Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

April 28, 2017


شارع فلسطين, Tabaqah, Palestine Street, Raqqa, Syria


35.831667, 38.546944 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Neighbourhood/area level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

Eighteen civilians including 11 children and three women, died in an alleged Coalition airstrike on Filastin Palestine Street, Al Tabaqa.

There is, however, uncertainty about the date ofthe incident: Mohab Nasser puts it at April 28th and eyewitnesses told Human Rights Watch that the attack happened in late April. The Syrian Network for Human Rights reports the date as May 3rd and the Violations Documentation Center lists the victims date of death as May 5th.

According to Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, 18 martyrs from the family of Abdul Razzaq al Sanani died after their home in Filastin street was targeted. The Syrian Network for Human Rights also pointed towards the Coalition, putting the death toll at 18 including 11 children and three women. Qasioun and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights were among other sources blaming the Coalition.

The Violations Documentation Center named 18 victims of a Coalitionstrike. It gave the date of death as May 5th: Abd al-Jalil Mohammad Dalo adult, male; Salha Ahmad Dalo – adult, male; Amineh Abd al-Jalil Dalo, female; Mohammad Abd al-Jalil Dalo – child, male; Shahed Abdal-Jalil Dalo child, female; Hamzeh Abdal-Jalil Dalo child, male; Ahed Abd al-Jalil Dalo child, male; Khaled Mohammad Abd al-Jalil Dalo – adult male; Amina Ahmad Dalo – adult, female; Mohammad Khaled Dalo – adult, male; Amineh Khaled Dalo – child, female; Fatima Khaled Dalo female; Omer Khaled Dalo child, male; Reem Khaled Dalo – child female; Ayoush Abd al-Jalil Dalo – adult female; Abd al-Razzaqal-Merei Sinani male; Bayan Abd al-Razzaqal-Merei child, female; Rawan Abd al-Razzaq al-Merei child, female. The victims were also named by Mohan Nasser and Raqqa is Being SlaughteredSilently.

In a September 2017 report following a field study, Human Rights Watch noted the following: Likely in late April, CJTF airstrikes struck a house in an eastern neighborhood of Tabqa, near Palestine Street, reportedly killing 18 members of the Dalo family. Two residents who said they lived on the street where the house was struck told Human  Rights Watch that there was heavy fighting between SDF and ISIS in the area at the time of the strike. Neither could remember the exact date but indicated that SDF forces were trying to advance from the east and ISIS fighters were moving between houses in their neighborhood and firing at the advancing forces. Muhammad, the owner of the house that came under attack, told Human Rights Watch that he was not present at the time of the attack – he had left the house as fighting approached the area – but that he gave his keys to his neighbors, the Dalo family, as his house had thicker walls and still had water.

Local residents told Human Rights Watch that one munition hit a narrow street in front ofthe house and killed an ISIS fighter. A second munition hit the house where the Dalo family had sought refuge killing all 18 members of the family, including 3 women and 11 children. Human Rights Watch found in the rubble ofthe house remnants of an air-launched Hellfire missile with a Commercial and Government Entity Code (or CAGE) – a unique identifier assigned to suppliers to various government or defense agencies – corresponding to Alliant Techsystems Operations LLC in Rocket Center, West Virginia. Alliant is a well-known supplier of warheads and rocket motors to Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for the Hellfire missile.”

In their monthly civilian casualty reports, the US-led Coalition has indicated that the credibility of this civilian harm allegation is in the process of being assessed.

The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Family members (15)

48 years old male killed
44 years old female killed
13 years old female killed
11 years old male killed
9 years old female killed
5 years old male killed
7 years old male killed
46 years old male killed
38 years old female killed
19 years old male killed
17 years old female killed
13 years old female killed
5 years old male killed
7 years old female killed
50 years old female killed

Family members (3)

50 years old male killed
17 years old male killed
13 years old female killed


  • Strike status
    Likely strike
  • Strike type
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • (11 children3 women)
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (11) [ collapse]

CJTF–OIR Declassified Assessment and Press Release

Attached to this civilian harm incident is a provisional reconciliation of the Pentagon's declassified assessment of this civilian harm allegation, based on matching date and locational information.

The declassified documents were obtained by Azmat Khan and the New York Times through Freedom of Information requests and lawsuits filed since March 2017, and are included alongside the corresponding press release published by the Pentagon. Airwars is currently analysing the contents of each file, and will update our own assessments accordingly.

Declassified Assessment Press Release

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Open incident
  • Civilian deaths conceded
  • Civilian injuries conceded
  • Stated location
    near Tabqah, Syria
    Nearest population center

Civilian casualty statements

US-led Coalition
  • Dec 28, 2017
  • The report contains insufficient information of the time, location and details to assess its credibility. (1401)

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

For April 27th-28th, the Coalition reported: “Near Raqqah, two strikes destroyed a command and control node and a front-end loader.”
For April 28th-29th, the Coalition reported: "Near Raqqah, one strike destroyed a front-end loader" and "Near Tabqah, 10 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units and destroyed seven fighting positions and four vehicles"

The Coalition later reported: "Additionally, four strikes were conducted in Syria April 28 that closed within the last 24 hours.
Near Tabqah, Syria, on April 28, four strikes destroyed three fighting positions and a VBIED.”

For May 2nd - 3rd the Coalition reported: "Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed 12 fighting positions, an ISIS supply route, and a tactical vehicle; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit"

For May 3rd-4th the Coalition reported: "Near Raqqah, one strike destroyed a command and control node" and "Near Tabqah, 18 strikes engaged 11 ISIS tactical units; destroyed nine fighting positions, four vehicles, two tactical vehicles, a VBIED; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

French Military
  • English

For May 4th: CHAMMAL OPERATION ASSESSMENT OF SITUATION In Syria the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continue their progress against Daesh. In the region of Raqqah they have proceeded this week to secure territorial gains made the previous week in the north of the city, neutralizing several pockets of resistance still occupied by terrorist fighters. Further west, the SDS continue to expand their controlled areas, gradually tightening those held by Daesh on the town of Tabqah and its dam. In Iraq, Daesh is still trying to maintain an atmosphere of insecurity in the Anbar and the Tiger Valley in order to divert the Iraqi military effort from Mosul. In the region of Mosul, the situation has changed little this week with the exception of a breakthrough in the south-west of the city. With unfavorable weather conditions, the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) marked an operational pause to regenerate their potential, while maintaining pressure on the Medina neighborhood. To the north-west, on the outskirts of the city, the 9th Division is still engaged in security actions of its control zone centered around Badush, and is still under attack by terrorist groups. Further south, in the city of Mosul, the ICTS and the FEDPOL maintained their position in and around the medina by repelling several attempts by Daesh fighters. ACTIVITIES OF THE CHAMMAL FORCE Fire support - TF Wagram The Task Force (TF) Wagram continued this week its shooting missions in support of the 9th Iraqi Division engaged in the Badush region. The 29 illumination and interdiction missions carried out in support of Iraqi units contributed to the security of the Iraqi zone control system in the face of harassing actions by Daesh groups seeking to infiltrate. Air support to the Levant This week, the aircraft of Operation Chammal made 40 sorties, including 30 for armed reconnaissance or ground support (CAS), 2 for air command and control, 5 for refueling, and 3 for intelligence gathering. 3 strikes were carried out by French planes in Iraq and Syria, in support of ongoing operations in Mosul and Tabqah, as well as in the Anbar Valley. '

‘OPÉRATION CHAMMAL APPRÉCIATION DE SITUATION En Syrie les Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS) poursuivent leurs avancées contre Daech. Dans la région de Raqqah elles ont procédé cette semaine à la sécurisation des gains territoriaux réalisés la semaine précédente au Nord de la ville, en neutralisant plusieurs poches de résistances encore occupées par les combattants terroristes. Plus à l’Ouest les FDS continuent d’étendre leurs zones contrôlées, resserrant progressivement celles tenues par Daech sur la ville de Tabqah et son barrage. En Irak, Daech cherche toujours à entretenir une atmosphère d’insécurité dans l’Anbar et dans la vallée du Tigre afin de détourner l’effort militaire irakien de Mossoul. Dans la région de Mossoul, la situation a peu évolué cette semaine à l’exception d’une avancée dans le sud-ouest de la ville. Avec une météo peu favorable aux opérations, les Forces de Sécurité Irakiennes (FSI) ont marqué une pause opérationnelle pour régénérer leur potentiel, tout en maintenant la pression sur le quartier de la Médina. Au nord-ouest, sur les abords de la ville, la 9e division est toujours engagée dans des actions de sécurisation de sa zone de contrôle centrée autour de Badush, et qui fait toujours l’objet de tentative d’infiltrations de groupes terroristes. Plus au sud, dans la ville de Mossoul, l’ICTS et les FEDPOL ont maintenu leur position dans et autour de la médina en repoussant plusieurs tentatives de sorties des combattants de Daech. ACTIVITÉS DE LA FORCE CHAMMAL Appui feu – TF Wagram La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir en appui de la 9e division irakienne engagée dans la région de Badush. Les 29 missions d’éclairement et d’interdiction réalisées en appui des unités irakiennes ont contribué à la sûreté du dispositif de contrôle de zone irakien face à des actions de harcèlement menées par des groupes de Daech cherchant à s’infiltrer. Appui aérien au Levant Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 40 sorties aériennes dont 30 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol (CAS), 2 de commandement et de contrôle aérien, 5 de ravitaillement, et 3 de recueil de renseignements. 3 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak et en Syrie, en appui des opérations en cours à Mossoul et Tabqah, ainsi que dans la vallée de l’Anbar.’

French Military
  • English

'Chammal: diversity and complementarity of the support pillar Updated: 28/04/2017 On April 23, a French A400M landed for the first time in Iraq. This first logistical link to Baghdad and Erbil is an opportunity to return to the diversity and complementarity of the means of the "support pillar" of Operation CHAMMAL. Chammal: diversity and complementarity of the pillar support These French resources, engaged in the Inherent Resolve interallied operation, have been operating in the Levant from different areas of influence to all the facades of the theater with optimized effects. They make it possible to sustain and last: the logistic support by air to the air bases and the support points in the Levant makes it possible to respond, by its flexibility, to the impromptu needs: repair of a M88 engine of Rafale, electronic bench of an AWACS, Atlantic optronic ball 2 ... Now relying on A400M flights to Iraqi airports, the armed forces are once again reinforcing their reactivity and the support of the three deployed Task Forces (Narvik, Monsabert, Wagram). They make it possible to assess the situation autonomously and to share the information gathered: for the reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence acquisition missions, the Atlantic 2 sensors and the Rafale RECO NG nacelle cameras confirm their high performance. The endurance of the vectors, the diversity of the sensors and the analytical capacities of the French personnel contribute to the good development of the "situational awareness" (Situation Awarness). They make it possible to respond to requests for support from local security forces or to strike Daech in depth on its hotspots. Chammal: diversity and complementarity of the pillar support After a rigorous targeting process and strong national control, the French armies contribute significantly to coalition strikes in various forms: Prepared strikes in the depths of the Iraqi or Syrian theater, targeting targets of vital importance for Daesh as a booby traps factory or illegal trafficking sites, sources of funding for terrorists. SCALP cruise missiles are regularly used for this purpose. By strikes in support of the local security forces: either on demand, on all lines of contact thanks to the Rafale fighters, punctually thanks to the Atlantic 2, or permanently but on a more restricted area, in direct support surrounding units using CAESAR guns. They enable the detection, control and surveillance of allied air movements thanks to the power of the E-3F (AWACS) weapon system deployed in Qatar, high value added aircraft (HVAA) that exceeds regularly the ten hours of flight after a refueling flight. Most of these assets have increased endurance thanks to the C135-FR air-to-air refueler deployed in the United Arab Emirates. The "Dean" of these abilities CHAMMAL continues to contribute to a commitment in the duration of the different effectors on the zone of combat. The complementarity of the French capabilities deployed in the Levant allows to multiply and combine the effects to ensure the effectiveness of support in the fight against Daesh. This diversity illustrates the commitment and strong involvement of the CHAMMAL forces in the coalition. '

‘Chammal : diversité et complémentarité du pilier appui Ajoutez aux favoris Partager Mise à jour : 28/04/2017 Le 23 avril dernier, un A400M français atterrissait pour la première fois en Irak. Cette première liaison logistique vers Bagdad et Erbil est l’occasion de revenir sur la diversité et la complémentarité des moyens du « pilier appui » de l’opération CHAMMAL. Chammal : diversité et complémentarité du pilier appui Ces moyens français, engagés au sein de l’opération interalliée Inherent Resolve, agissent au Levant depuis différentes emprises vers l’ensemble des façades du théâtre avec des effets optimisés. Ils permettent de soutenir et de durer : le soutien logistique par voie aérienne vers les bases aériennes et les points d’appui au Levant permet de répondre, par sa flexibilité, aux besoins impromptus : dépannage d’un moteur M88 de Rafale, banc électronique d’un AWACS, boule optronique de l’Atlantique 2… En s’appuyant désormais sur des vols A400M vers les aéroports irakiens, les armées renforcent à nouveau leur réactivité et le soutien des trois Task Forces déployées (Narvik, Monsabert, Wagram). Ils permettent d’apprécier la situation de manière autonome et de partager les informations recueillies : pour les missions de reconnaissance, de surveillance, d’acquisition du renseignement, les capteurs de l’Atlantique 2 et les caméras de la nacelle RECO NG des Rafale confirment leurs hautes performances. L’endurance des vecteurs, la diversité des capteurs et les capacités d’analyse du personnel français participent au bon développement de la « connaissance de situation » (Situation Awarness). Ils permettent de répondre aux demandes d’appui des forces de sécurité locales ou de frapper Daech en profondeur sur ses points névralgiques. Chammal : diversité et complémentarité du pilier appui Après un processus de ciblage rigoureux et forts d’un contrôle national intransigeant, les armées françaises contribuent de manière significative aux frappes de la coalition sous diverses formes : Par des frappes préparées, dans la profondeur du théâtre irakien ou syrien, en visant des objectifs d’importance vitale pour Daech comme une usine de véhicules piégés ou des sites de trafics illégaux, sources de financement pour les terroristes. Les missiles de croisière SCALP sont régulièrement utilisés à cet effet. Par des frappes en appui des forces locales de sécurité : soit à la demande, sur l’ensemble des lignes de contact grâce aux chasseurs Rafale, ponctuellement grâce à l’Atlantique 2, soit en permanence mais sur une zone plus restreinte, en appui direct des unités environnantes grâce aux canons CAESAR. Ils permettent la détection, le contrôle et la surveillance de l’ensemble des mouvements aériens alliés grâce à la puissance du système d’armes de l’E-3F (AWACS) déployé au Qatar, aéronef à haute valeur ajoutée (HVAA) qui dépasse régulièrement les dix heures de vol après un ravitaillement en vol. Car la plupart de ces moyens disposent d’une endurance accrue grâce au ravitailleur en vol C135-FR déployé au Emirats-Arabes-Unis. Le « doyen » de ces capacités CHAMMAL continue de contribuer à un engagement dans la durée des différents effecteurs sur la zone de combat. La complémentarité des capacités françaises déployées au Levant permet de démultiplier et de combiner les effets pour assurer l’efficacité des appuis dans la lutte engagée contre Daech. Cette diversité illustre bien l’engagement et la forte implication des forces CHAMMAL au sein de la coalition.’

from belligerent (1) [ collapse]

  • An Inherent Resolve Spokesperson briefs reporters, May 4th (via CJTF Operation Inherent Resolve)


  • Strike status
    Likely strike
  • Strike type
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • (11 children3 women)
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (11) [ collapse]