Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

February 7, 2018


Al Sabah Farm, Deir Ezzor, Syria


35.32903, 40.29413 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Within 100m (via Coalition) level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

On August 30th 2018, the Coalition said it had concluded an assessment of a possible civilian harm incident that was previously unknown to Airwars.

In the report, the Coalition wrote: “February 7, 2018, near al-Sabah Farm, Deir Ez Zor, Syria, via self-report. After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that there is insufficient evidence to find civilians were harmed in this strike.”

The Coalition shared the location of this assessed strike with Airwars. A review of local reports from the area at the time identified no claims of civilian harm.

The local time of the incident is unknown.


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Those killed were combatants, or other parties most likely responsible.
  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (1) [ collapse]

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Non credible / Unsubstantiated
    Insufficient information to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.
  • Reason for non-credible assessment
    Insufficient evidence of civilian harm
  • Civilian deaths conceded
  • Civilian injuries conceded
  • MGRS coordinate
    Military Grid Reference System

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

On Feb. 7 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, seven strikes [2 or more British] engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed a command and control center, an ammunition storage facility, a fighting position and an ISIS staging area."

UK Military
  • English

Wednesday 7 February – Tornados eliminated a Daesh observation post and a booby-trap team, whilst a Reaper struck a building from which fire had been directed at the Syrian Democratic Forces…On Wednesday 7 February, another Reaper tracked a number of terrorist targets in the same area [Euphrates] , allowing two Daesh-held buildings to be struck successfully by coalition fast jets. The Reaper dealt with a third such building used as a firing point against the SDF, whilst two Tornados destroyed a terrorist observation post, then attacked a building from which a Daesh team planting booby-traps was operating.

Dutch Military
  • English

For February 7th-13th, the Netherlands report its F16s attacked ISIS fighters and a logistic storage facility near Abu Kamal, Deir Ezzor. Jets supported ground troops in 8 missions, including in the Al Anbar province, Iraq. Only weapons deployed in two missions.

‘Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties Nieuwsbericht | 14-02-2018 | 12:00 Nederlandse F-16’s vielen ter ondersteuning van grondtroepen ISIS-strijders en een logistieke opslagplaats aan. Dat gebeurde in de omgeving van Abu Kamal in de provincie Deir Al Zour in Oost-Syrië. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 7 tot en met 13 februari 2018. De jachtvliegtuigen hielpen de grondtroepen, ook boven de Iraakse provincie Al-Anbar, tijdens 8 missies. Bij 2 werden wapens ingezet. Nederland strijdt boven Irak en Oost-Syrië in coalitieverband tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS.’

French Military
  • English

Between Feb 7th-13th, France reports 26 air sorties, during which two strikes were made in the Abu Kamal sector in support of the SDF fighting the last pockets of ISIS in the Euphrates Valley. .The Wagram Task Force continues its support for security operations in the Euphrates Valley. This week a fire mission was carried out for the benefit of the Iraqi security forces.

‘OPÉRATION CHAMMAL SITUATION MILITAIRE DU THEATRE Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent de : défaire les dernières poches terroristes résiduelles en Syrie ; sécuriser les territoires récemment libérés en Irak. Poursuite des combats en Syrie En Syrie, les forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS) poursuivent leurs efforts contre les dernières poches Daechies présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate. Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent sur l’ensemble du territoire, en particulier le long de la frontière irako-syrienne, autour de Kirkouk et dans le secteur des monts Hamrim. ACTIVITES DE LA FORCE La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine (bilan du 7 au 13 février), une mission de tirs d’interdiction a été réalisée au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes. Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1618 missions de tirs. Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations Cette semaine, l’activité aérienne a permis d’assurer des missions de renseignement et d’appui au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes et des forces démocratiques syriennes. Elle a donné lieu à 26 sorties aériennes (bilan du 7 au 13 février) au cours desquelles deux frappes ont été réalisées dans le secteur d’Abu Kamal en appui des forces démocratiques syriennes combattant les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 : 7762 sorties / 1437 frappes / 2225 objectifs neutralisés.’


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Those killed were combatants, or other parties most likely responsible.
  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (1) [ collapse]