Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2017

The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2017. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.

Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.


US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.

The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.

US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.

Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.

The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.

Full data

The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.

We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.

Reported US strikes, Afghanistan 2017
Strikes recorded by the Bureau
Total reported strikes 2607-2609
Total reported killed 852-1445
Civilians reported killed 13-149
Children reported killed 2-27
Total reported injured 147-295

The Air Force publishes its data online in an Air Power Summary – the monthly figures are posted in the second week of the following month. For example, data for January will be posted in the second week of February. Therefore, the figures in the table above and below are only ever accurate up to the end of the previous month.

US Air Force reported air operations, Afghanistan 2017
Total Close Air Support (CAS) sorties with at least one weapon release 1104
Total CAS sorties 4235
Total weapons released 3906

Strikes Page 4

AFG367C link

13 July 2017

  • 0-26 reported killed, including a possible 6 civilians
  • 8-14 reported wounded, including civilians

Reports surfaced of civilian casualties in Sajawal Kala near Uruzgan's capital Tarin Kot, although it was unclear if these resulted from strikes or an Afghan special forces raid. 

“At least eight people, all civilians, were wounded,” in the strike, said Zia-ul-Rahman, a doctor in the hospital where the wounded were taken. “Among the victims were five women, two children and a young man,” he told AFP. Another doctor said the strike was carried out by "foreign forces". 

The same doctor told Pajhwok four women three children and some men had been injured in a night raid by the Afghan special forces. 

Earlier, a police commander told Pajhwok that 18 Taliban, including commanders, were killed in the raid. However, hospital staff and local residents said there had been civilian casualties. Adam Khan, a local resident who was reportedly a family member of someone injured in the alleged raid, said security forces had opened fire killing six civilians and wounding 14 others.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location:  Sajawal Kala, Tarin Kot, Uruzgan
  • References: Pajhwok, AFP

AFG367 link

11 July 2017

  • 5-11 reported killed

A US strike on the headquarters of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State in Kunar province killed Abu Sayed, the "emir" of the group, a US Forces - Afghanistan press release said. An additional four senior advisors of the group were killed, according to a later press release. 

A Resolute Support spokesperson confirmed the strike was carried out by a drone. The initial Pentagon statement had reportedly described Sayed as being killed in a raid.

"Abu Sayad is the third ISIS-K emir we have killed in the last year and we will continue until they are annihilated," said General John Nicholson, US Forces - Afghanistan commander.

Abu Sayed was chosen to lead the group after Abdul Hasib, the previous leader, was killed in a joint raid by US and Afghan forces in April this year. He replaced Hafiz Sayed Khan who was killed in a US drone strike in July 2016. Both were reportedly killed in Achin district, Nangarhar province. 

Pajhwok News was told by a source in the TTP that Sayed had previously been the second-in-command of the group, but he joined IS-K last year. Pajhwok alleged that Sayed was from Bajaur, in Pakistan's tribal region, which borders Kunar province. 

The Washington Post reported a US official saying the strike targeted a meeting, adding that US forces had not been tracking Sayed for long. 

Other members of the group were killed in the strike, the Pentagon had said, but they weren't identified until a US Forces - Afghanistan press release on July 30. It named and described them as follows: Sheik Ziaullah, the group's emir of religion; Mulawi Hubaib, the senior commander in Watahpur Valley; Haji Shirullah, IS-K  commander and former Hezb e Islami Gulbuddin commander; and Assadullah, a senior IS-K shura member and a close associate of Abu Sayed.

USFOR-A Spokesman, Col Dave Butler on Twitter

GEN John Nicholson, Commander U.S. Forces Afghanistan, speaks about the July 11th killing of ISIS-K leader Abu Sayed. Video below.

We had seen reports of a strike killing between 9-11 members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State in Kunar province on July 11.

“The drone strike targeted IS militants in the Gambir region,”Juma Gul Hemmat, the provincial police chief, told VOA’s Afghan service. “Four IS commanders along with seven of their fighters were killed in the strike.”

The commanders killed reportedly included Mohammad Rahman, described as in control of the group's financial affairs, and Noora, allegedly charged with recruiting new fighters in the province. A brother of Rahman was also killed in the strike, Hemmat said.

The strike targeted a gathering of the group, he Hemmat added. 

It is unclear whether this is the same strike as the one in the entry below. It reportedly took place on the same day also in Gambir. It was reported to have killed nine members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, including commanders, one of which was called Nora. 

This information also came from Hemmat, but at the time he said it was carried out by Afghan forces, contradicting another official. He also told Pajhwok a US strike killed 11 of the group and took place in Katar Kala area of Watapur district. During this comment he said four commanders were killed, including a financier. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike 
  • Location: Kunar province 
  • References: VOAPajhwok, US Forces - Afghanistan press release, Pentagon press release, PajhwokWashington Post, US Forces - Afghanistan press release

AFG366C link

11 July 2017

  • 9 reported killed

A strike in Watapur District in Kunar province is reported to have killed at least nine alleged members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, but there is some disagreement over whether it was carried out by Afghan or US forces. 

Farid Dehqan, spokesperson for the provincial police, told Afghan Islamic Press a US drone targeted the fighters around 5.30pm local time. Three of the men killed were local commanders of the group he said.

However, Provincial Police Chief General Juma Gul Hemat told Xinhua a strike was carried out by Afghan forces in the same area around 6pm local time. He said it hit a hideout of the group, killing local ISIS-K leaders Nora and Zia-ul-Haq, and Rahim Ullah, described as a "weapon and cash facilitator" for the group. 

Afghan Air Force strike link

11 July 2017

  • 6 reported killed
  • 6 reported injured

Six Taliban fighters were killed and six others injured as a result of an Afghan air strike and ground operation in Laghman province, Major Sherin Agha Faqiri, spokesperson for an Afghan army division, told Pajhwok News.

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Alingar district, Laghman province
  • References: Pajhwok 

AFG366 link

11 July 2017

  • 5 reported killed

A US strike overnight killed five Taliban fighters and wounded one other, according to a local government official. 

"The air strike took place in Janat Bagh locality of Khan Abad district, east of provincial capital Kunduz city. The strike also destroyed the targeted militants' hideout and one militant was injured by the raid," district Governor Hayyatullah Amiri told Xinhua.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Janat Bagh area, Khan Abad district, Kunduz province
  • References: Xinhua

AFG365 link

9 July 2017

  • 2 reported killed

Two Taliban members were killed in a US drone strike in Laghman province, Sarhadi Zwak, the provincial governor’s spokesman, told Pajhwok.

The insurgents were targeted in Amber area, Qaghayio district, he said.

The date of the strike was not given, but the Pajhwok report on it was published on July 9. 

This is only the second confirmed US strike we have recorded in Laghman province since we began tracking strikes in Afghanistan in January 2015. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike 
  • Location: Amber area, Qaghayio district, Laghman province 
  • References: Pajhwok

Afghan Air Force strike link

9 July 2017

  • 5 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force strike killed five commanders of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State in Jawzjan province, the Afghan National Directorate of Security said in a statement.  

The men were reportedly targeted in Chaqmah Chuqar village in Qosh Tapa district while travelling in a car.  

The statement reportedly identified the dead as Qari Mohibullah and Faiz Mohammad, described as leaders of the group, Damullah Sadruddin and Mullah Abdul Ahad, described as commanders, and Qari Mawdoud, reportedly the financial chief of the district. Spelling of the names differed in the various news reports on the strike. 

It is not clear when the strike took place but it was reported on July 9. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Chaqmah Chuqar village, Qosh Tapa district, Jawzjan province 
  • References: TOLO News, Khaama Press, Pajhwok

AFG364 link

8 July 2017

  • 7-16 reported killed
  • 0-1 civilian casualties

A US strike in Paktia province was reported to have killed both Taliban and members of what was described was an anti-Taliban uprising. The Taliban also reported a civilian death.

Kaftan Ekhlas, the head of Zurmat District, the area where the strike is reported to have taken place, told  Afghan Islamic Press that the US hit during a clash in the night between Afghan security forces and the Taliban in the district's Dawlatzai area.

"Eight Taliban and eight local members of the anti-Taliban uprising were killed," he said, adding an investigation has been launched. 

He could be referring to local residents who take up arms to defend their area from the Taliban, something that has been reported in various provinces in Afghanistan over the years. 

The report said the Paktia province governor's spokesperson confirmed the incident, adding that seven Taliban had been killed. It was not clear if this was in addition to the "anti-Taliban uprising" members. 

Meanwhile a Taliban spokesperson said the strike killed eight "arbakis", which Afghan Islamic Press said means local police, in the Dawlatzai area. The group placed the area in Gardez, the capital of Paktia and not in Zurmat district. Gardez and Zurmat are neighbouring districts. 

The Taliban said a civilian was also killed.

The Bureau has contacted Resolute Support for comment on this and will update this post if the Nato command responds.

AFG363 link

8 July 2017

  • 7 reported killed

A US drone strike killed seven fighters in Paktia province late on July 8, Abdullah Hasrat, the provincial governor’s spokesperson told Khaama Press. 

It was not clear what group the alleged fighters belonged to, Khaama Press said. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Mamozo area, Zurmat district, Paktia province 
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG362C link

7 July 2017

  • 3 reported killed

The "provincial police commandment" reported a drone strike in Nangarhar province, which reportedly left three fighters dead.

The dead were identified as Abdullah, Zakir, and Kochi Afridi, and were reported to have belonged to the Afridi group. This could mean they are members of the Afridi, a Pashtun tribe.  

The sourcing for the strike is too vague to confirm them as yet. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strikes
  • Location:  Golai area, Ghani Khel district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG362 link

7 July 2017

  • 14 reported killed
  • 11 reported injured

A strike killed 14 alleged members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State and injured a further 11, Nangarhar Police Spokesperson Hazrat Mashraqiwal told Afghan Islamic Press. 

It took place in Oghz area, Haska Mena district, he said. 

While Afghan Islamic Press said it was not clear who carried out the strike, Khaama Press reported it as being carried out by a drone. The US is the only country known to be flying armed drones in Afghanistan.

AFG361Ciii link

5 July 2017

  • 5 reported killed

Khaama Press reported two strikes in Nangarhar province on July 5, but it was not clear whether they were carried out by US or Afghan forces. 

The first strike reportedly took place in Spin Zhari area of Nazian district, allegedly killing a Lashkar e Islam commander named Shah Nawaz. The second strike is reported to have hit Mia Baba area in Haska Mina district, which is believed to have killed four members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State.

The source for both strikes was a Nangarhar police statement. We are reaching out to them for more information on who carried out the strike. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Spin Zhari area, Nazian district and Mia Baba area, Haska Mina district, Nangarhar province 
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG361Cii link

5 July 2017

  • 18 reported killed

Eighteen Taliban members, including a commander, were killed in an overnight strike on the outskirts of Tarin Kot, a police official told Pajhwok news agency. 

Lieutenant Zainullah identified the commander as Mullah Ihsanullah. 

He said the insurgents were planning to attack security posts in the area when they were hit by the strikes. 

It was however not clear if the strike was carried out by Afghan or US forces.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Mehrabad area, Tarin Kot, Uruzgan province
  • References: Pajhwok 

AFG361Ci link

4 July 2017

  • 3 reported killed

Three members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in air strikes carried out in Achin district of Nangarhar province, a statement from a division of the Afghan army reportedly said. 

The strikes hit the areas of Gorgori, Deh Bala and Momandwach, it said. 

Two Pakistan nationals were allegedly among the three fighters killed. 

It was not clear if this was an Afghan or US strike. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Gorgori, Deh Bala and Momandwach areas, Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG361C link

2 July 2017

  • 42 reported killed
  • 27 reported injured

Operations carried out by Afghan special forces and supported by US air strikes killed at least 42 Taliban members and wounded a further 27 others, a statement from the local government media office reportedly said.

The operations reportedly took place in three different areas of Nad Ali district, Helmand province. 

Details of the operation seemed very similar to another operation reported on the same night (see entry AFG262). Afghan ground troops with US air support conducted night raids in three areas of a Helmand district, but the district was Nawa.

At least 42 Taliban were reportedly killed in both incidents, and four vehicles and eighteen motorcycles were also destroyed in both.

There were some differences between the two reported incidents. Four senior Taliban members were reportedly killed in the operations reported in Nad Ali, while the Nawa operations allegedly resulted in the deaths of eight commanders. The number of fighters injured also differed. 

We have recorded the strikes reported in Nad Ali as possible strikes. The notable similarities mean this entry could be referring to the same operation recorded in entry AFG362. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Nad Ali district, Helmand province
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG361 link

2 July 2017

  • 15 reported killed
  • 9 reported injured

Fifteen Taliban fighters were killed and nine others wounded in an air strike carried out by "foreign forces" in Nad Ali district, Helmand Police Spokesperson Abdul Salam Afghan told Pajhwok.

Only the US, and the Afghans, fly strike missions in the country.

Pajhwok reported that the strike took place in Nad Ali, a district it said was in both Helmand province and Kandahar province. Nad Ali district is in Helmand province. 

Salam Afghan said the strike occurred at noon in the Gropshash area of the district. A resident reported it took place in Zabar village. 

Three vehicles and some weapons belonging to the Taliban were also destroyed, the police spokesperson said. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Zabar village, Gropshash area, Nad Ali district, Helmand province
  • References: Pajhwok

Afghan Air Force strike link

2 July 2017

  • 12 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force strike killed 12 Taliban, according to the Helmand governor. The strike hit in the Bolan area of the capital, Lashkar Gah.

AFG360 link

2 July 2017

  • 1-42 reported killed
  • 0-36 reported wounded

Afghan ground troops with US air support conducted night raids in three areas of Nawa district - more than 40 Taliban were reported killed.

A spokesperson from the US-led Nato force in Afghanistan, Resolute Support, told the Bureau US forces carried out one strike and killed one insurgent, suggesting the remaining 39 were killed by Afghan ground forces.

The US strike was classified as a "Strategic Effects" strikes, operations allowed by rules introduced by the US in June 2016 to allow its air forces to take the fight to the Taliban.

Abdul Salam Afghan, police spokesperson, said: "Eight of the killed Taliban were local group commanders and a report about the killing of the Taliban shadow governor, Mullah Mannan, was also received but it has not been confirmed yet. According to our sources, Mullah Mannan himself came to this area last night to plan large-scale attacks. Our intelligence personnel have been collecting information about his death."

Four cars and 18 motorbikes were destroyed, Salam added. Goli Khan, Helmand security command's intelligence chief, "gave similar information" to Afghan but said two vehicles were destroyed, according to the Afghan Islamic Press.

Unattributed strike link

2 July 2017

  • 4-5 reported killed

Senior ISIS leaders were believed to be among four or five men who were killed in a US strike in Kunar, according to the provincial governor and Afghan security officials.

However a Resolute Support spokesperson denied US action took place, telling the Bureau: "We have no reports of a US strike in that district or province on that date."

The strike hit at 1630 local time (1200 GMT) and two ISIS commanders were among the dead, according to the provincial police spokesperson, Faridullah Dehqan.

The police chief, Juma Gul Hemat, said preliminary reports indicated two of the group's most senior figures were among five dead men. He said they were thought to be the group's recruitment chief and finance chief.

Kunar's governor, Waheedullah Kalimzai said the strike killed four men and identified one as Hazrat Gul.

The strike hit in a mountainous area controlled by the militants, Kalimzai added. This was the second strike on ISIS fighters in Kunar province in three days.

AFG359Ci link

1 July 2017

  • 10 reported killed
  • 5 reported injured

Ten fighters were killed and five others were wounded in a strike in Uruzgan province, police official Malik Zaren told Pajhwok. 

The strike allegedly hit a Taliban convoy in Mehrabad area, Tarin Kot. A commander of the group was killed, Zaren said. 

It was however not clear whether US or Afghan forces had carried out the strike. It was also not clear when it took place, although it was reported on July 1. 

  • Type of attack: Possible US air or drone strike
  • Location: Mehrabad locality, Tarin Kot, Uruzgan province
  • References: Pajhwok 

AFG359C link

1 July 2017

  • 5 reported killed

Five members of the Haqqani network were killed in a drone strike carried out by Afghan forces, according to a Afghan army commander.

Afghan forces do use drones for surveillance purposes, but do not fly armed drones. They do however carry out air strikes. It could be the commander was referring to an Afghan air strike or a US drone strike. Due to the confusion, we will record this strike as a possible US strike. 

The date of the strike was also not clear, although it was reported on July 1. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Margha area, Barmal district, Paktika province 
  • References: Pajhwok 

Afghan Air Force strike link

1 July 2017

  • 4 civilians reported injured

Four civilians were wounded in a helicopter attack on a house in Khwazakhel area, according to a resident.

This helicopter attack followed the air strike that killed Mullah Gardez. It was not clear at first if it was a US or Afghan helicopter attack. However the a spokesperson at Resolute Support, the US-led Nato mission in Afghanistan, said: "We have no reports of a US strike in that district or province on that date." Afghan officials speaking to the Bureau neither confirmed nor denied their forces carried out the attack.

  • Type of attack: Possible Afghan Air Force strike
  • Location: Khwazakhel area, Sherzad district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Afghan Islamic Press (BBC Monitoring), US Forces - Afghanistan via email, Bureau reporter

AFG359 link

1 July 2017

  • 4 reported killed

US air forces carried out a force protection strike in Nangarhar district, destroying two suicide-car bombs - also known as vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED) - according to a spokesperson from the US-led Nato mission to Afghanistan, Resolute Support (RS).

There was no word on casualties from RS but local residents said four Taliban fighters including a senior leader were killed in the strike. Mullah Gardez (aka Mullah Khadem) was deputy shadow governor of Sherzad district. He and his companions were killed in a strike on their vehicle. Two of the men killed were from the Merkikhel area where the strike hit at about 2100 local time (1630 GMT).

AFG358 link

1 July 2017

  • 11 reported killed

US air forces carried out 27 airstrikes in Achin district, Nangarhar, over the course of July 1, a Resolute Support (RS) spokesperson told the Bureau.

Hazrat Hossain Mashriqiwal, Nangarhar's police spokesperson, told reporters 11 Islamic State fighters were killed - RS confirmed 11 insurgents were killed but did not elaborate on their affiliation.

Twenty of the strikes were classed as Strategic Effects strikes, allowed under a rule introduced in June 2016 allowing the US to carry out offensive strikes against the Taliban in support of Afghan "strategic effects" - as opposed to defensive strikes, intended to prevent a strategic setback such as losing control of a city.

The remaining seven strikes were classed as self defence strikes, close air support strikes used to either kill or repel enemy forces attacking or about to attack US or allied troops. Though in extreme circumstances US aircraft can provide Afghan troops with this kind of air support, it is usually reserved for international forces in Afghanistan. These seven attacks suggest US or international forces were present in the district, either conducting unilateral counter-terrorism operations against al Qaeda or Islamic State, or working with partnered Afghan ground forces.

  • Type of attack: US strike
  • Location: Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Noor TV (via BBC Monitoring), US Forces - Afghanistan via email

AFG357Ci link

1 July 2017

  • 22 reported killed
  • 14 reported wounded

Three Taliban commanders and 19 foot soldiers were killed in a US air strike, local media reported - attributing the story to an Afghan National Army press release.

A spokesperson for Resolute Support however denied US forces carried out the attack, telling the Bureau: "We have no reports of a US strike in that district or province on that date."

The statement from the 209 Corps identified the Taliban commanders as ModasirQari Naim and Mohammad Aga.

  • Type of attack: US strike
  • Location: Imam Saheb district, Kunduz province
  • References: Noor TV (via BBC Monitoring), US Forces - Afghanistan via email

AFG357C link

1 July 2017

  • 2 reported killed

Afghan sources said a second US airstrike in Jowzjan province in as many days killed two ISIS commanders. As with the strike reported the day before, Resolute Support denied it carried out the attack, telling the Bureau: "We have no reports of a US strike in that district or province on that date."

Baz Mohammed Dawar, the acting district chief, told Afghan Islamic Press that the dead commanders, Shams ul Haq and Mohammed Morad, were responsible for many killings in the district.

Afghan Air Force strike link

1 July 2017

  • 11-17 reported killed

As many as 17 ISIS fighters were killed in a series of Afghan air strikes, according to the provincial governor's office.

A statement from Nangarhar governor's office said: "A total of six armed members of the [ISIS] were killed and their weapons destroyed in air attacks in the Tora Bora and the Alfkhel areas in Pachir wa Agam District last night."

Five more ISIS fighters were reported killed in Tangi area, Achin district, the statement added.

The same night, the Afghan National Army's 201 Corps said six armed men were killed in strikes in Tora Pana, Shabdara, Woch Lakad, Bakra Sar and Shahidano Sar areas of Kot district.

AFG357 link

30 June 2017

The US conducted 308 strikes in June, according to figures given to the Bureau by a US spokesperson - 90 fewer than were reported in May.

The majority of the strikes - 253 - were in support of Afghan ground forces, under rules passed by the Obama administration in June 2016. A further 41 were classified as counter-terrorism strikes, targeting ISIS and al Qaeda. The remaining 14 were classified as force protection, where air strikes are used to protect international ground forces and occasionally Afghan troops, when they are "in extremis" - facing an critical and imminent threat.

The Bureau had already recorded 16 strikes that were published in open sources in June therefore the remaining 292 have now been added to the database.

References: US Forces - Afghanistan via email

AFG356C link

30 June 2017

  • 10 reported killed

Provincial security officials said 10 ISIS fighters were killed in a US air strike, which a spokesperson from Resolute Support denied, saying: "We have no reports of a US strike in that district or province on that date."

The strike hit late in the evening in Jawzjan province, in the north of Afghanistan. Five of the dead were said to be senior leaders. Provincial security chief Abdul Hafiz Khashi said the main ISIS commander in the province, Mullah Abdul Ahad (aka Hezbollah), was among the dead.

Khashi also identified four other ISIS leaders from Darzab district: Mohibullah, ISIS commander in Sardara village; Mahboobullah, commander in Batu village; Sadruddin, commander in charge of logistics; and Faiz Malang, another commander of the group.

Afghan Air Force strike link

30 June 2017

  • 13 reported killed

A series of Afghan Air Force strikes killed 13 insurgents in three provinces. Five of the dead were reported to be ISIS fighters.

  • Type of attack: Afghan Air Force strikes
  • Location: Paktika, Sar e Pul and Jawzjan provinces
  • References: TOLO News

AFG356 link

29 June 2017

  • 2-4 reported killed
  • 0-3 reported injured

A US airstrike killed "two insurgents" in an airstrike in Uruzgan district, Resolute Support (RS) told the Bureau.

The RS spokesperson did not identify the dead insurgents however local police officials said they were Mulah Abdullah (aka Jihadyar), a local Taliban leader, and, Amin Ullah (aka Omar), another Taliban fighter.

The Afghan military told Xinhua its special forces carried out the operation after the Afghanistan Operational Coordination Group received a tip-off that the Taliban leader was in the Khas district of the province.

But this was contradicted by RS who said the attack was a "Strategic Effects" strike, meaning it was a proactive strike targeting the Taliban, having a strategic benefit for the Afghan security forces.

Police officials told the Bureau and TOLO News that the Taliban commander and his deputy were killed by US drones along with two more Taliban fighters. Drones had reportedly been operating over the area more frequently in the days leading up to this attack.

The commander was killed along with another Taliban fighter,. Abdullah was said to be the leader of a Taliban unit based in the province named Qaitah e Surkh.

Jihadyar was the leader of a "Red Unit" of the Taliban fighters in the area said the police chief of Khas Uruzgan. It is a Taliban "special forces" brigade that apparently has better weapons and equipment than most Taliban fighters. 

The area in which the attack happened is under Taliban control and is called Fairooj. Abdullah's death was a substantial achievement for the Afghan government forces in the area, according to the Khas Uruzgan police chief, Mullah Abdul Samad. Abdullah commanded 200 to 250 men and was planning to attack Khas Uruzgan in the following week.

  • Type of attack: Afghan Air Force or US strike
  • Location: Khas district, Uruzgan province
  • References: Xinhua, TOLO News, Bureau researcher, US Forces - Afghanistan via email

Afghan Air Force strike link

29 June 2017

  • 20 reported killed

The Afghan Ministry of Defence said air strikes over the course of 24 hours left at least 20 ISIS fighters dead in Nangarhar province.

The statement, reported by Khaama Press, said the air strikes were in support of the Afghan National Security Forces' ongoing counter-ISIS ground operation in the province.

  • Type of attack: Afghan Air Force strikes
  • Location: Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG355 link

29 June 2017

  • 3 reported killed
  • 1 reported injured

A US drone or air strike killed three ISIS fighters dead in Kunar province, according to US and Afghan officials.

Resolute Support confirmed it conducted the attack in an email to the Bureau on June 30. A spokesperson said: "We did conduct a counter-terror strike in Kunar province last night. Beyond that, we don't discuss details of [counterterrorism] strikes."

Provincial police spokesperson Faridullah Dehqan told Khaama Press the strike hit late on June 29, in Manoqi district.

ISIS has built a presence in eight districts in Kunar, the provincial police chief told Voice of America a week before this strike. It is not clear if this attack represents a new front for the ongoing US air and ground operations against ISIS in Afghanistan. Resolute Support would not be drawn into discussing future operations, the spokesperson told the Bureau.

  • Type of attack: US strike
  • Location: Manogi district, Kunar province
  • References: Khaama Press, Resolute Support via email

Afghan Air Force strike link

27 June 2017

  • 12 reported killed

At least 12 insurgent fighters were reported killed in Afghan strikes on in Achin, Nangarhar.

It was not clear if the fighters were ISIS or Taliban, Khaama Press reported. The Afghan Ministry of Defence said the attacks were in Achin district and destroyed seven "hideouts".

  • Type of attack: Afghan Air Force strike
  • Location: Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • Reference: Khaama Press

Afghan Air Force strike link

27 June 2017

  • 6 reported killed
  • 4 reported injured

At least six "insurgents" were reported killed by Afghan air forces in Helmand, the Ministry of Defence announced.

That attack in Musa Qala district also wounded four more, according to a Khaama Press report.

An unnamed local insurgent leader was said to be among the dead though anti-government groups had not commented on that point by the time reports of the strike were published online.

  • Type of attack: Afghan Air Force strike
  • Location: Musa Qala district, Helmand province
  • Reference: Khaama Press

AFG354C link

25 June 2017

  • 0-16 civilians reported killed

Amaq, Islamic State's news outlet, said US strikes in Achin district in Nangarhar province on June 25 killed sixteen people from the same family. 

BBC Monitoring said key IS-linked propaganda outlets on the messaging app Telegram posted graphic images of corpses of children, allegedly taken following the strikes. Amaq's logo was featured on the images.

When the Bureau asked the Afghan Ministry of Defence and the provincial governor’s office about these claims, they said they had not come heard about such an attack. But tribal elders and a provincial council member said they had heard that civilians were killed in a strike, including women and children. One elder reported they were the extended family of an IS-K judge, widows of dead fighters and their children.

“We were unable to conclusively prove that the civilian casualties were the result of US air strikes," Resolute Support told the Bureau. "We also were unable to conclusively disprove that US air strikes were the cause.”  

Afghan Air Force strike link

23 June 2017

  • 6 reported killed

The Afghan Air Force killed six "militants" including a member of al Qaeda, the Ministry of Defence in Kabul said.

The air operation was carried out through June 23 and into June 24. Two vehicles were destroyed - the MoD said they were carrying weapons and ammunition.

  • Type of attack: Afghan Air Force strike
  • Location: Jaghatoo district, Maidan Wardak province
  • Reference: Khaama Press

AFG354 link

22 June 2017

The US carried out nine air-to-ground engagements in Nangarhar province between June 10 and June 22, a US spokesperson said. 

The Bureau had requested to know how many strikes hit in the province's Tora Bora area in the lead-up to reports Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State had captured it from the Taliban on June 14. The area, once Osama bin Laden's hide-out, was recaptured by Afghan security forces, officials said. 

While we had recorded two possible strikes in Nangarhar province during that time-frame, vague sourcing meant we couldn't confirm them. Nine strikes have now been added to our Afghanistan strike tally. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Nangarhar province
  • References: US Forces Afghanistan - via email, The New York Times, AP, AP

AFG353CV link

18 June 2017

  • 6 reported killed

Six Haqqani network members, including two of the groups's commanders were killed in an air strike, according to a Ministry of Interior statement reported by TOLO News. 

The commanders were named as Abdul Aziz and Ghalchakai. 

The strike took place at around 5am local time, the statement said. 

It was not clear if US or Afghan forces had conducted the strike.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Shaikhan area, Argon district, Paktika province
  • References: TOLO News 

Seven US soldiers wounded in insider attack at Camp Shaheen link

17 June 2017

Seven US service members were wounded and evacuated for treatment after an insider attack in Mazar e Sharif's Camp Shaheen, the US military said. An Afghan soldier was killed and one other was also wounded, it added. 

An Afghan official had said four US soldiers had been shot and killed, but this was reportedly false. 

Major Nasratullah Jamshidi, a spokesman for the 209th Corps, said the attacker, allegedly an Afghan commando, was shot and died on his way to hospital. 

The Express reported a statement from Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid saying an Afghan commando loyal to the group had carried out the attack, which he said killed four foreign "invaders" and wounded four others. 

The incident, which took place at 2pm local time, was under investigation, US Resolute support said. 

The camp was the site of the Afghan military’s biggest loss of life in the past 16 years in April this year. Taliban fighters stormed the base killing at least 140 Afghan soldiers. 

Location: Camp Shaheen, Mazar e Sharif, Balkh province
References: The New York Times, Reuters, The Express, BBC, The GuardianResolute Support via Twitter

Resolute Support on Twitter

UPDATE: Seven U.S. service members wounded, evacuated for treatment. Insider attack Camp Shaheen, Mazar-e Sharif under investigation

AFG353IV link

15 June 2017

  • 20 reported killed

At least twenty insurgents were killed during air strikes carried out by Afghan and US forces, local officials told Khaama Press.

The air strikes targeted Taliban hideouts, the official said. 

The sourcing is too vague to confirm these strikes. The reporting also includes few details. 

An Afghan Air Force strike which reportedly took place the day before also hit in the same area and targeted hideouts. This strike is listed in the entry below. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Wakil Wazir, Marjah district, Helmand province
  • References: Khaama Press 

Afghan Air Force strike link

14 June 2017

  • 43 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force strike killed 43 Taliban fighters in Helmand province, according to an Afghan Ministry of Interior statement. 

The statement said the group's hideouts were hit and a number of weapons were destroyed. 

AFG353Ciii link

13 June 2017

  • 7 reported killed
  • 4 reported injured

An air strike killed seven Taliban insurgents and injured four others, local government officials reportedly told Khaama Press.

The strike was reported alongside clashes between fighters of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State and Taliban fighters. 

It was not clear when the strike took place but information on it was published on June 13. It was also not clear whether the strike was carried out by US or Afghan forces. 

It should be noted that there was another strike reported in the same district on the same day with the same number of alleged Taliban insurgents killed, but this supposedly took place in a different area and injured two insurgents not four.  

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Sparai area, Chaparhar district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama PressPajhwok

AFG353Cii link

13 June 2017

  • 7 reported killed
  • 2 reported injured

Seven Taliban members were killed and two others injured during an airstrike in Chaparhar district of Nangarhar province, according to a vaguely sourced Pajhwok report. 

According to the report, the strike took place in Garatak and Babakhel areas, which seems to be two separate areas. It could be that there were two strikes.

A vehicle and a machine-gun were also reportedly destroyed.

The strike was not attributed to either Afghan or US forces. The date it took place was also not clear, but it was reported on June 13. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Garatak and Babakhel areas, Charparhar district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Pajhwok

Attack on military convoy link

12 June 2017

A convoy of US and Afghan soldiers was struck by a roadside bomb and attacked by small arms fire in Nangarhar province, a US military statement announced. 

Reports soon surfaced that US troops fired indiscriminately after the explosion, and may have killed civilians. 

"As the bomb blast hit their vehicle, the US troops starting shooting," Attaullah Khogyani, a spokesman for the provincial governor, told Al Jazeera. Khogyani said the incident took place in Ghani Khel district. 

Al Jazeera reported that an Afghan civilian and his two young sons were killed in the gunfire. Witnesses told them Ziyar Gul, a brick kiln labourer, was at work with his sons at the time - eight-year-old Faridullah and 10-year-old Sharafat. 

A US Forces - Afghanistan press release said the convoy returned fire in self-defence and they had not received any official allegations of civilian casualties. The New York Times however reported the US military saying they were aware of civilian casualty reports and were investigating them. A spokesperson from Resolute Support told us that they were investigating reports from the media but the civilian casualty allegations are yet to be deemed "official". 

Location: Ghani Khel district, Nangarhar province 
References: The New York Times, US Forces - Afghanistan press release via email, Al Jazeera, US Resolute Support via email 

AFG353Ci link

11 June 2017

  • 8 reported killed

Air strikes destroyed a Taliban run factory producing Improvised Explosive Devices leaving eight insurgents dead, according to unnamed local officials reported in Khaama Press.

An IED expert from the Taliban was allegedly killed in the attack.

It took place in Nahr e Saraj district, Helmand province at some point over the past 24 hours, according to the Khaama Press report published at around noon local time on June 11. 

It was not clear if this was an Afghan or US strike so it cannot be added to our strike tally as yet. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Nahr e Saraj, Helmand province 
  • References: Khaama Press 

AFG353C link

11 June 2017

  • 1 reported killed

A strike reportedly killed Mullah Abdul Bari, identified as the Taliban's military commission chief in Helmand, according to a statement from the 215th Maiwand Corps of the Afghan army reported in Khaama Press.

While the title of the Khaama Press report on the strike said it was carried out by a drone (the US is the only country known to fly armed drones), the remainder of the report did not mention the use of a drone meaning the strike could have been carried out by the Afghan forces.

Mullah Abdul Bari's death has been reported on at least one other occasion. The Afghan Ministry of Defense allegedly said he had been killed in a joint raid in 2008. 

The strike reportedly took place late at night on June 11. No additional casualties were reported. 

Three US soldiers killed, 1 injured link

10 June 2017

Three American soldiers were killed and one injured in Peka Valley, Nangarhar province, the US Department of Defence said. 

They were reportedly shot by a member of the Afghan special forces. It is believed the attacker was killed. 

The US soldiers killed were identified as Sgt. Eric M. Houck, 25, Sgt. William M. Bays, 29, and Corporal Dillon C. Baldridge, 22. 

A senior Nangarhar official told the Guardian, the Afghan soldier had gotten into a heated argument with the US soldiers and shot four of them. 

The Afghan Taliban however reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack, saying the Afghan solider was one of several Taliban infiltrators in the Afghan army. 

An investigation into the incident is underway. 

Location: Peka Valley, Achin district, Nangarhar province 
References: The Guardian, Reuters, US Department of Defence press release, US Department of Defence press release  

AFG353 link

9 June 2017

  • 2-10 reported killed
  • 0-16 reported injured

Members of Afghan Border Police were killed when a US aircraft "returned fire" during an operation in Helmand operation, a US military spokesman said, according to Reuters

Conducted overnight, the operation was a ANDSF and US partnered operation, US Forces - Afghanistan said in a press release.

Omar Zwak, a spokesman for the Helmand governor, told AFP the policemen were patrolling too close to a Taliban base when they came under attack. Taliban members were also killed in the strike, he said. 

Zwak told The Guardian it hit the district centre of Nad Ali, targeting an Afghan border police checkpoint at around 10pm local time. According to Razia Baluch, a provincial council member, the incident took place in the Loy Bagh area of Nad Ali district.  

How many ABP were killed and wounded varied in the reporting around the incident - Zwak reportedly told AFP two officers were killed and four others wounded but Reuters reported him saying three policemen died and two were wounded. Local officials told TOLO News a US strike killed two border officers, but there was no mention of any officers injured. According to Al Jazeera, DPA news agency said ten members of security forces were killed and 16 were wounded.

An investigation is being conducted to determine the specific circumstances that led to this incident, US Forces - Afghanistan said in a press release.  

“We would like to express our deepest condolences to the families of the ABP members affected by this unfortunate incident,” it said.

AFG352 link

8 June 2017

  • 10 reported killed

Air strikes carried out in two separate areas in the district of Kost district of Nangarhar province killed ten member of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, according to Attaullah Khogyani, a spokesman for the provincial governor. 

They were conducted by "foreign forces", he said. Only the US, and the Afghans, fly strike missions in the country.

The strikes took place in the areas of Nargose and Chenar of the district, Khogyani said. Kost district does not appear on maps of Nangarghar. There is however a Kot district. 

The strikes have been recorded under one entry in our strike dataset, but as two strikes. They occurred at some point over the past 24 hour period, according to reporting published on the morning of June 8. 

Khaama Press also reported strikes in Kot district at a similar time. It is not clear if these are the same strikes, although the strikes reported by Khaama led to a much higher casualty count. These strikes were not confirmed because of vague sourcing. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Nargose and Chenar area, Kot district, Nangarhar province
  • References: TOLO News, Khaama Press