Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

October 21, 2023


بالقرب من دوار الزعرب، رفح , Vicinity of Zorob roundabout, Rafah City, Rafah, the Gaza Strip


31.293442, 34.242939 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Exact location (via Airwars) level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

On October 21st, 2023, at least 15 people were reportedly killed and 40 others were injured as a result of an alleged Israeli military bombing of a house for the Zorob family in the Zorob roundabout area in Rafah. Many local sources, including Facebook posts from Samer Zorob, Diwan Al Zaroub and Rami Saleh Zoroub, reported on the bombing, and gave accounts of the corresponding casualties. Though a post from Twitter/X user @5newspal stated that 16 civilians had been killed, only 14 names were publicly available.

The strike killed 35-year-old Musa Mahmoud Zoroub, and his two children: 6-year-old Judy Musa Mahmoud Zoroub and 9-year-old Mahmoud Musa Mahmoud Zoroub.

Three siblings (based on their family name) were among those killed: 28-year-old Fidaa Mahmoud Musa Zoroub, 29-year-old Fatima Mahmoud Musa Zoroub and 15-year-old Iman Mahmoud Musa Zoroub. Safa PS News and the Zorob family website stated that 8 others had died as a result of the bombing, including 31-year-old Sabah Ahmed Musa Zoroub, 53-year-old Jamalaat Khalil Muhammad Zoroub and 32-year-old Mamdouh Musa Zoroub.

Among those killed were also several children: 4-year-old Sewar Rizq Suleiman Zoroub, 2-year-old Lana Ezzedine Ahmed Zoroub, and an infant, 2-month-old Tahani Ezzedine Ahmed Zoroub.

Three brothers were also killed: 7-year-old Osama Rizq Jumah Al-Nahal Zoroub, 11-year-old Anas Rizq Judah Al-Nahal Zoroub and 5-year-old Adam Rizq Al-Nahal Zoroub. While Osama and Anas’ deaths were announced soon after the strike, Adam’s death was announced by Safa News on October 30th. Anas had been widely lauded by family and friends for having memorized the Quran. Included in a Facebook post from Emtiaz al-Nahhal, a video shows the boys’ father, Rizq Zuroub, caressing Anas’ face; Anas is wrapped in a body bag. Their aunt can also be seen crying over the bodies.

Multiple images showed the devastation after the strike: a very graphic photograph included shows a volunteer carrying the remains of a human body. Other images showed the left-behind belongings of the children, including backpacks and a cartoon balloon.

In a Facebook post, Mahdi Zoroub spoke of the rescue attempts, reporting that 12 dead had been recovered and search efforts were still ongoing for other missing persons. The post also included images of the destroyed buildings, showing it completely reduced to rubble. In multiple images a large crater, seemingly as a result of the strike, is visible.

A post from Samer Zoroub included an image of a row of 12 bodies wrapped in body bags. A post from Facebook user Eekad attached a video published by journalist Abdullah Al-Attar which showed the Palestinian citizen Adel Zoroub losing more than ten members of his family with 6 still reported to be under the rubble.

A post from Muhammad Mamdouh reported that 40 people were injured when the Zoroub family home was bombed.

When sources identified a belligerent, all sources attributed the strike to the Israeli military.

All names except Adam Rizq Al-Nahal Zoroub have been matched with the Palestinian Ministry of Health list of fatalities in Gaza released on October 26th, 2023.

The incident occured around dawn.

The victims were named as:

Family members (15)

Musa Mahmoud Zoroub موسى محمود زعرب
35 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 802139089
Judy Musa Mahmoud Zoroub جودي موسى محمود زعرب
6 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 438178469
Mahmoud Musa Mahmoud Zoroub محمود موسى محمود زعرب
9 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 434327011
Fidaa Mahmoud Musa Zoroub فداء محمود موسى زعرب
28 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 400937231
Fatima Mahmoud Musa Zoroub فاطمة محمود موسى زعرب
29 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 804623510
Iman Mahmoud Musa Zoroub ايمان محمود موسى زعرب
15 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 426222154
Anas Rizq Jumah Al-Nahal Zoroub انس رزق جمعة النحال زعرب
11 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 432124485
Osama Rizq Jumah Al-Nahal Zoroub اسامة رزق جمعة النحال زعرب
7 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 436954861
Sabah Ahmed Musa Zoroub صباح احمد موسى زعرب
31 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 803794072
Sewar Rizq Suleiman Zoroub سوار رزق سليمان زعرب
4 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 441215902
Lana Ezzedine Ahmed Zoroub لانا عز الدين احمد زعرب
2 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 445475361
Jamalaat Khalil Muhammad Zoroub جملات خليل محمد زعرب
53 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 918655655
Tahani Ezzedine Ahmed Zoroub تهاني عز الدين احمد زعرب
1 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 444096747
Mamdouh Musa Zoroub ممدوح موسى زعرب
32 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 803520915
Adam Rizq Al-Nahal Zoroub أدم رزق النحال زعرب
5 years old male killed

Geolocation notes (1) [ collapse]

Reports of the incident mention a residential building being struck in the vicinity of the Zorob roundabout (دوار الزعرب) in the city of Rafah (رفح). Analysing audio-visual material from sources, we have narrowed the location down to the following exact coordinates: 31.293442, 34.242939.

{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","properties":{"label":"Exact Location","label-type":"black-white"},"geometry":{"coordinates":[34.242911203669905,31.293485125149616],"type":"Point"}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"label":"A","label-type":"white-red","stroke":"#ff0000","stroke-width":1,"stroke-opacity":1,"fill-opacity":0},"geometry":{"coordinates":[[[34.242826105882756,31.293754391633826],[34.24292147012588,31.293641210706085],[34.24303060920357,31.293705497489924],[34.24293736416658,31.29382139467903],[34.242826105882756,31.293754391633826]]],"type":"Polygon"}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"label":"B","label-type":"white-red","stroke":"#ff0000","stroke-width":1,"stroke-opacity":1,"fill-opacity":0},"geometry":{"coordinates":[[[34.242799124582575,31.294029847135235],[34.24265232837979,31.29394402023584],[34.24277208317699,31.2938031759238],[34.24292174230831,31.29388856802079],[34.242799124582575,31.294029847135235]]],"type":"Polygon"}},{"type":"Feature","properties":{"label":"C","label-type":"white-red","stroke":"#ff0000","stroke-width":1,"stroke-opacity":1,"fill-opacity":0},"geometry":{"coordinates":[[[34.242461665023825,31.293901770027986],[34.242349767839045,31.29382161984273],[34.242507740334844,31.293658506975277],[34.24261963751965,31.293740063444304],[34.242461665023825,31.293901770027986]]],"type":"Polygon"}}]}
  • Imagery:
    Mahdi Zourub


  • Strike status
    Likely strike
  • Strike type
  • Infrastructure
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    15 – 16
  • (9 children4 women2 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    Israeli Military

Sources (20) [ collapse]

from sources (17) [ collapse]

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Muhammad Mamdouh
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Zorob family website in the homeland and diaspora
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Zorob family website in the homeland and diaspora
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Zorob family website in the homeland and diaspora
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Zorob family website in the homeland and diaspora
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Diwan Al Zaroub
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mahdi Zourub
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mahdi Zourub
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Samer Zorob
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mahdi Zourub
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mahdi Zourub
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mahdi Zourub
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mahdi Zourub
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Al Jazeera - Palestine
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

Israeli Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Israeli Military
  • Israeli Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Strike status
    Likely strike
  • Strike type
  • Infrastructure
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    15 – 16
  • (9 children4 women2 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    Israeli Military

Sources (20) [ collapse]