Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2017

The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2017. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.

Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.


US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.

The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.

US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.

Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.

The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.

Full data

The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.

We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.

Reported US strikes, Afghanistan 2017
Strikes recorded by the Bureau
Total reported strikes 2607-2609
Total reported killed 852-1445
Civilians reported killed 13-149
Children reported killed 2-27
Total reported injured 147-295

The Air Force publishes its data online in an Air Power Summary – the monthly figures are posted in the second week of the following month. For example, data for January will be posted in the second week of February. Therefore, the figures in the table above and below are only ever accurate up to the end of the previous month.

US Air Force reported air operations, Afghanistan 2017
Total Close Air Support (CAS) sorties with at least one weapon release 1104
Total CAS sorties 4235
Total weapons released 3906

Strikes Page 3

Afghan Air Force strike link

9 September 2017

Afghan Air Force strikes killed and injured dozens of fighters in Nuristan province, according to Sherin Aqa Faqiryar, a spokesperson for Selab 201 Corps.

Faqiryar said 85 fighters were killed but also added that weapons belonging to the group were recovered by security forces during raids, so it was unclear whether the strikes killed all 85. 

The date of the strikes was not clear but TOLO News reported them on September 9. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Nuristan province
  • References: TOLO News

AFG393Ci link

7 September 2017

  • 11 reported killed
  • 1 reported injured

At least 11 Taliban insurgents were killed and a further one injured in a US strike in Nangarhar province, unnamed local officials told Khaama Press.

The strike, they said, hit the insurgents in Bati Kot district. A statement from the provincial government reportedly put the location of the strike, which it said was carried out by a drone, in the area of Mangian. 

The sourcing is too vague to confirm this strike as yet. To ensure our data is reliable, the Bureau includes only strikes reported by named Afghan sources. We will update this post if more information becomes available. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Mangian area, Bati Kot district, Nangarhar province 
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG393C link

6 September 2017

  • 3-5 reported killed
  • 3-4 reported injured

Three Taliban insurgents were killed and four others injured in a strike in Maidan Wardak province, according to a "provincial police commandment" statement reported in Khaama Press. A commander of the group was among the dead, the statement said, identifying him as Mawlavi Farid.

Najib Amin, a spokesperson for the provincial police chief, told TOLO News the insurgents were killed as they tried to attack security posts in Markhana village, but said they were killed in an "operation" and did not specify whether this was a strike. TOLO said five people were killed, including the commander, and three others injured.

We cannot add this strike to our database as yet on account of a lack of clarity regarding who carried out the possible strike. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strikes
  • Location: Marko or Markhana village, Nerkh district, Maidan Wardak province
  • References: Khaama Press, TOLO News

AFG393 link

5 September 2017

At least six fighters were killed in a drone strike in Khost province, according to local officials. 

Mobarez Mohammad Zadran, the provincial governor’s spokesperson, told Pajhwok News that the attack took place in Zenikhel area of Nadir Shahwali Kot district in the evening of September 5. 

Army Spokesperson Captain Abdullah confirmed the strike to Xinhua, saying a key Taliban commander identified as Jehad Shad was among the dead. One insurgent was also injured, he said. Abdullah told Xinhua "security forces" carried out the drone strike, without specifying the US. The US is the only country known to be flying armed drones. 

Pajhwok was told by a source who did not want to be named that a drone strike hit a vehicle carrying the commander. They identified him as Jihadshah. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Zenikhel area, Nadir Shahwali Kot district, Khost province
  • References: Pajhwok, Xinhua

AFG392 link

4 September 2017

  • 12 reported killed

A drone strike carried out by "foreign forces" in Kunar province killed 12 members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, according to Major General Jumma Gul Himmat, the provincial police chief. 

The US is the only country known to be flying armed drones in Afghanistan. 

Himmat told Pajhwok News that a judge for the group, named as Mualvi Shir Wali, was among the dead, as were two of the group leaders, identified as Rohullah and Gul Khan

Hide-outs in Chapa Dara area, Manogi district, were targeted in the strikes on the night of September 4. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Chapa Dara area, Manogi district, Kunar province
  • References: Pajhwok

AFG391 link

4 September 2017

  • 0-2 civilians reported killed
  • 0-3 civilians reported injured

Abdul Sami Sharifi, the governor of Kabul's Qarabagh district, told TOLO news that US forces launched a strike on a wedding ceremony after believing guests firing into the air in celebration were attacking them. However, the US has told the Bureau it hit insurgents firing at their helicopters. The wedding party was 500 yards away and was left untouched by the incident, a US spokesperson has said.

According to the governor, two people were killed and three others wounded. TOLO reported that "some sources" had said nearly 20 people had been killed and injured. It was not clear how many had been injured and how many killed, or where the information came from. As a result of the vague sourcing and lack of clarity, we have not included this estimate in our figures. The US has maintained only insurgents were killed in the incident, but did not say how many. 

  • Type of strike: US strike, possibly helicopter strike
  • Location: Jarji village, Qarabagh’s district, Kabul province
  • References: TOLO News, US Forces - Afghanistan via email 

AFG390C link

2 September 2017

  • 2 reported killed

TOLO News reported the death of a key Taliban commander in Parwan province. However, while the local police chief said he was killed in a US drone strike, the provincial governor denied the strike took place. 

Mohammad Masoum Farzayee, police chief of Jabal Saraj district where the incident reportedly took place, said the commander was killed by a US drone strike. It was carried out during a Afghan ground operation in Ezat Khil area of the district, he said. 

“Troops came from Kabul and they launched a military operation in Ezat Khil and the foreign troops also provided support from the air in which Mullah Agha Gul, a Taliban commander and one of his fighters, were killed,” Farzayee told TOLO News. 

However, Mohammad Asim Asim, the provincial governor, rejected the reports of a drone strike. He said a two insurgents had been killed "so far" during a ground operation. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Ezat Khil area, Jabal Saraj district, Parwan province
  • References: TOLO News

AFG390 link

31 August 2017

The US carried out 387 strikes in August, US data shows. 

Most of the strikes – 310 strikes – were carried out in support of Afghan strategic goals, including defending key towns and cities. These are known as "strategic effects" strikes.

There were 60 strikes conducted under force protection rules, which allow the US to take out threats to international as well as Afghan troops who are “in extremis”. 

A further 17 strikes were carried out under counter-terrorism authorities, targeting either al Qaeda or Afghanistan’s branch of Islamic State. 

We did receive a breakdown of strikes by province from Resolute Support, but unlike last month, these were not then broken down into targeting authorities. 

US strikes in August by province
Province Total strikes
Faryab 6
Takhar 3
Sar i Pul 4
Kunduz 32
Nuristan 1
Laghman 18
Nangarhar 128
Kunar 9
Wardak 11
Logar 3
Paktiya 8
Paktika 18
Uruzgan 21
Zabul 6
Kandahar 28
Ghazni 1
Helmand 80
Badghis 3
Farah 7

References: US forces - Afghanistan via email

AFG389 link

30 August 2017

  • 13 civilians reported killed, including ten children
  • 12 civilians reported killed, including six children

The UN mission in Afghanistan found that an "international military airstrike" killed 13 civilians, all of whom were women and children (10 children and three women), and injured another 12 (including six children and three women). Their findings were included in the mission's 2017 annual report. 

The strike was launched in response to a Taliban fighter using a civilian-populated area as a firing position in Pul-e-Alam district, Logar province, UNAMA reported. 

Quote from the head of household impacted by the strike included in UNAMA report:

“There was a man with a rocket launcher behind our house. My brother told him to move away, saying, ‘go away from here please! There are children and women here!’ We saw him start to move away, but when my brother was returning to the house a rocket was fired and we heard an explosion, followed by heavy gunfire at the house. My family all sought shelter inside. After a few moments, a bomb was dropped on the house. Thirty-one people were in the house at the time. This was too much for just one Taliban. He could have been dealt with another way. I ask that you try to make sure this does not happen to others."

NATO Resolute Support told them that the incident is under high-level investigation. A US Forces -Afghanistan press release published at the time had said an "official investigation" into allegations of civilian casualties as a result of an "incident" had been launched. 

Preliminary findings from the UN mission in Afghanistan has found 13 civilians were killed and 12 others injured, in what they said was reportedly air strikes aimed at "anti-government elements" using a civilian compound to attack an aircraft. All were women and children, it said. While the UN did not specify who carried out the strikes, it did mention the US investigation. The term "international military" likely refers to the US, as they are the only country known to be carrying out strikes aside Afghanistan. 

Logar Governor Halim Fedaee told Reuters 11 civilians were killed and 16 wounded when a US helicopter attacked a house in Dashte Bari district where Taliban were sheltering. “The Taliban took position in a civilian house and fired a rocket at a NATO helicopter,” he said. “The house owner begged the Taliban to leave, but they didn’t. The helicopter took a turn, came and hit this house that caused these deaths.”

A resident told Pajhwok News that the strike killed at least 28 civilians, including women and children, after it hit a civilian house on the morning of August 30. Local resident Dawood said the victims came from Khost province but were living in the area. “There were 28 to 32 people living in the house. Only one man of the family who had gone somewhere survived,” he told Pajhwok. 

Another resident told Pajhwok the strike occurred in Sarha Qala area, which he said was "under siege" by both US and Afghan forces and was the site of a US plane crash. The Taliban had said it shot down a US helicopter in Logar, but NATO said the aircraft had made a precautionary landing for a maintenance issue. 

Salim Saleh, the provincial governor’s spokesperson, also said a US strike led to civilian casualties, but he was unsure of the exact number. He told Pajhwok that security forces had been sent to investigate the incident. Saleh was reported in AP saying as yet he could only confirm ten civilians were wounded in an air strike carried out by "joint security forces". 

General Esmatullah Alizai, provincial police chief in Logar, said the strike was carried out by international security forces and led to civilian and insurgent casualties. The US is the only country known to be flying armed drones in Afghanistan.

The Taliban reportedly claimed 20 civilians were killed in US strikes. 

Resolute Support on Twitter

U.S. Forces-Afghanistan is aware of an incident in the Pul-e 'Alam District in Logar Province

AFG388 link

28 August 2017

  • 14 reported killed

US drone strikes in Nangarhar's Achin district killed 14 IS-K fighters, including a female member of the group, Police Spokesperson Hazrat Hussain Mashirqiwal told Pajhwok News.

The strikes hit hideouts in Mamand Dara, Marghay and Owsatkhan, areas in Achin district, late on August 28, he said. 

Khaama Press also reported the strikes, but said they took place in Mamand, Marghi and Saat areas. The inconsitancy between the reports is likely down to a difference in spelling.

As the strikes hit three different areas, we have recorded three strikes in our database. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press, Pajhwok

Afghan Air Force strike link

28 August 2017

  • 17 civilians reported killed

Reports surfaced of civilian casualties arising from a strike in Herat's Shindand district, but while some sources said the strike was carried out by Afghan forces, others pointed the finger at the US.

According to UNAMA’s initial enquiries, the air strikes killed at least 15 civilians and injured four others after munitions hit at least two civilian homes. All the victims were women and children it said. However it did not specify who carried out the strike. 

In UNAMA's annual report at the end of 2017, they said that the strike was carried out by Afghan forces. Seventeen civilians were killed (nine children and eight women) and three women injured as they fled from a house in Bakhtabad village in Herat's Shindand district during an aerial operation targeting fighters. 

UNAMA said that the Afghan government paid compensation to injured persons and families of those killed following an investigation. 

Following the incident, various different versions of events surfaced. 

The Afghan defence ministry had said an Afghan aircraft launched a strike on a Taliban target killing 18 insurgents, but said they are now investigating allegations that it led to civilian casualties. A Resolute Support spokesperson also told the Bureau that the strike was carried out by the Afghan side.

Jailani Farhad, spokesperson for the provincial governor, had been quoted saying 13 civilians were killed and seven wounded in the strike in an article which attributed the attack to the Afghan Air Force. 

However, Farhad told Anadolu Agency that US forces carried out the strikes on Taliban targets. He added that 16 insurgents were also killed, including two top commanders, and four others injured. Following the raid 19 civilians were released from Taliban captivity, Farhad said. 

TOLO News also reported a US strike killing civilians, but said it killed 16 and took place in Zerkoh district. Zerkoh appears to an area in Shindad district. Residents reportedly told them three "foreign" aircrafts bombed the village. TOLO quoted a witness saying: “The planes dropped bombs on the Taliban base and then a group of Taliban took shelter inside the houses of the people; at that time, the residents evacuated their homes and took refuge in nearby areas and then the planes dropped bombs on a group of women and children.”

A member of Herat's provincial council, Haji Toryalai Taheri, told DPA 20 civilians were killed. The Taliban put the number of civilians killed at 35, including women and children. 

A hospital spokesperson told TOLO, “Two wounded children and two women were brought here, but a six-year-old boy lost his life due to serious wounds.” 

AFG387Ci link

26 August 2017

  • 2 reported killed

Two key members of an unnamed militant group were killed in an air strike, Khaama Press reported, but it was not clear whether the strike was carried out by US or Afghan forces. 

The information came from a statement from the 201st Silab Corps, part of the Afghan army. It identified the fighters as Ibrahim and Mullah Khairullah.

The strike took place in Kunar province. Both Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State and the Taliban are present in the province. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Gambir area, Watapur district, Kunar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG387C link

26 August 2017

Strikes hit Taliban insurgents in at least two Helmand districts, Khaama Press reported, but it wasn't clear whether they were US or Afghan strikes.

General Zadran, spokesperson for the 215th Maiwand Corps, said least six insurgents were killed and seven others injured in the first strike, which hit late on August 26 in an area on the outskirts of Lashkargah city called Bolan. The 215th Maiwand Corp is a division of the Afghan army. 

Zadran said a second strike hit Nawa district killing a further seven fighters and destroying weapons, ammunition and vehicles. 

The general said the strikes were carried out jointly by Afghan and US forces. It is not clear what is meant by this so we have been unable to record the strikes in our database as yet. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Helmand province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG387 link

24 August 2017

  • 42 reported killed
  • 17 reported injured

Nighttime strikes carried out by "foreign forces" in Kandahar province left 42 fighters dead and a further 17 injured, General Abdul Raziq, a police spokesperson, told Pajhwok. 

The strikes targeted fighters who stormed checkpoints manned by Afghan security forces in Shah Walikot district, Raziq said. 

The US is the only country known to be flying armed drones in Afghanistan.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Shah Walikot district, Kandahar province
  • References: Pajhwok

AFG386Cii link

23 August 2017

  • 4-5 reported killed

Four Taliban insurgents, including the group’s shadow administrative chief for Chak district in Maidan Wardak province, have been killed in a strike, according to Afghan officials, although the strike has been attributed to both US and Afghan forces by different sources. 

Police Spokesperson Naqibullah Amini said the four were killed in a US strike in Sebkah locality as they attempted to launch an attack against Afghan security forces. The nature of the attack was not specified. He identified the chief as Mualvi Abdul Razeq. Abdul Rahman Mangal, the provincial governor’s spokesman, confirmed Razeq's death in a US strike. 

However, Wardak police told TOLO News the attack was carried out by the Afghan Air Force and killed a total of five insurgents, including Mualvi Abdul Razeq. It  took place in the district's Dahan e Sebak village, the reporting said. 

It was not clear when the strike was carried out, but it was reported on August 23. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Sebkah locality, Chak district, Maidan Wardak province
  • References: Pajhwok, TOLO News

AFG386Ci link

21 August 2017

  • 4 reported killed

A US drone strike in Nangarhar's Achin district killed four members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, according to a "provincial police commandment" statement reported in Khaama Press. 

The date of the strike was not given, but it was reported on August 21. A US strike was reported to have hit the same area on that day, killing six members of the group. This could be the same strike. 

The sourcing is too vague to confirm the strike and record it in our database as yet.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike 
  • Location: Marghi area, Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG386C link

21 August 2017

  • 4 reported killed
  • 9 reported injured

A US drone strike killed four Taliban insurgents, including two local leaders, and injured a further nine, the "provincial police commandment" said in a statement. 

The leaders were identified as Salahuddin and Abid.

The sourcing is too vague to confirm the strike and record it in our database as yet.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Marki Khel Tangi area, Shirzad district, Nangarhar province 
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG386 link

21 August 2017

  • 4 reported killed

Six members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in a US drone strike in Nangarhar's Achin district, Police Spokesperson Colonel Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal told Pajhwok. 

The strike hit an area called Marghai late on August 21, he said. Weapons and ammunition were also allegedly destroyed. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike 
  • Location: Marghi area, Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG385 link

16 August 2017

  • 45-54 reported killed

At least 45 members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in a US strike in Nangarhar's Achin district, Police Spokesperson Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal told Pajhwok News. Khaama Press reported multiple strikes. 

Drones struck the group's hideouts in the Makrana area of the district late on August 16, Mashriqiwal said. Weapons and ammunition were destroyed in the attack. 

As many as 54 IS-K members were killed and several others wounded, Mashriqiwal added. 

Operations against the group on August 16 in the province led to the death of a US service member. US and Afghan forces were also injured and evacuated for treatment.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Makrana area, Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press, Pajhwok

US service member killed in operation against IS-K link

16 August 2017

A US service member died from wounds sustained during a partnered operation with US and Afghan forces against IS-K in Nangarhar province. 

US and Afghan forces were also injured and have been evacuated for treatment.

References: US Forces - Afghanistan

AFG384C link

14 August 2017

  • 0-20 reported killed

Local officials reported clashes and air strikes during a battle with the Taliban in Helmand's Greshk district. A police official said the strikes were carried out by Afghan and US forces, adding 20 insurgents were killed in them.

We do not have enough information to record the reported US strikes in our database as yet. We will update this post if more information comes to light. 

Type of strike: Possible US strikes
Location: Greshk district, Helmand province
References: Pajhwok

AFG384 link

12 August 2017

  • 5 reported killed

A strike carried out by "foreign air forces" hit a vehicle of explosives killing five insurgents in the recently recaptured Helmand district of Nawa, a local police chief told Pajhwok.

Lt. Abdul Salam said the insurgents were trying to transfer weapons and ammunition in a car when it was hit on the night of August 12. 

Only the US, aside from the Afghans, fly strike missions in the country.

Omar Zwak, Helmand governor’s spokesman, also confirmed the strike to Pajhwok. 

Afghan ground troops began their movement to Nawa district during the early hours of July 15. They had reportedly retaken the district centre by July 17. It had been under Taliban control since October last year. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Shorshorak area, Nawa district, Helmand province
  • References: Pajhwok News 

AFG363 link

11 August 2017

  • 9 reported killed

A US drone strike killed nine fighters in Maidan Wardak province, according to the provincial governor's spokesperson.

Naqibullah Amini told Pajhwok Afghan News the strike hit a vehicle and motorcycles carrying the group of fighters in Chak district. Khaama press said it hit a hatchback and one motorcycle in neighbouring Jaghatoo district.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Maidan Wardak province
  • References: Khaama Press, Pajhwok 

AFG382 link

10 August 2017

  • 4 reported killed

The US announced on August 13 that an airstrike in Kunar province three days prior had killed senior members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State (IS-K).

The strike in Kunar's Darah Ye Pech district killed the provincial leader of the group, Abdul Rahman, and three other senior IS-K members. The US said Rahman was a primary candidate to become the group's emir following the death of Abu Sayed. Sayed was killed in a drone strike on July 11.

“The death of Abdul Rahman deals yet another blow to the senior leadership of ISIS-K,” said General John Nicholson, Commander, US Forces-Afghanistan.“He found out just like those before him that there are no safe havens in Afghanistan. We will hunt them down until they are no longer a threat to the Afghan people and the region”

USFOR-A Spokesman, Col Dave Butler on Twitter

U.S and Afghan Forces have confirmed the death of Kunar provincial Islamic State of Iraq and Syria-Khorasan (ISIS-K) emir, Abdul Rahman.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Darah Ye Pech district, Kunar province
  • References: US Forces - Afghanistan press release via email

AFG381 link

10 August 2017

  • 0-21 reported killed, including 0-16 civilians
  • 0-3 reported injured, including 0-1 civilians

Afghan officials said US strikes in Nangarhar's Haska Mena district may have led to civilians casualties, with reports that women and children were among the dead. 

However, the US has strongly denied the claims, saying although it had carried out a strike in the area, it killed fighters and there was "zero chance" it led to civilian casualties.

“The militants were observed loading weapons in to a vehicle and were under surveillance until the vehicle was destroyed by an airstrike,” said Bob Purtiman, United States Forces-Afghanistan spokesman. “The strike was conducted in the middle of open terrain. There was zero chance of civilian casualties.” 

Hajji Saz Wali, the governor of the district, had told New York Times civilians were killed when strikes hit the vehicles they were travelling in, but told VOA the strikes hit one vehicle and a group of civilians in separate areas. Eight of the victims belonged one one family, while four others were from a second family, he said. It seemed Wali told AFP a single strike killed eleven people and wounded one, all of which were civilians from one family. 

"The victims were beyond recognition, and they were placed inside the sacks and were buried late last night," Wali told AFP.

Mohammada Khan told New York Times that he had lost six members of his family, including two children and two women, in the strike. He said it hit a minibus in which they were fleeing.  

“We got to the area of the bombing and put their body parts in a truck and brought them to Jalalabad city, where we buried them this morning,” he told NYT. “There were no ISIS members in the area. It was not a valley or a mountainous area. It was a clear area, and they should understand that people in the vehicle are civilians, as the car was a civilian car.” 

The governor of the province, Attaullah Khogyani, confirmed to AFP a strike killed civilians but was unable to say whether the US carried it out. He told TOLO News the identity of those killed was not clear. 

Dawlat Waziri, a spokesman for Afghanistan's defence ministry, said it was a US strike but said he did not know of any civilian casualties. "In the strike, five insurgents were killed and two others were wounded," he told AFP, adding that a delegation to investigate if civilians were killed has been appointed. 

Both AFP and VOA reported at least 16 dead, although it is not clear where they got this number from as none of the sources featured appear to give this figure. TOLO News quoted unnamed sources saying 16 civilians had died in US strikes.

The US said this is the second false claim of civilian casualties coming from Haska Mena in three weeks. The press release did not provide details of the first incident it is referring to, but it could be a July 23 strike that residents reportedly said hit a funeral ceremony, killing eight civilians and injuring ten others.

USFOR-A Spokesman, Col Dave Butler on Twitter

A U.S. airstrike killed militants and destroyed a vehicle in the Haska Mena district of Nangarhar Province on the evening of August 10.

AFG380 link

9 August 2017

  • 8 reported killed

At least eight Taliban insurgents, including three commanders, were killed in a US drone strike in Laghman province, a spokesperson for the provincial governor told Pajhwok News. 

Sarhadi Zwak said the strike hit around 2100 local time in the Masoom area of Alishang district as the insurgents were leaving the area. 

He identified two of the dead as Shah Jahan and Taza Gul. Khaama Press described Jahan as a prominent Taliban leader and brother of former Taliban leader Zar Jan. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Masoom area, Alishang district, Laghman province
  • References:Khaama Press, Pajhwok News

AFG379C link

9 August 2017

  • 6 reported killed

At least six Taliban insurgents were killed in a drone strike carried out by "foreign troops" in Farah province, unnamed security officials told TOLO News. The US is the only country known to be flying armed drones in Afghanistan.

The strike targeted two vehicles of the insurgents on Pesht road, the officials reportedly said, although no additional details were given regarding where in the province the road is located.

The sourcing is too vague to confirm this a US strike and include it in our database as yet. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Farah province
  • References: TOLO News

Afghan Air Force strike link

9 August 2017

  • 0-40 reported killed
  • 0-20 injured

The Afghan Air Force carried out 16 strikes over a 24 hour period, the Afghan Ministry of Defence said.

The MoD spokesperson said at least 40 insurgents had been killed and nearly 20 injured in operations across the county, but it was not clear whether the deaths were the result of the strikes.

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Multiple province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG379 link

7 August 2017

  • 2-7 reported killed
  • 0-4 reported injured

At least seven Taliban insurgents were killed and four others injured in a drone strike in Ghazni province late on August 7, Police Spokesperson Fahim Amarkhel told Pajhwok News. 

A vehicle full of weapons was destroyed in the strike, he said.

A local resident said the strike however killed three insurgents. The Taliban spokesperson reportedly confirmed the strike hit a vehicle carrying weapons, but said it resulted in the deaths of two of the group's fighters. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Gilan district, Ghazni province
  • References: Pajhwok, TOLO News

Afghan Air Force strike link

6 August 2017

  • 6 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force air strike killed six fighters in Faryab province, an army press officer told Xinhua. 

The strike was part of an ongoing clearance operation called "Nawad-3" which is taking place in Daulat Abad, Shirin Tagab and Khawja Sabzposh districts of Faryab, Nastratullah Jamshidi told Xinhua.

It was not clear which group the fighters belonged to, or what day the strike took place. It was reported by Xinhua on August 6. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Rahmat Abad village, Daulat Abad district, Faryab province 
  • References: Xinhua

AFG378 link

5 August 2017

  • 3 reported killed

Three members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State were killed in a US drone strike in Kunar province, Major General Jumma Gul Himmat, the provincial police chief, told Pajhwok News. 

One of the dead was identified as Abdul Majeed, who was reportedly in charge of the group's prisons in Kunar or in charge of the group’s prisoners’ affairs, as VOA put it.

The strike hit a "hideout" used by the group in the night of August 5, the police chief said. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Aigal area, Chapa Dara district, Kunar province
  • References: Pajhwok, VOA

AFG377 link

4 August 2017

  • 50 reported killed
  • 3 reported injured

An estimated 50 Taliban members were killed and three others wounded un a US strike in Khost province, a local official told Xinhua.

Gulab Mangal, who is the chief of Musa Khil district, where the strike took place, said it hit a remote area late in the evening of August 4. It destroyed a Taliban "hideout", and some of the group's weapons and ammunition, he said. 

The Afghan ministry of defence reportedly confirmed 50 insurgents were killed in Khost, but it was not clear from their press release who carried out the strike.

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Piri area, Musa Khil district, Khost province
  • References: Xinhua, Afghan MoD

AFG376 link

31 July 2017

The Bureau received a breakdown of US strikes in Afghanistan by province for the first time.

The data shows nearly half of July's 358 strikes hit eastern Nangarhar province. This is where Islamic State - Khorasan (IS-K), the local IS franchise, is most entrenched.

Most of the strikes – 210 strikes – were carried out in support of Afghan strategic goals, including defending key towns and cities. These are known as "strategic effects" strikes.

There were 118 strikes conducted under force protection rules, which allow the US to take out threats to international as well as Afghan troops who are “in extremis”. 

A further 30 strikes were carried out under counter-terrorism authorities, targeting either al Qaeda or Afghanistan’s branch of Isis.

We had recorded between 95 and 97 strikes for July. The additional strikes have been added to the database under a single entry.

US strikes by province
US strikes in July by province and type
Province Total strikes Strategic effects Counter-terrorism Force protection
Faryab 1 1 0 0
Jawzjan 3 0 3 0
Sar i Pul 3 3 0 0
Kunduz 34 18 1 15
Parwan 2 2 0 0
Laghman 1 1 0 0
Nangarhar 169 100 9 60
Kunar 11 4 7 0
Wardak 1 0 0 1
Logar 6 5 0 1
Paktiya 4 2 2 0
Paktika 1 0 1 0
Uruzgan 1 1 0 0
Zabul 3 0 3 0
Kandahar 8 5 3 0
Helmand 110 68 1 41
TOTAL 358 210 30 118

References: US Forces – Afghanistan via email

AFG375C link

31 July 2017

  • 1 reported killed

A youth from the Indian state of Kerala may have been killed in a drone strike. It is thought he joined Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State, residing in Nangarhar province, where the group have a stronghold. 

The family of Mohammad Marwan received a message on July 31 via the messaging app Telegram saying he had died in a drone strike a few days prior, an unnamed official from India's National Investigation Agency told local news.

Marwan is reported to have left home in May 2016, telling relatives he was heading to Mumbai. 

The sourcing is too vague to confirm this strike as yet.

AFG375 link

31 July 2017

  • 7 reported killed

Seven members of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State (IS-K) were killed when a drone struck a hideout in Kunar province, Major General Jumma Gul Himmat, the provincial police chief, told Pajhwok News.

The strike, which took place around at 1100 local time, killed a commander, the police chief said. 

A US strike on the headquarters of the group in the same province on July 11 killed IS-K's leader, Abu Sayed, and four other senior advisors. 

According to recent US estimates, IS-K fighters are present in five provinces, but their main presence is in Nangarhar’s Achin and Deh Bala districts. They are on the run with no significant territory in the other districts, the US have said. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Talona area, Watapur district, Kunar province
  • References: Pajhwok, US Forces - Afghanistan via email, US Forces - Afghanistan press release

AFG374Ci link

28 July 2017

  • 8 reportedly killed

Local officials have said an important IS-K "hideout" was destroyed in an air strike in Nangarhar's Achin district, according to Khaama Press.

Eight alleged members of the group reportedly died in the strike.

It was however not clear if US or Afghan forces carried out the strike. The date it occurred was also not clear, but the Khaama Press report was published on July 28.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike 
  • Location: Wach Kot area, Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

Afghan Air Force strikes link

26 July 2017

Afghan security forces forces trying to retake a district from the Taliban have been supported by Afghan Air Force strikes.

Taywara in Ghor province fell to the Taliban on July 23, although local officials said Afghan forces regained control on July 27. After the Taliban seized control reports surfaced of doctors and patients in the district hospital being shot dead by the group's fighters.

US Spokesperson Captain William Salvin confirmed all strikes were carried out by the Afghan Air Force. "That is a demonstration of the AAF's growing capability to support (Afghan) troops on the ground," he said. 

The strikes were carried out in the days following the district falling to the Taliban. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Taywara district, Ghor province
  • References: Reuters, TOLO News

AFG374C link

26 July 2017

  • 8 reported killed

Several air strikes targeted hideouts of Afghanistan's branch of Islamic State killing at least eight members, local security officials told Khaama Press. 

It was not clear whether the strikes were carried out by US or Afghan forces. It was also not clear when the strikes took place although they were reported on July 26.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strikes
  • Location: Mamand Dara, Achin district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

Afghan Air Force strike link

24 July 2017

  • 28 reported killed
  • 6 reported injured

At least 28 Taliban insurgents were killed in a strike carried out by Afghan forces, according to local officials. Seven local commanders of the group were allegedly among the dead. 

The strike took place in Kohistan district in Faryab province. The district was reported to have fallen to the Taliban the day before following fierce battles between the insurgents and Afghan forces.

Around 50 members of the Afghan forces are allegedly surrounded by the insurgents in the district's Khair Abad village. The Taliban have told tribal elders if the security forces don't surrender, they will kill them all, according to the spokesperson for the provincial governor. 

  • Type of strike: AAF strike
  • Location: Kohistan district, Faryab province 
  • References: TOLO News 

AFG374 link

23 July 2017

  • 0-8 civilians reported killed, including an unknown number of children
  • 0-33 people reported killed
  • 0-25 reported injured, including 0-10 civilians

Residents have said a US strike in Nangarhar's Haska Mena district hit a funeral ceremony, killing eight civilians and injuring ten others, including women and children. 

The prayer service was reportedly for a deceased tribal elder, named as Haji Aman by a resident who sustained injuries in the attack interviewed by Pajhwok. 

“People had gathered in Meyaje Baba area for a prayer ceremony when foreign forces bombed them and killed lots of people and now we brought a number of wounded people to the hospital,” another Haska Mena resident told TOLO News.

Other sources reportedly told Pajhwok the ceremony was for an IS-K commander and a large number of the group's members were present. 

Local officials have said that IS-K members had been firing from civilian homes. The district administrative chief, Sazoli Shinwari, said they fired at security forces close to the site of the ceremony, although in another report he referred to "joint forces" being targeted. 

The governor's spokesperson said "joint" air and ground operations were carried out in various areas of Haska Mena district, but forces were met with fire in Mianji Baba, reportedly the site of the strike. Twenty-five members of the group, including three leaders, were killed and 15 more wounded in the operations. 

Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal, provincial police spokesperson, commented: "Daesh [IS-K] was using civilian houses and foreign forces tried a lot to not harm civilians; a number of Daesh commanders were killed in the strike." A total of 25 IS-K were killed in two strikes in two different villages, the police said.

Shinwari said the strike hit a house in Mariz Kandaw area (Mianji Baba village is reportedly in this area) at around 3pm local time. He said it belonged to Aman Bacha, who had died and his relatives were gathered in the house to mourn his death at the time of the strike. Sixteen fighters, alongside eight civilians, including children, were also killed, he said. Pajhwok reporters said four civilian homes were hit, leading to the civilian casualties. 

An unnamed official told Pajhwok six bodies had been identified so far, and six people were injured, including three children and one woman. An Afghan army’s engineering unit was also injured in the incident, the source said. 

Dr. Najibullah Kamawal, Nangarhar's public health director, said eight people had been bought to Jalalabad hospital, although one has since been discharged. Six of those still in the hospital are women, he said. 

The clashes may have also resulted in additional deaths - a tribal elder Maroof Shah Khan told Pajhwok ten people, including two women, were killed and eight more, including two women and three children, were injured in the drone strike and clashes.

The US said it was aware of the allegations. "I can confirm that we did take strikes in that general area, and the investigation will seek to determine whether our strikes resulted in deaths and injuries to non-combatants," Captain William Salvin told the Bureau. "As you know, we take these allegations very seriously and investigate each of them. We also continue to take every possible precaution to prevent civilian casualties."

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Haska Mena district, Nangarhar province
  • References: TOLO News, Pajhwok, Pajhwok, US Forces - Afghanistan via email

AFG373C link

22 July 2017

  • 0-17 reported killed
  • 0-15 reported injured

Khaama Press reported the death of Mawlavi Shahidullah, described as a prominent Taliban leader.

While the headline of the report said Shahidullah died in an air strike, it did not specify whether this was carried out by US or Afghan forces. 

The body of the article also said he was killed during air and ground operations. A police official said at least 17 Taliban insurgents were killed and 15 others injured during operations in three areas in Kunduz. 

The information is not clear enough to record this strike in our dataset as yet.

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Kunduz province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG373 link

21 July 2017

Fifty-two strikes were carried out in Helmand over the past five days, the US military headquarters in Kabul told Reuters.

Ten of these took place in Gereshk district on July 20. These ten have been added as a separate entry (see entry below). We have recorded the remaining 42 in this entry. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Helmand province
  • References: Reuters

AFG372 link

21 July 2017

  • 9-16 reported killed
  • 2 reported injured
  • Reported friendly fire incident

A US air strike accidentally killed Afghan forces in Gereshk district, Helmand province, on the afternoon of July 21.

"During a US supported ANDSF operation, aerial fires resulted in the deaths of the friendly Afghan forces who were gathered in a compound," a Resolute Support press release said. "We would like to express our deepest condolences to the families affected by this unfortunate incident." 

The Afghan Ministry of Interior said the incident had happened “due to wrong coordination”. 

A spokesperson for the US military told the Washington Post at least nine “local security personnel aligned with Afghan Government forces” had been killed. Abdul Ghafar Safi, Helmand provincial police chief, had put the number of ANP (Afghan National Police) personnel killed at 12, with two others injured, but in later reporting this rose to 16. Two commanders of the national police were among the dead, according to the provincial governor.

More details surfaced on the circumstances of the strike. Soldiers and residents told TOLO News US strikes targeted a number of checkpoints.“The policemen were here in this house which was bombarded and all of them were killed,” a soldier told the news site. 

The police chief said Taliban fighters had captured villages in the district, but the US hit a retaken village. Helmand’s governor, Hayatullah Hayat, said the situation in the area was complicated - Taliban had reportedly captured police posts and vehicles used by the police making the two groups hard to distinguish between. 

Haji Abdulhai, a relative of one of the victims, said, “Fighting started on Friday morning and was still ongoing by the afternoon but foreign forces did not interfere. When the village was cleared, they conducted the air strike. Those ordered the strike should be brought to justice.” 

  • Type of strike: US air and drone strike
  • Location: Parchaw village, Gereshk district, Helmand province
  • References: US Forces - Afghanistan, Washington Post, BBCReuters, TOLO News

AFG371 link

20 July 2017

The US military headquarters in Kabul told Reuters on July 21 they had carried out 52 strikes in Helmand in the last five days. 

Ten of these took place in Gereshk district on July 20. We have recorded these ten in this entry, and the remaining strikes are recorded in entry AFG373.

The following day, a strike in Gereshk district accidently killed at least nine members of the Afghan forces.  

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Gereshk district, Helmand province
  • References: Reuters 

AFG370 link

20 July 2017

  • 4 reported killed

Four Taliban members were allegedly killed in an overnight drone strike in Watapur district, Helmand, according to Hazrat Hussain Mashraqiwal, a police spokesperson. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Watapur district, Nangarhar province 
  • References: Pajhwok

AFG369Ci link

19 July 2017

  • 5 reported killed
  • 1 reported injured

A US drone strike killed five alleged Taliban members and wounded one other in Nangarhar's Lalpur district, local officials told Khaama Press.

The sourcing was too vague to confirm it as a US strike and include it in our strike tally as yet. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Lalpur district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG369C link

17 July 2017

  • 4 reported killed

An Afghan Air Force strike allegedly killed two local Taliban leaders, Khalilullah Zeyaye, a police commander said. 

According to the commander, the dead included Mawlawi Nooruddin, reportedly the Taliban's deputy shadow governor for Kunduz, and also Zabihullah Majroh, described as the group's former district governor for Chahardara district.

However, the report said the strike targeted a vehicle the men were travelling in. We are not sure how likely it is that the Afghan Air Force have the capability to strike moving targets as yet, and so we have recorded this as a possible US strike. 

Two other insurgents were allegedly killed. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Kunduz city, Kunduz province
  • References: Khaama Press

AFG369 link

15 July 2017

  • 0-38 reported killed

US air strikes were carried out to aid Afghan National Security and Defence Forces as they battled to take back the district centre of Nawa from the Taliban.

The Afghan ground troops began their movement to Nawa district during the early hours of July 15. They had reportedly retaken the district centre by July 17. It had been under Taliban control since October last year. 

"Under the watchful presence of the Afghan National Army scan eagle and coalition unmanned aerial systems, F-16s and AH-64 Apaches set conditions, conducted air strikes and covered the flanks of the maneuver elements to decrease the amount of friction felt by the ground forces and allowed freedom of manoeuvre," a news article on Resolute Supports website read.

"The air support provided by the coalition forces increased the morale amongst the Afghan Uniform Police personnel," said Lt. Col. Mohammad Omar, the acting operations officer with the 505th Zone National Police. "Something that they never had in the past fighting with the enemies."

"Nawa plays a large role in the security of Lashkar Gah because it is one of the larger towns that's just south of Lashkar Gah," Col. David Gibbs, the commanding officer for team police, Task Force Southwest, said in the release. 

"Nawa is a major north-south route for transportation, so as people travel north, they would typically travel through Nawa. From that perspective it's a very significant geographic location," Colonel Gibbs added.   

ANDSF replace Taliban flags with the Afghanistan national flag after they reclaim the Nawa district center. Photo by Resolute Support

Afghan officials have estimated that at least 38 Taliban fighters were killed during the operation, including in the air strikes, according to FDD's Long War Journal. 

We do not know how many strikes were carried out by the US during this operation. We have recorded two strikes in our dataset as we know there was more than one, but can't be sure how many more. Its likely there were more strikes conducted than this, and we have sent an email to Resolute Support to try and get an exact number. 

AFG368C link

15 July 2017

  • 1 reported injured

There were reports of a US strike hitting a school in Kunduz province and some civilian houses, a claim the US has strongly denied.

Mujib Mehrdad, a spokesman for education ministry, reportedly confirmed a school was hit in the area and said an investigation was underway. 

The principle of Mashad high school, where the attack allegedly took place, said it occurred at around 4:00am local time and partially damaged the school building.

Syed Mahmood Danish, a spokesperson for the governor, said that school was mistakenly hit, and the aim was to target Taliban fighters in Khwaja Ghaltan school.

1TV News reported one person was injured in the alleged strike on the school. 

Amruddin, a resident in the area, told Pajhwok: “We are seriously concerned about airstrikes on residential areas, it means people are not safe even in their homes.”

Lower house members have demanded an investigation into the strike. 

A US reply to the Afghan National Directorate of Security allegedly said the damage of was caused by a kitchen fire and explosion. It said several "terrain denial strikes" were conducted in Kunduz in the night, hitting areas in an open field. No civilians were seen in the area and no structures were hit, the reply said. 

A Resolute Support spokesperson said the claim of a strike hitting a school was false. "We took four strikes in Kunduz that overnight period (14-15 July). The closest point of impact of any piece of ordinance was 2.25KM from the school," Captain William Salvin said. 

He added that they are however conducting a formal inquiry so they can document the claim and preserve the evidence of what they find. 

  • Type of strike: Possible US strike
  • Location: Kunduz city, Kunduz province
  • References: 1TV NewsPajhwok, US Forces - Afghanistan via email

AFG368 link

14 July 2017

  • 8 reported killed

A Taliban commander and seven other fighters were killed when a drone hit a car in Nangarhar province on the night of July 14, according to Attaullah Khogyani, spokesman for the provincial governor. 

“The strike occurred in Mashwani area of Bati Kot district. No harm has been done to civilians,” Khogyani told Anadolu Agency. 

He identified the commander as Shaista Khan, also known as Kamran. 

  • Type of strike: US air or drone strike
  • Location: Mashwani area, Bati Kot district, Nangarhar province
  • References: Anadolu Agency