Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

October 30, 2023


بالقرب من مسجد صلاح الدين, Vicinity of the Salah Al Din Mosque, Gaza, the Gaza Strip


31.496683, 34.459548 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Exact location (other) level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

On the night of October 30, 2023, at least 72, and up to 175, people from the same large extended family, including a journalist, 16 women, and 38 children, were killed and at least four others were injured in an alleged Israeli airstrike, reportedly using a “one tonne” munition, on the Kashko family home located opposite the Salah al-Din mosque in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood of eastern Gaza City in the Gaza Strip. No public sources mentioned any military target that could have been the target of strike and Israeli officials did not publicly comment on this strike.

Around 9 pm local time on the day of the alleged incident, a Facebook account called “Salah al-Din” reported the incident and that 80 killed victims were buried under the rubble.

The identities of 78 victims who were killed and injured were reported on social media and many of them were matched with the Palestinian Ministry of Health lists of fatalities. Where ages reported by sources differ from the age provided by the Ministry of Health, Airwars has provided a range. Ahmed Hashem Kashko (73-75) and his wife, Inayat Saleh Atiya Abu Zreina (43-45), were killed along with Ahmed’s son Majed Ahmed Hashem Kashko, a 48-year-old journalist for the Palestinian Authority-affiliated news channel Palestine TV. Majed’s wife, Sherihan Anwar Al-Ashi Kashko (38-39) was also killed alongside their sons Ahmed Majed Ahmed Kashko (18-20), Youssef Majed Ahmed Kashko (13) and Dhia Majed Ahmed Kashko (4 months – 1 year old), and their daughters Alaa Majed Ahmed Kashko (15-17), and Nour Majed Ahmed Kashko (15). Majed and Sherihan’s son Muhammad Majid Ahmed Kashko (17) was injured by shrapnel in his spine.

A second son of Ahmed Hashem Kashko named Raed Ahmed Hashem Kashko (44) was killed along with his wife Manal Al-Suwaisi Kashko (39), their daughters Shorouk Raed Ahmed Kashko (16-19), Taghreed Raed Ahmed Kashko (13-15), and Hala Raed Ahmed Kashko (8-9), and their sons Hossam Raed Ahmed Kashko (14-17), Muhammad Raed Ahmed Kashko (11-13), Haitham Raed Ahmed Kashko (8-10), Moatasem Raed Ahmed Kashko (5), Abdul Rahman Raed Kashko (3-6), and Fares Raed Ahmed Kashko (11). A sixth son of Raed and Manal named Ahmed Raed Ahmed Kashko (18) was injured in the alleged strike.

Another son of Ahmed Hashem Kashko, Hatem Ahmed Hashem Kashko (53) was “severely injured” according to at least one source, while his wife, Asmaa Kashko, their daughter Farah Hatem Ahmed Kashko (19) and their son Ahmed Hatem Ahmed Kashko (15) were killed. Hatem and Asmaa’s daughter Zeina Hatem Ahmed Kashko (10) was injured as well. Ahmed Hashem Kashko’s daughter-in-law, Taghreed Ismail Abd Rabbo Kashko (39-41) was killed along with her sons Ahmed Muhammad Ahmed Kashko (16-18), Ismail Muhammad Ahmed Kashko (14-17), and daughters Tamam Muhammad Ahmed Kashko (14-16), Malak Muhammad Ahmed Kashko (15-18) and Laila Muhammad Ahmed Kashko (12).

Another daughter-in-law of Ahmed Hashem Kashko named Nariman Mahfouz Hashem Kashko (32-34) was killed, as were her sons Ahmed Rami Ahmed Kashko (13), Raafat Rami Ahmed Kashko (11-12), Hashem Rami Ahmed Kashko (10-11) and daughters Ritaal Rami Ahmed Kashko (9) and Reem Rami Ahmed Kashko (8). Nariman was the wife of Rami Ahmed Kashko who was not killed in the incident. A significant number of the details about the family members killed in this incident come from posts made by Rami Ahmed on his Facebook page.

Ahmed Hashem Kashko’s brother, Mahfouz Hashem Kashko (58-60), and his wife Iman Fathi Muhammad Abu Safi (55-57), were killed along with their son Tamer Mahfouz Hashem Kashko (38-39), his wife Mai Mahmoud Hashem Kashko (36-37), and their twin sons Haitham Tamer Mahfouz Kashko (8) and Muhammad Tamer Mahfouz Kashko (8), who was also reported as injured by some sources. A second son of Mahfouz and Iman named Khaled Mahfouz Hashem Kashko (30) was killed, as was his wife Fatima Nahed Fathi Abu Safi (29-30), their son Haitham Khaled Mahfouz Kashko (4-6) and their daughter Iman Khaled Mahfouz Kashko (3-4). A third son of Mahfouz and Iman named Ihab Mahfouz Kashko (35) was killed along with his son, Bahaa Ihab Mahfouz Kashko (3). An infant boy named Dia Ihab Kashko, likely another son of Ihab, was also reported as killed in a post by family member Rami Ahmed.

Hammad Muhammad Musbah Kashko (62) and his wife Fatima Tawfiq Kashko (58) were killed in the alleged strike. Misbah Hammad Misbah Kashko (37) was also killed, along with his wife Nidaa Al-Zahar Kashko (36), their daughter Jana Misbah Hammad Kashko (12), and twin sons Muhammad Misbah Hammad Kashko (8-10) and Ahmed Mesbah Hamad Kashko (8-10).

Muhammad Attia Zayed Kashko (56-64) and his son, Moatasem Muhammad Atiya Kashko (29) were reportedly killed in the incident. Some sources refer to Muntaser Muhammed Attiya Kashko having been killed, along with his son (8) and daughter (5). Muhammad’s sister Naima Attia Zayed Kashko (64), her son Matar Ahmed Aliwa (42-44), his wife Madalala Ismail Aliwa (38), who was pregnant at the time of the incident, their sons Ahmed Matar Aliwa (18-20), Muhammad Matar Aliwa (12), and Adam Matar Aliwa (9-10) as well as an unnamed 7-year-old son. Matar and Madalala’s daughters Nima Matar Aliwa (16-18), Menna Allah Matar Aliwa (1), and Nessma Matar Aliwa (14) were killed as well.

Ahmed Mahmoud Hashem Kashko, also known as Abu Suhaib, (32) was killed along with his wife (26), their son Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Kashko (4), and a second son (2) and a daughter named Mona Ahmed Mahmoud Kashko (2-3).

On the afternoon of October 31, Quds News reported that “[Israeli military] aircraft… targeted two houses in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood, killing a number of Palestinians and wounding others” and that “local sources announced the martyrdom of Palestine TV journalists Majed Kashko and Imad al-Wahidi, in [Israeli military] air raids on northern Gaza, last night.” Airwars has assessed the incident that reportedly killed Imad al-Wahidi in incident ISPT0775c – which as of August 2024 was still being reviewed.

The Palestinian Press Agency ( reported that people “are stuck alive under the rubble of the house of Abu Hatem Kashko and Abu Misbah Kashko in the al-Zaytoun neighbourhood, pleading to come to rescue them.” Quoting Palestine TV, Facebook user Marwan Zaloum posted that “[The Israeli military] committed a massacre against the Kashko family in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City, where at least 70 of them were martyred” and shared a photo showing mourners gathered along a row of dozens of shrouded bodies. On November 1, various sources including Palestine TV, @alforgannet, @houdhoudalyemen, @quds_yu, @FreeRamyShaath, and @mobeid also reported that around 70 people had been killed in the attack. According to Ahmad al-Bareem and RT Arabic, “a Gaza Civil Defense spokesman [announced]: The death toll from the Israeli bombing of the Kashko family’s home in the Zaytoun neighborhood has risen to 75 martyrs.”

On October 31, Aya Kashko posted “an appeal from those stuck alive under the house of Abu Hatem Kashko and Abu Misbah Kashko in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood since yesterday… (Address: Salah al-Din Mosque, Kashko Street).” Writing “may God have mercy on you, my uncles, cousins, and your families who rose in the brutal bombardment on 10-30-2023, we consider you as martyrs before God,” Nader Kashko posted a list of 64 people who were killed or injured in the alleged strike. Facebook-user Rami Ahmed, who is one of the surviving sons of the patriarch, Ahmed Hashem Kashko, and the husband of Nariman Mahfouz Hashem Kashko, exclaimed “May God have mercy on them all and heal our wounded on 10/30/2023. The house was targeted with an explosive barrel and then a fire belt. May God accept them with the martyrs.” The post includes the names of 75 family members who were killed or injured, two of which were identified as having been killed in separate incidents. Other social media users, including D. Kamal Kashko, Youssef Haji, Moumen Abu Naser, Abdallah Yaser and Sundus Elsharif posted the names of 75 casualties as well.

Rami Ahmed also shared a number of photos, including images of the destroyed home and others of the various family members who were killed or injured, including many children. Many of the images showed the children playing and laughing together at home, posing together with older family members or dressed up for special occasions.

On November 1, Rami also shared a video of rescuers recovering a body from beneath the rubble. The post states that “The [Kashko family] house was bombed with a one-ton barrel, killing the dreams of the children and the family’s hopes for a better future, but God’s mercy for all my family was better than living on an unjust planet and a life filled with blackness. May God have mercy on them all. This is Gaza, gentlemen. It bids farewell to a martyr every minute.”

Sharing the same video of a body being excavated from the debris, Salem S Hamad announced “our neighbors and loved ones in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, the Kashko family, are martyrs.”

In a November 14 interview with Arab News, surviving family member Ibrahim Kishko – who is currently studying medicine in Bangladesh – explained that on October 30, “[the Israelis] bombed three houses … they killed 175…maybe 15 out of them are my cousins and others, my relatives. I have actually a list of the names of my family members who were killed, and most of them are children and women.”

Online, numerous loved ones expressed their grief over those harmed in the alleged strike. In a powerful post on November 3, Rami Ahmed drew parallels between the deaths of his relatives in the incident on October 30 and historic events, explaining that in the “106 years of the ill-fated Balfour Declaration…shame and disgrace are still on the faces of the rulers, and massacres continue every minute. Our patient people, stationed in the purest parts of the earth, are still defending and resisting. God bless you, Gaza.”

On Facebook, Mohmad elaiwa mourned the death of his sister Madalala Ismail Aliwa, her husband and five children. Abu Ghazi Jabreel also mourned “my brother and friend, Matar Aliwa, #in the hospitality of the Most Gracious” and shared a photo of the man. Farhan Rahme Abu Mustafan wrote “your prayers are for my dear friends, the martyrs, God willing Matar Aliwa Abu Ahmed, his wife and children, Ihab Kishko, his brothers and their father,” and posted selfies of Matar and Ihab.

Ghassam Sadi Mosalem shared a series of cheerful photos of Matar with other friends, writing “who wants to make maqlouba for us, Matar?” Along with a photograph of his friend wearing a black-and-white keffiyeh and images of them eating the traditional Palestinian dish, maqlouba, together. Rania Ahmad Dababesh honored Matar and his family, writing “my dear uncle, his dear wife, her unborn child, and their five children, they received martyrdom…I swear we will miss you.” Mohammed el jabari posted “dear beloved friend, Matar Aliwa Abu Ahmed is a martyr, accompanied by his sons and wife, You hurt my heart, my love, a thousand mercy and light on your soul, my dear.” Rami Ahmed shared photos of Matar and his children, writing “Abu Ahmed Aliwa Kashko, may God have mercy on you and make your abode in Paradise, you and your mother, my aunt Umm Matar, your wife, and your children, you have a good white heart.”

Mourning his relatives, Reham Safi prayed “may God have mercy on them, accept them, forgive them, and heal our wounded. My uncle Muhammad, his son Moatasem, Matar, my cousin, his children, his wife, and my father’s relatives, my family. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs .” Wajeeh Mahmoud shared photos of Muhammad and Moatasem wearing sunglasses and wrote, “may God have mercy on you, my dearest people, Uncle: Muhammad Attia Kashko (Abu Moataz) and his son Moatasem.” Sharing the same photos, Ramy Elborno prayed, “may God have mercy on you, the most precious people, the beloved and dear close to the heart and soul: my uncle, my father-in-law, Muhammad Attia Kashko (Abu Moataz) and his son Moatasem.”

On November 3, Rami Ahmed mourned “my father, the crown of my head, my support, and my friend, Ahmed Hashem Kashko, Abu Hatem #Martyr. How difficult is separation and how beautiful are the stages of martyrdom…He was the best father, the best brother, the best friend, and our role model after the Messenger of God in all his wise decisions. May God have mercy on you and make your abode in Paradise, O Lord. God bless you, Gaza.” Nader Kashko honored “my uncle/ Ahmed Hashem Kashko “Abu Hatem,” describing the man as a “sweet soul, we enjoyed sitting with you with lots of laughter and jokes. You were like a second father to us.”

“With hearts that believe in God’s will and destiny,” Ana Aloosh announced “the martyrdom of my cousin, my beloved Ahmed Hatem Kashko and his sister” and shared photos of Ahmed smiling for the camera.

Tariq Al Badawi shared photos of some of his young relatives, writing “This is Ahmed, a child… This is Ghazawi…The [Israeli forces] assassinated him and his entire family today in Gaza. They wiped out the daffodils on the outskirts of the world.”

Mahmoud al-Kheiri wrote that “I mourn my colleague and friend Majed Kashko (Abu Ahmed), he and his family members who were martyred… May God have mercy on you, and God willing, with the two friends and martyrs.” Lamenting Majed’s death, Rami Ahmed posted that “Arab and international media agencies mourn Palestine TV correspondent Majid Ahmed Kashko for targeting him and all his family members. You were one of the nation’s knights in conveying the massacres committed against our country and our people. May God have mercy on you, brother Abu Ahmed, and make your resting place Paradise. This is a war that does not have mercy on civilians, does not have mercy on reporters, and does not have mercy on the Voice of Truth, but God’s mercy is the widest.. With the martyrs, and your abode is Paradise. Palestine TV correspondent Majid Ahmed Kashko is a martyr.” According to cousin Nader Kashko, “[Majed] had a beautiful disposition and a calm personality. [he was] like a brother to everyone.” A November 14 tweet by @channeldraw features a hand-sketched portrait of journalist Majed Kashko with a caption explaining that he was “a media worker and the office director of the Palestinian Authority-run Palestine TV channel,” and that he “was killed with his family members in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip, according to a statement issued by the channel, the Palestinian Authority’s official news agency @WAFANewsEnglish, and the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate @infopjs.”

The Al Fouad Scout Group mourned a number of its members who were killed in the alleged strike, posting that “the group leader/ Mahmoud Khuwaiter and the leadership body and its members, my deepest condolences and sympathy from the Kashko family in general regarding the death of the martyrs who died in a treacherous [Israeli] bombing. The martyrs are: Advanced scout: Ahmed Muhammad Kashko, Scout: Ismail Muhammad Kashko, Advanced Scout: Hossam Raed Kashko, Scout: Ahmed Raed Kashko, Scout: Muhammad Raed Kashko.”

In a November 3 Facebook post, Rami Ahmed shared smiling photos of his brother, Raed Ahmed Hashem Kashko, writing “He has a kind heart and a sweet smile, and his tongue is always without the remembrance of God. He is always optimistic …May God have mercy on you, brothers, martyrs, God willing, you, your wife, and your 8 children.” A heartbreaking post by Nader Kashko from November 12 says “Raed Ahmed Kishko, my twin brother, friend of childhood and youth, companion of life and path. Goodbye, my love. Goodbye, my twin brother. Goodbye, my friend. God knows how much I suffer from your separation. I will never forget you as long as I live.” Nader also shared a slideshow featuring smiling pictures of Raed.

On November 5, Rami Ahmed mourned Mahfouz Hashem Kashko, his wife Iman Fathi Muhammad Abu Safi, their sons, Tamer Mahfouz Hashem Kashko, Khaled Mahfouz Hashem Kashko, and Ihab Mahfouz Kashko, along with other victims of the incident. Rame described Mahfouz as being very well know in the area, “He worked in the civil defense and public works crews, and they knew his good manner and he liked all people, and his eternal good conduct will remain forever.” Rami also described his mother-in-law Iman as a “second mother” and wrote, “The true meaning of the word sugar is in her tongue: remembrance and praise, her love for people, and her humility.” Rami also wrote tributes to each of his cousins, writing “Tamer, my brother and my childhood friend, and the stages of my life until I became his brother-in-law […] Praise be to God, my communication and our love did not cease during the brutal war. By God, they are in my heart and they were my second family […] #Ihab, the ambitious, educated, confident, courageous young man with sweet attitudes. May God accept you and your son among the martyrs. #Khaled, the owner of the sweet laugh, the sweet sitting, the sweet talk, and there is no problem in life for him. […] #Ahmed Al-Khadoum, the gallant man who does not have a word “no” about anything, he helps and does not upset anyone because of his big, kind heart, ambition and spontaneous thinking. He is loved by everyone.” The post features photos of many of the Kashko family members who were killed in the alleged strike, including a number of children, and also shows pictures of various family celebrations with gifts and children’s birthday cakes.

Three months after the strike, Muhammad Majid Ahmed Kashko (Mohamed Abo Majed on Facebook), a surviving son of Majed Ahmed Hashem Kashko and Sherihan Anwar Al-Ashi Kashko, shared photos of many of his deceased family members on Facebook and described his loss, writing “all members of my family were martyred in a brutal [Israeli] raid that targeted us in our safe house, which led to the martyrdom of my entire family and a fracture in my spine.” On June 16, he shared a photo of dozens of his family members with the caption “Kashko Family Massacre 30/10/2023” and wrote “this Eid, I am filled with sadness and pride at the same time. Parting from my loved ones who martyred for a noble cause is a weight that cannot be lifted, but also a light that lights my way.”

Rami Ahmed also shared his continued grief months after the strike, with a Facebook post on the first day of Ramadan 2024 writing “Ramadan Kareem, and may God have mercy on my father, my mother, my brothers Majid and Raed, their wives, my brothers’ wives, their sons and daughters, my wife, and my five sons [more than 40 martyrs] And my uncle, Abu Tamer, and his wife and dear sons, Tamer, Ihab, Khaled, and Ahmed, and their wives and sons. And my cousin Ahmed Mahmoud, his wife and children, and my uncle Abu Tayseer. And my cousin Abu Misbah, his wife, his son Al-Siddiq, brother Misbah, his wife, and his 3 children. My aunt, Umm Matar, and her dear son Matar, his wife, and his six children. And my cousin Abu Al-Moataz and his son Moatasem. How difficult this month is and how cruel people are. 10/30/2023, the day of the martyrdom of the most precious human beings, 75 martyrs.” Accompanying the text are a number of photos of the family from before the incident, many of which show women and children who were killed in the alleged Israeli bombing.

Where possible, names have been reconciled with published Palestinian Ministry of Health lists. With thanks to journalist Alexandre Horn from CheckNews for identifying relevant sources, and Data Tech for Palestine for centralising the datasets.

Where sources identified the belligerent, the strike was attributed to Israeli forces.

The incident occured at approximately 9:00 pm local time.

The victims were named as:

Family members (78)

Ahmed Hashem Kashko احمد هاشم كشكو
74 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 913076048
Inayat Saleh Atiya Abu Zreina عنايات صالح عطيه ابو زرينه
44 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 903102192
Majed Ahmed Hashem Kashko ماجد احمد هاشم كشكو
48 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 900978891
Sherihan Anwar Al-Ashi Kashko شريهان انور شعبان كشكو
39 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 801546763
Ahmed Majed Ahmed Kashko احمد ماجد احمد كشكو
19 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 409356185
Alaa Majed Ahmed Kashko الاء ماجد احمد كشكو
16 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 424563567
Nour Majed Ahmed Kashko نور ماجد احمد كشكو
15 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 426377826
Youssef Majed Ahmed Kashko يوسف ماجد احمد كشكو
13 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 431302413
Dhia Majed Ahmed Kashko ضياء ماجد احمد كشكو
.7 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 444252035
Muhammad Majed Ahmed Kashko محمد ماجد احمد كشكو
17 years old male injured
Raed Ahmed Hashem Kashko رائد احمد هاشم كشكو
44 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 905444246
Manal Al-Suwaisi Kashko منال السويسي كشكو
39 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 801169046
Shorouk Raed Ahmed Kashko شروق رائد احمد كشكو
17 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 421409475
Hossam Raed Ahmed Kashko حسام رائد احمد كشكو
15.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 424712453
Taghreed Raed Ahmed Kashko تغريد رائد احمد كشكو
14 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 426415105
Muhammad Raed Ahmed Kashko محمد رائد احمد كشكو
12 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 429950561
Hala Raed Ahmed Kashko حلا رائد احمد كشكو
8.5 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 437038540
Haitham Raed Ahmed Kashko هيثم رائد احمد كشكو
9 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 434726709
Moatasem Raed Ahmed Kashko معتصم رائد احمد كشكو
5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 442899860
Abdul Rahman Raed Kashko عبد الرحمن رائد كشكو
3.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 439045568
Ahmed Raed Ahmed Kashko احمد رائد احمد كشكو
18 years old male injured
Fares Raed Ahmed Kashko فارس رائد احمد كشكو
10 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 433392636
Hatem Ahmed Hashem Kashko حاتم احمد هاشم كشكو
53 years old male injured
Asmaa Kashko اسمة كشكو
Adult female killed
Farah Hatem Ahmed Kashko فرح حاتم احمد كشكو
17.5 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 424529899
Ahmed Hatem Ahmed Kashko احمد حاتم احمد كشكو
15 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 429157084
Zeina Hatem Ahmed Kashko زينة حاتم احمد كشكو
10 years old female injured
Taghreed Ismail Abd Rabbo Kashko تغريد اسماعيل عبدربه كشكو
39 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 410546360
Ahmed Muhammad Ahmed Kashko احمد محمد احمد كشكو
17 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 425928314
Ismail Muhammad Ahmed Kashko اسماعيل محمد احمد كشكو
15.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 429653827
Malak Muhammad Ahmed Kashko ملاك محمد احمد كشكو
18 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 424150407
Tamam Muhammad Ahmed Kashko تمام محمد احمد كشكو
15.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 425928322
Laila Muhammad Ahmed Kashko ليلي محمد احمد كشكو
12 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 433172251
Nariman Mahfouz Hashem Kashko ناريمان محفوظ هاشم كشكو
33 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 802704791
Ahmed Rami Ahmed Kashko احمد رامي احمد كشكو
13 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 431281187
Raafat Rami Ahmed Kashko رافت رامي احمد كشكو
11.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 432290237
Hashem Rami Ahmed Kashko هاشم رامي احمد كشكو
10.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 433785615
Ritaal Rami Ahmed Kashko ريتال رامي احمد كشكو
9 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 435104765
Reem Rami Ahmed Kashko ريم رامي احمد كشكو
8 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 437294499
Mahfouz Hashem Kashko محفوظ هاشم كشكو
59.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 913076097
Iman Fathi Muhammad Abu Safi ايمان فتحي محمد ابو صافي
57 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 931692172
Tamer Mahfouz Hashem Kashko تامر محفوظ هاشم كشكو
38.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 800501256
Mai Mahmoud Hashem Kashko مي محمود هاشم كشكو
36.5 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 801595810
Haitham Tamer Mahfouz Kashko هيثم تامر محفوظ كشكو
8 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 438123275
Muhammad Tamer Mahfouz Kashko محمد تامر محفوظ كشكو
8 years old male Also listed as killed by some sources injured
Khaled Mahfouz Hashem Kashko خالد محفوظ هاشم كشكو
30 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 400026795
Fatima Nahed Fathi Abu Safi فاطمة ناهض فتحي ابو صافي
29.5 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 424002996
Haitham Khaled Mahfouz Kashko هيثم خالد محفوظ كشكو
5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 440798114
Iman Khaled Mahfouz Kashko ايمان خالد محفوظ كشكو
3.5 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 444997159
Ihab Mahfouz Kashko ايهاب محفوظ كشكو
36 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 800674988
Bahaa Ihab Mahfouz Kashko بهاء ايهاب محفوظ كشكو
3 years old male killed
Hammad Muhammad Musbah Kashko حماد محمد مصباح كشكو
62 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 907880546
Fatima Tawfiq Kashko فاطمة توفيق كشكو
58 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 907875678
Misbah Hammad Misbah Kashko مصباح حماد مصباح كشكو
37 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 800639072
Nidaa Al-Zahar Kashko نداء الزهار كشكو
35.5 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 802378463
Janie Misbah Hammad Kashko جني مصباح حماد كشكو
12 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 432249969
Muhammad Misbah Hammad Kashko محمد مصباح حماد كشكو
9 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 436890206
Ahmed Misbah Hammad Kashko احمد مصباح حماد كشكو
9 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 436890214
Muhammad Attia Zayed Kashko محمد عطية زايد كشكو
60 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 953104536
Moatasem Muhammad Atiya Kashko معتصم محمد عطية كشكو
29 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 400546453
Muntaser Muhammed Attiya Kashko منتصر محمد عطية كشكو
30 years old male killed
Son of Muntaser ابن معتصم
8 years old male killed
Daughter of Muntaser ابنة معتصم
5 years old female killed
Nima Attia Zayed Kashko نعمة عطية زايد كشكو
64 years old female killed
Matar Ahmed Aliwa مطر احمد عليوة
43 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 903185908
Madalala Ismail Aliwa مدللة أسماعيل عليوة
38 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 801385139
Ahmed Matar Aliwa احمد مطر عليوة
19 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 420445868
Nima Matar Aliwa نعمة مطر عليوة
17 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 422539627
Muhammad Matar Aliwa محمد مطر عليوة
12 years old male killed
Adam Matar Aliwa ادم مطر عليوة
9.5 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 433971355
Menna Allah Matar Aliwa منة الله مطر عليوة
1 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 444057392
Nessma Matar Aliwa نسمة مطر عليوة
14 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 429536824
Ahmed Mahmoud Hashem Kashko احمد محمود هاشم كشكو
31 years old male killed Matched to MoH ID 803548544
Wife of Ahmed زوجة احمد
26 years old female killed
Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Kashko محمود احمد محمود كشكو
4 years old male killed
Son of Ahmed ابن احمد
2 years old male killed
Mona Ahmed Mahmoud Kashko منى أحمد محمود كشكو
3 years old female killed Matched to MoH ID 445047681
Dia Ihab Kashko ضياء إيهاب كشكو
Child male killed

Geolocation notes

Reports of the incident mention the vicinity of the Salah Al Din mosque (مسجد صلاح الدين) in the Zeitoun (زيتون) neighbourhood of Gaza city (غزة). A Facebook post by Rame Ahmed shows the location, which we have verified, at the following coordinates: 31.496683, 34.459548.


  • Strike status
    Likely strike
  • Strike type
  • Civilian infrastructure
    Residential building
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    72 – 175
  • (38–42 children16–18 women16–17 men1 journalist)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    Israeli Military

Sources (112) [ collapse]

from sources (194) [ collapse]

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mostafa mahmoud kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Palestine voice radio
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ahmed basheer
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ahmed basheer
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ahmed basheer
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Najah awadalla
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Najah awadalla
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Abu ghazi jabreel
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Farhan rahme abu mustafa
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Farhan rahme abu mustafa
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ana aloosh
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ana aloosh
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ana aloosh
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mahmoud al-kheiri
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: @mobeid
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Youssef haji
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Marwan zaloum
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rt arabic
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Aljazaer breaking
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Tariq al badawi
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Tariq al badawi
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Tariq al badawi
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Palestine tv
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Osama ali
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Wajeeh mahmoud
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Wajeeh mahmoud
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassam sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohammad al-ghali
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohammad al-ghali
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rania ahmad dababesh
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rania ahmad dababesh
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohammed el jabari
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Moh ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ramy elborno
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ramy elborno
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Ghassan sadi mosalem
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Roaa jaber
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Nader kishko
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Rame ahmed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Mohamed abo majed
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: @channeldraw
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: Arab News News
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: @SSyfrws
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: @SSyfrws
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Source: @SSyfrws
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

Israeli Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Israeli Military
  • Israeli Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Strike status
    Likely strike
  • Strike type
  • Civilian infrastructure
    Residential building
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    72 – 175
  • (38–42 children16–18 women16–17 men1 journalist)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected belligerent
    Israeli Military

Sources (112) [ collapse]