Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for June 28, 2017 – June 29, 2017

Report Date

June 29, 2017

Wednesday 28 June – Tornados supported Syrian Democratic Forces in Raqqa, striking two buildings defended by Daesh extremists…On Wednesday 28 June, two Tornado flights operated over Raqqa. At the north-western end of the city, at least one suicide bomber was known to be waiting inside a Daesh-held building, waiting for an opportunity to attack the SDF as they closed in. The building and the terrorists inside were struck with a Paveway IV. A second such weapon demolished a building in the east, from where heavy fire had been directed at the SDF. This successful strike allowed the SDF to resume their advance.

Report Date

June 29, 2017

Wednesday 28 June – Tornados supported Syrian Democratic Forces in Raqqa, striking two buildings defended by Daesh extremists…On Wednesday 28 June, two Tornado flights operated over Raqqa. At the north-western end of the city, at least one suicide bomber was known to be waiting inside a Daesh-held building, waiting for an opportunity to attack the SDF as they closed in. The building and the terrorists inside were struck with a Paveway IV. A second such weapon demolished a building in the east, from where heavy fire had been directed at the SDF. This successful strike allowed the SDF to resume their advance.’

#Chammal : 19 frappes et 16 missions d