Incident date
May 13, 2011
الرويسات, Roiussat, Misrata, LibyaEight to ten civilians, including two children, were allegedly killed and several others injured by Gaddafi forces shelling the Rouissat neighbourhood of Misurata. Ahrar Libya said: “An hour ago: Gaddafi forces bombed the Ruwaisat and Nisour al-Jaw villages in Misurata, destroying 5 homes and killing 8 people, including two children.” According to Only4Libya, “the bombing
Incident date
May 15, 2011
النادي الأهلي الرياضي, Al Ahly Club, Tarabulus, LibyaOn May 15th, 2011, one civilian, a young man, was shot dead in Tripoli by Gaddafi forces during a protest in Tripoli in front of the al-Ahly Club. No injury numbers could be found, reported only by a Facebook post from the “Only Libya” page. “Only Libya” reported the casualty, stating “A demonstration took place
Incident date
May 15, 2011
قصر أبو هادي, Qasr Abu Hadi, Surt, LibyaOne child was reportedly killed by a NATO airstrike on Qasr Abu Hadi. The condolence page Sirte Martyrs published a picture of her mother commemorating her death four years later saying: “This is what NATO did with our children. Today marks the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of the child Rayla Faraj Al-Bast Al-Gaddafi on
Incident date
May 16, 2011
باب العزيزية, Bab Al Azizia, Tarabulus, LibyaOn May 16th, 2011, NATO forced bombed Tripoli, including a hotel near the Bab al-Azizyah neighbourhood. Multiple sources reported the airstrikes, although it was unclear if there were civilian casualties. Al Jazeera for example noted: “On Monday evening, NATO forces bombed civilian and military targets in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and the nearby Qasr Bin
Incident date
May 24, 2011
باب العزيزية, Bab Al Azizia, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween three and 19 civilians were reported killed and as many as 150 wounded following a NATO airstrike on Tripoli. Syria Libya wrote: “Tripoli is now exposed to bombardment and confirmed news of the wounded and the killing of civilians and Qatar pays the bill.” RT showed images of the victims and said: “Tripoli reports
Incident date
May 27, 2011
الدفنية, Al Dafniyah, Misrata, LibyaOn May 27th, 2011, rocket strikes from Gaddafi forces in the Dafiniyah area of Misurata were said to have killed one reporter and six rebels, as well as injuring 25 other rebels. Multiple sources described the reporter as Mohammad Al Ma’dani, a journalist who had documented the rebel groups. Tawasul MC said: “25 wounded and
Incident date
May 28, 2011
بني وليد, Bani Walid, Misrata, LibyaOn May 28th, 2011, a demonstrated near the market in Bani Walid lead to the death of 13 civilians, who were shot by Gaddafi aligned forces. A UN report from 2011 reported the casualty, stating “Together with 12 other young men, an injured man sought refuge in a room on the second floor of a
Incident date
May 30, 2011
زليتن, Zliten, Misrata, LibyaOn May 30th, 2011, multiple sources reported NATO airstrikes on Zliten, which were said to have killed 11 people – although their status was unclear. RT said: “Libyan television announced on Monday, May 30th, that NATO launched air strikes on the town of Zliten on the coastal road linking Tripoli and Misrata, killing 11 people.”
Incident date
May 31, 2011
طرابلس, Tripoli, Tarabulus, LibyaOn May 31st 2011, sources told Al Jazeera of casualties in Tripoli due to NATO bombing in the area. No numbers were provided, and it was unclear if these casualties were civilians or belligerents. The source said: “NATO renewed its bombing of several locations, including the Libyan capital, Tripoli, at dawn today, which, according to
Incident date
June 2, 2011
العزيزية , Aziziya, Al Jafarah, LibyaTwo police officers were reportedly killed in a NATO airstrike on Aziziya. Nima Elbagir said on Twitter: “Libya gov tell CNN latest Nato strike hit police station in Aziziya – west of Tripoli – killing 2 police officers. No comment yet from Nato” Free Libya Page only reported airstrikes around Tripoli but no civilian harm.
Incident date
June 4, 2011
نالوت, Nalut, LibyaBetween 10 and 14 civilians were reportedly injured by Gaddafi forces artillery shelling on Nalut. Libya Women tweeted: “The Gaddafi Brigades carried out rocket and mortar bombardments on the town of Nalut and the number of wounded was 10.” Later it published another post saying the number of wounded had risen to 14. Other sources posted
Incident date
June 5, 2011
طرابلس, Tripoli, Tarabulus, LibyaOne child was possibly injured in a NATO airstrike on Tripoli. A video report uploaded by Adam Nafusa says that the government had claimed the child was injured by an airstrike, while a hospital worker insisted they had been injured in a car accident. Reuters also said it had learned from a hospital staff member
Incident date
June 6, 2011
الخمس, Khoms, Tarabulus, LibyaOn June 6th, 2011, 18 detainees were reported dead as a result of suffocation in poorly ventilated containers as they were being held by Gaddafi forces. A UN report from 2011 reported the casualties, stating “On 6 June 2011, 18 detainees died in Al Khums from suffocation due to being held by Qadhafi forces in
Incident date
June 7, 2011
باب العزيزية , Bab Al Aziziya, Tarabulus, LibyaAt least 29 civilians were killed by NATO airstrikes on Tripoli, according to the Gaddafi regime. Al Jazeera noted at the time: “Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said that at least 29 people were killed in 60 air strikes targeting the Libyan capital, Tripoli, on Tuesday evening, while Libyan Colonel Muammar Gaddafi pledged in an
Incident date
June 9, 2011
مصراتة, Misurata port, Misrata, LibyaTwo civilians, including a child, were allegedly killed by Gaddafi forces shelling of Misurata. Shahab Al Nahda said: “Mortar shelling from the western side of the port resulted in the death of 2 civilians, including a child.” There is currently no further known public information regarding this event.
Incident date
June 12, 2011
الزنتان, Al Zintan, Al Jabal al Gharbi, LibyaNine civilians were allegedly killed by Gaddafi forces artillery shelling of Zintan. Al Jazeera noted at the time: “On his part, a spokesman for the rebels said on Monday that nine people were killed and more than forty others were wounded on Sunday when forces loyal to Gaddafi bombed the town of Zintan, held by
Incident date
June 17, 2011
الهبارة, Al Habara , Misrata, LibyaOn June 17th 2011, pro-Gaddafi forces shelled the city of Misurata, killing ten including eight named victims and wounding 40, according to Reuters. The status of some of those harmed was unclear. The news agency said: “In Misurata, opposition spokesman Ahmed Hassan said 10 civilians were killed and 40 others wounded when pro-Gaddafi forces bombed
Incident date
June 18, 2011
مصراتة, Misurata, Misrata, LibyaOne woman was reported killed by Gaddafi forces artillery shelling on Misurata. Alia Libya said: “Twelve rockets fell on Saturday morning, June 18, in the eastern neighborhoods of the city of Misurata, and no civilian casualties were reported.” Shorouk News, however, noted: “A missile attack on the same area yesterday killed a woman in her
Incident date
June 19, 2011
بيت علي مخر الغراري, House of Ali Mukhar Al Gharari, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween five and nine civilians were reported killed in a NATO airstrike on Tripoli. NATO later acknowledged likely causing civilian harm in the event. Amnesty gave a detailed account of the incident in its Libya investigation: “On 19 June 2011 at about 1.30 am the home of Mukhtar al-Gharari, located in a densely built-up area
Incident date
June 22, 2011
سبها, Sabha, LibyaFour civilians, all of them paramedics, were allegedly killed in an apparent NATO double tap airstrike in Sabha. Nass Book said: “A military source reported that NATO bombed civilian sites in Sabha. When the civil protection crews of the civil defense and ambulance apparatus rushed to carry out rescue operations the crusader alliance bombed these
Incident date
July 20, 2011
صرمان, Surman, Al Zawiyah, LibyaBetween 13 and 19 civilians were reportedly killed in a NATO airstrike on Surman. The New York Times published a detailed report of the event: “The Qaddafi government used the strike for propaganda purposes. It claimed as many as 19 civilians were killed and put up portraits of the victims across Tripoli. Khaled offered a
Incident date
June 20, 2011
الرويسات, Roiussat, Misrata, LibyaA child was allegedly killed and his mother severely injured by Gaddafi forces artillery shelling on the Roiussat area of Misurata. Al Somood reported: “The missile that fell yesterday evening in the Roiussat area was at the house of the Abu Shaiba family. A child was killed and his mother was seriously injured and she
Incident date
June 22, 2011
زليتن, Zliten, Marqab, LibyaSeveral civilians were killed by a NATO airstrike near Zliten, according to the Gaddafi regime television. France 24 said that “Libyan television announced the killing of dozens.” Al Jazeera wrote: “Libyan television said on Wednesday dozens of people were killed in Zliten in a bombardment by NATO warplanes. However, it was not possible to verify
Incident date
June 22, 2011
الدفنية, Dafiniyah, Misrata, LibyaUp to four civilians were reported killed by Gaddafi regime forces artillery shelling on Misurata. Al Jazeera reported: “On the Misurata front, Reuters reported that three people were killed and 12 wounded in an artillery bombardment by Gaddafi forces on the Dafiniyah area. More rockets fell on Wednesday in a suburb close to the port,
Incident date
June 24, 2011
الدافنية, Al Dafiniya, Misrata, LibyaRocket fire allegedly launched by Gaddafi’s forces struck the Al Dafiniya area and killed between one and four people and injured between nine and ten. A Facebook post from News sarkhat Libya alleges that those killed and injured were rebels while a tweet from @shababalnhda alleges that they were civilians.
Incident date
June 24, 2011
زاوية المحجوب, Zawiyat Al Mahjoub, Misrata, LibyaMissiles from Gaddafi forces allegedly struck Misrata in Zawiyat Al-Mahjoub and near the coastal road at 10 in the evening and killed one young man named Muhammad Al-Kabayli and injured two others. According to a Facebook post by Free Misrata 4 ever, Muhammad died because there was a shortage of medical supplies due to a
Incident date
June 25, 2011
مرسى البريقة, Brega, Al Wahat, LibyaA NATO airstrike on Brega killed 15 civilians, according to Gaddafi regime television. Sky News Australia wrote: “NATO strike in eastern Libya kills 15 – Libyan TV says a NATO air strike in the town of Brega has killed 15 people”. Emirates247 provided a more detailed report: “Libyan state television said a Nato air strike
Incident date
June 28, 2011
تاورغاء, Tawergha, Misrata, LibyaA NATO airstrike reportedly killed eight civilians in Tawergha. Press TV reported: “A NATO warplane has targeted a market in the Libyan town of Tawragha, leaving at least eight civilians dead and several others wounded. Some of the injured are in critical condition, Xinhua reported on Wednesday, citing a local news agency. NATO carried out
Incident date
June 29, 2011
دوفان, Doufan, Misrata, LibyaOn June 29th, 2011, rockets on Misurata from Gaddafi forces killed one thirteen year old and injured six others. The shelling was primarily aimed at the Doufan neighborhood. The deceased thirteen year old was identified as Moftah Muhammad Jalwal, while three out of the six injured were identified, but their ages were not provided. Multiple
Incident date
July 5, 2011
مصراتة, Misrata, LibyaOn July 5th, 2011, at least 11 were killed and 57 were wounded in bombings on Misurata by Gaddafi forces. It was unclear how many were Libyan rebel forces and how many were civilians, and no detailed information were provided on the casualties. BBC wrote that “Libyan opposition sources said that at least 11 people