaama Press 

Afghan Air Force strike link

19 May 2017

  • 7 reported killed

Seven insurgents were killed in an air strike and ground offensive in Maidan Wardak province, according to Naqibullah Amini, a police spokesman.

Pajhwok identified one of the dead as Hameedullah, but he was described as the Taliban shadow governor for Kabul province and also a key member of the Haqqani Network. 

The seven were killed in a security forces operation, Pajwok said, making it likely they were killed by Afghan forces. It was unclear how many of them were killed in the strike and how many were killed in the ground offensive.

  • Type of strike: AAF strike 
  • Location: Narkh district, Maidan Wardak 
  • References: Pajhwok

AFG345 link

18 May 2017

  • 14 reported killed
  • 8 reported injured

A strike conducted by US forces killed 14 alleged insurgents and wounded a further eight, according to a provincial government statement reported by Khaama Press. 

The strike also destroyed what was described as four of the group's hideouts, it said. 

The strike was reported alongside another strike in the same district, detailed above. It was not clear when they took place, but they were reported on May 18. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Omarzo area, Garamser district, Helmand province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG344 link

18 May 2017

  • 9 reported killed

A US strike killed nine alleged insurgents and destroyed the two vehicles they were travelling in, according to a provincial government statement reported by Khaama Press.

The strike was reported alongside another strike in the same district, detailed below. It was not clear when the strikes took place, but they were reported on May 18. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Kamarbandi area, Garamser district, Helmand province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG343Ciiii link

17 May 2017

  • 4 reported killed

The Afghan Ministry of Defence said at least four members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in an air strike in Bati Kot district, Nangarhar province.

It was not clear whether US or Afghan forces had conducted the strike. The date of the strike was also not given but it was reported in Khaama Press on May 17. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Bati Kot district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG343Ciii link

16 May 2017

  • 4 reported killed
  • 2 reported injured

Four alleged Taliban insurgents were killed and two others wounded in an air strike, a statement from the Nangarhar government media office reportedly said. 

The strike took place around 8am local time, according to the statement, but it was not clear on what date it was carried out. The attack was reported by Khaama Press on May 16. 

It was also not clear whether the strike had been carried out by Afghan or US forces. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Kariz area, Chaparhar district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG343Cii link

15 May 2017

  • 4 reported killed

Four members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed when at least three of the group's hideouts were hit in a strike, the Afghan Ministry of Defence said in a statement reported in Khaama Press.

It was not clear whether US or Afghan forces conducted the strike or when the strike was carried out. The statement was reported on May 15. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG343Ci link

13 May 2017

  • 3 reported killed

Three commanders of the Haqqani Network were killed in a US drone strike, according to the 303 Spinghar Police Corps.

They were identified as Abdul Hai Mateen, Qari Mustafa and Qare Sor.

While the information on the strike was reported one May 13, the strike reportedly occurred the previous week. 

The sourcing is too vague to include this in our strike tally as yet.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Dandpatan district, Paktia province 
  • References: TOLO News 

AFG343C link

12 May 2017

  • 11 reported killed

At least eleven members of the Taliban were killed in an air strike late in the afternoon of May 12, according to General Ghulam Hazrat Karimi, a spokesperson for the "Pamir Division". 

Qari Ahmadshah and Arshad, two alleged local Taliban leaders, were reportedly killed in the strike which Karimi said took place in Chahar Dara district, Kunduz province.

It was not clear if Afghan or US forces conducted the strike. An Afghan Air Force strike which may have taken place on the same day and in the same province also reportedly killed a Taliban leader, identified as Ahmed Shah, a similar name to the alleged Taliban leader identified by Karimi. The Afghan strike is however reported to have taken place in a neighbouring district. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Chahar Dara district, Kunduz province 
  • References: Khaama Press, TOLO News

Afghan Air Force strike link

12 May 2017

  • 12 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force strike killed at least 12 members of the Taliban, including a commander, according to the Kunduz branch of the National Directorate of Security. 

The strike reportedly took place in Qala e Zal district of Kunduz province, but it was not clear when it was carried out. It was reported by TOLO News on May 12. 

The commander was identified as Ahmad Shah.

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Qala e Zal district, Kunduz province 
  • References: TOLO News

AFG343 link

8 May 2017

  • 0-50 reported killed
  • 0-6 reported injured

A large number of alleged insurgents were killed in air strikes targeting hideouts conducted by "foreign forces" in Paktia province, according to Abdullah Abdiyani, the police chief of the province. 

Only the US, and the Afghans, fly strike missions in the country.

The police chief said weapons caches were destroyed in Chenar area of Dand Aw Patan district. A second strike reportedly hit Nari Kotal district, killing 15 alleged insurgents and wounding six others. 

Abdullah Hasrat, spokesman for the provincial government, told Anadolu Agency that 30 members of the Haqqani network had been killed in the strikes. 

According to the reporting, Abdiyani said both over 50 insurgents and at least 40 insurgents had been killed in the strikes, making the death toll unclear. If the second strike killed 15 alleged insurgents, it could be that the first strike killed 40 others, making a combined death toll of over 50 people and explaining the two different figures. However, we will use a casualty range of 0-50 to express the lack of clarity.

Afghan Air Force strike link

7 May 2017

  • 31-34 reported killed

Afghan Air Force strikes in two districts in Nangarhar province killed multiple alleged members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State and a radio station associated with the group, according to the Afghan Ministry of Interior.

“In past 24 hours, 34 Daesh terrorists killed and a radio station run by Daesh terrorists destroyed after Afghan Air Forces targeted militants’ hideouts in the Naziyan and Achin districts of eastern Nangarhar province,” the Ministry of Interior reportedly said.

Pajhwok reported the attack differently, saying at least 31 fighters were killed in "Afghan and foreign forces air strikes", which also destroyed a "telecommunications network" associated with Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State. 

Afghan Air Force strike link

7 May 2017

  • 5 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force strike killed five insurgents in Khanshin district of Helmand province, according to the Afghan Ministry of Defence. 

No specific date was given for the strike, but it was reported alongside three others on May 7. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike 
  • Location: Khanshin district, Helmand province
  • References: PajhwokKhaama Press 

Afghan Air Force strike link

7 May 2017

  • 6 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force strike killed six Taliban members in Zebak district of Badakhshan province, according to the Afghan Ministry of Defence. A vehicle was reportedly destroyed in the strike. 

No specific date was given for the strike, but it was reported alongside three others on May 7. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike 
  • Location: Zebak district, Badakhshan province
  • References: PajhwokKhaama Press 

Afghan Air Force strike link

7 May 2017

  • 8 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force strike killed eight members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, according to the Afghan Ministry of Defence. 

No specific date was given for the strike, but it was reported alongside three others on May 7. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike 
  • Location: Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Pajhwok, Khaama Press 

AFG342 link

7 May 2017

  • 5-6 reported killed
  • 6 reported injured

A strike conducted by a US drone killed five Taliban members and wounded six others, according to the Afghan Ministry of Defence. However, a spokesperson for the governor of the province where the strike took place said that at least six had been killed. 

Noor Aqa, described as a local Taliban leader, was reportedly killed in the strike in Maidan Shahr, the provincial capital of Maidan Wardak province. The local official said a "insurgent safe haven" had been targeted.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Maidan Shahr, Maidan Wardak province 
  • References: Xinhua, TOLO News 

AFG341C link

6 May 2017

  • 7 reported killed

Reports of a "foreign forces" drone strike killing at least seven alleged members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State surfaced but the sourcing is too vague to include it in our strike tally as yet. 

The US is the only air force known to be flying fast jets or armed drones in Afghanistan. Besides the US, the Afghan Air Force (AAF) is the only other force carrying out air strikes in Afghanistan. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Spari area, Chaparhar district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press, The Kabul Times 

AFG341 link

5 May 2017

  • 8 reported killed

A US drone strike killed eight members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, according to Attaullah Khogyani, the Nangarhar governor’s spokesman.

The strike killed a commander, Khogyani said, alongside destroying weapons and ammunition belonging to the group. He said it took place in Soor Kamar area of Mamand Dara, but also said it took place in Achin district. Both Mamand Dara and Achin are districts in Nangarhar province, but Mamand Dara could also be an area in Achin, so the location of the strike in unclear. The date of the strike was not clear, but it was reported on May 5. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Nangarhar province
  • References: Pajhwok 

AFG340Ci link

3 May 2017

  • 7 reported killed

At least seven members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in an air strike in Nangarhar province, according to the "provincial police commandment".

It was not clear whether this was carried out by US or Afghan forces. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Gorgori area, Haska Mean district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG340C link

1 May 2017

  • 8 reported killed

At least eight alleged Taliban insurgents were killed in a US air strike in Nangarhar province, unnamed local security officials told Khaama Press. 

No date was given, but the strike was reported on May 1. Due to the vague sourcing, we cannot include this is our strike tally as yet.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Charparhar district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG340 link

30 April 2017

The US conducted 450 strikes in Afghanistan in April, according to figures given to the Bureau by a US spokesperson. 

April's strikes accounted for half the total number of strikes this year, indicating a significant intensification of US air operations in the country. April also saw the US drop more weapons on Afghanistan than it has in a single month since August 2012. 

Most of the strikes – 296 strikes – targeted the Taliban, under rules passed by the Obama administration in June 2016. A further 92 were conducted under counter-terrorism authorities, targeting either al Qaeda or Afghanistan’s branch of Isis. There were 62 strikes conducted under force protection rules, which allow the US to take out threats to international as well as Afghan troops who are “in extremis”. 

For more information on the April strike figures, see here.

AFG339C link

30 April 2017

  • 53 reported killed

The Afghan Ministry of Defence reportedly said fifty-three fighters were killed in a series of airstrikes over a 24 hour period, but it was not clear whether these were conducted by the Afghan Air Force or US forces.

The strikes hit various locations in different provinces, including Nangarhar, Faryab, Kunduz, Maidan Wardak and Takhar province, the ministry said. 

  • Type of strikes: Possible US strikes
  • Location: Multiple provinces
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG339 link

30 April 2017

  • 7 reported killed

Seven fighters were killed by air strikes conducted by "foreign forces" on the morning of April 30, according to Captain Mohammad Ismail Khpalwak, the police chief of the district where they reportedly took place. 

Numerous vehicles belonging to the fighters were destroyed in the strikes, including three HMMWV's captured by the Taliban from Afghan forces, he said. 

The US is the only air force known to be flying fast jets or armed drones in Afghanistan. Besides the US, the Afghan Air Force (AAF) is the only other force carrying out air strikes in Afghanistan. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Yakhchal area, Greshk district, Helmand province 
  • References: Pajhwok 

AFG338Ci link

29 April 2017

  • 12 reported killed

Both local government officials and the Afghan military reportedly said an operation in Nangarhar province killed 12 members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State. 

In the reporting, the incident is referred to as an "air and ground offensive" or "air and ground operation". The use of strikes is mentioned, but it is not clear whether these were conducted by Afghan or US forces, or whether they led to the deaths of the 12 alleged fighters.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Nangarhar province 
  • References: Khaama Press, Pajhwok  

Afghan Air Force strike link

29 April 2017

  • 2 reported killed
  • 4 reported injured

Two members of the Afghan security forces were accidentally killed by an air strike carried out by the Afghan Air Force, according to an unnamed security official. Four others were wounded, the source added.  

A doctor confirmed four injured soldiers were treated at Uruzgan Civil Hospital, with two succumbing to their wounds. Two others in a critical condition were sent to a hospital in Kandahar with better facilities, the doctor said. It was not clear what caused their injuries. 

General Mohammad Radmanesh, deputy spokesperson for the Afghan defence ministry, said he was unaware of the incident. 

  • Type of strike: Possible AAF strike
  • Location: Kotwall area, Tarin Kot district, Uruzgan province
  • References: Pajhwok

AFG338C link

28 April 2017

The Afghan Ministry of Defence reportedly said nine members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed and two others wounded during an operation.

The operation, carried out in Haska Mena district in Nangarhar province, involved air strikes, the MoD said. However it was not clear whether these were conducted by the Afghan or US forces.

This was reported alongside another operation which the MoD said included ground operations and air strikes, this time in Achin district. No further details were provided on the strikes. The whole operation reportedly killed 36 alleged fighters, including Qari Nafiz, described as "in charge of communications and relations" for Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State. 

Dates were not given for the operations, but they were reported by Pajhowk on April 28. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strikes
  • Location: Achin and Haska Mena districts, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG338 link

27 April 2017

  • 1 reported killed

An alleged Taliban leader has been killed in an drone strike in Maidan Wardak province, according to Abdul Rahman Mangal, the provincial governor's spokesperson.

Mangal identified the dead as Mullah Habibullah, who he said was in involved in "plotting and coordinating suicide attacks".

The date the strike took place was not given, but the information was published by Khaama Press on April 27. While the official did not specify it was a US strike, the US is the only country known to be conducting drone strikes in Afghanistan.  

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Maidan Wardak province 
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG337 link

26 April 2017

  • 36 reported killed

A night raid was conducted by US and Afghan forces in Nangarhar province, targeting a ISIS-K (Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State) compound with members of the group's leadership, according to a US Forces - Afghanistan press release.

The operation involved two platoons of US army rangers and an equivalent-sized force of Afghan special forces, it said. 

The raid began at 10.30pm local time on April 26, with the forces inserted into the Mohmand Valley by helicopter, near the ISIS-K leader's headquarters. The valley is reportedly in Nangarhar's Achin district. 

But within minutes of landing, US and Afghan forces came under "intense fire from multiple directions", the statement said. Two US soldiers were killed, possibly by friendly fire during a three-hour fight, a possibility the USFOR-A said it will be investigating. Air strikes were conducted in self-defense and to medically evacuate the wounded rangers, it added. 

Despite the difficulties, the press release said they killed several high-level ISIS-K leaders and upwards of 35 fighters. The US confirmed on May 7 that Sheikh Abdul Hasib, the Emir of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State was killed in the raid, which it said took place on April 27 (the raid began late on April 26 and continued until the early hours of April 27).

"Abdul Hasib directed the March 8 attack against Kabul National Military Hospital, which resulted in the deaths and injury of over one-hundred innocent Afghans," a press release announcing his death read. "Hasib also directed fighters to behead local elders in front of their families and ordered the kidnapping of women and girls to force them to marry ISIS-K fighters". 

“This successful joint operation is another important step in our relentless campaign to defeat ISIS-K in 2017,” said General John Nicholson, Commander US Forces – Afghanistan.“This is the second ISIS-K emir we have killed in nine months, along with dozens of their leaders and hundreds of their fighters. For more than two years, ISIS-K has waged a barbaric campaign of death, torture and violence against the Afghan people, especially those in southern Nangarhar.”

It seems children and women were present in the compound at the time. The press release announcing the raid read: "In the most difficult terrain and under complex circumstances, they [Afghan special forces and US army rangers] were able to accomplish their mission while protecting the women and children in the compound."

AFG336C link

26 April 2017

Around 34 alleged fighters were killed in air and ground operations in Achin district during a "joint security forces" operation, according to the provincial governor's spokesperson. 

It is not clear how many fighters were killed in the air operations, and if this included strikes conducted by US forces. This means we have not added any additional strikes to our strike tally as yet. The date of the operation was not given, but it was reported by Pajhwok on April 26.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Pajhwok

AFG336 link

25 April 2017

  • 2 reported killed
  • 5 reported injured

A drone strike hit a vehicle carrying alleged fighters killing two and wounding five others, according to Salim Saleh, the Logar province governor's spokesperson.

The strike hit the morning of April 25, he said, adding that the dead included nationals from different countries. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike 
  • Location: Pangram area, Charkh district, Logar province
  • References: Pajhwok

Afghan Air Force strike link

23 April 2017

  • 10 reported killed

The Afghan Ministry of Defence announced that a series of air strikes in Zabul province killed at least ten alleged members of different armed groups, according to Qatar News Agency. The strikes, reported on April 23, were carried out in the previous 24 hours in Shahjoi district, it said.

Afghan forces also reportedly destroyed a vehicle and five motorcycles in the strike.

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Shahjoi district, Zabul province
  • References: QNA

AFG335Cii link

22 April 2017

  • 28 reported killed

Two air strikes killed at least 28 alleged members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, according to unnamed local officials. One hit a compound leaving nine dead, while a similar strike left 19 dead.

The strikes reportedly took place in Achin and Haska Mina districts at some point in the 24 hours prior to them being reported by Khaama Press on April 22.  

The strikes were part of the Hamza operation, it said, which seems to be an operation launched by Afghan special forces to rid certain areas in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State. This could mean that the strikes were conducted by Afghan forces. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Achin and Haska Mina districts, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

Afghan Air Force strike link

20 April 2017

  • 4 reported killed

The Afghan Ministry of Defence reportedly said that four alleged insurgents were killed in an air strike conducted by an A-29 Super Tucano aircraft. The aircraft is used by the Afghan Air Force to strike targets. The strike destroyed their hideout and a DShK heavy machine gun, the ministry said. 

A date was not given for the strike, but Khaama Press reported it on April 20. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Tarin Kot city, Uruzgan province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG335Ci link

19 April 2017

  • 3 reported killed

Three alleged members of al Qaeda were killed in an air strike in Zabul province, the Afghan Ministry of Defence was reported saying in Khaama Press.

It was not clear whether the strike had been conducted by US or Afghan forces. The date of the strike was also not clear but Khaama Press published the information on April 19. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Audaki village, Tarang district, Zabul province 
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG335C link

19 April 2017

  • 5 reported killed

At least five members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in an air strike in Nangarhar province, according to a statement from the provincial government media office reported in Khaama Press. The strike reportedly took place at 10am local time. 

It was not clear whether the strike had been conducted by US or Afghan forces. The date of the strike was also not clear but Khaama Press published the information on April 19. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Taktakani area, Nazian district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press