Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

July 12, 2017


ميادين, Al Mayadin, Deir Ezzor, Syria


35.016667, 40.444167 Note: The accuracy of this location is to City level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

Ten civilians reportedly died in up to 25 alleged airstrikes by the Coalition in different areas of Al Mayadin, according to local media.

Multiple sources reported Coalition airstrikes in Al Mayadin. Step News Agency reported that the Coalition had intensified strikes on Al Mayadin, but had no reports on the “size of losses”.

According to Euphrates Post, mosques asked people to go donate blood, though sources didn’t given any casualty figures. However, AlKul said that 10 civilians had died in the strikes.

Sources reported that the following areas were hit:

Grain silo;

The vicinity of the Agricultural Bank;

The market area surrounding the Nuri al-Said hospital;

The perimeter of the commercial bank and Abdul-Mun’im Reyad school;

The Al-Nadi building – which, according to RFS led to the burning of a number of IS vehicles;

Khan al-Khalouf – which, according to RFS, is used by IS as a garage for its cars;

Oil burners on the outskirts of the city;

Corniche Street;

Areas holding barges;

The sports club.

The local time of the incident is unknown.


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (15) [ collapse]

CJTF–OIR Declassified Assessment and Press Release

Attached to this civilian harm incident is a provisional reconciliation of the Pentagon's declassified assessment of this civilian harm allegation, based on matching date and locational information.

The declassified documents were obtained by Azmat Khan and the New York Times through Freedom of Information requests and lawsuits filed since March 2017, and are included alongside the corresponding press release published by the Pentagon. Airwars is currently analysing the contents of each file, and will update our own assessments accordingly.

Declassified Assessment Press Release

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Non credible / Unsubstantiated
    Insufficient information to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.
  • Reason for non-credible assessment
    Insufficient information on the time and location
  • Civilian deaths conceded
  • Civilian injuries conceded
  • Stated location
    near al Mayadin, Syria
    Nearest population center

Civilian casualty statements

US-led Coalition
  • May 31, 2018
  • The report contains insufficient information of the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

For July 11th-12th, the Coalition reported: “Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 25 ISIS oil refinement stills, five oil tanks, and 10 oil tankers.”

French Military
  • English

For July 12th-18th, France report 11 strikes: 7 in Syria (6 in Raqqa) and 4 in Iraq. There were 26 artillery strikes in Mosul. Since September 19th 2014 France has carried out 1322 strikes, with 2090 targets destroyed and 6812 air sorties. Additionally, they’ve carried out 1310 artillery missions.

‘OPÉRATION CHAMMAL SITUATION En Syrie, Dans la ville de Raqqah désormais encerclée, Daech défend fermement les quartiers sous son contrôle en s’appuyant sur un usage intensif de pièges dont le terrain est littéralement saturé pour ralentir la progression des forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS). Cette stratégie impose aux FDS de déminer, pas à pas, chaque rue et chaque maison, sous la menace permanente de tireurs isolés entre autres tactiques adverses. Leur progression reste donc très lente. En Irak, Alors que les opérations de sécurisation de Mossoul se poursuivent, la principale zone de combat se situe désormais à l’Ouest de la ville dans le secteur de Tall Afar. Depuis cette localité, Daech mène des actions de harcèlement par des tirs directs et indirects contre les positions des Forces de Sécurité Irakiennes (FSI) à proximité. L’effort aérien de la coalition s’y porte donc tout en s’accompagnant d’un engagement plus large sur l’ensemble des autres territoires encore sous le contrôle de l’organisation terroriste. Daech poursuit notamment ses actions de harcèlement depuis la poche de Hawijah et dans l’Anbar, région dans laquelle elle dispose de nombreux camps et caches d’armes. ACTIVITÉS DE LA FORCE Cette semaine, les aéronefs ont réalisé 37 sorties aériennes dont 31 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), ainsi que 04 missions de recueil de renseignement et 02 de ravitaillement en vol après le déploiement récent d’un C135. La moitié des frappes françaises (6 sur les 11 frappes) a été réalisée dans le cadre de la bataille de Raqqah, les missions de reconnaissance française ou alliée permettant d’en réaliser autant sur le reste du théâtre afin de préparer les manœuvres futures ou de peser sur les réseaux terroristes. La Task Force (TF) Wagram a mené de son côté 26 missions de tir dont 17 de harcèlement et 09 d’éclairement. Le bilan global de CHAMMAL depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève 1322 frappes, 2090 objectifs détruits et 6812 sorties aériennes réalisées. 1310 missions d’artillerie complètent cet engagement cinétique de la France au Levant.’


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (15) [ collapse]