Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for January 18, 2015 – January 19, 2015

Report Date

January 19, 2015

Reapers continued to provide support to the Iraqi army on Sunday 18 January – in the afternoon a Hellfire was used to strike a heavy machine-gun position that threatened Iraqi soldiers nearby, then during the night a further 3 missiles were used to target a large terrorist group as they began an attack on an Iraqi position.

Tornado GR4s were also active in the early hours of Monday morning [January 19th], flying armed reconnaissance in western Iraq, close to the Syrian border. An armoured personnel carrier was identified near Al Qaim and hit by a Brimstone missile. Continuing their patrol to the north east, the GR4s caught another group of ISIL vehicles attacked with a Paveway IV bomb.

Report Date

January 19, 2015

Reapers continued to provide support to the Iraqi army on Sunday 18 January – in the afternoon a Hellfire was used to strike a heavy machine-gun position that threatened Iraqi soldiers nearby, then during the night a further 3 missiles were used to target a large terrorist group as they began an attack on an Iraqi position.

Tornado GR4s were also active in the early hours of Monday morning [January 19th], flying armed reconnaissance in western Iraq, close to the Syrian border. An armoured personnel carrier was identified near Al Qaim and hit by a Brimstone missile. Continuing their patrol to the north east, the GR4s caught another group of ISIL vehicles attacked with a Paveway IV bomb.