Incident date
February 24, 2016
بنغازي, Benghazi, LibyaThe LNA launched “accurate” airstrikes against terrorist militias in Qawarsheh and Sabri according to their Facebook page.
Incident date
April 29, 2019
السواني, Al Swani, Tarabulus, LibyaOne child was allegedly injured, likely because of indiscriminate artillery shelling on Al Swani. 218 TV reported: “The field medicine and support center announced that its medical team had treated a child injured as a result of armed clashes in the suburbs of Tripoli on Monday. The center also announced in its Facebook page that
Incident date
August 14, 2019
العزيزية, Aziziya, Al Jafarah, LibyaSix civilians were allegedly injured in an LNA airstrike on Aziziya. According to the Washington Post, “at least four medical staff” were injured. The Libya Observer wrote: “Haftar’s forces also hit, using a UAE drone, a field hospital in Aziziya in southern Tripoli, leaving behind injuries among both medical staffers and civilians. According to the
Incident date
October 3, 2019
أبى ذر الغفاري, Abu Dhar Al Ghafari area, Tarabulus, LibyaTwo civilians were reportedly killed by LNA shelling on the Abu Salim neighbourhood of Tripoli. Alwasat reported: “The Abu Salim Municipal Council announced the killing of two young men, one of whom is Moroccan, after a shell fell due to indiscriminate shelling in the municipality. The council said in a statement published on its Facebook
Incident date
November 4, 2019
أربع شوارع زويته, Al Zuwaita Junction, Tarabulus, LibyaSeveral civilians were allegedly injured by an LNA airstrike on Ain Zara. Afrigate News said, referring to the Field Medicine and Support Center: “[…] and another person was injured in 4 streets Zowita in Ain Zara area of the capital Tripoli. Al-Mishri caused shrapnel wounds to his son and was transferred to a clinic for
Incident date
December 13, 2019
طريق المطار, Tripoli: Airport road, Tarabulus, LibyaOne child was injured by shrapnel in the neck after a shell by an unknown belligerent was fired on the Airport Road area in Tripoli on December 13th, 2019, as reported by Libyan Crime Monitoring Organization. Local reports of fighting point at the GNA or LNA as the culprit. Currently, further details are unavailable to
Incident date
February 12, 2020
مقهى مزايا, Mazaya Cafe, Tarabulus, LibyaOne civilian was allegedly killed and up to nine more injured by LNA shelling on the Al Shok neighbourhood of Tripoli. The GNA-led Burkan Al Ghadab operation said: “The indiscriminate shell fired by the war criminal militia Hafter this evening at Mazaya Café caused the death of Ayman Ali Al-Ajeili Al-Jafairi, 38 years old, and
Incident date
March 27, 2020
Vicinity of Military College, Tarabulus, LibyaA family was allegedly injured by LNA shelling in the Hadaba project area of Tripoli. The Field Medicine and Support Center wrote: “A shell landed on a house in Al-Hadaba area (Potatoes), and the cases were transferred to Abu Salim Hospital.” Libya Alahar TV said: “A family was injured in Al-Hadba area due to the
Incident date
April 19, 2020
ترهونة, Tarhuna, Marqab, LibyaThree brothers were allegedly killed and a fourth brother injured by a drone strike on Tarhuna. Al Wasat reported: “A medical source at Tarhuna General Hospital confirmed on Sunday, that three brothers were killed and a fourth brother was injured due to an attack by a drone aircraft on a market in Tarhuna. The source
Incident date
May 9, 2020
طريق السور, Al Sour Road, Tarabulus, LibyaSix civilians were allegedly killed by LNA shelling on the Al Sour road in Tripoli. Riyadh Burshan posted on Facebook: “Abu Salim Municipal Council: 6 civilians were killed, including a mother and daughter, and dozens were wounded, as a result of the targeting of Haftar militias in the Al Sour road.” Al Arab QA quoted
Incident date
June 8, 2020
غرب سرت, Western Sirte, Surt, LibyaFive people, including paramedics, were killed in alleged LNA airstrikes with a Russian warplane on western Sirte on June 8th, 2020. Reportedly, GNA vehicles were targeted, including an ambulance. Libya Observer reported that, according to a source within the GNA that “a MiG 29 warplane, which Russia gave to Haftar recently, had raided Libyan Army
Incident date
September 16, 2011
الحي رقم 3, Neighbourhood No. 3, Surt, LibyaA boy and his mother were killed by NATO bombing in the third residential area in Sirte in September 16th 2011. Various condolence pages reported their death without providing further details. NATO on that day reported striking “5 Command and Controle Nodes, 3 Radar Systems, 4 Armed Vehicles, 8 Air Missile Systems” near Sirte.
Incident date
March 18, 2011
مصراتة, Misurata, Misrata, LibyaOn March 18th, 2011, up to 25 civilians were killed and up to 70 more wounded in shelling in Misurata from Gaddafi forces according to multiple sources. Al-Jazeera reported that shelling from Gaddafi tanks and artillery, combined with Gaddafi snipers, had killed 25 and possibly more, according to a spokesman from the February 17 Youth.
Incident date
June 7, 2011
باب العزيزية , Bab Al Aziziya, Tarabulus, LibyaAt least 29 civilians were killed by NATO airstrikes on Tripoli, according to the Gaddafi regime. Al Jazeera noted at the time: “Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said that at least 29 people were killed in 60 air strikes targeting the Libyan capital, Tripoli, on Tuesday evening, while Libyan Colonel Muammar Gaddafi pledged in an
Incident date
February 18, 2011
قرب قاعدة حسين الجويفل في الشحات, Near Hussein Al Jaweifi Military Base, Al Jabal al Akhdar, LibyaOn February 18th, 2011, Amnesty International reported that two civilians were reported killed at the protests in the Hussein al-Jaweifi military base in Shahat, from soldiers who fired at the protestors. Ruqayya al-Mabrok al-Hassi, an 11 year old girl, was killed as a result of a stray bullet. Amnesty quotes “A bullet fired from the
Incident date
August 23, 2011
باب عكاره, Bab Akkara, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween 15 and 19 men, including three medical personnel, were killed and at least six others were injured between Gargur and the Gaddafi compound at Bab al-Aziziyah in Tripoli on August 23, 2011. A member of the rebel forces witnessed 15 bodies, all in civilian clothes and all of them handcuffed behind the back with electric
Incident date
July 22, 2022
زاوية الدهماني, Zawiyat Al Dahmani, Tarabulus, LibyaCivil casualties resulted from unknown shelling of the radio building in Zawiya al-Dahmani on July 22, 2022. @AnisAbdaljawad reported that shells fell next to the radio station, Zawiya al-Dahmani. @taqarifatnews quoted the spokesman for the Emergency and Ambulance Service, Osama Ali, who stated that the shelling next to the radio building caused casualties. No other additional