Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

February 11, 2019


الباغوز, Al Baghouz, Deir Ezzor, Syria


34.4641667, 40.9452778 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Village level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

In the final stages of the fight against ISIS in its last territorial stronghold, four civilians were alleged killed as a result of shelling by the International Coalition on houses in the outskirts of the town of Al-Baghouz in the eastern suburb of Deir Ezzor on the morning of February 11th.

According to Euphrates Post and Deir Ezzor 24, the victims were two women and two children. Elrabi Elyoum instead said that four men had died. Deir Ezzor 24 also blamed the deaths on ‘heavy SDF shelling’, though this was most likely Coalition fire. Euphrates Post also mentioned an unknown number of injured civilians.

The incident occured during the day.

Geolocation notes

Reports of the incident mention the village of Al Baghouz (الباغوز), for which the generic coordinates are: 34.4641667, 40.9452778. Due to limited satellite imagery and information available to Airwars, we were unable to verify the location further.


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • (2 children2 women4 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (20) [ collapse]

from sources (1) [ collapse]

  • Video by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitors shelling by the International Coalition and the SDF on what is left of ISIS enclave in Al-Baghuz area in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

SOUTHWEST ASIA - Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve launched a precision strike in support of Syrian Democratic Forces against an ISIS command and control facility, formerly used as a mosque in Baghouz Fawqani, Syria, on Feb. 11, 2019.

ISIS used the former mosque to direct attacks and employ vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices against CJTF-OIR and partner forces. Otherwise protected under the Geneva Convention, ISIS caused the mosque to lose its protected status afforded by the Law of Armed Conflict.

“This mosque lost its protected status when ISIS deliberately chose to use it as a command and control center,” said U.K. Maj. Gen. Christopher Ghika, CJTF-OIR deputy commander-strategy and information. “This strike on ISIS will further hasten their defeat in the MERV.”

Coalition Forces, comprising 74 partner nations and five international organizations, are deployed in support of CJTF-OIR, working by, with and through partner forces to bring about the enduring defeat of ISIS.

French Military
  • English

From Feb 6th-12th, French MoD report 7 firing missions by Task Force Wagram on the Hajin area of Syria, from Iraqi territory. Additionally, French Rafales carried out 21 sorties and 6 airstrikes.

CHAMMALSITUATION MILITAIRE DU THEATREOffensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en SyrieEn moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate, les Forces démocratiques syriennes ont repris les opérations de reconquête de la poche de Hajin dans la nuit du 09 et 10 février. Elles sont appuyées par les tirs des forces aériennes de la Coalition, dont celles de l’opération Chammal, ainsi que par les tirs d’artillerie de la Task Force Wagram.Poursuite des actions en IrakLa situation sécuritaire est stable en Irak. Les Forces de sécurité irakiennes, appuyées par la Coalition, maintiennent un rythme opérationnel élevé face à Daesh.ACTIVITE DE LA FORCELe dispositif français déployé au Levant n’a pas évolué.La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’EuphrateDepuis le territoire irakien, la Task Force (TF) Wagram appuie les forces démocratiques syriennes engagées contre Daech dans la région d’Hajine.La TF Wagram a réalisé 7 missions de tir (1 mission d’éclairement, et 6 missions d’aveuglement – bilan du 06 au 12 février inclus).Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérationsLes aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la coalition.Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 21 sorties aériennes (bilan du 06 au 12 février inclus). Les Rafale français ont conduit 6 frappes au cours de cette période.

UK Military
  • English

Monday 11 February – Typhoons supported the Syrian Democratic Forces east of Abu Kamal in Syria, striking two Daesh strong-points, including a heavy machine-gun position...As the Syrian Democratic Forces have continued their operations to clear the last small remaining pocket of Daesh-held territory that has been identified in eastern Syria, Royal Air Force aircraft have maintained daily armed reconnaissance support, delivering air attacks if needed by the SDF on the ground. On Monday 11 February, the SDF encountered two Daesh strong-points on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, across the river from Abu Kamal. These strong-points were directing fire, including from a heavy machine-gun, at close range against the SDF, so assistance was requested from two RAFTyphoon FGR4s, supported by a Voyager air refuelling tanker. The Typhoons conducted an accurate simultaneous attack on both strong-points, hitting each with a Paveway IV guided bomb, and successfully eliminated the threat to the SDF.


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • (2 children2 women4 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (20) [ collapse]