Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

October 30, 2018


و الكشمة, Al Kashma, Deir Ezzor, Syria


34.6205556, 40.9386111 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Village level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

Local sources reported on “two new massacres” resulting from alleged Coalition airstrikes targeting the towns of Al Sha’fa and al-Kashma in Deir al-Zour. Several sources including Free Deir Ezzor Radio and Baladi News reported the killing of a total of 17 non-combatant civilians including four women and three children.

Baladi added that the victims were all Iraqis.

However, Step News Agency and a tweet from @Olay reported that 17 civilians were killed in Kashma alone and four others in the town of Shaafa, including women and children.

According to Step, those killed were members of ISIS families.

In its October 2020 monthly civilian casualty review, the US-led Coalition classed this event as ‘non credible’, asserting that “After a review of all available records it was assessed that no Coalition actions were conducted in the geographical area that corresponds to the report of civilian casualties.”

The local time of the incident is unknown.


  • Strike status
    Contested strike
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • (0–3 children0–4 women)
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerents
    US-led Coalition, Syrian Regime
  • Suspected target

Sources (8) [ collapse]

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Non credible / Unsubstantiated
    Insufficient information to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.
  • Reason for non-credible assessment
    No Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographical area
  • Civilian deaths conceded
  • Civilian injuries conceded
  • Stated location
    al Kashma, Syria
    Nearest population center
  • Location accuracy
    100 m
  • MGRS coordinate
    Military Grid Reference System

Civilian casualty statements

US-led Coalition
  • Oct 29, 2020
  • 5. Oct. 30, 2018, al Kashma, Syria, via Airwars report. After a review of all available records it was assessed that no Coalition actions were conducted in the geographical area that corresponds to the report of civilian casualties. 3217/CS1820 37SFU777326

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

For October 30th, the Coalition publicly reported: “Near Hajin, six strikes engaged six tactical units, and destroyed nine vehicles, seven supply routes, and one vehicle borne IED.”

Dutch Military
  • English

For October 24th – 31st, Dutch MoD reports that Dutch F-16s supported ground troops during nine missions. Weapons were deployed in four: near Abu Kamal, Deir Ezzor governorate, Syria and near Mosul, Nineveh province, Iraq. Targets were ISIS warehouses and vehicles.

‘In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 9 missies. Bij 4 zijn wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 24 tot 31 oktober 2018. Dat gebeurde in de provincies Deir al Zour en Ninawa, in de omgeving van Abu Kamal (Oost-Syrië) en Mosul (Irak). Doelwit waren opslagplaatsen en voertuigen van ISIS.‘

French Military
  • English

For Oct 24th-30th, France report that the three CAESAR guns of Task Force Wagram have conducted 6 firing missions from Iraqi territory. Aircraft carried out 18 sorties and four strikes north of Abu Kamal, Syria.

CHAMMAL SITUATION MILITAIRE DU THEATRE Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie L’opération pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine dans la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate, lancée le 10 septembre, se poursuit. Daech a profité des mauvaises conditions météorologiques pour mener des contre-attaques cette semaine et reprendre du terrain aux forces démocratiques syriennes. Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation des forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) se poursuivent. ACTIVITÉ DE LA FORCE Le dispositif français déployé au Levant n’a pas évolué. La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. La Task Force Wagram appuie l’offensive des forces démocratiques syriennes contre Daech dans la région d’Hajine. Les trois canons CAESAR ont ainsi réalisé, depuis le territoire irakien, 6 missions de tir (éclairement, harcèlement, destruction – bilan du 24 au 30 octobre inclus). Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1998 missions de tirs. Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations Au sein de la coalition, les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech. Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 18 sorties aériennes (bilan du 24 au 30 octobre inclus) et conduit 4 frappes, en appui des FDS au nord d’Abou Kamal en Syrie. Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 : 8600 sorties / 1476 frappes / 2275 objectifs neutralisés.

Syrian Regime Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Regime
  • Syrian Regime position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Strike status
    Contested strike
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • (0–3 children0–4 women)
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerents
    US-led Coalition, Syrian Regime
  • Suspected target

Sources (8) [ collapse]