Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

August 7, 2017


al Wadi street, Raqqa, Syria


35.948509, 39.01324 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Street level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

One civilian, Mr. Abed Mahal al-Attiyah, was named as killed by a mortar shell which reportedly fell on his as he left evening prayers at al Hamza mosque, according to local media.

Airwars understands that the SDF are using mortars in Raqqa, therefore they can’t be ruled out as the culprit.

Additionally, a report by Deir Ezzor24 said that the mortar was fired by “the organisation”, suggesting that IS may have been to blame.


The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Adult male killed

Geolocation notes (1) [ collapse]

Reports of the incident mention Al Wadi street (الوادي) and Al Hamza mosque (الحمزة) in the city of Raqqa. Airwars was unable to locate a mosque in Al Wadi street (الوادي), however, a possible location for the Al Hamza mosque (الحمزة) is: 35.958994, 39.010043. The coordinates for Al Wadi street (الوادي) are: 35.948509, 39.01324.

  • Al Wadi street (الوادي) and a possible location for Al Hamza mosque (الحمزة) in the city of Raqqa

    © 2019 Google


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • (1 man)
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected belligerents
    US-led Coalition, Syrian Democratic Forces

Sources (5) [ collapse]

from sources (1) [ collapse]

  • The martyrdom of Mr. Abed Mahal al-Attiyah yesterday after he left the evening prayer at Al-Hamzah Mosque in Al-Wadi Street, as a result of the fall of a mortar shell in the area (via DNP)
CJTF–OIR Declassified Assessment and Press Release

Attached to this civilian harm incident is a provisional reconciliation of the Pentagon's declassified assessment of this civilian harm allegation, based on matching date and locational information.

The declassified documents were obtained by Azmat Khan and the New York Times through Freedom of Information requests and lawsuits filed since March 2017, and are included alongside the corresponding press release published by the Pentagon. Airwars is currently analysing the contents of each file, and will update our own assessments accordingly.

Declassified Assessment Press Release

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Non credible / Unsubstantiated
    Insufficient information to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.
  • Reason for non-credible assessment
    No Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographical area
  • Civilian deaths conceded
  • Civilian injuries conceded
  • Stated location
    near Raqqah, Syria
    Nearest population center

Civilian casualty statements

US-led Coalition
  • Jun 28, 2018
  • After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographical area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

For August 5th-6th the Coalition reported: “Near Raqqah, 23 strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units and destroyed 19 fighting positions, five ISIS-held buildings, three IED factories, an ISIS communications tower and a UAS launch site.” It additionally reported that “On Aug. 5, near Raqqah, Syria, five strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and a heavy machine gun.”

French Military
  • English

For August 3rd-9th, France report 1 strike in Iraq and 1 in Syria, along with 9 artillery strikes in Mosul. (via EtatMajorFR)

French Military
  • English

France reports that in the past week (4th -11th) it carried out 31 sorties, including 24 Army reconnaissance and Ground Support (CAS), as well as 4 intelligence reports by Atlantic 2 or Rafale patrol. Two strikes were carried out in the Hassaka region of Syria and the Al Qaim region of Iraq. They destroyed ISIL storage sites and weapons caches.

‘Point de situation des opérations ARMÉE FRANÇAISE – OPÉRATIONS MILITAIRES·FRIDAY, 11 AUGUST 2017 OPÉRATION CHAMMAL SITUATION En Syrie, A Raqqah, la progression des forces démocratiques syriennes se poursuit. Au sud de la ville, la manœuvre de tenaille amorcée, qui permettra de joindre les fronts est et ouest, demeure freinée par la résistance de Daech. Les combattants du groupe terroriste utilisent les réseaux de tunnels et les véhicules suicide chargés d’explosifs pour conduire des actions de harcèlement, et piègent systématiquement le terrain cédé. En Irak, Les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent le nettoyage et la dépollution de la ville de Mossoul. Dans le reste du territoire, alors que Daech tente de poursuivre ses actions de harcèlement, les opérations de sécurisation mobilisent largement les forces irakiennes. Dans la vallée de l’Anbar et dans la région d’Hawijah, les opérations ont permis de déceler et de détruire des caches de munitions et de nombreux engins explosifs improvisés. ACTIVITÉS DE LA FORCE Le 3 août s’est achevée une séquence de relève des avions de Chammal. Celle-ci a signé la fin du premier déploiement du plot mixte Rafale marine et air. Ce sont désormais 6 avions Rafale de l’armée de l’air qui constituent le volet chasse présent en Jordanie. Cette semaine, sur le théâtre, les aéronefs ont réalisé 31 sorties aériennes dont 24 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), ainsi que 4 sorties de recueil de renseignement par Atlantique 2 ou patrouille de Rafale. Deux frappes ont été conduites dans la région de Hassaka en Syrie et dans la région d’Al Qaim. Elles ont permis de détruire des sites de stockage et des caches d’armes. La Task Force (TF) Wagram a mené de son côté 6 missions de tir de harcèlement en appui de la 15e division à l’ouest de Mossoul vers Tal Afar, pour prévenir les infiltrations ennemies sur les positions irakiennes. Le bilan global de l’activité aérienne depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève à 1 322 frappes, 2095 objectifs détruits et 6919 sorties.

Syrian Democratic Forces Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Democratic Forces
  • Syrian Democratic Forces position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • (1 man)
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected belligerents
    US-led Coalition, Syrian Democratic Forces

Sources (5) [ collapse]