Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code

CS1262 RS2366

Incident date

July 24, 2017


الميادين شارع الاربعين, Al Mayadin, Al-Arba’eeb street, Deir Ezzor, Syria


35.017721, 40.447309 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Street level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

Five or six civilians died in airstrikes on Al-Arba’eeb street in Al Mayadin, local media said – though sources were conflicted as to whether this was the work of the US-led Coalition, of Russia or the Syrian regime.

Step News Agency, Almayadeen, Syrianpc and Radioalkul were among the sources that pointed towards the Coalition. Almayadeen reported: “civil sources in the city of Al-Mayadeen told the Syrian SANA agency that aircraft belonging to the Coalition, led by the United States, bombed Al-Fansh junction in the city on Monday morning at peak time as people headed to their work on agricultural land and at shops, causing the death and injury of dozens of civilians and serious damage to infrastructure and property”. Enab Baladi added that while “it could not confirm the identity of the flight that carried out the strikes, some accounts said it belonged to the international coalition flight.”

According to Hasaka Rasd, “air strikes by warplanes at 8 am targeted the end of Al-Arbaeen Street next to the intersection of Al-Fansh in the city of Al-Ma’adien in the eastern suburb of Deir Al-Ghazal, killing five civilians and wounding others.”

Two unidentified martyrs and a number of wounded.” The Violations Documentation Center in Syria also listed Abdel Samad al Sakan and Abdul Qadir al Sakan and added that another four civilian males were killed in the attack. The documentation center identified the “international coalition forces” as the culprit.

A later report by Euphrates Post added that raids had specifically targeted “the house of Abu Aziz and the houses of Dr. Hawash Al-alyan and Maawiya Jajan”.

However, according to RFS Media Office and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Russia was likely responsible for the raids. RFS Media Office said that “residential buildings” were targeted by Moscow’s warplanes. Alghadalsoury was alone in saying that the strikes were “probably” carried out by the regime.

Ahmad Shibli reported that in addition to five deaths, dozens more civilians were wounded. He didn’t identify the “warplanes” responsible. Deir Ezzor Free added that strikes targeted “Al-Arbaeen Street and the surroundings of Al-Nour Mosque”.

The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Family members (2)

Abdel Samad Al- Sakan
Age unknown male killed
Abdul Qadir Al – Sakan
Age unknown male killed

The victims were named as:

Hossam Saleh Abdullah Al – Hamad
Age unknown male killed


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    5 – 6
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected belligerents
    US-led Coalition, Russian Military

Sources (29) [ collapse]

from sources (1) [ collapse]

  • Hossam Saleh Abdullah Al-Hama, killed in a raid on Al-Arbaeen Street, July 24th 2017. (via Hasaka Rasd)

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

For July 24th-25th: “Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed 14 ISIS oil stills and five well-heads.” It later also added that “On July 24, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed three ISIS oil stills and a vehicle.”

French Military
  • English

In the last week (20th-27th) France reports carrying out two strikes in Raqqah, destroying two ISIL combat positions. Task Force (TF) Wagram carried out 21 artillery strikes in Mosul. The overall record of air activity since September 19th 2014 amounts to 1,324 strikes, 2,092 targets destroyed and 6,857 sorties.

‘OPÉRATION CHAMMAL SITUATION En Syrie, Dans la ville de Raqqah, Daech continue de perdre du terrain, jour après jour, face aux Forces Démocratiques Syriennes. Les combattants terroristes continuent néanmoins de disposer de solides positions défensives dans le cœur de la ville, à partir desquelles ils mènent des contre-attaques régulières et des actions de harcèlement. En Irak, Les forces de sécurités irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation de la ville de Mossoul, face à des équipes isolées de combattants qui continuent de mener des actions symboliques de harcèlement. Dans le même temps, Daech consolide ses positions autour de Tal Afar, pour tenter de résister à l’offensive prochaine de la Coalition pour libérer aussi cette ville. Daech poursuit par ailleurs ses actions de diversion et de harcèlement, en se concentrant dans les régions de l’Anbar et d’Hawijah. Certaines actions ont également été menées cette semaine dans l’Ouest de l’Irak, dans la région de Rutbah. ACTIVITÉS DE LA FORCE Cette semaine, les aéronefs ont réalisé 45 sorties aériennes dont 31 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), ainsi que 04 missions de recueil de renseignement et 06 de ravitaillement en vol. Un C135-FR récemment déployé a en effet réalisé de nombreuses missions en quelques jours à peine, soutenant ainsi, à son niveau, la bascule des efforts de la Coalition vers les autres bastions de Daech. Deux frappes ont été menées dans le cadre de la bataille de Raqqah, détruisant deux positions de combattants ennemies, au contact des troupes alliées engagées. De ces positions, des tireurs de Daech tenaient sous leur feu les soldats alliés à une centaine de mètres à peine. La Task Force (TF) Wagram a réalisé 21 missions de tir dont 07 de harcèlement et 14 d’éclairement. Ces missions interdisent une offensive de contre des terroristes vers Mossoul. Le bilan global de l’activité aérienne depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève à 1 324 frappes, 2 092 objectifs détruits et 6 857 sorties. Le bilan global de l’activité artillerie atteint 1 331 missions.’

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Russian Military

Russia has not reported any strikes between July 1st – 31st 2017.


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    5 – 6
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected belligerents
    US-led Coalition, Russian Military

Sources (29) [ collapse]