Incident date
August 1, 2011
مديرية زنجبار, Al-Khamila, Abyan, YemenThree drone strikes taking place on August 1st 2011, allegedly by US drones or Yemeni airplanes, killed up to 16 suspected Al Qaeda fighters and wounded up to 32 others in various areas of Zinjibar according to military officials. One report stated that the drones were acting in conjunction with the Yemeni government, but the
Incident date
April 23, 2012
لودر, Lawdar, Abyan, YemenOn 23rd April 2012, at 10:30 am, the Yemen army and/or US military allegedly conducted a strike in Loder, Abyan province killing between four to 17 suspected AQAP militants, with some sources attributing the militant deaths to artillery bombardment. There are currently no known reports of civilian harm. Bikyamasr reported that the strike was carried
Incident date
July 23, 2012
المحفد, Mahfad, Abyan, YemenOn the night of July 23rd 2012 around 11pm, alleged US or Yemeni warplanes launched two strikes against two supposed Al Qaeda hideouts in the al-Mahfad district in the south of the Abyan Province; five alleged Al Qaeda militants were killed in these strikes according to the Associated Press. Local twitter users and a local
Incident date
December 14, 2017
يكلا, Yakla, Al Bayda, YemenAt least two women, and possibly two children, all from the same family, were reportedly killed by a US drone strike on a house in Yakla, in the Wald Rabi area of Bayda governorate, on the evening of December 15th 2017. Mwatana later named the two women victims as “Hajera Ahmed Saleh Al Taisi, about
Incident date
March 2, 2017
وادي يشبم, Yashbum Valley, Shabwa, YemenSeveral sources reported that US airstrikes and ground forces targeted AQAP militants, including alleged leader Saad Atef, in the Yashbum Valley of al-Saeed district in Shabwa province, overnight from March 2nd-3rd 2017, following airstrikes in the same area early on March 2nd. There were multiple allegations of civilian harm as a result of heavy munitions
Incident date
May 15, 2011
أَبْيَن , Abyan province, Abyan, YemenAn anonymous Yemen defence ministry official claimed that a significant number of US drone strikes had taken place between mid-May and mid-June 2011. Strikes began in Shabwa province from May 3 onwards. According to The National, 15 US strikes took place between June 1 and June 15, including one on June 11 in which there
Incident date
October 14, 2011
عزان, Azzan, Shabwa, YemenA series of up to six confirmed US drone and/or airstrikes across Azzan killed up to 24 people, including two children, on October 14, 2011. The others killed were reportedly Al Qaeda militants. In the first of several attacks on this day, a drone attack struck a house in the Azan district of Shabwa, targeting
Incident date
May 14, 2012
شُقرة, Shaqra, Abyan, YemenAn alleged US or Yemeni airstrike, naval bombardment, or drone strike killed 10 militants in an Al Qaeda hideout 70 kilometers away from Zinjibar in Shaqra, a southern town in the province of Abyan. There are currently no reports of civilian harm. The Associated Press reported Yemeni warplanes bombed an Al Qaeda hideout 70km from
Incident date
October 4, 2012
السدية, Sadiya, Shabwa, YemenOn the 4th of October 2012, a suspected US drone strike hit and killed up to six Ansar al-Sharia militants and injured up to four others in the desert region of al-Saeed in the southern Yemeni province of Shabwa. According to security sources reporting to Akhbar al-Youm, the strike took place at roughly eleven o’clock
Incident date
December 24, 2009
أبين, Abyan, YemenA second air strike reportedly occurred on 24th December 2009 in the province of Abyan “of which the death toll is unknown”, according to the Swiss-based human rights organization, Alkarama. No other sources were found that reported on this strike.
Incident date
December 17, 2009
المعجلة, Al Majala, Abyan, YemenAt least forty-seven civilians, including at least twenty-two children and twelve women, were reportedly killed after a US cruise-missile strike targeted an alleged AQAP training camp on the edge of Al-Majala village, Mahfad district of Abyan governorate, at around 6 AM on December 17th 2009. This was the first known strike in Yemen approved by
Incident date
May 30, 2024
صنعاء, Sanaa, YemenOne civilian was injured as a result of the declared raids perpetrated by US and UK military on Sanaa, Yemen, around midnight on May 30th-May 31st, 2024. According to the statement issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces and posted by the Facebook user Murtada Ahmad Al Mahtouri, four strikes on the capital Sanaa allegedly perpetrated
Incident date
January 15, 2010
الاجاشر, Al Ajashar, Sa'dah, YemenAn alleged Yemeni security forces strike or US airstrike reportedly struck two vehicles in Al Ajasher between Sa’ada and Jawf province. Multiple sources reported the alleged air strike took place in the afternoon of January 15th 2010. Initially sources reported that up to seven alleged AQAP militants had been killed in the strike. However later
Incident date
March 30, 2012
عزان, Azzan, Shabwa, YemenInitial reports suggested that one civilian was killed and six to eight civilians, including three to six children, were injured in an alleged US drone strike targeting a vehicle allegedly carrying AQAP members, in the city of Azzan in Shabwa Province at 4pm on the 30th of March 2012. A later report by Akkarama on
Incident date
June 7, 2012
جعار, Desert road between Ja'ar and Zinjibar, Abyan, YemenOn June 7th 2012, there were reports that Yemeni or US warplanes conducted an airstrike against a vehicle carrying suspected Al Qaeda militants on the desert road between Ja’ar and Zinjibar in Abyan province. According to anonymous officials and an anonymous military source speaking to local and international media, three to five of the passengers
Incident date
January 19, 2013
وادي عبيدة, Wadi Abida, Ma'rib, YemenOn January 19th 2013, before 11pm, the second of three alleged US drone strikes hit the Al Shabwan Wadi Abidah region of the Marib governorate, killing as many as three militants. Marib Press, Yemen Observer, and Enduring American World View corroborated that one of the reported militants killed was Ismaeel Bin Saeed Bin Jameel and
Incident date
November 30, 2017
صرار الجشم, Sirar Jusham, Al Bayda, YemenUp to eight civilians and three militants, variously alleged to be ISIS or AQAP, were reportedly killed by a series of US drone strikes in or near to Sirar Jusham, Qayfa area of Al Bayda governorate, on the afternoon of November 30th 2017. A Yemeni government source told Anatolia Agency that three of four overall
Incident date
February 28, 2023
مرخة, Markha, Shabwa, YemenOn February 28th 2023, a drone strike reportedly hit the Al-Alia district of Aqaba Amqwah targeting the Shabwa Defense Forces, on the border between Shabwa and Al-Bayda governorates. Sources report that the drone strike was either a US drone or a Houthi attack. According to most sources, one member of the Fifth Brigade in the
Incident date
August 24, 2011
العرقوب), Al Arqoub, Abyan, YemenOn Aug. 24, 2011, numerous outlets such as the Associated Press, AFP, and CNN reported that between four and six suspected Al Qaeda militants were killed and others were wounded in alleged Yemeni or US strikes in the area of Arkoub in Yemen’s Abyan province, which was overrun by Al Qaeda in May 2011. There
Incident date
April 26, 2012
مودية, Mudiya, Abyan, YemenThree suspected militants were killed in an alleged American drone strike in the town of Mudiyah during the afternoon of the 26th of April, 2012. Both Reuters and Mareb Press reported that the three militants were killed as the vehicle in which they were travelling was struck by a missile. Reuters further reported that local
Incident date
August 4, 2012
قطن, Qatn, Hadramaut, YemenOn 4th August 2012, in the late evening, between three to five militants were killed in an alleged U.S. drone strike on a vehicle travelling on the Ghisas road, north of the village of Al-Qatan in Hadramout province. Local news sources such as Mareb Press and Saba News also reported that up to two additional
Incident date
January 1, 2018
ذي كالب , Dhi Kalib, Al Bayda, YemenTwo civilians were allegedly killed by a US drone strike in Dhi Kalb, in the Qayfa area of Bayda governorate, on the afternoon of January 1st 2018, according to multiple sources. In an email to the Long War Journal, a US Central Command spokesperson confirmed that a strike took place “against AQAP” in Bayda on
Incident date
March 2, 2017
يكلا, Yakla, Al Bayda, YemenMultiple sources suggested that US airstrikes targeted alleged AQAP militants in al-Ghail village and in the broader Yakla area of Qaifa, Bayda governorate, overnight from March 2nd to March 3rd, killing at least three alleged militants. Some sources reported that there was an unspecified number of civilian casualties. Local sources reported that the overnight strikes
Incident date
July 14, 2011
بين زنجبار و شقرة, Between Zinjibar and Shaqra, Abyan, YemenAn airstrike on a car targeted Fahd al Qusaa, also known as Quso, an al Qaeda leader and suspect in the USS Cole bombing. It was a US attack, according to the New York Times quoting an AQAP representative. He claimed that Qusaa had left the car minutes earlier and was unharmed. According to the Long War Journal,
Incident date
October 14, 2011
حريب, Harib district, Ma'rib, YemenSaleh Qaid Toayman and his 14-year-old son Jalal were reportedly killed in an alleged overnight US airstrike in Azzan on October 14, 2011, according to local reports. Saleh and Jalal were grazing camels “in an area known to be controlled by Al Qaeda,’” and had then slept by a mosque, according to Toayman’s 15-year-old son Azzedine,
Incident date
May 14, 2012
لودر, Lawdar, Abyan, YemenA moving vehicle was struck by missiles that were fired near Lawdar town in the province of Abyan on the 14th of May 2012. Six “militants” perished in the strike which was allegedly carried out by a Yemeni or US aircraft. There are no reports of civilian harm at this moment. Officials reported anonymously to
Incident date
October 18, 2012
الرميلة, Rumaila, Abyan, YemenIn a dawn attack, a series of missiles from an alleged unmanned airstrike were fired at targets on the outskirts of Jaar, apparently striking Al Qaeda militants on the verge of launching a suicide attack on military targets. The alleged US drone or Yemeni airstrike attack hit a farmhouse in the Wadi Anna bridge area,
Incident date
May 9, 2011
الميراب, al Mirab, Taiz, YemenAli Alkhadr (14 years old) was injured by shrapnel from an alleged US air-strike on May 9th, 2011 near the village al-Mihrab. Al-Akhbar reported on the incident stating that the shrapnel tore Alkhadr´s jaw open when he was returning from a family visit in al-Mihrab village. It was reported that Doctors without Borders provided 1
Incident date
February 6, 2022
الكولة, Al Kawlah, Ma'rib, YemenOn February 6th 2022, an alleged US drone strike was reported to have struck a car with Al-Qaeda members inside, possibly including a ” suspected leader.” All passengers – reported as Al-Qaeda militants – in the car were reported to have been “killed and wounded”, and civilian casualties were also reported of those “who were
Incident date
June 13, 2024
المجمع الحكومي في مديرية الجبين بـ ريمة, radio building in the government complex in Al-Jabin (Jubain) District in Rima Rayman, Raymah, YemenTwo airstrikes allegedly conducted by the US military, possibly with the support of the UK military, injured up to nine civilians and killed two others shortly before 2:40 PM on Thursday, June 13th, 2024, at a radio building in the government complex in Al-Jabin (Jubain) District, Raymah Governorate, western Yemen. According to Facebook user Nabil,