Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for December 4, 2016 – December 5, 2016

Report Date

December 5, 2016

Sunday 4 December – Tornados bombed a Daesh weapons factory and a headquarters in Syria, whilst a Reaper provided close air support around Mosul…Another Reaper continued to provide close air support to the Iraqi forces as they engaged in intensive street fighting around Mosul on Sunday 4 December; the Reaper’s crew twice exploited the accuracy and small warhead of their Hellfire missiles to strike Daesh terrorists engaged in close combat with Iraqi troops, and also gave surveillance support to four successful attacks by coalition aircraft on heavily defended buildings, including one where a group of suicide bombers had mustered. Meanwhile, two flights of Tornados prosecuted Daesh targets in Syria: one pair joined other coalition aircraft in an attack on a large weapons factory which intelligence had established was being operated by Daesh some 15 miles west of Raqqah. The Tornados dropped three Enhanced Paveway II bombs which scored direct hits on their targets. In eastern Syria, the second Tornado flight used a pair of Paveway IV bombs to destroy a terrorist headquarters, plus an associated vehicle, located some 25 miles north-east of At Tibni.

Report Date

December 5, 2016

Sunday 4 December – Tornados bombed a Daesh weapons factory and a headquarters in Syria, whilst a Reaper provided close air support around Mosul…Another Reaper continued to provide close air support to the Iraqi forces as they engaged in intensive street fighting around Mosul on Sunday 4 December; the Reaper’s crew twice exploited the accuracy and small warhead of their Hellfire missiles to strike Daesh terrorists engaged in close combat with Iraqi troops, and also gave surveillance support to four successful attacks by coalition aircraft on heavily defended buildings, including one where a group of suicide bombers had mustered. Meanwhile, two flights of Tornados prosecuted Daesh targets in Syria: one pair joined other coalition aircraft in an attack on a large weapons factory which intelligence had established was being operated by Daesh some 15 miles west of Raqqah. The Tornados dropped three Enhanced Paveway II bombs which scored direct hits on their targets. In eastern Syria, the second Tornado flight used a pair of Paveway IV bombs to destroy a terrorist headquarters, plus an associated vehicle, located some 25 miles north-east of At Tibni.

  • The aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower conducts a routine, scheduled transit through the Suez Canal, Dec 4th (US Navy)