Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

June 6, 2017


حيي النهضة, Nahdah, Raqqa, Syria


35.956606, 38.992476 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Within 1m (via Coalition) level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

In an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, the Coalition later confirmed the injury of a civilian in an event in the Nahdah neighbourhood in Raqqa.

Their September 2017 civilian casualty report noted: “During a strike on an ISIS vehicle, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally injured.”

The Coalition provided Airwars with the location of this incident, accurate to within a one-metre box.

The location given placed the event in a house in the neighbourhood of Nahdah in the north west of Raqqa. The house is located next to the El Barazi pharmacy and near the Al Nour mosque.

Airwars has reported airstrikes on the same day in Raqqah (S811) but the locations listed do not match the location given by the coalition for this incident.

The local time of the incident is unknown.


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (4) [ collapse]

US-led Coalition Assessment:

  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition
  • US-led Coalition position on incident
    Credible / Substantiated
    The investigation assessed that although all feasible precautions were taken and the decision to strike complied with the law of armed conflict, unintended civilian casualties regrettably occurred.
  • Given reason for civilian harm
    No reason given
    Airwars’ assessment of belligerent’s civilian casualty statement
  • Initial Airwars grading
  • Civilian injuries conceded
  • Stated location
    near Raqqah, Syria
    Nearest population center
  • Location accuracy
    1 m
  • MGRS coordinate
    Military Grid Reference System

Civilian casualty statements

US-led Coalition
  • Sep 29, 2017
  • June 6, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS vehicle, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally injured.

Original strike reports

US-led Coalition

For June 5th-6th: “Near Raqqah, 24 strikes engaged 18 ISIS tactical units; destroyed 19 boats, 12 fighting positions, eight vehicles, a house rigged with explosives, and a weapons storage facility; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.” It additionally noted for June 5th that “Near Raqqah, Syria, seven strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two ISIS staging areas, two fighting positions, a VBIED factory, an ISIS tunnel, an ISIS sentry post, a vehicle, and a command and control node.” And that “On June 5, near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes destroyed an IED factory, an ISIS headquarters, an ISIS financial center, and an ISIS staging area.”

June 6th - 7th: "Near Raqqah, 17 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units and destroyed seven fighting positions, two ISIS bridges, two vehicles, an ISIS boat, and an ISIS communications tower" Later reported, "Additionally, eight strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 5-7 that closed within the last 24 hours. On June 5, near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes destroyed an IED factory, an ISIS headquarters, an ISIS financial center, and an ISIS staging area. On June 6, near Raqqah, Syria, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS headquarters, a fighting position and a tunnel entrance. On June 7, near Raqqah, Syria, one strike destroyed six fighting positions and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit"

French Military
  • English

2459/5000 'CHAMMAL ASSESSMENT OF SITUATION In Syria, on June 4, under pressure from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the terrorist organization abandoned the Baath Dam on the Euphrates (between Tabqah and Raqqah). Subsequently, the SDS announced June 6 the start of the offensive for the recovery of Raqqah. The coalition supports forces engaged in this battle, which can be long and difficult. This week, with the support of the coalition, the ground forces made significant first steps on the north, west and southwest fronts of the city. Leaving ground, Daech organizes its withdrawal along the Euphrates towards the city, and traps massively the ground. In Iraq, Daesh continues to lose ground in the north of the country, but continues its asymmetric actions in the capital. In the battle for the recovery of the historic center of Mosul, the terrorist organization is still fiercely opposed to the Iraqi offensives. Heavy fighting took place in the last days in the area of ​​the Jamhuri hospital complex, which until now remained in the hands of the terrorist fighters. ACTIVITIES OF THE CHAMMAL FORCE Air support to the Levant This week, the aircraft of Operation Chammal made 36 sorties, including 32 for armed reconnaissance or ground support (CAS) and 4 for intelligence gathering. 8 strikes were carried out by French planes in Iraq and Syria. They were all conducted in support of ground operations as part of the Daesh operations in Mosul and Raqqah. Support is becoming increasingly complex in Mosul, given the fighting in highly urbanized areas and narrow, narrow streets. Fire support - TF Wagram The Task Force (TF) Wagram continued this week its missions in support of the 15th Iraqi Division in charge of securing the northwest of the city of Mosul and in particular the Badush sector. It has carried out 58 firing missions in support of Iraqi units. The activity was particularly marked by the defense of the rear areas of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) because of the harassing actions of Daesh. For example, on 1 June, the force fired counter-battery fire to prevent mortars from attacking Iraqi units before destroying a defensive position of the terrorist fighters and then a command post.

‘CHAMMAL APPRÉCIATION DE SITUATION En Syrie, le 4 juin, sous la pression des Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS), l’organisation terroriste a abandonné le barrage de Baath sur l’Euphrate (entre Tabqah et Raqqah). Par la suite, les FDS ont annoncé le 6 juin le début de l’offensive pour la reprise de Raqqah. La coalition soutient les forces engagées dans cette bataille qui peut être longue et difficile. Cette semaine, avec l’appui de la coalition, les forces au sol ont réalisé de premières avancées importantes sur les fronts nord, ouest et sud-ouest de la ville. Cédant du terrain, Daech organise son repli le long de l’Euphrate en direction de la ville, et piège massivement le terrain. En Irak, Daech continue à perdre du terrain dans le nord du pays, mais poursuit ses actions asymétriques dans la capitale. Dans la bataille pour la reprise du centre historique de Mossoul, l’organisation terroriste oppose toujours une vive résistance aux offensives irakiennes. De rudes combats se sont déroulés les jours derniers dans le secteur du complexe hospitalier de Jamhuri qui reste jusqu’alors dans les mains des combattants terroristes. ACTIVITÉS DE LA FORCE CHAMMAL Appui aérien au Levant Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 36 sorties aériennes dont 32 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol (CAS) et 4 de recueil de renseignements. 8 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak et en Syrie. Elles ont toutes été conduites en appui des opérations au sol dans le cadre des opérations contre Daech à Mossoul et Raqqah Les appuis deviennent de plus en plus complexes à réaliser dans Mossoul compte tenu des combats qui se déroulent dans des zones fortement urbanisées et aux ruelles étroites et resserrées. Appui feu – TF Wagram La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions en appui de la 15e division irakienne en charge la sécurisation des abords Nord-Ouest de la ville de Mossoul et notamment du secteur de Badush. Elle a réalisé 58 missions de tir en appui des unités irakiennes. L’activité a été plus particulièrement marquée par la défense des zones arrière des Forces de Sécurité Irakiennes (FSI) en raison des actions de harcèlement de Daech. Ainsi, le 1er juin, la force a effectué des tirs de contre-batterie pour empêcher des mortiers de prendre à partie les unités irakiennes avant de détruire une position défensive des combattants terroristes puis un poste de commandement.’

UK Military
  • English

‘Monday 5 June – Typhoons struck a Daesh-held building in eastern Raqqa, whilst Tornados hit two terrorist firing points in a building in Mosul…On Monday 5 June, two Typhoons, supporting Syrian Democratic Forces close to Raqqa, used a Paveway IV to strike a Daesh-held building in the east of the city itself. Tornados meanwhile continued operations over Mosul, and employed a pair of Brimstone missiles to deliver pinpoint attacks on two firing positions located in a large multi-storey building, where the terrorists had stationed a recoilless anti-tank gun and a machine-gun.’


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
  • Known belligerent
    US-led Coalition

Sources (4) [ collapse]