Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

January 16, 2017


الرقة‎, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, Syria


35.90953, 38.56999 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Within 100m (via Coalition) level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

In an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, the Coalition later confirmed the death of a civilian in an event near Raqqa.

Their July 2017 civilian casualty report noted: “During a strike on an ISIS compound, after reviewing post-strike video, it was assessed that one civilian who was not observed near the target during the engagement was unintentionally killed.”

In July 2019, the Coalition provided Airwars with the location of this incident, accurate to within a 100 metre box.

The local time of the incident is unknown.

Geolocation notes

Prior to the Coalition releasing the MGRS for this incident, Airwars had geolocated it to the nearest city at 35.9505639, 39.0094148


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (1) [ collapse]

CJTF–OIR Declassified Assessment and Press Release

Attached to this civilian harm incident is a provisional reconciliation of the Pentagon's declassified assessment of this civilian harm allegation, based on matching date and locational information.

The declassified documents were obtained by Azmat Khan and the New York Times through Freedom of Information requests and lawsuits filed since March 2017, and are included alongside the corresponding press release published by the Pentagon. Airwars is currently analysing the contents of each file, and will update our own assessments accordingly.

Declassified Assessment Press Release

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Credible / Substantiated
    The investigation assessed that although all feasible precautions were taken and the decision to strike complied with the law of armed conflict, unintended civilian casualties regrettably occurred.
  • Given reason for civilian harm
    Unseen at time of engagement
    Airwars’ assessment of belligerent’s civilian casualty statement
  • Initial Airwars grading
  • Civilian deaths conceded
  • Stated location
    near Raqqah, Syria
    Nearest population center
  • Location accuracy
    100 m
  • MGRS coordinate
    Military Grid Reference System

Civilian casualty statements

US-led Coalition
  • Jul 7, 2018
  • Jan. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS compound, after reviewing post-strike video, it was assessed that one civilian who was not observed near the target during the engagement was unintentionally killed.

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

For January 15th-16th the Coalition publicly stated: “ Near Ar Raqqah, eight strikes engaged six ISIL tactical units; destroyed seven fighting positions, a heavy machine gun, a vehicle, and a bridge; suppressed a heavy machine gun; and damaged a supply route. Near Tabaqah Dam, four strikes engaged four ISIL tactical units, destroyed two fighting positions, and suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.“
For January 16th-17th it noted: “Near Ar Raqqah, nine strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions, an artillery system, a supply cache, a VBIED, a front-end loader, a tactical vehicle, and an ISIL weapons storage facility; and damaged a supply route.“

French Military
  • English

[In the past week, France reports carrying out 53 sorties, including 45 reconnaissance missions or planned strikes, 6 intelligence missions (ISR) and 2 refueling missions. There were 17 strikes destroying 21 targets. Of these, 14 strikes were carried out in support of the coalition operations around Mosul – 13 were conducted in support of troops on the ground against groups of ISIL fighters entrenched in buildings The other three strikes were carried out in Syria in the Raqqah and Hassakah areas. A planned strike was conducted on the outskirts of Mosul on January 16. Performed in conjunction with six other coalition fighter jets, the strike resulted in the destruction of Daech-occupied buildings housing artillery pieces, armored suicide bombs, explosives and a command post. Task Force Wagram led 16 support missions to Iraqi troops engaged in the takeover of Mosul.]

CHAMMAL APPRECIATION DE SITUATION Au Levant, Daech maintient une défense solide dans ses zones refuges. En Irak, l’organisation terroriste perd constamment du terrain dans la bataille de Mossoul, et l’Est de la ville se gagne pas à pas. Dans le reste du pays, Daech oppose toujours une vive résistance aux opérations de l’armée irakienne dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. A Bagdad, l’organisation a mené à nouveau des attaques dans le but de maintenir l’insécurité dans la capitale et cherche ainsi à fragiliser l’action du gouvernement aux yeux de la population. En Syrie, Daech perd également du terrain à proximité de Raqqah, tout en lançant une nouvelle offensive dans la région de Deir-eiz-zor. AVANCEE SUR LA BATAILLE DE MOSSOUL Dans la partie orientale de la ville de Mossoul, l’organisation terroriste ne parvient pas à contrer l’avance des forces irakiennes. Ces dernières se sont emparées dans la semaine de quartiers importants comme celui de l’Université de la ville le 14 janvier. Daech se réfugie dans une stratégie de sanctuarisation de ses positions et renforce désormais les défenses de la partie occidentale de la ville. Les tentatives régulières de mouvement de ravitaillements logistiques témoignent d’une volonté de tenir cette zone. ACTIVITES DE LA FORCE CHAMMAL Appui aérien au Levant Cette semaine, l’activité aérienne a représenté un volume de 53 sorties, dont 45 missions de reconnaissance armée ou de frappes planifiées, 6 missions de renseignement (ISR) et 2 de ravitaillement. Les missions réalisées ont permis de conduire 17 frappes et de neutraliser 21 objectifs. 14 des frappes ont été conduites en appui des opérations de la coalition autour de Mossoul. Les 3 autres frappes ont été réalisées en Syrie dans la région de Raqqah et de Hassaké. Appui feu – TF Wagram La TF Wagram a conduit 16 missions d’appui au profit des troupes irakiennes engagées dans la reprise de Mossoul : 7 missions d’éclairement, et 9 missions. Focus sur Mossoul Sur les 14 frappes menées dans la région de Mossoul, 13 ont été conduites pour appuyer les troupes au sol contre des groupes de combattants retranchés dans des bâtiments. Une frappe planifiée a été conduite en périphérie de Mossoul le 16 janvier par une patrouille de Rafale de l’armée de l’air. Effectuée conjointement avec six autres avions de chasse de la coalition, la frappe a permis la destruction de bâtiments occupés par Daech abritant des pièces d’artillerie, des véhicules suicides blindés chargés d’explosifs et un poste de commandement.’


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (1) [ collapse]