Incident date
November 13, 2021
عقبة امقوة, Aqba Amkawa, Shabwa, YemenAt least one civilian was killed and another civilian, a woman, was injured in alleged Saudi Coalition or US drone strikes on the Olaya Markha district of Shabwa governorate. Sources were conflicted about whether the other two to three people killed and two to three people wounded were civilians or members of Al Qaeda. A Facebook
Incident date
November 13, 2021
حدبى ال عوشان, Hadba Al Aushan, Shabwa, YemenAt least one person, identified as an Al-Qaeda affiliate, was killed in alleged US drone strikes on the Al-Hadba area in the Wadi Marib district of Yemen the afternoon of November 13, 2021. A post from Hudhud Sabaa news alleged that a US drone strike targeted an Al-Qaeda affiliate from Al-Dhalea’s Al-Dhalea district in Hadbaa Al-Aushan.
Incident date
August 24, 2021
YemenTwo alleged members of Al Qaeda were killed in US airstrikes in Yemen sometime before August 24, 2021. According to a Facebook post from Mushir Al Mashrai, Al-Qaeda organization in Yemen mourned Rashid Al-Ghazali and his brother Abu Asim, who said that they were killed in an American raid. A tweet from @GhalebM0nz1i7 reported that the
Incident date
March 16, 2021
حي جو النسيم, Jao Al Naseem, Ma'rib, YemenLocal sources in Marib reported casualties among civilians as a result of a reported attack either by a US-drone on a car entering a popular market in Marib – or by a Houthi balluistic missile strike on the market – on March 16th, 2021. While @aalnaasi said the attack happened on Dahbeel station in Al-Naseem,