UK MoD for July 2, 2017 – July 3, 2017
Sunday 2 July – Tornados and Typhoons struck four Daesh positions in Mosul, and two in Raqqa…On Sunday 2 July, mixed pairs of Tornados and Typhoons operated over both Mosul and Raqqa. In Mosul, the Iraqi ground forces encountered three groups of snipers – all three positions, plus another Daesh-held building, were successfully struck with Paveways. In similar fashion, Paveway IVs were used against two terrorist firing points in Raqqa.
Sunday 2 July – Tornados and Typhoons struck four Daesh positions in Mosul, and two in Raqqa…On Sunday 2 July, mixed pairs of Tornados and Typhoons operated over both Mosul and Raqqa. In Mosul, the Iraqi ground forces encountered three groups of snipers – all three positions, plus another Daesh-held building, were successfully struck with Paveways. In similar fashion, Paveway IVs were used against two terrorist firing points in Raqqa.